Author Topic: Quit day one starts in 20 minutes.  (Read 1312 times)

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Re: Quit day one starts in 20 minutes.
« Reply #11 on: July 19, 2014, 09:12:00 AM »
Great advice given already so I will just add this: get pissed and build your hate for the poison. You will be angry anyway so make sure you use that to your advantage, and keep your negative feelings focused on the evil poison and the drug pushers at big tobacco! This is the most addictive drug on the planet and it made us all slaves! We actually spent our time and money on an evil weed that was killing us!
You gonna be a slave to a poison weed anymore?
PM me if you need anything

Offline Shorthorn

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Re: Quit day one starts in 20 minutes.
« Reply #10 on: July 19, 2014, 06:25:00 AM »
Welcome Adam... As others have said WP has given you alot of good info.. Now its time for you to get pissed at the NIC WHORE and fight like hell. Get some digits of your quit brothers so you can call / text each other when you need support.

You will hit the SUCK first... The first 10 days or so will be the worst, but each of us quitters on here are proof that you can do it!

Best advice I can give, get digits, get active in the site, quit like fuck every day!

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Re: Quit day one starts in 20 minutes.
« Reply #9 on: July 19, 2014, 03:52:00 AM »
Good job. Welcome aboard! Focus on winning one day at a time. It's the only way.
Nicotine Quit Date:10/31/2013
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Re: Quit day one starts in 20 minutes.
« Reply #8 on: July 19, 2014, 02:39:00 AM »
Congrats on making the best decision you will ever make. You can do this. We have done it and the program works. Read Read Read. Invest in your quit and learn everything you can on this site. Learn everything you can about nicotine addiction and by doing so will help you make sense of what you are going through. Make contact with your brothers in your quit group. Don't be afraid to share your digits. They just might save your life. Welcome!

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Re: Quit day one starts in 20 minutes.
« Reply #7 on: July 19, 2014, 02:01:00 AM »
Quote from: mogul
I'm thinking "the panel" has given you the best advice and support you are going to get here. However, there are many of us that will support you. Listen to what the quitters like Wastepanel tell you. Listen carefully and soon you will find yourself laughing in the mirror at how easy it is to be quit.

Mogul is right. Post Roll and Keep your word and people will bend over backwards to help you. This place is awesome for support. I quit 142 days ago and could not have made it without the support of Mogul and everyone else on here.

It will suck but won't. Hang in there.

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Re: Quit day one starts in 20 minutes.
« Reply #6 on: July 19, 2014, 01:55:00 AM »
I'm thinking "the panel" has given you the best advice and support you are going to get here. However, there are many of us that will support you. Listen to what the quitters like Wastepanel tell you. Listen carefully and soon you will find yourself laughing in the mirror at how easy it is to be quit.


Offline adamG

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Re: Quit day one starts in 20 minutes.
« Reply #5 on: July 19, 2014, 12:20:00 AM »
youre damn right i can do it! and i appreciate the support man!

Offline wastepanel

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Re: Quit day one starts in 20 minutes.
« Reply #4 on: July 19, 2014, 12:16:00 AM »
Read everything here

It'll tell you what to do, why we do it, and how to as well. You are in the pre-hof October 2014 group. This signifies when you will be 100 days quit. You won't be cured at that point. It's just a milestone. We quit one day at a time here.

You can do this. You can do this because we are.

I got your back.
In the end I Surrender, I and I alone accept that I have and always will have a Nicotene ADDICTION. It is my choice to quit, but I can't do it alone. I get to go down this path one time, I want to do it right. I recognize that my word, my integrety to you is on the line and is only as good as my actions. Caving is not an option in this plan-Eafman 7/11

I am not cured. I will quit one day at a time. I will continue to do what works. Posting roll everyday. To do otherwise would be foolish on my part. You can do this-Ready 12/11

To overcome your addiction you must comprehend what it means to fail-Razd 3/12

Theres a lot of people that come here, especially vets, that WANT to be reminded that they are addicts.-Tarpon 6/12

Just as a building starts with architectural drawings. Your daily quit begins with a promise.-Scowick 2/13

Here and now, focused on today, minute by minute, whatever it takes, I promise to all my bros and myself not to become a negative stat and stay quit!-krok 1/15

I want everyone to be quit. Even the assholes.-Probe1957 1/18

Ignoring history or erasing history fixes nothing and leads you inevitably down the same path.-69franx 04/30/2021

Offline adamG

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Re: Quit day one starts in 20 minutes.
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2014, 12:10:00 AM »
right before midnight i flushed the dip. for the first time in 5 years i have no dip available to me. my quit has officially started. i hope to make new friends on here and i hope i can be as much a help to anyone on here as im sure you will be to me.

i have no idea how to do the roll call stuff. can someone fill me in

Offline wastepanel

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Re: Quit day one starts in 20 minutes.
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2014, 12:05:00 AM »
Quote from: adamG
Hello everyone! I'm adam. 31 years old. I've been dipping for 6 years 2 cans a day. I was a smoker before that. It's currently 11:38 pm on July 18 and my quit day starts at midnight in about 20 minutes.

I know I'll need a lot of help and support. I'm honestly scared to death. I have to be strong for this and i know I'm ready.
Why are you scared?


Fuck that man. You'll be winning. In fact...toss that last one. Be quit now.

Pain is temporary. Quits are legendary.

You can do this. Water...exercise...roll call. Read everything here. Have a little faith. You'll find that you have nothing to fear. You can be a badass quitter too...all you have to do is take the first step.
In the end I Surrender, I and I alone accept that I have and always will have a Nicotene ADDICTION. It is my choice to quit, but I can't do it alone. I get to go down this path one time, I want to do it right. I recognize that my word, my integrety to you is on the line and is only as good as my actions. Caving is not an option in this plan-Eafman 7/11

I am not cured. I will quit one day at a time. I will continue to do what works. Posting roll everyday. To do otherwise would be foolish on my part. You can do this-Ready 12/11

To overcome your addiction you must comprehend what it means to fail-Razd 3/12

Theres a lot of people that come here, especially vets, that WANT to be reminded that they are addicts.-Tarpon 6/12

Just as a building starts with architectural drawings. Your daily quit begins with a promise.-Scowick 2/13

Here and now, focused on today, minute by minute, whatever it takes, I promise to all my bros and myself not to become a negative stat and stay quit!-krok 1/15

I want everyone to be quit. Even the assholes.-Probe1957 1/18

Ignoring history or erasing history fixes nothing and leads you inevitably down the same path.-69franx 04/30/2021

Offline adamG

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Quit day one starts in 20 minutes.
« on: July 18, 2014, 11:40:00 PM »
Hello everyone! I'm adam. 31 years old. I've been dipping for 6 years 2 cans a day. I was a smoker before that. It's currently 11:38 pm on July 18 and my quit day starts at midnight in about 20 minutes.

I know I'll need a lot of help and support. I'm honestly scared to death. I have to be strong for this and i know I'm ready.