Author Topic: March 2012 Introduction thread  (Read 3229 times)

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Offline Cleetus

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Re: March 2012 Introduction thread
« Reply #53 on: January 11, 2012, 12:31:00 AM »
Ok March, time to learn a bit about each other...after all we are now quit brothers.. Post like Roll Call:
March 2012 Quitters:

Username: Duathman
First: Travis
Where From: Alabama
Age: 36
Married: Yes with 5yr old girl and 3yr old boy.
Additional Details: From 1994-2011. So many things built up with me over time that I finally gave up the lie that I was living. Can't wait to be done with this crap. We can do it guys!!!

Username: Smokewagon47
First Name: Jim
Where From: N. California
Age: 33
Married: Yes with 6 year old daughter.
Addition Details: 11 years of a can a day. Started with Skoal Mint then used Copenhagen Wintergreen since its release. Started because I wanted to be a real man like my friends. I am a complete addict so it did not take long to get hooked on the crap. Have tried quitting many times. This time will be my last.

Username: Wadeperk
first name: Wade
Where from: OR
Age: 28
Married: Nope
Addiction Details: 12 years of a can a day. Started with Skoal and Rooster then went to Copenhagen Long Cut for the last 9 years or so. Started because my friends were doing it, hunting and fishing and baseball and all that. I'm loving quitting with you guys, keep up the good work and good communication, we can all do this.

Username: CoachT
First Name: Tim
Where From: TX
Age: 29
Married: Never have been but working on it.
Addiction Details: 2001-11/26/2011 All types but primarily Copenhagen Long Cut. Anywhere from a can a day to a can a week just depending.

Username: leeron
first name: Ron
Where from: Baytown, TX originally but Navy transplant to Norfolk/VA BCH Virginia
Age: 44
Married: Yes (to a woman, just sayin), also have one 9 year old daughter
Addiction Details: I've been using since I was 15 or 16, so that's a good 28 or 29 years. Skoal (original fine cut, skoal brother) got me started but I've made my rounds...levi garret, red man, cope, red seal, most recently I was using Longhorn Wintergreen Longcut. Hey if you guys havn't yet be sure to read the Jenny and Tom Kern story, use the link on the roll call post. Once your there also look at the guest book and READ Mackenzie's Messages to here father. If you have kids this will have an impact.

Username: Expletive Yes
Name: Richard
Where: TX
Married: Yes with a 1 year old boy
Addiction Details: Working on Day 1. I'm ready for the fight.
Because all of the guys on my baseball team did I started chewing Levi Garrett when I was 18, quit and picked up Copenhangen at 20. 3-4 cans per week, plus general swedish snus for times when a bulge in the lip would get me in trouble.

Username: mhegerle
Name: Micah
Where: Minnesota
Married: no
Addiction Details: Dipping for a yea. Tried quitting multiple times. Started a quit group a few months back and didn't stay quit. I was up to a tin a day and I want to stick with it this time.

Username: macdaddy1300
Name: jamie
Age: 41
Where: Kansas
Married: yes
Addiction Details: started chewing when i was 15, thought it was cool,quit for a
year when I was 20 but started up again and been chewing a can a day every since.

Username: ktb1764
Name: Rob
Age: 50
Where: TX
Married: Yes, with a 16 year old girl and a 13 year old boy
Addiction Details: Started dipping at 15 in little league. Switched to cigarettes in college and kept smoking until I ws 30. Went back to the can, but over the last 10 years, been dipping and smoking. 4 cans/week of Cope and 1/2 pack/day Marlboro Reds. The bitch has had me by the balls for a long time.

Username: apull1
Name: Aric
Where: MI
Married: Yes with our first child on the way.
Addiction Details:Last 5 years dippin' grizz wintergreen. before that started smoking at 18 to 30. I have been a slave for so long I need freedom.

Username: ScooterScum
First Name: Curt
Where From: TX
Age: 46
Married: Yes
Addiction Details: 30+ years, 2-3 cans of Copenhagen a day! Thought I was cool like Walt Garrison when I started!

Username: Skeeder99
Name: Chad
Where: MI
Married: Yes, with first child on the way
Addiction Details:
Started chewing when I was 13 because my older brother and his friends chewed. All my friends chewed as well, so it was always easy to get. I'd been chewing Skoal Straight at just over a can a day since I was 16. I've tried quitting one time before, and made it to a month. So I thought I was in the clear and could have just one dip, no big deal....3 days later I was back to my old ways. I havent tried quitting in over ten years, so I'm glad I found this website to help me along the way.

Username: Paulregali
Name: Paul
Where: Oregon
Married: Yes, with 4 daughters
Addiction Details: Dipped since the 7th grade. First chew was a mistake, i was off and running. My chewing has always gone up and down, sometimes a lot other times very little but always daily, but NO MORE.

Username: LiveSimple02
Name: Steve
Age: 21
Where: WI, but stationed in San Diego for the Marine Corps
Married: No
Addiction Details: I started dipping when I was a junior in high school so its only been 5 years for me but that is 5 years too long. Shortly after I started dipping I also began smoking because everybody I worked with did. Over those 5 years I've gone through times where I either smoked or dipped, but most of the time I did both. I never hesitated to go out and smoke and when I got inside to throw in a dip. I've been wanting to quit for a while but given my circumstances, I never could really get myself to commit to it. Being in the Marine Corps has not helped me at all with the tobacco use and for 7 months in Afghanistan, the only time I wasn't using was when I was sleeping or at the gym. Now is my time to quite though.

Username: Cowboy1142
Name: Bryan
Age: 38
Where: Utah
Married: Yes wit 4 kids
Addiction Details: Started chewing when I was 10 thought that all good cowboys did all my hero's
did it so why not me. I've been using 2 cans of Copenhagen a day since. It is time to stop now I don't want to be controlled by a can of chew anymore

Username: MRWILLIA
Name: MARK
Age: 31
Where: TX
Married: YES
Addiction Details: I have been dipping for 13 years and I am ready to get rid of my addiction.

Username: boneil396
Name: Brendan
Age: 30
Where: Atlanta
Married: No
Addiction Details: Started dipping here and there when I was 15 or so. Increased to a can a day when I was about 17 and continued until 2 weeks ago. Kodiak wintergreen was my dip of choice. I'm happy to be here.

Username: Erdnase
Name: Chad
Age: 36
Where: MT
Married: Yes
Addiction Details- 20 years, 1st day of quite Oct 3-went 62 days and caved, Back at it with these March Maniacs.

Username: Lochi21
Name: Chris
Age: 42
Where: Wisconsin
Married: Yes with an 8 yr old son.
Addiction Details: Tin a day of Kodiak followed by Grizzly for 20+ years. Former HOFer on this site. Caved multiple times. On FINAL quit. I need this place like I need oxygen.

Username: zachh1020
Name: Zach
Age: 21
Where: Southern Indiana
Married: No
Addiction Details: I don't really remember why I started. I started when I was 18 (4 years). It started with Camel Snus then eventually I switched to Skoal Wintergreen. I was never a really heavy chewer. Two cans a week maybe. Back in April when I purchased a restaurant, It got a lot worse. My worst was almost 3 cans a day! I ALWAYS had a dip in. I guess I found it was a stress reliever. I'm down to about 1-2 cans a day, but today, that all stops.

Username: thunderdanb
Name: Dan
Age: 28
Where: Arizona
Married: Yep, 6 years
Addiction Details: Nicotine for over 7 years. Started smoking when I started work at an ambulance company, because everyone either smoked or chewed, and being the dumb FNG I wanted to fit in. After about a year, my buddy introduced to skoal - believe it or not I switched to smokeless because I thought it was less disgusting... didn't have to worry about my clothes or car smelling, and it was much easier to hide from the lady (wish I could have seen the horrible precedent that would set). Been trying to quit on and off for years. Have stopped for 2 months a couple of times, but always slipped back. Most recently I visited "", and tried their nicotine lozenge program... But what I've read around here is true, if you're using any nicotine you are just prolonging the agony. Done with that crap and ready to get any and all nicotine out of my system for good.

Username: hsumatt2117
Name: Matt
Age: 28
Where: Texas
Married: Yes, with a 2 year old son and a baby girl on the way.
Addiction Details: Mostly grizzly but been hooked on nic ever since I started coaching and saw the other guys doing it. Seemed cool at the time but now im sick of having it in my mouth. Im ready to break this crap and something that has a hold of me.

Username: saintjohnsloop
First Name: Dan
Where From: Alexandria, VA
Age: 29
Married: Yes with 3 awesome kids
Addiction Details: 15 years, 2-4 cans of Copenhagen Snuff a week. I'm a caver retread on this site and I am committed to remembering my promise and my bond to the people above and below me on this list.

Username: PMac
First Name: Paul
Where From: Alpharetta, GA
Age: 41
Married: Yes with 3 boys aged 9, 6, and 4.
Addiction Details: 25-26 years. Last 10 or so between 1.5 and 3 cans per day. Primarily Skoal Long Cut Mint. Few cans of Copenhagen Black every week or two. Today (December 19th) is Day 1. Suck it Nic Bitch!

Username: Mlknight66
First Name: Mike
Where From: Georgia
Age: 45
Married: Yes with 19 year old daughter.
Addition Details: Started with Skoal Wintergreen when I was 13 years old, then switched to Copenhagen at around 16 years old. Dipped Kodiak in my 20s and 30s. Have been dipping Grizley Pouches for the last 5 years or so. I have tried to kick this nasty unhealthy habit numerous times in the past with little success. But this time I am serious and feel it is definately doable. Hope to see everyone in the group on the otherside of quit.

Username: ac1980vac
First Name: Andy
Where From: Guthrie, OK
Age: 31
Married: Divorced, no kids
Addiction Details: I have dipped since I was 14 years old, started out sneaking around, but has been about a half to a can a day habit since I was 18. I don't want to be a slave to a drug anymore and am tired of having nasty crap in my mouth. I woke up on December 7, 2011 and have not had any nicotine since then.

Username: JWhorton
Name: Jory
Age: 36 next month
Where: Fort Knox
Married: Yes with 3 Sons
Addiction Details: 24 years, yes since I was 12. I have lied time and time again to my kids about when I would quit. After this deployment. I am now in command, stress of moving the family from post to post, my next birthday. FUCK THAT! My oldest boy is the age that I started using that shit. 1 Week today. Look forward to some long term friendships.

Username: RMayer32
Name: Rick
Age: 41 on 12/23
Where: Chicago Area
Married: Yes with 4 kids ages 21, 18, 17, 9
Addiction Details: 25 years of using this garbage. Started with a pinch of Happy Days as a kid and never stopped. At least until 7 days ago.

Username: Gunner26
Name: Lauren
Age: 39
Where: Vancouver, BC, Canada
Married: Yes
Addiction Details: Chewed Cop Snuff since I was 16, quit for a year when I was 33... Just had enough, I can see my gums disappearing...I don't want to get cancer and have no life...I have way to much to live for. Thanks for the support it has already been overwhelming. Trigger this Tonto

Username: George
Name: George
Where: Southern California
Age: 46
Married: no
Addiction Details: Started in highschool using Redman and Levi. Graduated to Kodiak and dipped it for 32 years. Ended with about 1 can/day habit.
Username: Rocky72
Name: Chris
Where: Wisconsin
|Age: 39
Married:Yes with two kids son 2 daughter 5
Addiction Details:Started chewing when I was 13 chewing copenhagen when grizzly came out I switched to that because it was cheaper my addiction was a can a day. But not no more.

Username: Bbob
Name: Bill
Where From: Indiana
Age: 60
Married: Boy and girl 20 and 25
Addiction Details: Started smoking about 12. Smoked in high school and college. Always in great shape running weights etc. but would smoke. First child born stopped, after awhile started chewing cigars. Stopped for a while back on etc. I knew that was bad so I drifted to nicotine gum, (like that wasn't bad). I would bounce between gum and copenhagen always hiding from everyone. Nicotine has been killing me. My bladder is all messed up and I am sure it is from the drug. I'm in good shape swim 5 times a week, watch my vitals close. You should see what nicotine does to your blood. It caused my cholesterol to climb to the high side, I am not over weight and limit fat intake. Nicotine is a bad drug, I'm going to beat it and not let it kill me.

Username: Cleetus
Name: Chris
Where From: Oklahoma
Married : 5 year old girl, 3 month old girl....married 10 years
Addiction Details: Started socially dipping on camping trips etc when I was 18 years old. Soon became addicted. I have been dipping about 1 to 1 1/2 cans for the past 18 years. My gum line is dropping, and I felt ill, groggy and just beat down. I was looking through my wifes "Scrapbooking" photos of me and the kids. Every pic was me with a fatty, sometimes even holding a spit bottle. I was embarrassed to even look at myself. The pics riped my heart out. Why hasn't this feeling hit me sooner?? So nasty. I am quitting for me. I am quitting for my family. I am quitting for my heath. I am quitting because I know I can. I have been quit since December 17th, 2011. I am addicted. I quit with all of you one day at a time.


Username: 30yrAddict
First Name: Dale
Where From: NY
Age: 44
Married: yes- 4 children 24, 20, 17, 14
Addiction Details: 33yrs, can a day- Skoal LC Green, Grizzly Green, and Cigars. Started in little league.

Username: Cornholio
First Name: Mike
Where: Ohio
Married, two boys. 9 and 12.
Addiction Details. Started smoking as a habit in 8th grade ('81). Picked up Dip as a dumb ass approach to quit smoking in '02. Kodiak to Grizzly. Quickly turned into can a day. I "quit" before several times. Once I made a year. I know what I'm facing and I fear failure. I've been feeding the nic bitch for 30yrs. It's time for the fat ass whore to die. WE CAN DO THIS, ONE DAY AT A TIME.

Username: ScooterScum
First Name: Curt
Where From: TX
Age: 46
Married: Yes
Addiction Details: 30+ years, 2-3 cans of Copenhagen a day! Thought I was cool like Walt Garrison when I started!

Username: Tazmed (Taz)
Name: C.J.
Age: 44
Where: Southern Oregon
Married: Yep, along with 9 kids the last time I counted.
Addiction Details: First dip of Copenhagen at 6 years old (from Granddad), started chewing regularly at 10 playing baseball. 34 years later, on June 22, 2011, I tasted freedom for the first time.

Username: Show
Name: Terry
Age: 42
Where: Minneapolis
Married: Twice.....the second time is fantastic. Got a couple of kids too.
Addiction Details: Started chewing in 1984. Quit chewing on my daughters birthday in 2009 with the help of my brother (PbKid) and my cohort in March 2010 - feel free to join us.

Username: Souliman
Name: Chris
Age: 38
Where: Rhodey
Married: Yes + 2
Addiction Details: ~24 years of tin a day Copenhagen. Free for just over a year. Fighting daily.

Username: AgLawyer
Name: Paul
Age: 4-0
Where: Boerne
Married: Yes
Addiction Details: 21 years of can a day. 139 days of freedom.

Username: csb20
Name: Cameron
Where From: Dallas, TX
Age: 20
Married: nope
Addiction Details: Started with copenhagen long cut 5 years ago and have had about a can a day since the addiction took hold. Playing baseball year-around and being in a fraternity at Texas AM (Fightin Texas Aggie Class of 2014) has made it harder than ever to quit. I've done some very regrettable things to feed this addiction. Like every one of yall, I'm ready to take control and kick it forever

Offline Bbob

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Re: March 2012 Introduction thread
« Reply #52 on: January 07, 2012, 11:55:00 AM »
Ok March, time to learn a bit about each other...after all we are now quit brothers.. Post like Roll Call:
March 2012 Quitters:

Username: Duathman
First: Travis
Where From: Alabama
Age: 36
Married: Yes with 5yr old girl and 3yr old boy.
Additional Details: From 1994-2011. So many things built up with me over time that I finally gave up the lie that I was living. Can't wait to be done with this crap. We can do it guys!!!

Username: Smokewagon47
First Name: Jim
Where From: N. California
Age: 33
Married: Yes with 6 year old daughter.
Addition Details: 11 years of a can a day. Started with Skoal Mint then used Copenhagen Wintergreen since its release. Started because I wanted to be a real man like my friends. I am a complete addict so it did not take long to get hooked on the crap. Have tried quitting many times. This time will be my last.

Username: Wadeperk
first name: Wade
Where from: OR
Age: 28
Married: Nope
Addiction Details: 12 years of a can a day. Started with Skoal and Rooster then went to Copenhagen Long Cut for the last 9 years or so. Started because my friends were doing it, hunting and fishing and baseball and all that. I'm loving quitting with you guys, keep up the good work and good communication, we can all do this.

Username: CoachT
First Name: Tim
Where From: TX
Age: 29
Married: Never have been but working on it.
Addiction Details: 2001-11/26/2011 All types but primarily Copenhagen Long Cut. Anywhere from a can a day to a can a week just depending.

Username: leeron
first name: Ron
Where from: Baytown, TX originally but Navy transplant to Norfolk/VA BCH Virginia
Age: 44
Married: Yes (to a woman, just sayin), also have one 9 year old daughter
Addiction Details: I've been using since I was 15 or 16, so that's a good 28 or 29 years. Skoal (original fine cut, skoal brother) got me started but I've made my rounds...levi garret, red man, cope, red seal, most recently I was using Longhorn Wintergreen Longcut. Hey if you guys havn't yet be sure to read the Jenny and Tom Kern story, use the link on the roll call post. Once your there also look at the guest book and READ Mackenzie's Messages to here father. If you have kids this will have an impact.

Username: Expletive Yes
Name: Richard
Where: TX
Married: Yes with a 1 year old boy
Addiction Details: Working on Day 1. I'm ready for the fight.
Because all of the guys on my baseball team did I started chewing Levi Garrett when I was 18, quit and picked up Copenhangen at 20. 3-4 cans per week, plus general swedish snus for times when a bulge in the lip would get me in trouble.

Username: mhegerle
Name: Micah
Where: Minnesota
Married: no
Addiction Details: Dipping for a yea. Tried quitting multiple times. Started a quit group a few months back and didn't stay quit. I was up to a tin a day and I want to stick with it this time.

Username: macdaddy1300
Name: jamie
Age: 41
Where: Kansas
Married: yes
Addiction Details: started chewing when i was 15, thought it was cool,quit for a
year when I was 20 but started up again and been chewing a can a day every since.

Username: ktb1764
Name: Rob
Age: 50
Where: TX
Married: Yes, with a 16 year old girl and a 13 year old boy
Addiction Details: Started dipping at 15 in little league. Switched to cigarettes in college and kept smoking until I ws 30. Went back to the can, but over the last 10 years, been dipping and smoking. 4 cans/week of Cope and 1/2 pack/day Marlboro Reds. The bitch has had me by the balls for a long time.

Username: apull1
Name: Aric
Where: MI
Married: Yes with our first child on the way.
Addiction Details:Last 5 years dippin' grizz wintergreen. before that started smoking at 18 to 30. I have been a slave for so long I need freedom.

Username: ScooterScum
First Name: Curt
Where From: TX
Age: 46
Married: Yes
Addiction Details: 30+ years, 2-3 cans of Copenhagen a day! Thought I was cool like Walt Garrison when I started!

Username: Skeeder99
Name: Chad
Where: MI
Married: Yes, with first child on the way
Addiction Details:
Started chewing when I was 13 because my older brother and his friends chewed. All my friends chewed as well, so it was always easy to get. I'd been chewing Skoal Straight at just over a can a day since I was 16. I've tried quitting one time before, and made it to a month. So I thought I was in the clear and could have just one dip, no big deal....3 days later I was back to my old ways. I havent tried quitting in over ten years, so I'm glad I found this website to help me along the way.

Username: Paulregali
Name: Paul
Where: Oregon
Married: Yes, with 4 daughters
Addiction Details: Dipped since the 7th grade. First chew was a mistake, i was off and running. My chewing has always gone up and down, sometimes a lot other times very little but always daily, but NO MORE.

Username: LiveSimple02
Name: Steve
Age: 21
Where: WI, but stationed in San Diego for the Marine Corps
Married: No
Addiction Details: I started dipping when I was a junior in high school so its only been 5 years for me but that is 5 years too long. Shortly after I started dipping I also began smoking because everybody I worked with did. Over those 5 years I've gone through times where I either smoked or dipped, but most of the time I did both. I never hesitated to go out and smoke and when I got inside to throw in a dip. I've been wanting to quit for a while but given my circumstances, I never could really get myself to commit to it. Being in the Marine Corps has not helped me at all with the tobacco use and for 7 months in Afghanistan, the only time I wasn't using was when I was sleeping or at the gym. Now is my time to quite though.

Username: Cowboy1142
Name: Bryan
Age: 38
Where: Utah
Married: Yes wit 4 kids
Addiction Details: Started chewing when I was 10 thought that all good cowboys did all my hero's
did it so why not me. I've been using 2 cans of Copenhagen a day since. It is time to stop now I don't want to be controlled by a can of chew anymore

Username: MRWILLIA
Name: MARK
Age: 31
Where: TX
Married: YES
Addiction Details: I have been dipping for 13 years and I am ready to get rid of my addiction.

Username: boneil396
Name: Brendan
Age: 30
Where: Atlanta
Married: No
Addiction Details: Started dipping here and there when I was 15 or so. Increased to a can a day when I was about 17 and continued until 2 weeks ago. Kodiak wintergreen was my dip of choice. I'm happy to be here.

Username: Erdnase
Name: Chad
Age: 36
Where: MT
Married: Yes
Addiction Details- 20 years, 1st day of quite Oct 3-went 62 days and caved, Back at it with these March Maniacs.

Username: Lochi21
Name: Chris
Age: 42
Where: Wisconsin
Married: Yes with an 8 yr old son.
Addiction Details: Tin a day of Kodiak followed by Grizzly for 20+ years. Former HOFer on this site. Caved multiple times. On FINAL quit. I need this place like I need oxygen.

Username: zachh1020
Name: Zach
Age: 21
Where: Southern Indiana
Married: No
Addiction Details: I don't really remember why I started. I started when I was 18 (4 years). It started with Camel Snus then eventually I switched to Skoal Wintergreen. I was never a really heavy chewer. Two cans a week maybe. Back in April when I purchased a restaurant, It got a lot worse. My worst was almost 3 cans a day! I ALWAYS had a dip in. I guess I found it was a stress reliever. I'm down to about 1-2 cans a day, but today, that all stops.

Username: thunderdanb
Name: Dan
Age: 28
Where: Arizona
Married: Yep, 6 years
Addiction Details: Nicotine for over 7 years. Started smoking when I started work at an ambulance company, because everyone either smoked or chewed, and being the dumb FNG I wanted to fit in. After about a year, my buddy introduced to skoal - believe it or not I switched to smokeless because I thought it was less disgusting... didn't have to worry about my clothes or car smelling, and it was much easier to hide from the lady (wish I could have seen the horrible precedent that would set). Been trying to quit on and off for years. Have stopped for 2 months a couple of times, but always slipped back. Most recently I visited "", and tried their nicotine lozenge program... But what I've read around here is true, if you're using any nicotine you are just prolonging the agony. Done with that crap and ready to get any and all nicotine out of my system for good.

Username: hsumatt2117
Name: Matt
Age: 28
Where: Texas
Married: Yes, with a 2 year old son and a baby girl on the way.
Addiction Details: Mostly grizzly but been hooked on nic ever since I started coaching and saw the other guys doing it. Seemed cool at the time but now im sick of having it in my mouth. Im ready to break this crap and something that has a hold of me.

Username: saintjohnsloop
First Name: Dan
Where From: Alexandria, VA
Age: 29
Married: Yes with 3 awesome kids
Addiction Details: 15 years, 2-4 cans of Copenhagen Snuff a week. I'm a caver retread on this site and I am committed to remembering my promise and my bond to the people above and below me on this list.

Username: PMac
First Name: Paul
Where From: Alpharetta, GA
Age: 41
Married: Yes with 3 boys aged 9, 6, and 4.
Addiction Details: 25-26 years. Last 10 or so between 1.5 and 3 cans per day. Primarily Skoal Long Cut Mint. Few cans of Copenhagen Black every week or two. Today (December 19th) is Day 1. Suck it Nic Bitch!

Username: Mlknight66
First Name: Mike
Where From: Georgia
Age: 45
Married: Yes with 19 year old daughter.
Addition Details: Started with Skoal Wintergreen when I was 13 years old, then switched to Copenhagen at around 16 years old. Dipped Kodiak in my 20s and 30s. Have been dipping Grizley Pouches for the last 5 years or so. I have tried to kick this nasty unhealthy habit numerous times in the past with little success. But this time I am serious and feel it is definately doable. Hope to see everyone in the group on the otherside of quit.

Username: ac1980vac
First Name: Andy
Where From: Guthrie, OK
Age: 31
Married: Divorced, no kids
Addiction Details: I have dipped since I was 14 years old, started out sneaking around, but has been about a half to a can a day habit since I was 18. I don't want to be a slave to a drug anymore and am tired of having nasty crap in my mouth. I woke up on December 7, 2011 and have not had any nicotine since then.

Username: JWhorton
Name: Jory
Age: 36 next month
Where: Fort Knox
Married: Yes with 3 Sons
Addiction Details: 24 years, yes since I was 12. I have lied time and time again to my kids about when I would quit. After this deployment. I am now in command, stress of moving the family from post to post, my next birthday. FUCK THAT! My oldest boy is the age that I started using that shit. 1 Week today. Look forward to some long term friendships.

Username: RMayer32
Name: Rick
Age: 41 on 12/23
Where: Chicago Area
Married: Yes with 4 kids ages 21, 18, 17, 9
Addiction Details: 25 years of using this garbage. Started with a pinch of Happy Days as a kid and never stopped. At least until 7 days ago.

Username: Gunner26
Name: Lauren
Age: 39
Where: Vancouver, BC, Canada
Married: Yes
Addiction Details: Chewed Cop Snuff since I was 16, quit for a year when I was 33... Just had enough, I can see my gums disappearing...I don't want to get cancer and have no life...I have way to much to live for. Thanks for the support it has already been overwhelming. Trigger this Tonto

Username: George
Name: George
Where: Southern California
Age: 46
Married: no
Addiction Details: Started in highschool using Redman and Levi. Graduated to Kodiak and dipped it for 32 years. Ended with about 1 can/day habit.
Username: Rocky72
Name: Chris
Where: Wisconsin
|Age: 39
Married:Yes with two kids son 2 daughter 5
Addiction Details:Started chewing when I was 13 chewing copenhagen when grizzly came out I switched to that because it was cheaper my addiction was a can a day. But not no more.

Username: Bbob
Name: Bill
Where From: Indiana
Age: 60
Married: Boy and girl 20 and 25
Addiction Details: Started smoking about 12. Smoked in high school and college. Always in great shape running weights etc. but would smoke. First child born stopped, after awhile started chewing cigars. Stopped for a while back on etc. I knew that was bad so I drifted to nicotine gum, (like that wasn't bad). I would bounce between gum and copenhagen always hiding from everyone. Nicotine has been killing me. My bladder is all messed up and I am sure it is from the drug. I'm in good shape swim 5 times a week, watch my vitals close. You should see what nicotine does to your blood. It caused my cholesterol to climb to the high side, I am not over weight and limit fat intake. Nicotine is a bad drug, I'm going to beat it and not let it kill me.


Username: 30yrAddict
First Name: Dale
Where From: NY
Age: 44
Married: yes- 4 children 24, 20, 17, 14
Addiction Details: 33yrs, can a day- Skoal LC Green, Grizzly Green, and Cigars. Started in little league.

Username: Cornholio
First Name: Mike
Where: Ohio
Married, two boys. 9 and 12.
Addiction Details. Started smoking as a habit in 8th grade ('81). Picked up Dip as a dumb ass approach to quit smoking in '02. Kodiak to Grizzly. Quickly turned into can a day. I "quit" before several times. Once I made a year. I know what I'm facing and I fear failure. I've been feeding the nic bitch for 30yrs. It's time for the fat ass whore to die. WE CAN DO THIS, ONE DAY AT A TIME.

Username: ScooterScum
First Name: Curt
Where From: TX
Age: 46
Married: Yes
Addiction Details: 30+ years, 2-3 cans of Copenhagen a day! Thought I was cool like Walt Garrison when I started!

Username: Tazmed (Taz)
Name: C.J.
Age: 44
Where: Southern Oregon
Married: Yep, along with 9 kids the last time I counted.
Addiction Details: First dip of Copenhagen at 6 years old (from Granddad), started chewing regularly at 10 playing baseball. 34 years later, on June 22, 2011, I tasted freedom for the first time.

Username: Show
Name: Terry
Age: 42
Where: Minneapolis
Married: Twice.....the second time is fantastic. Got a couple of kids too.
Addiction Details: Started chewing in 1984. Quit chewing on my daughters birthday in 2009 with the help of my brother (PbKid) and my cohort in March 2010 - feel free to join us.

Username: Souliman
Name: Chris
Age: 38
Where: Rhodey
Married: Yes + 2
Addiction Details: ~24 years of tin a day Copenhagen. Free for just over a year. Fighting daily.

Username: AgLawyer
Name: Paul
Age: 4-0
Where: Boerne
Married: Yes
Addiction Details: 21 years of can a day. 139 days of freedom.

Username: csb20
Name: Cameron
Where From: Dallas, TX
Age: 20
Married: nope
Addiction Details: Started with copenhagen long cut 5 years ago and have had about a can a day since the addiction took hold. Playing baseball year-around and being in a fraternity at Texas AM (Fightin Texas Aggie Class of 2014) has made it harder than ever to quit. I've done some very regrettable things to feed this addiction. Like every one of yall, I'm ready to take control and kick it forever

Offline Bbob

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Re: March 2012 Introduction thread
« Reply #51 on: January 07, 2012, 11:52:00 AM »
Ok March, time to learn a bit about each other...after all we are now quit brothers.. Post like Roll Call:
March 2012 Quitters:

Username: Duathman
First: Travis
Where From: Alabama
Age: 36
Married: Yes with 5yr old girl and 3yr old boy.
Additional Details: From 1994-2011. So many things built up with me over time that I finally gave up the lie that I was living. Can't wait to be done with this crap. We can do it guys!!!

Username: Smokewagon47
First Name: Jim
Where From: N. California
Age: 33
Married: Yes with 6 year old daughter.
Addition Details: 11 years of a can a day. Started with Skoal Mint then used Copenhagen Wintergreen since its release. Started because I wanted to be a real man like my friends. I am a complete addict so it did not take long to get hooked on the crap. Have tried quitting many times. This time will be my last.

Username: Wadeperk
first name: Wade
Where from: OR
Age: 28
Married: Nope
Addiction Details: 12 years of a can a day. Started with Skoal and Rooster then went to Copenhagen Long Cut for the last 9 years or so. Started because my friends were doing it, hunting and fishing and baseball and all that. I'm loving quitting with you guys, keep up the good work and good communication, we can all do this.

Username: CoachT
First Name: Tim
Where From: TX
Age: 29
Married: Never have been but working on it.
Addiction Details: 2001-11/26/2011 All types but primarily Copenhagen Long Cut. Anywhere from a can a day to a can a week just depending.

Username: leeron
first name: Ron
Where from: Baytown, TX originally but Navy transplant to Norfolk/VA BCH Virginia
Age: 44
Married: Yes (to a woman, just sayin), also have one 9 year old daughter
Addiction Details: I've been using since I was 15 or 16, so that's a good 28 or 29 years. Skoal (original fine cut, skoal brother) got me started but I've made my rounds...levi garret, red man, cope, red seal, most recently I was using Longhorn Wintergreen Longcut. Hey if you guys havn't yet be sure to read the Jenny and Tom Kern story, use the link on the roll call post. Once your there also look at the guest book and READ Mackenzie's Messages to here father. If you have kids this will have an impact.

Username: Expletive Yes
Name: Richard
Where: TX
Married: Yes with a 1 year old boy
Addiction Details: Working on Day 1. I'm ready for the fight.
Because all of the guys on my baseball team did I started chewing Levi Garrett when I was 18, quit and picked up Copenhangen at 20. 3-4 cans per week, plus general swedish snus for times when a bulge in the lip would get me in trouble.

Username: mhegerle
Name: Micah
Where: Minnesota
Married: no
Addiction Details: Dipping for a yea. Tried quitting multiple times. Started a quit group a few months back and didn't stay quit. I was up to a tin a day and I want to stick with it this time.

Username: macdaddy1300
Name: jamie
Age: 41
Where: Kansas
Married: yes
Addiction Details: started chewing when i was 15, thought it was cool,quit for a
year when I was 20 but started up again and been chewing a can a day every since.

Username: ktb1764
Name: Rob
Age: 50
Where: TX
Married: Yes, with a 16 year old girl and a 13 year old boy
Addiction Details: Started dipping at 15 in little league. Switched to cigarettes in college and kept smoking until I ws 30. Went back to the can, but over the last 10 years, been dipping and smoking. 4 cans/week of Cope and 1/2 pack/day Marlboro Reds. The bitch has had me by the balls for a long time.

Username: apull1
Name: Aric
Where: MI
Married: Yes with our first child on the way.
Addiction Details:Last 5 years dippin' grizz wintergreen. before that started smoking at 18 to 30. I have been a slave for so long I need freedom.

Username: ScooterScum
First Name: Curt
Where From: TX
Age: 46
Married: Yes
Addiction Details: 30+ years, 2-3 cans of Copenhagen a day! Thought I was cool like Walt Garrison when I started!

Username: Skeeder99
Name: Chad
Where: MI
Married: Yes, with first child on the way
Addiction Details:
Started chewing when I was 13 because my older brother and his friends chewed. All my friends chewed as well, so it was always easy to get. I'd been chewing Skoal Straight at just over a can a day since I was 16. I've tried quitting one time before, and made it to a month. So I thought I was in the clear and could have just one dip, no big deal....3 days later I was back to my old ways. I havent tried quitting in over ten years, so I'm glad I found this website to help me along the way.

Username: Paulregali
Name: Paul
Where: Oregon
Married: Yes, with 4 daughters
Addiction Details: Dipped since the 7th grade. First chew was a mistake, i was off and running. My chewing has always gone up and down, sometimes a lot other times very little but always daily, but NO MORE.

Username: LiveSimple02
Name: Steve
Age: 21
Where: WI, but stationed in San Diego for the Marine Corps
Married: No
Addiction Details: I started dipping when I was a junior in high school so its only been 5 years for me but that is 5 years too long. Shortly after I started dipping I also began smoking because everybody I worked with did. Over those 5 years I've gone through times where I either smoked or dipped, but most of the time I did both. I never hesitated to go out and smoke and when I got inside to throw in a dip. I've been wanting to quit for a while but given my circumstances, I never could really get myself to commit to it. Being in the Marine Corps has not helped me at all with the tobacco use and for 7 months in Afghanistan, the only time I wasn't using was when I was sleeping or at the gym. Now is my time to quite though.

Username: Cowboy1142
Name: Bryan
Age: 38
Where: Utah
Married: Yes wit 4 kids
Addiction Details: Started chewing when I was 10 thought that all good cowboys did all my hero's
did it so why not me. I've been using 2 cans of Copenhagen a day since. It is time to stop now I don't want to be controlled by a can of chew anymore

Username: MRWILLIA
Name: MARK
Age: 31
Where: TX
Married: YES
Addiction Details: I have been dipping for 13 years and I am ready to get rid of my addiction.

Username: boneil396
Name: Brendan
Age: 30
Where: Atlanta
Married: No
Addiction Details: Started dipping here and there when I was 15 or so. Increased to a can a day when I was about 17 and continued until 2 weeks ago. Kodiak wintergreen was my dip of choice. I'm happy to be here.

Username: Erdnase
Name: Chad
Age: 36
Where: MT
Married: Yes
Addiction Details- 20 years, 1st day of quite Oct 3-went 62 days and caved, Back at it with these March Maniacs.

Username: Lochi21
Name: Chris
Age: 42
Where: Wisconsin
Married: Yes with an 8 yr old son.
Addiction Details: Tin a day of Kodiak followed by Grizzly for 20+ years. Former HOFer on this site. Caved multiple times. On FINAL quit. I need this place like I need oxygen.

Username: zachh1020
Name: Zach
Age: 21
Where: Southern Indiana
Married: No
Addiction Details: I don't really remember why I started. I started when I was 18 (4 years). It started with Camel Snus then eventually I switched to Skoal Wintergreen. I was never a really heavy chewer. Two cans a week maybe. Back in April when I purchased a restaurant, It got a lot worse. My worst was almost 3 cans a day! I ALWAYS had a dip in. I guess I found it was a stress reliever. I'm down to about 1-2 cans a day, but today, that all stops.

Username: thunderdanb
Name: Dan
Age: 28
Where: Arizona
Married: Yep, 6 years
Addiction Details: Nicotine for over 7 years. Started smoking when I started work at an ambulance company, because everyone either smoked or chewed, and being the dumb FNG I wanted to fit in. After about a year, my buddy introduced to skoal - believe it or not I switched to smokeless because I thought it was less disgusting... didn't have to worry about my clothes or car smelling, and it was much easier to hide from the lady (wish I could have seen the horrible precedent that would set). Been trying to quit on and off for years. Have stopped for 2 months a couple of times, but always slipped back. Most recently I visited "", and tried their nicotine lozenge program... But what I've read around here is true, if you're using any nicotine you are just prolonging the agony. Done with that crap and ready to get any and all nicotine out of my system for good.

Username: hsumatt2117
Name: Matt
Age: 28
Where: Texas
Married: Yes, with a 2 year old son and a baby girl on the way.
Addiction Details: Mostly grizzly but been hooked on nic ever since I started coaching and saw the other guys doing it. Seemed cool at the time but now im sick of having it in my mouth. Im ready to break this crap and something that has a hold of me.

Username: saintjohnsloop
First Name: Dan
Where From: Alexandria, VA
Age: 29
Married: Yes with 3 awesome kids
Addiction Details: 15 years, 2-4 cans of Copenhagen Snuff a week. I'm a caver retread on this site and I am committed to remembering my promise and my bond to the people above and below me on this list.

Username: PMac
First Name: Paul
Where From: Alpharetta, GA
Age: 41
Married: Yes with 3 boys aged 9, 6, and 4.
Addiction Details: 25-26 years. Last 10 or so between 1.5 and 3 cans per day. Primarily Skoal Long Cut Mint. Few cans of Copenhagen Black every week or two. Today (December 19th) is Day 1. Suck it Nic Bitch!

Username: Mlknight66
First Name: Mike
Where From: Georgia
Age: 45
Married: Yes with 19 year old daughter.
Addition Details: Started with Skoal Wintergreen when I was 13 years old, then switched to Copenhagen at around 16 years old. Dipped Kodiak in my 20s and 30s. Have been dipping Grizley Pouches for the last 5 years or so. I have tried to kick this nasty unhealthy habit numerous times in the past with little success. But this time I am serious and feel it is definately doable. Hope to see everyone in the group on the otherside of quit.

Username: ac1980vac
First Name: Andy
Where From: Guthrie, OK
Age: 31
Married: Divorced, no kids
Addiction Details: I have dipped since I was 14 years old, started out sneaking around, but has been about a half to a can a day habit since I was 18. I don't want to be a slave to a drug anymore and am tired of having nasty crap in my mouth. I woke up on December 7, 2011 and have not had any nicotine since then.

Username: JWhorton
Name: Jory
Age: 36 next month
Where: Fort Knox
Married: Yes with 3 Sons
Addiction Details: 24 years, yes since I was 12. I have lied time and time again to my kids about when I would quit. After this deployment. I am now in command, stress of moving the family from post to post, my next birthday. FUCK THAT! My oldest boy is the age that I started using that shit. 1 Week today. Look forward to some long term friendships.

Username: RMayer32
Name: Rick
Age: 41 on 12/23
Where: Chicago Area
Married: Yes with 4 kids ages 21, 18, 17, 9
Addiction Details: 25 years of using this garbage. Started with a pinch of Happy Days as a kid and never stopped. At least until 7 days ago.

Username: Gunner26
Name: Lauren
Age: 39
Where: Vancouver, BC, Canada
Married: Yes
Addiction Details: Chewed Cop Snuff since I was 16, quit for a year when I was 33... Just had enough, I can see my gums disappearing...I don't want to get cancer and have no life...I have way to much to live for. Thanks for the support it has already been overwhelming. Trigger this Tonto

Username: George
Name: George
Where: Southern California
Age: 46
Married: no
Addiction Details: Started in highschool using Redman and Levi. Graduated to Kodiak and dipped it for 32 years. Ended with about 1 can/day habit.
Username: Rocky72
Name: Chris
Where: Wisconsin
|Age: 39
Married:Yes with two kids son 2 daughter 5
Addiction Details:Started chewing when I was 13 chewing copenhagen when grizzly came out I switched to that because it was cheaper my addiction was a can a day. But not no more.


Username: 30yrAddict
First Name: Dale
Where From: NY
Age: 44
Married: yes- 4 children 24, 20, 17, 14
Addiction Details: 33yrs, can a day- Skoal LC Green, Grizzly Green, and Cigars. Started in little league.

Username: Cornholio
First Name: Mike
Where: Ohio
Married, two boys. 9 and 12.
Addiction Details. Started smoking as a habit in 8th grade ('81). Picked up Dip as a dumb ass approach to quit smoking in '02. Kodiak to Grizzly. Quickly turned into can a day. I "quit" before several times. Once I made a year. I know what I'm facing and I fear failure. I've been feeding the nic bitch for 30yrs. It's time for the fat ass whore to die. WE CAN DO THIS, ONE DAY AT A TIME.

Username: ScooterScum
First Name: Curt
Where From: TX
Age: 46
Married: Yes
Addiction Details: 30+ years, 2-3 cans of Copenhagen a day! Thought I was cool like Walt Garrison when I started!

Username: Tazmed (Taz)
Name: C.J.
Age: 44
Where: Southern Oregon
Married: Yep, along with 9 kids the last time I counted.
Addiction Details:  First dip of Copenhagen at 6 years old (from Granddad), started chewing regularly at 10 playing baseball. 34 years later, on June 22, 2011, I tasted freedom for the first time.

Username: Show
Name: Terry
Age: 42
Where: Minneapolis
Married: Twice.....the second time is fantastic. Got a couple of kids too.
Addiction Details: Started chewing in 1984. Quit chewing on my daughters birthday in 2009 with the help of my brother (PbKid) and my cohort in March 2010 - feel free to join us.

Username: Souliman
Name: Chris
Age: 38
Where: Rhodey
Married: Yes + 2
Addiction Details: ~24 years of tin a day Copenhagen. Free for just over a year. Fighting daily.

Username: AgLawyer
Name: Paul
Age: 4-0
Where: Boerne
Married: Yes
Addiction Details: 21 years of can a day. 139 days of freedom.

Username: csb20
Name: Cameron
Where From: Dallas, TX
Age: 20
Married: nope
Addiction Details: Started with copenhagen long cut 5 years ago and have had about a can a day since the addiction took hold. Playing baseball year-around and being in a fraternity at Texas AM (Fightin Texas Aggie Class of 2014) has made it harder than ever to quit. I've done some very regrettable things to feed this addiction. Like every one of yall, I'm ready to take control and kick it forever

Username: Bbob
Name: Bill
Where From: Indiana
Age: 60
Married: Boy and girl 20 and 25
Addiction Details: Started smoking about 12. Smoked in high school and college. Always in great shape running weights etc. but would smoke. First child born stopped, after awhile started chewing cigars. Stopped for a while back on etc. I knew that was bad so I drifted to nicotine gum, (like that wasn't bad). I would bounce between gum and copenhagen always hiding from everyone. Nicotine has been killing me. My bladder is all messed up and I am sure it is from the drug. I'm in good shape swim 5 times a week, watch my vitals close. You should see what nicotine does to your blood. It caused my cholesterol to climb to the high side, I am not over weight and limit fat intake. Nicotine is a bad drug, I'm going to beat it and not let it kill me.

Offline duathman

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Re: March 2012 Introduction thread
« Reply #50 on: January 01, 2012, 02:59:00 PM »
Ok March, time to learn a bit about each other...after all we are now quit brothers.. Post like Roll Call:
March 2012 Quitters:

Username: Duathman
First: Travis
Where From: Alabama
Age: 36
Married: Yes with 5yr old girl and 3yr old boy.
Additional Details: From 1994-2011. So many things built up with me over time that I finally gave up the lie that I was living. Can't wait to be done with this crap. We can do it guys!!!

Username: Smokewagon47
First Name: Jim
Where From: N. California
Age: 33
Married: Yes with 6 year old daughter.
Addition Details: 11 years of a can a day. Started with Skoal Mint then used Copenhagen Wintergreen since its release. Started because I wanted to be a real man like my friends. I am a complete addict so it did not take long to get hooked on the crap. Have tried quitting many times. This time will be my last.

Username: Wadeperk
first name: Wade
Where from: OR
Age: 28
Married: Nope
Addiction Details: 12 years of a can a day. Started with Skoal and Rooster then went to Copenhagen Long Cut for the last 9 years or so. Started because my friends were doing it, hunting and fishing and baseball and all that. I'm loving quitting with you guys, keep up the good work and good communication, we can all do this.

Username: CoachT
First Name: Tim
Where From: TX
Age: 29
Married: Never have been but working on it.
Addiction Details: 2001-11/26/2011 All types but primarily Copenhagen Long Cut. Anywhere from a can a day to a can a week just depending.

Username: leeron
first name: Ron
Where from: Baytown, TX originally but Navy transplant to Norfolk/VA BCH Virginia
Age: 44
Married: Yes (to a woman, just sayin), also have one 9 year old daughter
Addiction Details: I've been using since I was 15 or 16, so that's a good 28 or 29 years. Skoal (original fine cut, skoal brother) got me started but I've made my rounds...levi garret, red man, cope, red seal, most recently I was using Longhorn Wintergreen Longcut. Hey if you guys havn't yet be sure to read the Jenny and Tom Kern story, use the link on the roll call post. Once your there also look at the guest book and READ Mackenzie's Messages to here father. If you have kids this will have an impact.

Username: Expletive Yes
Name: Richard
Where: TX
Married: Yes with a 1 year old boy
Addiction Details: Working on Day 1. I'm ready for the fight.
Because all of the guys on my baseball team did I started chewing Levi Garrett when I was 18, quit and picked up Copenhangen at 20. 3-4 cans per week, plus general swedish snus for times when a bulge in the lip would get me in trouble.

Username: mhegerle
Name: Micah
Where: Minnesota
Married: no
Addiction Details: Dipping for a yea. Tried quitting multiple times. Started a quit group a few months back and didn't stay quit. I was up to a tin a day and I want to stick with it this time.

Username: macdaddy1300
Name: jamie
Age: 41
Where: Kansas
Married: yes
Addiction Details: started chewing when i was 15, thought it was cool,quit for a
year when I was 20 but started up again and been chewing a can a day every since.

Username: ktb1764
Name: Rob
Age: 50
Where: TX
Married: Yes, with a 16 year old girl and a 13 year old boy
Addiction Details: Started dipping at 15 in little league. Switched to cigarettes in college and kept smoking until I ws 30. Went back to the can, but over the last 10 years, been dipping and smoking. 4 cans/week of Cope and 1/2 pack/day Marlboro Reds. The bitch has had me by the balls for a long time.

Username: apull1
Name: Aric
Where: MI
Married: Yes with our first child on the way.
Addiction Details:Last 5 years dippin' grizz wintergreen. before that started smoking at 18 to 30. I have been a slave for so long I need freedom.

Username: ScooterScum
First Name: Curt
Where From: TX
Age: 46
Married: Yes
Addiction Details: 30+ years, 2-3 cans of Copenhagen a day! Thought I was cool like Walt Garrison when I started!

Username: Skeeder99
Name: Chad
Where: MI
Married: Yes, with first child on the way
Addiction Details:
Started chewing when I was 13 because my older brother and his friends chewed. All my friends chewed as well, so it was always easy to get. I'd been chewing Skoal Straight at just over a can a day since I was 16. I've tried quitting one time before, and made it to a month. So I thought I was in the clear and could have just one dip, no big deal....3 days later I was back to my old ways. I havent tried quitting in over ten years, so I'm glad I found this website to help me along the way.

Username: Paulregali
Name: Paul
Where: Oregon
Married: Yes, with 4 daughters
Addiction Details: Dipped since the 7th grade. First chew was a mistake, i was off and running. My chewing has always gone up and down, sometimes a lot other times very little but always daily, but NO MORE.

Username: LiveSimple02
Name: Steve
Age: 21
Where: WI, but stationed in San Diego for the Marine Corps
Married: No
Addiction Details: I started dipping when I was a junior in high school so its only been 5 years for me but that is 5 years too long. Shortly after I started dipping I also began smoking because everybody I worked with did. Over those 5 years I've gone through times where I either smoked or dipped, but most of the time I did both. I never hesitated to go out and smoke and when I got inside to throw in a dip. I've been wanting to quit for a while but given my circumstances, I never could really get myself to commit to it. Being in the Marine Corps has not helped me at all with the tobacco use and for 7 months in Afghanistan, the only time I wasn't using was when I was sleeping or at the gym. Now is my time to quite though.

Username: Cowboy1142
Name: Bryan
Age: 38
Where: Utah
Married: Yes wit 4 kids
Addiction Details: Started chewing when I was 10 thought that all good cowboys did all my hero's
did it so why not me. I've been using 2 cans of Copenhagen a day since. It is time to stop now I don't want to be controlled by a can of chew anymore

Username: MRWILLIA
Name: MARK
Age: 31
Where: TX
Married: YES
Addiction Details: I have been dipping for 13 years and I am ready to get rid of my addiction.

Username: boneil396
Name: Brendan
Age: 30
Where: Atlanta
Married: No
Addiction Details: Started dipping here and there when I was 15 or so. Increased to a can a day when I was about 17 and continued until 2 weeks ago. Kodiak wintergreen was my dip of choice. I'm happy to be here.

Username: Erdnase
Name: Chad
Age: 36
Where: MT
Married: Yes
Addiction Details- 20 years, 1st day of quite Oct 3-went 62 days and caved, Back at it with these March Maniacs.

Username: Lochi21
Name: Chris
Age: 42
Where: Wisconsin
Married: Yes with an 8 yr old son.
Addiction Details: Tin a day of Kodiak followed by Grizzly for 20+ years. Former HOFer on this site. Caved multiple times. On FINAL quit. I need this place like I need oxygen.

Username: zachh1020
Name: Zach
Age: 21
Where: Southern Indiana
Married: No
Addiction Details: I don't really remember why I started. I started when I was 18 (4 years). It started with Camel Snus then eventually I switched to Skoal Wintergreen. I was never a really heavy chewer. Two cans a week maybe. Back in April when I purchased a restaurant, It got a lot worse. My worst was almost 3 cans a day! I ALWAYS had a dip in. I guess I found it was a stress reliever. I'm down to about 1-2 cans a day, but today, that all stops.

Username: thunderdanb
Name: Dan
Age: 28
Where: Arizona
Married: Yep, 6 years
Addiction Details: Nicotine for over 7 years. Started smoking when I started work at an ambulance company, because everyone either smoked or chewed, and being the dumb FNG I wanted to fit in. After about a year, my buddy introduced to skoal - believe it or not I switched to smokeless because I thought it was less disgusting... didn't have to worry about my clothes or car smelling, and it was much easier to hide from the lady (wish I could have seen the horrible precedent that would set). Been trying to quit on and off for years. Have stopped for 2 months a couple of times, but always slipped back. Most recently I visited "", and tried their nicotine lozenge program... But what I've read around here is true, if you're using any nicotine you are just prolonging the agony. Done with that crap and ready to get any and all nicotine out of my system for good.

Username: hsumatt2117
Name: Matt
Age: 28
Where: Texas
Married: Yes, with a 2 year old son and a baby girl on the way.
Addiction Details: Mostly grizzly but been hooked on nic ever since I started coaching and saw the other guys doing it. Seemed cool at the time but now im sick of having it in my mouth. Im ready to break this crap and something that has a hold of me.

Username: saintjohnsloop
First Name: Dan
Where From: Alexandria, VA
Age: 29
Married: Yes with 3 awesome kids
Addiction Details: 15 years, 2-4 cans of Copenhagen Snuff a week. I'm a caver retread on this site and I am committed to remembering my promise and my bond to the people above and below me on this list.

Username: PMac
First Name: Paul
Where From: Alpharetta, GA
Age: 41
Married: Yes with 3 boys aged 9, 6, and 4.
Addiction Details: 25-26 years. Last 10 or so between 1.5 and 3 cans per day. Primarily Skoal Long Cut Mint. Few cans of Copenhagen Black every week or two. Today (December 19th) is Day 1. Suck it Nic Bitch!

Username: Mlknight66
First Name: Mike
Where From: Georgia
Age: 45
Married: Yes with 19 year old daughter.
Addition Details: Started with Skoal Wintergreen when I was 13 years old, then switched to Copenhagen at around 16 years old. Dipped Kodiak in my 20s and 30s. Have been dipping Grizley Pouches for the last 5 years or so. I have tried to kick this nasty unhealthy habit numerous times in the past with little success. But this time I am serious and feel it is definately doable. Hope to see everyone in the group on the otherside of quit.

Username: ac1980vac
First Name: Andy
Where From: Guthrie, OK
Age: 31
Married: Divorced, no kids
Addiction Details: I have dipped since I was 14 years old, started out sneaking around, but has been about a half to a can a day habit since I was 18. I don't want to be a slave to a drug anymore and am tired of having nasty crap in my mouth. I woke up on December 7, 2011 and have not had any nicotine since then.

Username: JWhorton
Name: Jory
Age: 36 next month
Where: Fort Knox
Married: Yes with 3 Sons
Addiction Details: 24 years, yes since I was 12. I have lied time and time again to my kids about when I would quit. After this deployment. I am now in command, stress of moving the family from post to post, my next birthday. FUCK THAT! My oldest boy is the age that I started using that shit. 1 Week today. Look forward to some long term friendships.

Username: RMayer32
Name: Rick
Age: 41 on 12/23
Where: Chicago Area
Married: Yes with 4 kids ages 21, 18, 17, 9
Addiction Details: 25 years of using this garbage. Started with a pinch of Happy Days as a kid and never stopped. At least until 7 days ago.

Username: Gunner26
Name: Lauren
Age: 39
Where: Vancouver, BC, Canada
Married: Yes
Addiction Details: Chewed Cop Snuff since I was 16, quit for a year when I was 33... Just had enough, I can see my gums disappearing...I don't want to get cancer and have no life...I have way to much to live for. Thanks for the support it has already been overwhelming. Trigger this Tonto

Username: George
Name: George
Where: Southern California
Age: 46
Married: no
Addiction Details: Started in highschool using Redman and Levi. Graduated to Kodiak and dipped it for 32 years. Ended with about 1 can/day habit.
Username: Rocky72
Name: Chris
Where: Wisconsin
|Age: 39
Married:Yes with two kids son 2 daughter 5
Addiction Details:Started chewing when I was 13 chewing copenhagen when grizzly came out I switched to that because it was cheaper my addiction was a can a day. But not no more.


Username: 30yrAddict
First Name: Dale
Where From: NY
Age: 44
Married: yes- 4 children 24, 20, 17, 14
Addiction Details: 33yrs, can a day- Skoal LC Green, Grizzly Green, and Cigars. Started in little league.

Username: Cornholio
First Name: Mike
Where: Ohio
Married, two boys. 9 and 12.
Addiction Details. Started smoking as a habit in 8th grade ('81). Picked up Dip as a dumb ass approach to quit smoking in '02. Kodiak to Grizzly. Quickly turned into can a day. I "quit" before several times. Once I made a year. I know what I'm facing and I fear failure. I've been feeding the nic bitch for 30yrs. It's time for the fat ass whore to die. WE CAN DO THIS, ONE DAY AT A TIME.

Username: ScooterScum
First Name: Curt
Where From: TX
Age: 46
Married: Yes
Addiction Details: 30+ years, 2-3 cans of Copenhagen a day! Thought I was cool like Walt Garrison when I started!

Username: Tazmed (Taz)
Name: C.J.
Age: 44
Where: Southern Oregon
Married: Yep, along with 9 kids the last time I counted.
Addiction Details: First dip of Copenhagen at 6 years old (from Granddad), started chewing regularly at 10 playing baseball. 34 years later, on June 22, 2011, I tasted freedom for the first time.

Username: Show
Name: Terry
Age: 42
Where: Minneapolis
Married: Twice.....the second time is fantastic. Got a couple of kids too.
Addiction Details: Started chewing in 1984. Quit chewing on my daughters birthday in 2009 with the help of my brother (PbKid) and my cohort in March 2010 - feel free to join us.

Username: Souliman
Name: Chris
Age: 38
Where: Rhodey
Married: Yes + 2
Addiction Details: ~24 years of tin a day Copenhagen. Free for just over a year. Fighting daily.

Username: AgLawyer
Name: Paul
Age: 4-0
Where: Boerne
Married: Yes
Addiction Details: 21 years of can a day. 139 days of freedom.

Username: csb20
Name: Cameron
Where From: Dallas, TX
Age: 20
Married: nope
Addiction Details: Started with copenhagen long cut 5 years ago and have had about a can a day since the addiction took hold. Playing baseball year-around and being in a fraternity at Texas AM (Fightin Texas Aggie Class of 2014) has made it harder than ever to quit. I've done some very regrettable things to feed this addiction. Like every one of yall, I'm ready to take control and kick it forever

Offline rocky72

  • Quitter
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  • Posts: 85
  • Likes Given: 0
Re: March 2012 Introduction thread
« Reply #49 on: December 31, 2011, 02:50:00 PM »
Ok March, time to learn a bit about each other...after all we are now quit brothers.. Post like Roll Call:
March 2012 Quitters:

Username: Smokewagon47
First Name: Jim
Where From: N. California
Age: 33
Married: Yes with 6 year old daughter.
Addition Details: 11 years of a can a day. Started with Skoal Mint then used Copenhagen Wintergreen since its release. Started because I wanted to be a real man like my friends. I am a complete addict so it did not take long to get hooked on the crap. Have tried quitting many times. This time will be my last.

Username: Wadeperk
first name: Wade
Where from: OR
Age: 28
Married: Nope
Addiction Details: 12 years of a can a day. Started with Skoal and Rooster then went to Copenhagen Long Cut for the last 9 years or so. Started because my friends were doing it, hunting and fishing and baseball and all that. I'm loving quitting with you guys, keep up the good work and good communication, we can all do this.

Username: CoachT
First Name: Tim
Where From: TX
Age: 29
Married: Never have been but working on it.
Addiction Details: 2001-11/26/2011 All types but primarily Copenhagen Long Cut. Anywhere from a can a day to a can a week just depending.

Username: leeron
first name: Ron
Where from: Baytown, TX originally but Navy transplant to Norfolk/VA BCH Virginia
Age: 44
Married: Yes (to a woman, just sayin), also have one 9 year old daughter
Addiction Details: I've been using since I was 15 or 16, so that's a good 28 or 29 years. Skoal (original fine cut, skoal brother) got me started but I've made my rounds...levi garret, red man, cope, red seal, most recently I was using Longhorn Wintergreen Longcut. Hey if you guys havn't yet be sure to read the Jenny and Tom Kern story, use the link on the roll call post. Once your there also look at the guest book and READ Mackenzie's Messages to here father. If you have kids this will have an impact.

Username: Expletive Yes
Name: Richard
Where: TX
Married: Yes with a 1 year old boy
Addiction Details: Working on Day 1. I'm ready for the fight.
Because all of the guys on my baseball team did I started chewing Levi Garrett when I was 18, quit and picked up Copenhangen at 20. 3-4 cans per week, plus general swedish snus for times when a bulge in the lip would get me in trouble.

Username: mhegerle
Name: Micah
Where: Minnesota
Married: no
Addiction Details: Dipping for a yea. Tried quitting multiple times. Started a quit group a few months back and didn't stay quit. I was up to a tin a day and I want to stick with it this time.

Username: macdaddy1300
Name: jamie
Age: 41
Where: Kansas
Married: yes
Addiction Details: started chewing when i was 15, thought it was cool,quit for a
year when I was 20 but started up again and been chewing a can a day every since.

Username: ktb1764
Name: Rob
Age: 50
Where: TX
Married: Yes, with a 16 year old girl and a 13 year old boy
Addiction Details: Started dipping at 15 in little league. Switched to cigarettes in college and kept smoking until I ws 30. Went back to the can, but over the last 10 years, been dipping and smoking. 4 cans/week of Cope and 1/2 pack/day Marlboro Reds. The bitch has had me by the balls for a long time.

Username: apull1
Name: Aric
Where: MI
Married: Yes with our first child on the way.
Addiction Details:Last 5 years dippin' grizz wintergreen. before that started smoking at 18 to 30. I have been a slave for so long I need freedom.

Username: ScooterScum
First Name: Curt
Where From: TX
Age: 46
Married: Yes
Addiction Details: 30+ years, 2-3 cans of Copenhagen a day! Thought I was cool like Walt Garrison when I started!

Username: Skeeder99
Name: Chad
Where: MI
Married: Yes, with first child on the way
Addiction Details:
Started chewing when I was 13 because my older brother and his friends chewed. All my friends chewed as well, so it was always easy to get. I'd been chewing Skoal Straight at just over a can a day since I was 16. I've tried quitting one time before, and made it to a month. So I thought I was in the clear and could have just one dip, no big deal....3 days later I was back to my old ways. I havent tried quitting in over ten years, so I'm glad I found this website to help me along the way.

Username: Paulregali
Name: Paul
Where: Oregon
Married: Yes, with 4 daughters
Addiction Details: Dipped since the 7th grade. First chew was a mistake, i was off and running. My chewing has always gone up and down, sometimes a lot other times very little but always daily, but NO MORE.

Username: LiveSimple02
Name: Steve
Age: 21
Where: WI, but stationed in San Diego for the Marine Corps
Married: No
Addiction Details: I started dipping when I was a junior in high school so its only been 5 years for me but that is 5 years too long. Shortly after I started dipping I also began smoking because everybody I worked with did. Over those 5 years I've gone through times where I either smoked or dipped, but most of the time I did both. I never hesitated to go out and smoke and when I got inside to throw in a dip. I've been wanting to quit for a while but given my circumstances, I never could really get myself to commit to it. Being in the Marine Corps has not helped me at all with the tobacco use and for 7 months in Afghanistan, the only time I wasn't using was when I was sleeping or at the gym. Now is my time to quite though.

Username: Cowboy1142
Name: Bryan
Age: 38
Where: Utah
Married: Yes wit 4 kids
Addiction Details: Started chewing when I was 10 thought that all good cowboys did all my hero's
did it so why not me. I've been using 2 cans of Copenhagen a day since. It is time to stop now I don't want to be controlled by a can of chew anymore

Username: MRWILLIA
Name: MARK
Age: 31
Where: TX
Married: YES
Addiction Details: I have been dipping for 13 years and I am ready to get rid of my addiction.

Username: boneil396
Name: Brendan
Age: 30
Where: Atlanta
Married: No
Addiction Details: Started dipping here and there when I was 15 or so. Increased to a can a day when I was about 17 and continued until 2 weeks ago. Kodiak wintergreen was my dip of choice. I'm happy to be here.

Username: Erdnase
Name: Chad
Age: 36
Where: MT
Married: Yes
Addiction Details- 20 years, 1st day of quite Oct 3-went 62 days and caved, Back at it with these March Maniacs.

Username: Lochi21
Name: Chris
Age: 42
Where: Wisconsin
Married: Yes with an 8 yr old son.
Addiction Details: Tin a day of Kodiak followed by Grizzly for 20+ years. Former HOFer on this site. Caved multiple times. On FINAL quit. I need this place like I need oxygen.

Username: zachh1020
Name: Zach
Age: 21
Where: Southern Indiana
Married: No
Addiction Details: I don't really remember why I started. I started when I was 18 (4 years). It started with Camel Snus then eventually I switched to Skoal Wintergreen. I was never a really heavy chewer. Two cans a week maybe. Back in April when I purchased a restaurant, It got a lot worse. My worst was almost 3 cans a day! I ALWAYS had a dip in. I guess I found it was a stress reliever. I'm down to about 1-2 cans a day, but today, that all stops.

Username: thunderdanb
Name: Dan
Age: 28
Where: Arizona
Married: Yep, 6 years
Addiction Details: Nicotine for over 7 years. Started smoking when I started work at an ambulance company, because everyone either smoked or chewed, and being the dumb FNG I wanted to fit in. After about a year, my buddy introduced to skoal - believe it or not I switched to smokeless because I thought it was less disgusting... didn't have to worry about my clothes or car smelling, and it was much easier to hide from the lady (wish I could have seen the horrible precedent that would set). Been trying to quit on and off for years. Have stopped for 2 months a couple of times, but always slipped back. Most recently I visited "", and tried their nicotine lozenge program... But what I've read around here is true, if you're using any nicotine you are just prolonging the agony. Done with that crap and ready to get any and all nicotine out of my system for good.

Username: hsumatt2117
Name: Matt
Age: 28
Where: Texas
Married: Yes, with a 2 year old son and a baby girl on the way.
Addiction Details: Mostly grizzly but been hooked on nic ever since I started coaching and saw the other guys doing it. Seemed cool at the time but now im sick of having it in my mouth. Im ready to break this crap and something that has a hold of me.

Username: saintjohnsloop
First Name: Dan
Where From: Alexandria, VA
Age: 29
Married: Yes with 3 awesome kids
Addiction Details: 15 years, 2-4 cans of Copenhagen Snuff a week. I'm a caver retread on this site and I am committed to remembering my promise and my bond to the people above and below me on this list.

Username: PMac
First Name: Paul
Where From: Alpharetta, GA
Age: 41
Married: Yes with 3 boys aged 9, 6, and 4.
Addiction Details: 25-26 years. Last 10 or so between 1.5 and 3 cans per day. Primarily Skoal Long Cut Mint. Few cans of Copenhagen Black every week or two. Today (December 19th) is Day 1. Suck it Nic Bitch!

Username: Mlknight66
First Name: Mike
Where From: Georgia
Age: 45
Married: Yes with 19 year old daughter.
Addition Details: Started with Skoal Wintergreen when I was 13 years old, then switched to Copenhagen at around 16 years old. Dipped Kodiak in my 20s and 30s. Have been dipping Grizley Pouches for the last 5 years or so. I have tried to kick this nasty unhealthy habit numerous times in the past with little success. But this time I am serious and feel it is definately doable. Hope to see everyone in the group on the otherside of quit.

Username: ac1980vac
First Name: Andy
Where From: Guthrie, OK
Age: 31
Married: Divorced, no kids
Addiction Details: I have dipped since I was 14 years old, started out sneaking around, but has been about a half to a can a day habit since I was 18. I don't want to be a slave to a drug anymore and am tired of having nasty crap in my mouth. I woke up on December 7, 2011 and have not had any nicotine since then.

Username: JWhorton
Name: Jory
Age: 36 next month
Where: Fort Knox
Married: Yes with 3 Sons
Addiction Details: 24 years, yes since I was 12. I have lied time and time again to my kids about when I would quit. After this deployment. I am now in command, stress of moving the family from post to post, my next birthday. FUCK THAT! My oldest boy is the age that I started using that shit. 1 Week today. Look forward to some long term friendships.

Username: RMayer32
Name: Rick
Age: 41 on 12/23
Where: Chicago Area
Married: Yes with 4 kids ages 21, 18, 17, 9
Addiction Details: 25 years of using this garbage. Started with a pinch of Happy Days as a kid and never stopped. At least until 7 days ago.

Username: Gunner26
Name: Lauren
Age: 39
Where: Vancouver, BC, Canada
Married: Yes
Addiction Details: Chewed Cop Snuff since I was 16, quit for a year when I was 33... Just had enough, I can see my gums disappearing...I don't want to get cancer and have no life...I have way to much to live for. Thanks for the support it has already been overwhelming. Trigger this Tonto

Username: George
Name: George
Where: Southern California
Age: 46
Married: no
Addiction Details: Started in highschool using Redman and Levi. Graduated to Kodiak and dipped it for 32 years. Ended with about 1 can/day habit.
Username: Rocky72
Name: Chris
Where: Wisconsin
|Age: 39
Married:Yes with two kids son 2 daughter 5
Addiction Details:Started chewing when I was 13 chewing copenhagen when grizzly came out I switched to that because it was cheaper my addiction was a can a day. But not no more.


Username: 30yrAddict
First Name: Dale
Where From: NY
Age: 44
Married: yes- 4 children 24, 20, 17, 14
Addiction Details: 33yrs, can a day- Skoal LC Green, Grizzly Green, and Cigars. Started in little league.

Username: Cornholio
First Name: Mike
Where: Ohio
Married, two boys. 9 and 12.
Addiction Details. Started smoking as a habit in 8th grade ('81). Picked up Dip as a dumb ass approach to quit smoking in '02. Kodiak to Grizzly. Quickly turned into can a day. I "quit" before several times. Once I made a year. I know what I'm facing and I fear failure. I've been feeding the nic bitch for 30yrs. It's time for the fat ass whore to die. WE CAN DO THIS, ONE DAY AT A TIME.

Username: ScooterScum
First Name: Curt
Where From: TX
Age: 46
Married: Yes
Addiction Details: 30+ years, 2-3 cans of Copenhagen a day! Thought I was cool like Walt Garrison when I started!

Username: Tazmed (Taz)
Name: C.J.
Age: 44
Where: Southern Oregon
Married: Yep, along with 9 kids the last time I counted.
Addiction Details: First dip of Copenhagen at 6 years old (from Granddad), started chewing regularly at 10 playing baseball. 34 years later, on June 22, 2011, I tasted freedom for the first time.

Username: Show
Name: Terry
Age: 42
Where: Minneapolis
Married: Twice.....the second time is fantastic. Got a couple of kids too.
Addiction Details: Started chewing in 1984. Quit chewing on my daughters birthday in 2009 with the help of my brother (PbKid) and my cohort in March 2010 - feel free to join us.

Username: Souliman
Name: Chris
Age: 38
Where: Rhodey
Married: Yes + 2
Addiction Details: ~24 years of tin a day Copenhagen. Free for just over a year. Fighting daily.

Username: AgLawyer
Name: Paul
Age: 4-0
Where: Boerne
Married: Yes
Addiction Details: 21 years of can a day. 139 days of freedom.

Username: csb20
Name: Cameron
Where From: Dallas, TX
Age: 20
Married: nope
Addiction Details: Started with copenhagen long cut 5 years ago and have had about a can a day since the addiction took hold. Playing baseball year-around and being in a fraternity at Texas AM (Fightin Texas Aggie Class of 2014) has made it harder than ever to quit. I've done some very regrettable things to feed this addiction. Like every one of yall, I'm ready to take control and kick it forever

Offline George

  • Quitter
  • **
  • Posts: 108
  • Likes Given: 0
Re: March 2012 Introduction thread
« Reply #48 on: December 29, 2011, 12:51:00 PM »
Ok March, time to learn a bit about each other...after all we are now quit brothers.. Post like Roll Call:
March 2012 Quitters:

Username: Smokewagon47
First Name: Jim
Where From: N. California
Age: 33
Married: Yes with 6 year old daughter.
Addition Details: 11 years of a can a day. Started with Skoal Mint then used Copenhagen Wintergreen since its release. Started because I wanted to be a real man like my friends. I am a complete addict so it did not take long to get hooked on the crap. Have tried quitting many times. This time will be my last.

Username: Wadeperk
first name: Wade
Where from: OR
Age: 28
Married: Nope
Addiction Details: 12 years of a can a day. Started with Skoal and Rooster then went to Copenhagen Long Cut for the last 9 years or so. Started because my friends were doing it, hunting and fishing and baseball and all that. I'm loving quitting with you guys, keep up the good work and good communication, we can all do this.

Username: CoachT
First Name: Tim
Where From: TX
Age: 29
Married: Never have been but working on it.
Addiction Details: 2001-11/26/2011 All types but primarily Copenhagen Long Cut. Anywhere from a can a day to a can a week just depending.

Username: leeron
first name: Ron
Where from: Baytown, TX originally but Navy transplant to Norfolk/VA BCH Virginia
Age: 44
Married: Yes (to a woman, just sayin), also have one 9 year old daughter
Addiction Details: I've been using since I was 15 or 16, so that's a good 28 or 29 years. Skoal (original fine cut, skoal brother) got me started but I've made my rounds...levi garret, red man, cope, red seal, most recently I was using Longhorn Wintergreen Longcut. Hey if you guys havn't yet be sure to read the Jenny and Tom Kern story, use the link on the roll call post. Once your there also look at the guest book and READ Mackenzie's Messages to here father. If you have kids this will have an impact.

Username: Expletive Yes
Name: Richard
Where: TX
Married: Yes with a 1 year old boy
Addiction Details: Working on Day 1. I'm ready for the fight.
Because all of the guys on my baseball team did I started chewing Levi Garrett when I was 18, quit and picked up Copenhangen at 20. 3-4 cans per week, plus general swedish snus for times when a bulge in the lip would get me in trouble.

Username: mhegerle
Name: Micah
Where: Minnesota
Married: no
Addiction Details: Dipping for a yea. Tried quitting multiple times. Started a quit group a few months back and didn't stay quit. I was up to a tin a day and I want to stick with it this time.

Username: macdaddy1300
Name: jamie
Age: 41
Where: Kansas
Married: yes
Addiction Details: started chewing when i was 15, thought it was cool,quit for a
year when I was 20 but started up again and been chewing a can a day every since.

Username: ktb1764
Name: Rob
Age: 50
Where: TX
Married: Yes, with a 16 year old girl and a 13 year old boy
Addiction Details: Started dipping at 15 in little league. Switched to cigarettes in college and kept smoking until I ws 30. Went back to the can, but over the last 10 years, been dipping and smoking. 4 cans/week of Cope and 1/2 pack/day Marlboro Reds. The bitch has had me by the balls for a long time.

Username: apull1
Name: Aric
Where: MI
Married: Yes with our first child on the way.
Addiction Details:Last 5 years dippin' grizz wintergreen. before that started smoking at 18 to 30. I have been a slave for so long I need freedom.

Username: ScooterScum
First Name: Curt
Where From: TX
Age: 46
Married: Yes
Addiction Details: 30+ years, 2-3 cans of Copenhagen a day! Thought I was cool like Walt Garrison when I started!

Username: Skeeder99
Name: Chad
Where: MI
Married: Yes, with first child on the way
Addiction Details:
Started chewing when I was 13 because my older brother and his friends chewed. All my friends chewed as well, so it was always easy to get. I'd been chewing Skoal Straight at just over a can a day since I was 16. I've tried quitting one time before, and made it to a month. So I thought I was in the clear and could have just one dip, no big deal....3 days later I was back to my old ways. I havent tried quitting in over ten years, so I'm glad I found this website to help me along the way.

Username: Paulregali
Name: Paul
Where: Oregon
Married: Yes, with 4 daughters
Addiction Details: Dipped since the 7th grade. First chew was a mistake, i was off and running. My chewing has always gone up and down, sometimes a lot other times very little but always daily, but NO MORE.

Username: LiveSimple02
Name: Steve
Age: 21
Where: WI, but stationed in San Diego for the Marine Corps
Married: No
Addiction Details: I started dipping when I was a junior in high school so its only been 5 years for me but that is 5 years too long. Shortly after I started dipping I also began smoking because everybody I worked with did. Over those 5 years I've gone through times where I either smoked or dipped, but most of the time I did both. I never hesitated to go out and smoke and when I got inside to throw in a dip. I've been wanting to quit for a while but given my circumstances, I never could really get myself to commit to it. Being in the Marine Corps has not helped me at all with the tobacco use and for 7 months in Afghanistan, the only time I wasn't using was when I was sleeping or at the gym. Now is my time to quite though.

Username: Cowboy1142
Name: Bryan
Age: 38
Where: Utah
Married: Yes wit 4 kids
Addiction Details: Started chewing when I was 10 thought that all good cowboys did all my hero's
did it so why not me. I've been using 2 cans of Copenhagen a day since. It is time to stop now I don't want to be controlled by a can of chew anymore

Username: MRWILLIA
Name: MARK
Age: 31
Where: TX
Married: YES
Addiction Details: I have been dipping for 13 years and I am ready to get rid of my addiction.

Username: boneil396
Name: Brendan
Age: 30
Where: Atlanta
Married: No
Addiction Details: Started dipping here and there when I was 15 or so. Increased to a can a day when I was about 17 and continued until 2 weeks ago. Kodiak wintergreen was my dip of choice. I'm happy to be here.

Username: Erdnase
Name: Chad
Age: 36
Where: MT
Married: Yes
Addiction Details- 20 years, 1st day of quite Oct 3-went 62 days and caved, Back at it with these March Maniacs.

Username: Lochi21
Name: Chris
Age: 42
Where: Wisconsin
Married: Yes with an 8 yr old son.
Addiction Details: Tin a day of Kodiak followed by Grizzly for 20+ years. Former HOFer on this site. Caved multiple times. On FINAL quit. I need this place like I need oxygen.

Username: zachh1020
Name: Zach
Age: 21
Where: Southern Indiana
Married: No
Addiction Details: I don't really remember why I started. I started when I was 18 (4 years). It started with Camel Snus then eventually I switched to Skoal Wintergreen. I was never a really heavy chewer. Two cans a week maybe. Back in April when I purchased a restaurant, It got a lot worse. My worst was almost 3 cans a day! I ALWAYS had a dip in. I guess I found it was a stress reliever. I'm down to about 1-2 cans a day, but today, that all stops.

Username: thunderdanb
Name: Dan
Age: 28
Where: Arizona
Married: Yep, 6 years
Addiction Details: Nicotine for over 7 years. Started smoking when I started work at an ambulance company, because everyone either smoked or chewed, and being the dumb FNG I wanted to fit in. After about a year, my buddy introduced to skoal - believe it or not I switched to smokeless because I thought it was less disgusting... didn't have to worry about my clothes or car smelling, and it was much easier to hide from the lady (wish I could have seen the horrible precedent that would set). Been trying to quit on and off for years. Have stopped for 2 months a couple of times, but always slipped back. Most recently I visited "", and tried their nicotine lozenge program... But what I've read around here is true, if you're using any nicotine you are just prolonging the agony. Done with that crap and ready to get any and all nicotine out of my system for good.

Username: hsumatt2117
Name: Matt
Age: 28
Where: Texas
Married: Yes, with a 2 year old son and a baby girl on the way.
Addiction Details: Mostly grizzly but been hooked on nic ever since I started coaching and saw the other guys doing it. Seemed cool at the time but now im sick of having it in my mouth. Im ready to break this crap and something that has a hold of me.

Username: saintjohnsloop
First Name: Dan
Where From: Alexandria, VA
Age: 29
Married: Yes with 3 awesome kids
Addiction Details: 15 years, 2-4 cans of Copenhagen Snuff a week. I'm a caver retread on this site and I am committed to remembering my promise and my bond to the people above and below me on this list.

Username: PMac
First Name: Paul
Where From: Alpharetta, GA
Age: 41
Married: Yes with 3 boys aged 9, 6, and 4.
Addiction Details: 25-26 years. Last 10 or so between 1.5 and 3 cans per day. Primarily Skoal Long Cut Mint. Few cans of Copenhagen Black every week or two. Today (December 19th) is Day 1. Suck it Nic Bitch!

Username: Mlknight66
First Name: Mike
Where From: Georgia
Age: 45
Married: Yes with 19 year old daughter.
Addition Details: Started with Skoal Wintergreen when I was 13 years old, then switched to Copenhagen at around 16 years old. Dipped Kodiak in my 20s and 30s. Have been dipping Grizley Pouches for the last 5 years or so. I have tried to kick this nasty unhealthy habit numerous times in the past with little success. But this time I am serious and feel it is definately doable. Hope to see everyone in the group on the otherside of quit.

Username: ac1980vac
First Name: Andy
Where From: Guthrie, OK
Age: 31
Married: Divorced, no kids
Addiction Details: I have dipped since I was 14 years old, started out sneaking around, but has been about a half to a can a day habit since I was 18. I don't want to be a slave to a drug anymore and am tired of having nasty crap in my mouth. I woke up on December 7, 2011 and have not had any nicotine since then.

Username: JWhorton
Name: Jory
Age: 36 next month
Where: Fort Knox
Married: Yes with 3 Sons
Addiction Details: 24 years, yes since I was 12. I have lied time and time again to my kids about when I would quit. After this deployment. I am now in command, stress of moving the family from post to post, my next birthday. FUCK THAT! My oldest boy is the age that I started using that shit. 1 Week today. Look forward to some long term friendships.

Username: RMayer32
Name: Rick
Age: 41 on 12/23
Where: Chicago Area
Married: Yes with 4 kids ages 21, 18, 17, 9
Addiction Details: 25 years of using this garbage. Started with a pinch of Happy Days as a kid and never stopped. At least until 7 days ago.

Username: Gunner26
Name: Lauren
Age: 39
Where: Vancouver, BC, Canada
Married: Yes
Addiction Details: Chewed Cop Snuff since I was 16, quit for a year when I was 33... Just had enough, I can see my gums disappearing...I don't want to get cancer and have no life...I have way to much to live for. Thanks for the support it has already been overwhelming. Trigger this Tonto

Username: George
Name: George
Where: Southern California
Age: 46
Married: no
Addiction Details: Started in highschool using Redman and Levi. Graduated to Kodiak and dipped it for 32 years. Ended with about 1 can/day habit.


Username: 30yrAddict
First Name: Dale
Where From: NY
Age: 44
Married: yes- 4 children 24, 20, 17, 14
Addiction Details: 33yrs, can a day- Skoal LC Green, Grizzly Green, and Cigars. Started in little league.

Username: Cornholio
First Name: Mike
Where: Ohio
Married, two boys. 9 and 12.
Addiction Details. Started smoking as a habit in 8th grade ('81). Picked up Dip as a dumb ass approach to quit smoking in '02. Kodiak to Grizzly. Quickly turned into can a day. I "quit" before several times. Once I made a year. I know what I'm facing and I fear failure. I've been feeding the nic bitch for 30yrs. It's time for the fat ass whore to die. WE CAN DO THIS, ONE DAY AT A TIME.

Username: ScooterScum
First Name: Curt
Where From: TX
Age: 46
Married: Yes
Addiction Details: 30+ years, 2-3 cans of Copenhagen a day! Thought I was cool like Walt Garrison when I started!

Username: Tazmed (Taz)
Name: C.J.
Age: 44
Where: Southern Oregon
Married: Yep, along with 9 kids the last time I counted.
Addiction Details: First dip of Copenhagen at 6 years old (from Granddad), started chewing regularly at 10 playing baseball. 34 years later, on June 22, 2011, I tasted freedom for the first time.

Username: Show
Name: Terry
Age: 42
Where: Minneapolis
Married: Twice.....the second time is fantastic. Got a couple of kids too.
Addiction Details: Started chewing in 1984. Quit chewing on my daughters birthday in 2009 with the help of my brother (PbKid) and my cohort in March 2010 - feel free to join us.

Username: Souliman
Name: Chris
Age: 38
Where: Rhodey
Married: Yes + 2
Addiction Details: ~24 years of tin a day Copenhagen. Free for just over a year. Fighting daily.

Username: AgLawyer
Name: Paul
Age: 4-0
Where: Boerne
Married: Yes
Addiction Details: 21 years of can a day. 139 days of freedom.

Username: csb20
Name: Cameron
Where From: Dallas, TX
Age: 20
Married: nope
Addiction Details: Started with copenhagen long cut 5 years ago and have had about a can a day since the addiction took hold. Playing baseball year-around and being in a fraternity at Texas AM (Fightin Texas Aggie Class of 2014) has made it harder than ever to quit. I've done some very regrettable things to feed this addiction. Like every one of yall, I'm ready to take control and kick it forever

Offline mlknight66

  • Quitter
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  • Posts: 65
  • Likes Given: 0
Re: March 2012 Introduction thread
« Reply #47 on: December 28, 2011, 08:24:00 AM »
Ok March, time to learn a bit about each other...after all we are now quit brothers.. Post like Roll Call:
March 2012 Quitters:

Username: Smokewagon47
First Name: Jim
Where From: N. California
Age: 33
Married: Yes with 6 year old daughter.
Addition Details: 11 years of a can a day. Started with Skoal Mint then used Copenhagen Wintergreen since its release. Started because I wanted to be a real man like my friends. I am a complete addict so it did not take long to get hooked on the crap. Have tried quitting many times. This time will be my last.

Username: Wadeperk
first name: Wade
Where from: OR
Age: 28
Married: Nope
Addiction Details: 12 years of a can a day. Started with Skoal and Rooster then went to Copenhagen Long Cut for the last 9 years or so. Started because my friends were doing it, hunting and fishing and baseball and all that. I'm loving quitting with you guys, keep up the good work and good communication, we can all do this.

Username: CoachT
First Name: Tim
Where From: TX
Age: 29
Married: Never have been but working on it.
Addiction Details: 2001-11/26/2011 All types but primarily Copenhagen Long Cut. Anywhere from a can a day to a can a week just depending.

Username: leeron
first name: Ron
Where from: Baytown, TX originally but Navy transplant to Norfolk/VA BCH Virginia
Age: 44
Married: Yes (to a woman, just sayin), also have one 9 year old daughter
Addiction Details: I've been using since I was 15 or 16, so that's a good 28 or 29 years. Skoal (original fine cut, skoal brother) got me started but I've made my rounds...levi garret, red man, cope, red seal, most recently I was using Longhorn Wintergreen Longcut. Hey if you guys havn't yet be sure to read the Jenny and Tom Kern story, use the link on the roll call post. Once your there also look at the guest book and READ Mackenzie's Messages to here father. If you have kids this will have an impact.

Username: Expletive Yes
Name: Richard
Where: TX
Married: Yes with a 1 year old boy
Addiction Details: Working on Day 1. I'm ready for the fight.
Because all of the guys on my baseball team did I started chewing Levi Garrett when I was 18, quit and picked up Copenhangen at 20. 3-4 cans per week, plus general swedish snus for times when a bulge in the lip would get me in trouble.

Username: mhegerle
Name: Micah
Where: Minnesota
Married: no
Addiction Details: Dipping for a yea. Tried quitting multiple times. Started a quit group a few months back and didn't stay quit. I was up to a tin a day and I want to stick with it this time.

Username: macdaddy1300
Name: jamie
Age: 41
Where: Kansas
Married: yes
Addiction Details: started chewing when i was 15, thought it was cool,quit for a
year when I was 20 but started up again and been chewing a can a day every since.

Username: ktb1764
Name: Rob
Age: 50
Where: TX
Married: Yes, with a 16 year old girl and a 13 year old boy
Addiction Details: Started dipping at 15 in little league. Switched to cigarettes in college and kept smoking until I ws 30. Went back to the can, but over the last 10 years, been dipping and smoking. 4 cans/week of Cope and 1/2 pack/day Marlboro Reds. The bitch has had me by the balls for a long time.

Username: apull1
Name: Aric
Where: MI
Married: Yes with our first child on the way.
Addiction Details:Last 5 years dippin' grizz wintergreen. before that started smoking at 18 to 30. I have been a slave for so long I need freedom.

Username: ScooterScum
First Name: Curt
Where From: TX
Age: 46
Married: Yes
Addiction Details: 30+ years, 2-3 cans of Copenhagen a day! Thought I was cool like Walt Garrison when I started!

Username: Skeeder99
Name: Chad
Where: MI
Married: Yes, with first child on the way
Addiction Details:
Started chewing when I was 13 because my older brother and his friends chewed. All my friends chewed as well, so it was always easy to get. I'd been chewing Skoal Straight at just over a can a day since I was 16. I've tried quitting one time before, and made it to a month. So I thought I was in the clear and could have just one dip, no big deal....3 days later I was back to my old ways. I havent tried quitting in over ten years, so I'm glad I found this website to help me along the way.

Username: Paulregali
Name: Paul
Where: Oregon
Married: Yes, with 4 daughters
Addiction Details: Dipped since the 7th grade. First chew was a mistake, i was off and running. My chewing has always gone up and down, sometimes a lot other times very little but always daily, but NO MORE.

Username: LiveSimple02
Name: Steve
Age: 21
Where: WI, but stationed in San Diego for the Marine Corps
Married: No
Addiction Details: I started dipping when I was a junior in high school so its only been 5 years for me but that is 5 years too long. Shortly after I started dipping I also began smoking because everybody I worked with did. Over those 5 years I've gone through times where I either smoked or dipped, but most of the time I did both. I never hesitated to go out and smoke and when I got inside to throw in a dip. I've been wanting to quit for a while but given my circumstances, I never could really get myself to commit to it. Being in the Marine Corps has not helped me at all with the tobacco use and for 7 months in Afghanistan, the only time I wasn't using was when I was sleeping or at the gym. Now is my time to quite though.

Username: Cowboy1142
Name: Bryan
Age: 38
Where: Utah
Married: Yes wit 4 kids
Addiction Details: Started chewing when I was 10 thought that all good cowboys did all my hero's
did it so why not me. I've been using 2 cans of Copenhagen a day since. It is time to stop now I don't want to be controlled by a can of chew anymore

Username: MRWILLIA
Name: MARK
Age: 31
Where: TX
Married: YES
Addiction Details: I have been dipping for 13 years and I am ready to get rid of my addiction.

Username: boneil396
Name: Brendan
Age: 30
Where: Atlanta
Married: No
Addiction Details: Started dipping here and there when I was 15 or so. Increased to a can a day when I was about 17 and continued until 2 weeks ago. Kodiak wintergreen was my dip of choice. I'm happy to be here.

Username: Erdnase
Name: Chad
Age: 36
Where: MT
Married: Yes
Addiction Details- 20 years, 1st day of quite Oct 3-went 62 days and caved, Back at it with these March Maniacs.

Username: Lochi21
Name: Chris
Age: 42
Where: Wisconsin
Married: Yes with an 8 yr old son.
Addiction Details: Tin a day of Kodiak followed by Grizzly for 20+ years. Former HOFer on this site. Caved multiple times. On FINAL quit. I need this place like I need oxygen.

Username: zachh1020
Name: Zach
Age: 21
Where: Southern Indiana
Married: No
Addiction Details: I don't really remember why I started. I started when I was 18 (4 years). It started with Camel Snus then eventually I switched to Skoal Wintergreen. I was never a really heavy chewer. Two cans a week maybe. Back in April when I purchased a restaurant, It got a lot worse. My worst was almost 3 cans a day! I ALWAYS had a dip in. I guess I found it was a stress reliever. I'm down to about 1-2 cans a day, but today, that all stops.

Username: thunderdanb
Name: Dan
Age: 28
Where: Arizona
Married: Yep, 6 years
Addiction Details: Nicotine for over 7 years. Started smoking when I started work at an ambulance company, because everyone either smoked or chewed, and being the dumb FNG I wanted to fit in. After about a year, my buddy introduced to skoal - believe it or not I switched to smokeless because I thought it was less disgusting... didn't have to worry about my clothes or car smelling, and it was much easier to hide from the lady (wish I could have seen the horrible precedent that would set). Been trying to quit on and off for years. Have stopped for 2 months a couple of times, but always slipped back. Most recently I visited "", and tried their nicotine lozenge program... But what I've read around here is true, if you're using any nicotine you are just prolonging the agony. Done with that crap and ready to get any and all nicotine out of my system for good.

Username: hsumatt2117
Name: Matt
Age: 28
Where: Texas
Married: Yes, with a 2 year old son and a baby girl on the way.
Addiction Details: Mostly grizzly but been hooked on nic ever since I started coaching and saw the other guys doing it. Seemed cool at the time but now im sick of having it in my mouth. Im ready to break this crap and something that has a hold of me.

Username: saintjohnsloop
First Name: Dan
Where From: Alexandria, VA
Age: 29
Married: Yes with 3 awesome kids
Addiction Details: 15 years, 2-4 cans of Copenhagen Snuff a week. I'm a caver retread on this site and I am committed to remembering my promise and my bond to the people above and below me on this list.

Username: PMac
First Name: Paul
Where From: Alpharetta, GA
Age: 41
Married: Yes with 3 boys aged 9, 6, and 4.
Addiction Details: 25-26 years. Last 10 or so between 1.5 and 3 cans per day. Primarily Skoal Long Cut Mint. Few cans of Copenhagen Black every week or two. Today (December 19th) is Day 1. Suck it Nic Bitch!

Username: Mlknight66
First Name: Mike
Where From: Georgia
Age: 45
Married: Yes with 19 year old daughter.
Addition Details: Started with Skoal Wintergreen when I was 13 years old, then switched to Copenhagen at around 16 years old. Dipped Kodiak in my 20s and 30s. Have been dipping Grizley Pouches for the last 5 years or so. I have tried to kick this nasty unhealthy habit numerous times in the past with little success. But this time I am serious and feel it is definately doable. Hope to see everyone in the group on the otherside of quit.

Username: ac1980vac
First Name: Andy
Where From: Guthrie, OK
Age: 31
Married: Divorced, no kids
Addiction Details: I have dipped since I was 14 years old, started out sneaking around, but has been about a half to a can a day habit since I was 18. I don't want to be a slave to a drug anymore and am tired of having nasty crap in my mouth. I woke up on December 7, 2011 and have not had any nicotine since then.

Username: JWhorton
Name: Jory
Age: 36 next month
Where: Fort Knox
Married: Yes with 3 Sons
Addiction Details: 24 years, yes since I was 12. I have lied time and time again to my kids about when I would quit. After this deployment. I am now in command, stress of moving the family from post to post, my next birthday. FUCK THAT! My oldest boy is the age that I started using that shit. 1 Week today. Look forward to some long term friendships.

Username: RMayer32
Name: Rick
Age: 41 on 12/23
Where: Chicago Area
Married: Yes with 4 kids ages 21, 18, 17, 9
Addiction Details: 25 years of using this garbage. Started with a pinch of Happy Days as a kid and never stopped. At least until 7 days ago.

Username: Gunner26
Name: Lauren
Age: 39
Where: Vancouver, BC, Canada
Married: Yes
Addiction Details: Chewed Cop Snuff since I was 16, quit for a year when I was 33... Just had enough, I can see my gums disappearing...I don't want to get cancer and have no life...I have way to much to live for. Thanks for the support it has already been overwhelming. Trigger this Tonto


Username: 30yrAddict
First Name: Dale
Where From: NY
Age: 44
Married: yes- 4 children 24, 20, 17, 14
Addiction Details: 33yrs, can a day- Skoal LC Green, Grizzly Green, and Cigars. Started in little league.

Username: Cornholio
First Name: Mike
Where: Ohio
Married, two boys. 9 and 12.
Addiction Details. Started smoking as a habit in 8th grade ('81). Picked up Dip as a dumb ass approach to quit smoking in '02. Kodiak to Grizzly. Quickly turned into can a day. I "quit" before several times. Once I made a year. I know what I'm facing and I fear failure. I've been feeding the nic bitch for 30yrs. It's time for the fat ass whore to die. WE CAN DO THIS, ONE DAY AT A TIME.

Username: ScooterScum
First Name: Curt
Where From: TX
Age: 46
Married: Yes
Addiction Details: 30+ years, 2-3 cans of Copenhagen a day! Thought I was cool like Walt Garrison when I started!

Username: Tazmed (Taz)
Name: C.J.
Age: 44
Where: Southern Oregon
Married: Yep, along with 9 kids the last time I counted.
Addiction Details: First dip of Copenhagen at 6 years old (from Granddad), started chewing regularly at 10 playing baseball. 34 years later, on June 22, 2011, I tasted freedom for the first time.

Username: Show
Name: Terry
Age: 42
Where: Minneapolis
Married: Twice.....the second time is fantastic. Got a couple of kids too.
Addiction Details: Started chewing in 1984. Quit chewing on my daughters birthday in 2009 with the help of my brother (PbKid) and my cohort in March 2010 - feel free to join us.

Username: Souliman
Name: Chris
Age: 38
Where: Rhodey
Married: Yes + 2
Addiction Details: ~24 years of tin a day Copenhagen. Free for just over a year. Fighting daily.

Username: AgLawyer
Name: Paul
Age: 4-0
Where: Boerne
Married: Yes
Addiction Details: 21 years of can a day. 139 days of freedom.

Username: csb20
Name: Cameron
Where From: Dallas, TX
Age: 20
Married: nope
Addiction Details: Started with copenhagen long cut 5 years ago and have had about a can a day since the addiction took hold. Playing baseball year-around and being in a fraternity at Texas AM (Fightin Texas Aggie Class of 2014) has made it harder than ever to quit. I've done some very regrettable things to feed this addiction. Like every one of yall, I'm ready to take control and kick it forever
Quit date ; 12/25/2011
Stay Quit!!!

Offline csb20

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  • Interests: Jesus Christ, good music, good movies, good beer, Fightin Texas Aggies (class of 2014)
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Re: March 2012 Introduction thread
« Reply #46 on: December 28, 2011, 03:19:00 AM »
Ok March, time to learn a bit about each other...after all we are now quit brothers.. Post like Roll Call:
March 2012 Quitters:

Username: Smokewagon47
First Name: Jim
Where From: N. California
Age: 33
Married: Yes with 6 year old daughter.
Addition Details: 11 years of a can a day. Started with Skoal Mint then used Copenhagen Wintergreen since its release. Started because I wanted to be a real man like my friends. I am a complete addict so it did not take long to get hooked on the crap. Have tried quitting many times. This time will be my last.

Username: Wadeperk
first name: Wade
Where from: OR
Age: 28
Married: Nope
Addiction Details: 12 years of a can a day. Started with Skoal and Rooster then went to Copenhagen Long Cut for the last 9 years or so. Started because my friends were doing it, hunting and fishing and baseball and all that. I'm loving quitting with you guys, keep up the good work and good communication, we can all do this.

Username: CoachT
First Name: Tim
Where From: TX
Age: 29
Married: Never have been but working on it.
Addiction Details: 2001-11/26/2011 All types but primarily Copenhagen Long Cut. Anywhere from a can a day to a can a week just depending.

Username: leeron
first name: Ron
Where from: Baytown, TX originally but Navy transplant to Norfolk/VA BCH Virginia
Age: 44
Married: Yes (to a woman, just sayin), also have one 9 year old daughter
Addiction Details: I've been using since I was 15 or 16, so that's a good 28 or 29 years. Skoal (original fine cut, skoal brother) got me started but I've made my rounds...levi garret, red man, cope, red seal, most recently I was using Longhorn Wintergreen Longcut. Hey if you guys havn't yet be sure to read the Jenny and Tom Kern story, use the link on the roll call post. Once your there also look at the guest book and READ Mackenzie's Messages to here father. If you have kids this will have an impact.

Username: Expletive Yes
Name: Richard
Where: TX
Married: Yes with a 1 year old boy
Addiction Details: Working on Day 1. I'm ready for the fight.
Because all of the guys on my baseball team did I started chewing Levi Garrett when I was 18, quit and picked up Copenhangen at 20. 3-4 cans per week, plus general swedish snus for times when a bulge in the lip would get me in trouble.

Username: mhegerle
Name: Micah
Where: Minnesota
Married: no
Addiction Details: Dipping for a yea. Tried quitting multiple times. Started a quit group a few months back and didn't stay quit. I was up to a tin a day and I want to stick with it this time.

Username: macdaddy1300
Name: jamie
Age: 41
Where: Kansas
Married: yes
Addiction Details: started chewing when i was 15, thought it was cool,quit for a
year when I was 20 but started up again and been chewing a can a day every since.

Username: ktb1764
Name: Rob
Age: 50
Where: TX
Married: Yes, with a 16 year old girl and a 13 year old boy
Addiction Details: Started dipping at 15 in little league. Switched to cigarettes in college and kept smoking until I ws 30. Went back to the can, but over the last 10 years, been dipping and smoking. 4 cans/week of Cope and 1/2 pack/day Marlboro Reds. The bitch has had me by the balls for a long time.

Username: apull1
Name: Aric
Where: MI
Married: Yes with our first child on the way.
Addiction Details:Last 5 years dippin' grizz wintergreen. before that started smoking at 18 to 30. I have been a slave for so long I need freedom.

Username: ScooterScum
First Name: Curt
Where From: TX
Age: 46
Married: Yes
Addiction Details: 30+ years, 2-3 cans of Copenhagen a day! Thought I was cool like Walt Garrison when I started!

Username: Skeeder99
Name: Chad
Where: MI
Married: Yes, with first child on the way
Addiction Details:
Started chewing when I was 13 because my older brother and his friends chewed. All my friends chewed as well, so it was always easy to get. I'd been chewing Skoal Straight at just over a can a day since I was 16. I've tried quitting one time before, and made it to a month. So I thought I was in the clear and could have just one dip, no big deal....3 days later I was back to my old ways. I havent tried quitting in over ten years, so I'm glad I found this website to help me along the way.

Username: Paulregali
Name: Paul
Where: Oregon
Married: Yes, with 4 daughters
Addiction Details: Dipped since the 7th grade. First chew was a mistake, i was off and running. My chewing has always gone up and down, sometimes a lot other times very little but always daily, but NO MORE.

Username: LiveSimple02
Name: Steve
Age: 21
Where: WI, but stationed in San Diego for the Marine Corps
Married: No
Addiction Details: I started dipping when I was a junior in high school so its only been 5 years for me but that is 5 years too long. Shortly after I started dipping I also began smoking because everybody I worked with did. Over those 5 years I've gone through times where I either smoked or dipped, but most of the time I did both. I never hesitated to go out and smoke and when I got inside to throw in a dip. I've been wanting to quit for a while but given my circumstances, I never could really get myself to commit to it. Being in the Marine Corps has not helped me at all with the tobacco use and for 7 months in Afghanistan, the only time I wasn't using was when I was sleeping or at the gym. Now is my time to quite though.

Username: Cowboy1142
Name: Bryan
Age: 38
Where: Utah
Married: Yes wit 4 kids
Addiction Details: Started chewing when I was 10 thought that all good cowboys did all my hero's
did it so why not me. I've been using 2 cans of Copenhagen a day since. It is time to stop now I don't want to be controlled by a can of chew anymore

Username: MRWILLIA
Name: MARK
Age: 31
Where: TX
Married: YES
Addiction Details: I have been dipping for 13 years and I am ready to get rid of my addiction.

Username: boneil396
Name: Brendan
Age: 30
Where: Atlanta
Married: No
Addiction Details: Started dipping here and there when I was 15 or so. Increased to a can a day when I was about 17 and continued until 2 weeks ago. Kodiak wintergreen was my dip of choice. I'm happy to be here.

Username: Erdnase
Name: Chad
Age: 36
Where: MT
Married: Yes
Addiction Details- 20 years, 1st day of quite Oct 3-went 62 days and caved, Back at it with these March Maniacs.

Username: Lochi21
Name: Chris
Age: 42
Where: Wisconsin
Married: Yes with an 8 yr old son.
Addiction Details: Tin a day of Kodiak followed by Grizzly for 20+ years. Former HOFer on this site. Caved multiple times. On FINAL quit. I need this place like I need oxygen.

Username: zachh1020
Name: Zach
Age: 21
Where: Southern Indiana
Married: No
Addiction Details: I don't really remember why I started. I started when I was 18 (4 years). It started with Camel Snus then eventually I switched to Skoal Wintergreen. I was never a really heavy chewer. Two cans a week maybe. Back in April when I purchased a restaurant, It got a lot worse. My worst was almost 3 cans a day! I ALWAYS had a dip in. I guess I found it was a stress reliever. I'm down to about 1-2 cans a day, but today, that all stops.

Username: thunderdanb
Name: Dan
Age: 28
Where: Arizona
Married: Yep, 6 years
Addiction Details: Nicotine for over 7 years. Started smoking when I started work at an ambulance company, because everyone either smoked or chewed, and being the dumb FNG I wanted to fit in. After about a year, my buddy introduced to skoal - believe it or not I switched to smokeless because I thought it was less disgusting... didn't have to worry about my clothes or car smelling, and it was much easier to hide from the lady (wish I could have seen the horrible precedent that would set). Been trying to quit on and off for years. Have stopped for 2 months a couple of times, but always slipped back. Most recently I visited "", and tried their nicotine lozenge program... But what I've read around here is true, if you're using any nicotine you are just prolonging the agony. Done with that crap and ready to get any and all nicotine out of my system for good.

Username: hsumatt2117
Name: Matt
Age: 28
Where: Texas
Married: Yes, with a 2 year old son and a baby girl on the way.
Addiction Details: Mostly grizzly but been hooked on nic ever since I started coaching and saw the other guys doing it. Seemed cool at the time but now im sick of having it in my mouth. Im ready to break this crap and something that has a hold of me.

Username: saintjohnsloop
First Name: Dan
Where From: Alexandria, VA
Age: 29
Married: Yes with 3 awesome kids
Addiction Details: 15 years, 2-4 cans of Copenhagen Snuff a week. I'm a caver retread on this site and I am committed to remembering my promise and my bond to the people above and below me on this list.

Username: PMac
First Name: Paul
Where From: Alpharetta, GA
Age: 41
Married: Yes with 3 boys aged 9, 6, and 4.
Addiction Details: 25-26 years. Last 10 or so between 1.5 and 3 cans per day. Primarily Skoal Long Cut Mint. Few cans of Copenhagen Black every week or two. Today (December 19th) is Day 1. Suck it Nic Bitch!

Username: ac1980vac
First Name: Andy
Where From: Guthrie, OK
Age: 31
Married: Divorced, no kids
Addiction Details: I have dipped since I was 14 years old, started out sneaking around, but has been about a half to a can a day habit since I was 18. I don't want to be a slave to a drug anymore and am tired of having nasty crap in my mouth. I woke up on December 7, 2011 and have not had any nicotine since then.

Username: JWhorton
Name: Jory
Age: 36 next month
Where: Fort Knox
Married: Yes with 3 Sons
Addiction Details: 24 years, yes since I was 12. I have lied time and time again to my kids about when I would quit. After this deployment. I am now in command, stress of moving the family from post to post, my next birthday. FUCK THAT! My oldest boy is the age that I started using that shit. 1 Week today. Look forward to some long term friendships.

Username: RMayer32
Name: Rick
Age: 41 on 12/23
Where: Chicago Area
Married: Yes with 4 kids ages 21, 18, 17, 9
Addiction Details: 25 years of using this garbage. Started with a pinch of Happy Days as a kid and never stopped. At least until 7 days ago.

Username: Gunner26
Name: Lauren
Age: 39
Where: Vancouver, BC, Canada
Married: Yes
Addiction Details: Chewed Cop Snuff since I was 16, quit for a year when I was 33... Just had enough, I can see my gums disappearing...I don't want to get cancer and have no life...I have way to much to live for. Thanks for the support it has already been overwhelming. Trigger this Tonto


Username: 30yrAddict
First Name: Dale
Where From: NY
Age: 44
Married: yes- 4 children 24, 20, 17, 14
Addiction Details: 33yrs, can a day- Skoal LC Green, Grizzly Green, and Cigars. Started in little league.

Username: Cornholio
First Name: Mike
Where: Ohio
Married, two boys. 9 and 12.
Addiction Details. Started smoking as a habit in 8th grade ('81). Picked up Dip as a dumb ass approach to quit smoking in '02. Kodiak to Grizzly. Quickly turned into can a day. I "quit" before several times. Once I made a year. I know what I'm facing and I fear failure. I've been feeding the nic bitch for 30yrs. It's time for the fat ass whore to die. WE CAN DO THIS, ONE DAY AT A TIME.

Username: ScooterScum
First Name: Curt
Where From: TX
Age: 46
Married: Yes
Addiction Details: 30+ years, 2-3 cans of Copenhagen a day! Thought I was cool like Walt Garrison when I started!

Username: Tazmed (Taz)
Name: C.J.
Age: 44
Where: Southern Oregon
Married: Yep, along with 9 kids the last time I counted.
Addiction Details: First dip of Copenhagen at 6 years old (from Granddad), started chewing regularly at 10 playing baseball. 34 years later, on June 22, 2011, I tasted freedom for the first time.

Username: Show
Name: Terry
Age: 42
Where: Minneapolis
Married: Twice.....the second time is fantastic. Got a couple of kids too.
Addiction Details: Started chewing in 1984. Quit chewing on my daughters birthday in 2009 with the help of my brother (PbKid) and my cohort in March 2010 - feel free to join us.

Username: Souliman
Name: Chris
Age: 38
Where: Rhodey
Married: Yes + 2
Addiction Details: ~24 years of tin a day Copenhagen. Free for just over a year. Fighting daily.

Username: AgLawyer
Name: Paul
Age: 4-0
Where: Boerne
Married: Yes
Addiction Details: 21 years of can a day. 139 days of freedom.

Username: Mlknight66
First Name: Mike
Where From: Georgia
Age: 45
Married: Yes with 19 year old daughter.
Addition Details: Started with Skoal Wintergreen when I was 13 years old, then switched to Copenhagen at around 16 years old. Dipped Kodiak in my 20s and 30s. Have been dipping Grizley Pouches for the last 5 years or so. I have tried to kick this nasty unhealthy habit numerous times in the past with little success. But this time I am serious and feel it is definately doable. Hope to see everyone in the group on the otherside of quit.

Username: csb20
Name: Cameron
Where From: Dallas, TX
Age: 20
Married: nope
Addiction Details: Started with copenhagen long cut 5 years ago and have had about a can a day since the addiction took hold. Playing baseball year-around and being in a fraternity at Texas AM (Fightin Texas Aggie Class of 2014) has made it harder than ever to quit. I've done some very regrettable things to feed this addiction. Like every one of yall, I'm ready to take control and kick it forever

Offline Souliman

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  • Interests: Swim Bike Run - Shooting - Chasing my boys around.
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Re: March 2012 Introduction thread
« Reply #45 on: December 25, 2011, 08:52:00 AM »
Ok March, time to learn a bit about each other...after all we are now quit brothers.. Post like Roll Call:
March 2012 Quitters:

Username: Smokewagon47
First Name: Jim
Where From: N. California
Age: 33
Married: Yes with 6 year old daughter.
Addition Details: 11 years of a can a day. Started with Skoal Mint then used Copenhagen Wintergreen since its release. Started because I wanted to be a real man like my friends. I am a complete addict so it did not take long to get hooked on the crap. Have tried quitting many times. This time will be my last.

Username: Wadeperk
first name: Wade
Where from: OR
Age: 28
Married: Nope
Addiction Details: 12 years of a can a day. Started with Skoal and Rooster then went to Copenhagen Long Cut for the last 9 years or so. Started because my friends were doing it, hunting and fishing and baseball and all that. I'm loving quitting with you guys, keep up the good work and good communication, we can all do this.

Username: CoachT
First Name: Tim
Where From: TX
Age: 29
Married: Never have been but working on it.
Addiction Details: 2001-11/26/2011 All types but primarily Copenhagen Long Cut. Anywhere from a can a day to a can a week just depending.

Username: leeron
first name: Ron
Where from: Baytown, TX originally but Navy transplant to Norfolk/VA BCH Virginia
Age: 44
Married: Yes (to a woman, just sayin), also have one 9 year old daughter
Addiction Details: I've been using since I was 15 or 16, so that's a good 28 or 29 years. Skoal (original fine cut, skoal brother) got me started but I've made my rounds...levi garret, red man, cope, red seal, most recently I was using Longhorn Wintergreen Longcut. Hey if you guys havn't yet be sure to read the Jenny and Tom Kern story, use the link on the roll call post. Once your there also look at the guest book and READ Mackenzie's Messages to here father. If you have kids this will have an impact.

Username: Expletive Yes
Name: Richard
Where: TX
Married: Yes with a 1 year old boy
Addiction Details: Working on Day 1. I'm ready for the fight.
Because all of the guys on my baseball team did I started chewing Levi Garrett when I was 18, quit and picked up Copenhangen at 20. 3-4 cans per week, plus general swedish snus for times when a bulge in the lip would get me in trouble.

Username: mhegerle
Name: Micah
Where: Minnesota
Married: no
Addiction Details: Dipping for a yea. Tried quitting multiple times. Started a quit group a few months back and didn't stay quit. I was up to a tin a day and I want to stick with it this time.

Username: macdaddy1300
Name: jamie
Age: 41
Where: Kansas
Married: yes
Addiction Details: started chewing when i was 15, thought it was cool,quit for a
year when I was 20 but started up again and been chewing a can a day every since.

Username: ktb1764
Name: Rob
Age: 50
Where: TX
Married: Yes, with a 16 year old girl and a 13 year old boy
Addiction Details: Started dipping at 15 in little league. Switched to cigarettes in college and kept smoking until I ws 30. Went back to the can, but over the last 10 years, been dipping and smoking. 4 cans/week of Cope and 1/2 pack/day Marlboro Reds. The bitch has had me by the balls for a long time.

Username: apull1
Name: Aric
Where: MI
Married: Yes with our first child on the way.
Addiction Details:Last 5 years dippin' grizz wintergreen. before that started smoking at 18 to 30. I have been a slave for so long I need freedom.

Username: ScooterScum
First Name: Curt
Where From: TX
Age: 46
Married: Yes
Addiction Details: 30+ years, 2-3 cans of Copenhagen a day! Thought I was cool like Walt Garrison when I started!

Username: Skeeder99
Name: Chad
Where: MI
Married: Yes, with first child on the way
Addiction Details:
Started chewing when I was 13 because my older brother and his friends chewed. All my friends chewed as well, so it was always easy to get. I'd been chewing Skoal Straight at just over a can a day since I was 16. I've tried quitting one time before, and made it to a month. So I thought I was in the clear and could have just one dip, no big deal....3 days later I was back to my old ways. I havent tried quitting in over ten years, so I'm glad I found this website to help me along the way.

Username: Paulregali
Name: Paul
Where: Oregon
Married: Yes, with 4 daughters
Addiction Details: Dipped since the 7th grade. First chew was a mistake, i was off and running. My chewing has always gone up and down, sometimes a lot other times very little but always daily, but NO MORE.

Username: LiveSimple02
Name: Steve
Age: 21
Where: WI, but stationed in San Diego for the Marine Corps
Married: No
Addiction Details: I started dipping when I was a junior in high school so its only been 5 years for me but that is 5 years too long. Shortly after I started dipping I also began smoking because everybody I worked with did. Over those 5 years I've gone through times where I either smoked or dipped, but most of the time I did both. I never hesitated to go out and smoke and when I got inside to throw in a dip. I've been wanting to quit for a while but given my circumstances, I never could really get myself to commit to it. Being in the Marine Corps has not helped me at all with the tobacco use and for 7 months in Afghanistan, the only time I wasn't using was when I was sleeping or at the gym. Now is my time to quite though.

Username: Cowboy1142
Name: Bryan
Age: 38
Where: Utah
Married: Yes wit 4 kids
Addiction Details: Started chewing when I was 10 thought that all good cowboys did all my hero's
did it so why not me. I've been using 2 cans of Copenhagen a day since. It is time to stop now I don't want to be controlled by a can of chew anymore

Username: MRWILLIA
Name: MARK
Age: 31
Where: TX
Married: YES
Addiction Details: I have been dipping for 13 years and I am ready to get rid of my addiction.

Username: boneil396
Name: Brendan
Age: 30
Where: Atlanta
Married: No
Addiction Details: Started dipping here and there when I was 15 or so. Increased to a can a day when I was about 17 and continued until 2 weeks ago. Kodiak wintergreen was my dip of choice. I'm happy to be here.

Username: Erdnase
Name: Chad
Age: 36
Where: MT
Married: Yes
Addiction Details- 20 years, 1st day of quite Oct 3-went 62 days and caved, Back at it with these March Maniacs.

Username: Lochi21
Name: Chris
Age: 42
Where: Wisconsin
Married: Yes with an 8 yr old son.
Addiction Details: Tin a day of Kodiak followed by Grizzly for 20+ years. Former HOFer on this site. Caved multiple times. On FINAL quit. I need this place like I need oxygen.

Username: zachh1020
Name: Zach
Age: 21
Where: Southern Indiana
Married: No
Addiction Details: I don't really remember why I started. I started when I was 18 (4 years). It started with Camel Snus then eventually I switched to Skoal Wintergreen. I was never a really heavy chewer. Two cans a week maybe. Back in April when I purchased a restaurant, It got a lot worse. My worst was almost 3 cans a day! I ALWAYS had a dip in. I guess I found it was a stress reliever. I'm down to about 1-2 cans a day, but today, that all stops.

Username: thunderdanb
Name: Dan
Age: 28
Where: Arizona
Married: Yep, 6 years
Addiction Details: Nicotine for over 7 years. Started smoking when I started work at an ambulance company, because everyone either smoked or chewed, and being the dumb FNG I wanted to fit in. After about a year, my buddy introduced to skoal - believe it or not I switched to smokeless because I thought it was less disgusting... didn't have to worry about my clothes or car smelling, and it was much easier to hide from the lady (wish I could have seen the horrible precedent that would set). Been trying to quit on and off for years. Have stopped for 2 months a couple of times, but always slipped back. Most recently I visited "", and tried their nicotine lozenge program... But what I've read around here is true, if you're using any nicotine you are just prolonging the agony. Done with that crap and ready to get any and all nicotine out of my system for good.

Username: hsumatt2117
Name: Matt
Age: 28
Where: Texas
Married: Yes, with a 2 year old son and a baby girl on the way.
Addiction Details: Mostly grizzly but been hooked on nic ever since I started coaching and saw the other guys doing it. Seemed cool at the time but now im sick of having it in my mouth. Im ready to break this crap and something that has a hold of me.

Username: saintjohnsloop
First Name: Dan
Where From: Alexandria, VA
Age: 29
Married: Yes with 3 awesome kids
Addiction Details: 15 years, 2-4 cans of Copenhagen Snuff a week. I'm a caver retread on this site and I am committed to remembering my promise and my bond to the people above and below me on this list.

Username: PMac
First Name: Paul
Where From: Alpharetta, GA
Age: 41
Married: Yes with 3 boys aged 9, 6, and 4.
Addiction Details: 25-26 years. Last 10 or so between 1.5 and 3 cans per day. Primarily Skoal Long Cut Mint. Few cans of Copenhagen Black every week or two. Today (December 19th) is Day 1. Suck it Nic Bitch!

Username: ac1980vac
First Name: Andy
Where From: Guthrie, OK
Age: 31
Married: Divorced, no kids
Addiction Details: I have dipped since I was 14 years old, started out sneaking around, but has been about a half to a can a day habit since I was 18. I don't want to be a slave to a drug anymore and am tired of having nasty crap in my mouth. I woke up on December 7, 2011 and have not had any nicotine since then.

Username: JWhorton
Name: Jory
Age: 36 next month
Where: Fort Knox
Married: Yes with 3 Sons
Addiction Details: 24 years, yes since I was 12. I have lied time and time again to my kids about when I would quit. After this deployment. I am now in command, stress of moving the family from post to post, my next birthday. FUCK THAT! My oldest boy is the age that I started using that shit. 1 Week today. Look forward to some long term friendships.

Username: RMayer32
Name: Rick
Age: 41 on 12/23
Where: Chicago Area
Married: Yes with 4 kids ages 21, 18, 17, 9
Addiction Details: 25 years of using this garbage. Started with a pinch of Happy Days as a kid and never stopped. At least until 7 days ago.

Username: Gunner26
Name: Lauren
Age: 39
Where: Vancouver, BC, Canada
Married: Yes
Addiction Details: Chewed Cop Snuff since I was 16, quit for a year when I was 33... Just had enough, I can see my gums disappearing...I don't want to get cancer and have no life...I have way to much to live for. Thanks for the support it has already been overwhelming. Trigger this Tonto


Username: 30yrAddict
First Name: Dale
Where From: NY
Age: 44
Married: yes- 4 children 24, 20, 17, 14
Addiction Details: 33yrs, can a day- Skoal LC Green, Grizzly Green, and Cigars. Started in little league.

Username: Cornholio
First Name: Mike
Where: Ohio
Married, two boys. 9 and 12.
Addiction Details. Started smoking as a habit in 8th grade ('81). Picked up Dip as a dumb ass approach to quit smoking in '02. Kodiak to Grizzly. Quickly turned into can a day. I "quit" before several times. Once I made a year. I know what I'm facing and I fear failure. I've been feeding the nic bitch for 30yrs. It's time for the fat ass whore to die. WE CAN DO THIS, ONE DAY AT A TIME.

Username: ScooterScum
First Name: Curt
Where From: TX
Age: 46
Married: Yes
Addiction Details: 30+ years, 2-3 cans of Copenhagen a day! Thought I was cool like Walt Garrison when I started!

Username: Tazmed (Taz)
Name: C.J.
Age: 44
Where: Southern Oregon
Married: Yep, along with 9 kids the last time I counted.
Addiction Details: First dip of Copenhagen at 6 years old (from Granddad), started chewing regularly at 10 playing baseball. 34 years later, on June 22, 2011, I tasted freedom for the first time.

Username: Show
Name: Terry
Age: 42
Where: Minneapolis
Married: Twice.....the second time is fantastic. Got a couple of kids too.
Addiction Details: Started chewing in 1984. Quit chewing on my daughters birthday in 2009 with the help of my brother (PbKid) and my cohort in March 2010 - feel free to join us.

Username: Souliman
Name: Chris
Age: 38
Where: Rhodey
Married: Yes + 2
Addiction Details: ~24 years of tin a day Copenhagen. Free for just over a year. Fighting daily.

Username: AgLawyer
Name: Paul
Age: 4-0
Where: Boerne
Married: Yes
Addiction Details: 21 years of can a day. 139 days of freedom.

Username: Mlknight66
First Name: Mike
Where From: Georgia
Age: 45
Married: Yes with 19 year old daughter.
Addition Details: Started with Skoal Wintergreen when I was 13 years old, then switched to Copenhagen at around 16 years old. Dipped Kodiak in my 20s and 30s. Have been dipping Grizley Pouches for the last 5 years or so. I have tried to kick this nasty unhealthy habit numerous times in the past with little success. But this time I am serious and feel it is definately doable. Hope to see everyone in the group on the otherside of quit.

Offline mlknight66

  • Quitter
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  • Posts: 65
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Re: March 2012 Introduction thread
« Reply #44 on: December 25, 2011, 08:49:00 AM »
Quote from: Gunner26
Ok March, time to learn a bit about each other...after all we are now quit brothers.. Post like Roll Call:
March 2012 Quitters:

Username: Smokewagon47
First Name: Jim
Where From: N. California
Age: 33
Married: Yes with 6 year old daughter.
Addition Details: 11 years of a can a day. Started with Skoal Mint then used Copenhagen Wintergreen since its release. Started because I wanted to be a real man like my friends. I am a complete addict so it did not take long to get hooked on the crap. Have tried quitting many times. This time will be my last.

Username: Wadeperk
first name: Wade
Where from: OR
Age: 28
Married: Nope
Addiction Details: 12 years of a can a day. Started with Skoal and Rooster then went to Copenhagen Long Cut for the last 9 years or so. Started because my friends were doing it, hunting and fishing and baseball and all that. I'm loving quitting with you guys, keep up the good work and good communication, we can all do this.

Username: CoachT
First Name: Tim
Where From: TX
Age: 29
Married: Never have been but working on it.
Addiction Details: 2001-11/26/2011 All types but primarily Copenhagen Long Cut. Anywhere from a can a day to a can a week just depending.

Username: leeron
first name: Ron
Where from: Baytown, TX originally but Navy transplant to Norfolk/VA BCH Virginia
Age: 44
Married: Yes (to a woman, just sayin), also have one 9 year old daughter
Addiction Details: I've been using since I was 15 or 16, so that's a good 28 or 29 years. Skoal (original fine cut, skoal brother) got me started but I've made my rounds...levi garret, red man, cope, red seal, most recently I was using Longhorn Wintergreen Longcut. Hey if you guys havn't yet be sure to read the Jenny and Tom Kern story, use the link on the roll call post. Once your there also look at the guest book and READ Mackenzie's Messages to here father. If you have kids this will have an impact.

Username: Expletive Yes
Name: Richard
Where: TX
Married: Yes with a 1 year old boy
Addiction Details: Working on Day 1. I'm ready for the fight.
Because all of the guys on my baseball team did I started chewing Levi Garrett when I was 18, quit and picked up Copenhangen at 20. 3-4 cans per week, plus general swedish snus for times when a bulge in the lip would get me in trouble.

Username: mhegerle
Name: Micah
Where: Minnesota
Married: no
Addiction Details: Dipping for a yea. Tried quitting multiple times. Started a quit group a few months back and didn't stay quit. I was up to a tin a day and I want to stick with it this time.

Username: macdaddy1300
Name: jamie
Age: 41
Where: Kansas
Married: yes
Addiction Details: started chewing when i was 15, thought it was cool,quit for a
year when I was 20 but started up again and been chewing a can a day every since.

Username: ktb1764
Name: Rob
Age: 50
Where: TX
Married: Yes, with a 16 year old girl and a 13 year old boy
Addiction Details: Started dipping at 15 in little league. Switched to cigarettes in college and kept smoking until I ws 30. Went back to the can, but over the last 10 years, been dipping and smoking. 4 cans/week of Cope and 1/2 pack/day Marlboro Reds. The bitch has had me by the balls for a long time.

Username: apull1
Name: Aric
Where: MI
Married: Yes with our first child on the way.
Addiction Details:Last 5 years dippin' grizz wintergreen. before that started smoking at 18 to 30. I have been a slave for so long I need freedom.

Username: ScooterScum
First Name: Curt
Where From: TX
Age: 46
Married: Yes
Addiction Details: 30+ years, 2-3 cans of Copenhagen a day! Thought I was cool like Walt Garrison when I started!

Username: Skeeder99
Name: Chad
Where: MI
Married: Yes, with first child on the way
Addiction Details:
Started chewing when I was 13 because my older brother and his friends chewed. All my friends chewed as well, so it was always easy to get. I'd been chewing Skoal Straight at just over a can a day since I was 16. I've tried quitting one time before, and made it to a month. So I thought I was in the clear and could have just one dip, no big deal....3 days later I was back to my old ways. I havent tried quitting in over ten years, so I'm glad I found this website to help me along the way.

Username: Paulregali
Name: Paul
Where: Oregon
Married: Yes, with 4 daughters
Addiction Details: Dipped since the 7th grade. First chew was a mistake, i was off and running. My chewing has always gone up and down, sometimes a lot other times very little but always daily, but NO MORE.

Username: LiveSimple02
Name: Steve
Age: 21
Where: WI, but stationed in San Diego for the Marine Corps
Married: No
Addiction Details: I started dipping when I was a junior in high school so its only been 5 years for me but that is 5 years too long. Shortly after I started dipping I also began smoking because everybody I worked with did. Over those 5 years I've gone through times where I either smoked or dipped, but most of the time I did both. I never hesitated to go out and smoke and when I got inside to throw in a dip. I've been wanting to quit for a while but given my circumstances, I never could really get myself to commit to it. Being in the Marine Corps has not helped me at all with the tobacco use and for 7 months in Afghanistan, the only time I wasn't using was when I was sleeping or at the gym. Now is my time to quite though.

Username: Cowboy1142
Name: Bryan
Age: 38
Where: Utah
Married: Yes wit 4 kids
Addiction Details: Started chewing when I was 10 thought that all good cowboys did all my hero's
did it so why not me. I've been using 2 cans of Copenhagen a day since. It is time to stop now I don't want to be controlled by a can of chew anymore

Username: MRWILLIA
Name: MARK
Age: 31
Where: TX
Married: YES
Addiction Details: I have been dipping for 13 years and I am ready to get rid of my addiction.

Username: boneil396
Name: Brendan
Age: 30
Where: Atlanta
Married: No
Addiction Details: Started dipping here and there when I was 15 or so. Increased to a can a day when I was about 17 and continued until 2 weeks ago. Kodiak wintergreen was my dip of choice. I'm happy to be here.

Username: Erdnase
Name: Chad
Age: 36
Where: MT
Married: Yes
Addiction Details- 20 years, 1st day of quite Oct 3-went 62 days and caved, Back at it with these March Maniacs.

Username: Lochi21
Name: Chris
Age: 42
Where: Wisconsin
Married: Yes with an 8 yr old son.
Addiction Details: Tin a day of Kodiak followed by Grizzly for 20+ years. Former HOFer on this site. Caved multiple times. On FINAL quit. I need this place like I need oxygen.

Username: zachh1020
Name: Zach
Age: 21
Where: Southern Indiana
Married: No
Addiction Details: I don't really remember why I started. I started when I was 18 (4 years). It started with Camel Snus then eventually I switched to Skoal Wintergreen. I was never a really heavy chewer. Two cans a week maybe. Back in April when I purchased a restaurant, It got a lot worse. My worst was almost 3 cans a day! I ALWAYS had a dip in. I guess I found it was a stress reliever. I'm down to about 1-2 cans a day, but today, that all stops.

Username: thunderdanb
Name: Dan
Age: 28
Where: Arizona
Married: Yep, 6 years
Addiction Details: Nicotine for over 7 years. Started smoking when I started work at an ambulance company, because everyone either smoked or chewed, and being the dumb FNG I wanted to fit in. After about a year, my buddy introduced to skoal - believe it or not I switched to smokeless because I thought it was less disgusting... didn't have to worry about my clothes or car smelling, and it was much easier to hide from the lady (wish I could have seen the horrible precedent that would set). Been trying to quit on and off for years. Have stopped for 2 months a couple of times, but always slipped back. Most recently I visited "", and tried their nicotine lozenge program... But what I've read around here is true, if you're using any nicotine you are just prolonging the agony. Done with that crap and ready to get any and all nicotine out of my system for good.

Username: hsumatt2117
Name: Matt
Age: 28
Where: Texas
Married: Yes, with a 2 year old son and a baby girl on the way.
Addiction Details: Mostly grizzly but been hooked on nic ever since I started coaching and saw the other guys doing it. Seemed cool at the time but now im sick of having it in my mouth. Im ready to break this crap and something that has a hold of me.

Username: saintjohnsloop
First Name: Dan
Where From: Alexandria, VA
Age: 29
Married: Yes with 3 awesome kids
Addiction Details: 15 years, 2-4 cans of Copenhagen Snuff a week. I'm a caver retread on this site and I am committed to remembering my promise and my bond to the people above and below me on this list.

Username: PMac
First Name: Paul
Where From: Alpharetta, GA
Age: 41
Married: Yes with 3 boys aged 9, 6, and 4.
Addiction Details: 25-26 years. Last 10 or so between 1.5 and 3 cans per day. Primarily Skoal Long Cut Mint. Few cans of Copenhagen Black every week or two. Today (December 19th) is Day 1. Suck it Nic Bitch!

Username: ac1980vac
First Name: Andy
Where From: Guthrie, OK
Age: 31
Married: Divorced, no kids
Addiction Details: I have dipped since I was 14 years old, started out sneaking around, but has been about a half to a can a day habit since I was 18. I don't want to be a slave to a drug anymore and am tired of having nasty crap in my mouth. I woke up on December 7, 2011 and have not had any nicotine since then.

Username: JWhorton
Name: Jory
Age: 36 next month
Where: Fort Knox
Married: Yes with 3 Sons
Addiction Details: 24 years, yes since I was 12. I have lied time and time again to my kids about when I would quit. After this deployment. I am now in command, stress of moving the family from post to post, my next birthday. FUCK THAT! My oldest boy is the age that I started using that shit. 1 Week today. Look forward to some long term friendships.

Username: RMayer32
Name: Rick
Age: 41 on 12/23
Where: Chicago Area
Married: Yes with 4 kids ages 21, 18, 17, 9
Addiction Details: 25 years of using this garbage. Started with a pinch of Happy Days as a kid and never stopped. At least until 7 days ago.

Username: Gunner26
Name: Lauren
Age: 39
Where: Vancouver, BC, Canada
Married: Yes
Addiction Details: Chewed Cop Snuff since I was 16, quit for a year when I was 33... Just had enough, I can see my gums disappearing...I don't want to get cancer and have no life...I have way to much to live for. Thanks for the support it has already been overwhelming. Trigger this Tonto


Username: 30yrAddict
First Name: Dale
Where From: NY
Age: 44
Married: yes- 4 children 24, 20, 17, 14
Addiction Details: 33yrs, can a day- Skoal LC Green, Grizzly Green, and Cigars. Started in little league.

Username: Cornholio
First Name: Mike
Where: Ohio
Married, two boys. 9 and 12.
Addiction Details. Started smoking as a habit in 8th grade ('81). Picked up Dip as a dumb ass approach to quit smoking in '02. Kodiak to Grizzly. Quickly turned into can a day. I "quit" before several times. Once I made a year. I know what I'm facing and I fear failure. I've been feeding the nic bitch for 30yrs. It's time for the fat ass whore to die. WE CAN DO THIS, ONE DAY AT A TIME.

Username: ScooterScum
First Name: Curt
Where From: TX
Age: 46
Married: Yes
Addiction Details: 30+ years, 2-3 cans of Copenhagen a day! Thought I was cool like Walt Garrison when I started!

Username: Tazmed (Taz)
Name: C.J.
Age: 44
Where: Southern Oregon
Married: Yep, along with 9 kids the last time I counted.
Addiction Details: First dip of Copenhagen at 6 years old (from Granddad), started chewing regularly at 10 playing baseball. 34 years later, on June 22, 2011, I tasted freedom for the first time.

Username: Show
Name: Terry
Age: 42
Where: Minneapolis
Married: Twice.....the second time is fantastic. Got a couple of kids too.
Addiction Details: Started chewing in 1984. Quit chewing on my daughters birthday in 2009 with the help of my brother (PbKid) and my cohort in March 2010 - feel free to join us.

Username: Souliman
Name: Chris
Age: 38
Where: Rhodey
Married: Yes + 2
Addiction Details: ~24 years of tin a day Copenhagen. Free for just over a year. Fighting daily.

Username: AgLawyer
Name: Paul
Age: 4-0
Where: Boerne
Married: Yes
Addiction Details: 21 years of can a day. 139 days of freedom.
Username: Mlknight66
First Name: Mike
Where From: Georgia
Age: 45
Married: Yes with 19 year old daughter.
Addition Details: Started with Skoal Wintergreen when I was 13 years old, then switched to Copenhagen at around 16 years old. Dipped Kodiak in my 20s and 30s. Have been dipping Grizley Pouches for the last 5 years or so. I have tried to kick this nasty unhealthy habit numerous times in the past with little success. But this time I am serious and feel it is definately doable. Hope to see everyone in the group on the otherside of quit.
Quit date ; 12/25/2011
Stay Quit!!!

Offline Gunner26

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Re: March 2012 Introduction thread
« Reply #43 on: December 21, 2011, 01:24:00 PM »
Ok March, time to learn a bit about each other...after all we are now quit brothers.. Post like Roll Call:
March 2012 Quitters:

Username: Smokewagon47
First Name: Jim
Where From: N. California
Age: 33
Married: Yes with 6 year old daughter.
Addition Details: 11 years of a can a day. Started with Skoal Mint then used Copenhagen Wintergreen since its release. Started because I wanted to be a real man like my friends. I am a complete addict so it did not take long to get hooked on the crap. Have tried quitting many times. This time will be my last.

Username: Wadeperk
first name: Wade
Where from: OR
Age: 28
Married: Nope
Addiction Details: 12 years of a can a day. Started with Skoal and Rooster then went to Copenhagen Long Cut for the last 9 years or so. Started because my friends were doing it, hunting and fishing and baseball and all that. I'm loving quitting with you guys, keep up the good work and good communication, we can all do this.

Username: CoachT
First Name: Tim
Where From: TX
Age: 29
Married: Never have been but working on it.
Addiction Details: 2001-11/26/2011 All types but primarily Copenhagen Long Cut. Anywhere from a can a day to a can a week just depending.

Username: leeron
first name: Ron
Where from: Baytown, TX originally but Navy transplant to Norfolk/VA BCH Virginia
Age: 44
Married: Yes (to a woman, just sayin), also have one 9 year old daughter
Addiction Details: I've been using since I was 15 or 16, so that's a good 28 or 29 years. Skoal (original fine cut, skoal brother) got me started but I've made my rounds...levi garret, red man, cope, red seal, most recently I was using Longhorn Wintergreen Longcut. Hey if you guys havn't yet be sure to read the Jenny and Tom Kern story, use the link on the roll call post. Once your there also look at the guest book and READ Mackenzie's Messages to here father. If you have kids this will have an impact.

Username: Expletive Yes
Name: Richard
Where: TX
Married: Yes with a 1 year old boy
Addiction Details: Working on Day 1. I'm ready for the fight.
Because all of the guys on my baseball team did I started chewing Levi Garrett when I was 18, quit and picked up Copenhangen at 20. 3-4 cans per week, plus general swedish snus for times when a bulge in the lip would get me in trouble.

Username: mhegerle
Name: Micah
Where: Minnesota
Married: no
Addiction Details: Dipping for a yea. Tried quitting multiple times. Started a quit group a few months back and didn't stay quit. I was up to a tin a day and I want to stick with it this time.

Username: macdaddy1300
Name: jamie
Age: 41
Where: Kansas
Married: yes
Addiction Details: started chewing when i was 15, thought it was cool,quit for a
year when I was 20 but started up again and been chewing a can a day every since.

Username: ktb1764
Name: Rob
Age: 50
Where: TX
Married: Yes, with a 16 year old girl and a 13 year old boy
Addiction Details: Started dipping at 15 in little league. Switched to cigarettes in college and kept smoking until I ws 30. Went back to the can, but over the last 10 years, been dipping and smoking. 4 cans/week of Cope and 1/2 pack/day Marlboro Reds. The bitch has had me by the balls for a long time.

Username: apull1
Name: Aric
Where: MI
Married: Yes with our first child on the way.
Addiction Details:Last 5 years dippin' grizz wintergreen. before that started smoking at 18 to 30. I have been a slave for so long I need freedom.

Username: ScooterScum
First Name: Curt
Where From: TX
Age: 46
Married: Yes
Addiction Details: 30+ years, 2-3 cans of Copenhagen a day! Thought I was cool like Walt Garrison when I started!

Username: Skeeder99
Name: Chad
Where: MI
Married: Yes, with first child on the way
Addiction Details:
Started chewing when I was 13 because my older brother and his friends chewed. All my friends chewed as well, so it was always easy to get. I'd been chewing Skoal Straight at just over a can a day since I was 16. I've tried quitting one time before, and made it to a month. So I thought I was in the clear and could have just one dip, no big deal....3 days later I was back to my old ways. I havent tried quitting in over ten years, so I'm glad I found this website to help me along the way.

Username: Paulregali
Name: Paul
Where: Oregon
Married: Yes, with 4 daughters
Addiction Details: Dipped since the 7th grade. First chew was a mistake, i was off and running. My chewing has always gone up and down, sometimes a lot other times very little but always daily, but NO MORE.

Username: LiveSimple02
Name: Steve
Age: 21
Where: WI, but stationed in San Diego for the Marine Corps
Married: No
Addiction Details: I started dipping when I was a junior in high school so its only been 5 years for me but that is 5 years too long. Shortly after I started dipping I also began smoking because everybody I worked with did. Over those 5 years I've gone through times where I either smoked or dipped, but most of the time I did both. I never hesitated to go out and smoke and when I got inside to throw in a dip. I've been wanting to quit for a while but given my circumstances, I never could really get myself to commit to it. Being in the Marine Corps has not helped me at all with the tobacco use and for 7 months in Afghanistan, the only time I wasn't using was when I was sleeping or at the gym. Now is my time to quite though.

Username: Cowboy1142
Name: Bryan
Age: 38
Where: Utah
Married: Yes wit 4 kids
Addiction Details: Started chewing when I was 10 thought that all good cowboys did all my hero's
did it so why not me. I've been using 2 cans of Copenhagen a day since. It is time to stop now I don't want to be controlled by a can of chew anymore

Username: MRWILLIA
Name: MARK
Age: 31
Where: TX
Married: YES
Addiction Details: I have been dipping for 13 years and I am ready to get rid of my addiction.

Username: boneil396
Name: Brendan
Age: 30
Where: Atlanta
Married: No
Addiction Details: Started dipping here and there when I was 15 or so. Increased to a can a day when I was about 17 and continued until 2 weeks ago. Kodiak wintergreen was my dip of choice. I'm happy to be here.

Username: Erdnase
Name: Chad
Age: 36
Where: MT
Married: Yes
Addiction Details- 20 years, 1st day of quite Oct 3-went 62 days and caved, Back at it with these March Maniacs.

Username: Lochi21
Name: Chris
Age: 42
Where: Wisconsin
Married: Yes with an 8 yr old son.
Addiction Details: Tin a day of Kodiak followed by Grizzly for 20+ years. Former HOFer on this site. Caved multiple times. On FINAL quit. I need this place like I need oxygen.

Username: zachh1020
Name: Zach
Age: 21
Where: Southern Indiana
Married: No
Addiction Details: I don't really remember why I started. I started when I was 18 (4 years). It started with Camel Snus then eventually I switched to Skoal Wintergreen. I was never a really heavy chewer. Two cans a week maybe. Back in April when I purchased a restaurant, It got a lot worse. My worst was almost 3 cans a day! I ALWAYS had a dip in. I guess I found it was a stress reliever. I'm down to about 1-2 cans a day, but today, that all stops.

Username: thunderdanb
Name: Dan
Age: 28
Where: Arizona
Married: Yep, 6 years
Addiction Details: Nicotine for over 7 years. Started smoking when I started work at an ambulance company, because everyone either smoked or chewed, and being the dumb FNG I wanted to fit in. After about a year, my buddy introduced to skoal - believe it or not I switched to smokeless because I thought it was less disgusting... didn't have to worry about my clothes or car smelling, and it was much easier to hide from the lady (wish I could have seen the horrible precedent that would set). Been trying to quit on and off for years. Have stopped for 2 months a couple of times, but always slipped back. Most recently I visited "", and tried their nicotine lozenge program... But what I've read around here is true, if you're using any nicotine you are just prolonging the agony. Done with that crap and ready to get any and all nicotine out of my system for good.

Username: hsumatt2117
Name: Matt
Age: 28
Where: Texas
Married: Yes, with a 2 year old son and a baby girl on the way.
Addiction Details: Mostly grizzly but been hooked on nic ever since I started coaching and saw the other guys doing it. Seemed cool at the time but now im sick of having it in my mouth. Im ready to break this crap and something that has a hold of me.

Username: saintjohnsloop
First Name: Dan
Where From: Alexandria, VA
Age: 29
Married: Yes with 3 awesome kids
Addiction Details: 15 years, 2-4 cans of Copenhagen Snuff a week. I'm a caver retread on this site and I am committed to remembering my promise and my bond to the people above and below me on this list.

Username: PMac
First Name: Paul
Where From: Alpharetta, GA
Age: 41
Married: Yes with 3 boys aged 9, 6, and 4.
Addiction Details: 25-26 years. Last 10 or so between 1.5 and 3 cans per day. Primarily Skoal Long Cut Mint. Few cans of Copenhagen Black every week or two. Today (December 19th) is Day 1. Suck it Nic Bitch!

Username: ac1980vac
First Name: Andy
Where From: Guthrie, OK
Age: 31
Married: Divorced, no kids
Addiction Details: I have dipped since I was 14 years old, started out sneaking around, but has been about a half to a can a day habit since I was 18. I don't want to be a slave to a drug anymore and am tired of having nasty crap in my mouth. I woke up on December 7, 2011 and have not had any nicotine since then.

Username: JWhorton
Name: Jory
Age: 36 next month
Where: Fort Knox
Married: Yes with 3 Sons
Addiction Details: 24 years, yes since I was 12. I have lied time and time again to my kids about when I would quit. After this deployment. I am now in command, stress of moving the family from post to post, my next birthday. FUCK THAT! My oldest boy is the age that I started using that shit. 1 Week today. Look forward to some long term friendships.

Username: RMayer32
Name: Rick
Age: 41 on 12/23
Where: Chicago Area
Married: Yes with 4 kids ages 21, 18, 17, 9
Addiction Details: 25 years of using this garbage. Started with a pinch of Happy Days as a kid and never stopped. At least until 7 days ago.

Username: Gunner26
Name: Lauren
Age: 39
Where: Vancouver, BC, Canada
Married: Yes
Addiction Details: Chewed Cop Snuff since I was 16, quit for a year when I was 33... Just had enough, I can see my gums disappearing...I don't want to get cancer and have no life...I have way to much to live for. Thanks for the support it has already been overwhelming. Trigger this Tonto


Username: 30yrAddict
First Name: Dale
Where From: NY
Age: 44
Married: yes- 4 children 24, 20, 17, 14
Addiction Details: 33yrs, can a day- Skoal LC Green, Grizzly Green, and Cigars. Started in little league.

Username: Cornholio
First Name: Mike
Where: Ohio
Married, two boys. 9 and 12.
Addiction Details. Started smoking as a habit in 8th grade ('81). Picked up Dip as a dumb ass approach to quit smoking in '02. Kodiak to Grizzly. Quickly turned into can a day. I "quit" before several times. Once I made a year. I know what I'm facing and I fear failure. I've been feeding the nic bitch for 30yrs. It's time for the fat ass whore to die. WE CAN DO THIS, ONE DAY AT A TIME.

Username: ScooterScum
First Name: Curt
Where From: TX
Age: 46
Married: Yes
Addiction Details: 30+ years, 2-3 cans of Copenhagen a day! Thought I was cool like Walt Garrison when I started!

Username: Tazmed (Taz)
Name: C.J.
Age: 44
Where: Southern Oregon
Married: Yep, along with 9 kids the last time I counted.
Addiction Details: First dip of Copenhagen at 6 years old (from Granddad), started chewing regularly at 10 playing baseball. 34 years later, on June 22, 2011, I tasted freedom for the first time.

Username: Show
Name: Terry
Age: 42
Where: Minneapolis
Married: Twice.....the second time is fantastic. Got a couple of kids too.
Addiction Details: Started chewing in 1984. Quit chewing on my daughters birthday in 2009 with the help of my brother (PbKid) and my cohort in March 2010 - feel free to join us.

Username: Souliman
Name: Chris
Age: 38
Where: Rhodey
Married: Yes + 2
Addiction Details: ~24 years of tin a day Copenhagen. Free for just over a year. Fighting daily.

Username: AgLawyer
Name: Paul
Age: 4-0
Where: Boerne
Married: Yes
Addiction Details: 21 years of can a day. 139 days of freedom.

Offline rmayer32

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Re: March 2012 Introduction thread
« Reply #42 on: December 20, 2011, 10:02:00 PM »
Ok March, time to learn a bit about each other...after all we are now quit brothers.. Post like Roll Call:
March 2012 Quitters:

Username: Smokewagon47
First Name: Jim
Where From: N. California
Age: 33
Married: Yes with 6 year old daughter.
Addition Details: 11 years of a can a day. Started with Skoal Mint then used Copenhagen Wintergreen since its release. Started because I wanted to be a real man like my friends. I am a complete addict so it did not take long to get hooked on the crap. Have tried quitting many times. This time will be my last.

Username: Wadeperk
first name: Wade
Where from: OR
Age: 28
Married: Nope
Addiction Details: 12 years of a can a day. Started with Skoal and Rooster then went to Copenhagen Long Cut for the last 9 years or so. Started because my friends were doing it, hunting and fishing and baseball and all that. I'm loving quitting with you guys, keep up the good work and good communication, we can all do this.

Username: CoachT
First Name: Tim
Where From: TX
Age: 29
Married: Never have been but working on it.
Addiction Details: 2001-11/26/2011 All types but primarily Copenhagen Long Cut. Anywhere from a can a day to a can a week just depending.

Username: leeron
first name: Ron
Where from: Baytown, TX originally but Navy transplant to Norfolk/VA BCH Virginia
Age: 44
Married: Yes (to a woman, just sayin), also have one 9 year old daughter
Addiction Details: I've been using since I was 15 or 16, so that's a good 28 or 29 years. Skoal (original fine cut, skoal brother) got me started but I've made my rounds...levi garret, red man, cope, red seal, most recently I was using Longhorn Wintergreen Longcut. Hey if you guys havn't yet be sure to read the Jenny and Tom Kern story, use the link on the roll call post. Once your there also look at the guest book and READ Mackenzie's Messages to here father. If you have kids this will have an impact.

Username: Expletive Yes
Name: Richard
Where: TX
Married: Yes with a 1 year old boy
Addiction Details: Working on Day 1. I'm ready for the fight.
Because all of the guys on my baseball team did I started chewing Levi Garrett when I was 18, quit and picked up Copenhangen at 20. 3-4 cans per week, plus general swedish snus for times when a bulge in the lip would get me in trouble.

Username: mhegerle
Name: Micah
Where: Minnesota
Married: no
Addiction Details: Dipping for a yea. Tried quitting multiple times. Started a quit group a few months back and didn't stay quit. I was up to a tin a day and I want to stick with it this time.

Username: macdaddy1300
Name: jamie
Age: 41
Where: Kansas
Married: yes
Addiction Details: started chewing when i was 15, thought it was cool,quit for a
year when I was 20 but started up again and been chewing a can a day every since.

Username: ktb1764
Name: Rob
Age: 50
Where: TX
Married: Yes, with a 16 year old girl and a 13 year old boy
Addiction Details: Started dipping at 15 in little league. Switched to cigarettes in college and kept smoking until I ws 30. Went back to the can, but over the last 10 years, been dipping and smoking. 4 cans/week of Cope and 1/2 pack/day Marlboro Reds. The bitch has had me by the balls for a long time.

Username: apull1
Name: Aric
Where: MI
Married: Yes with our first child on the way.
Addiction Details:Last 5 years dippin' grizz wintergreen. before that started smoking at 18 to 30. I have been a slave for so long I need freedom.

Username: ScooterScum
First Name: Curt
Where From: TX
Age: 46
Married: Yes
Addiction Details: 30+ years, 2-3 cans of Copenhagen a day! Thought I was cool like Walt Garrison when I started!

Username: Skeeder99
Name: Chad
Where: MI
Married: Yes, with first child on the way
Addiction Details:
Started chewing when I was 13 because my older brother and his friends chewed. All my friends chewed as well, so it was always easy to get. I'd been chewing Skoal Straight at just over a can a day since I was 16. I've tried quitting one time before, and made it to a month. So I thought I was in the clear and could have just one dip, no big deal....3 days later I was back to my old ways. I havent tried quitting in over ten years, so I'm glad I found this website to help me along the way.

Username: Paulregali
Name: Paul
Where: Oregon
Married: Yes, with 4 daughters
Addiction Details: Dipped since the 7th grade. First chew was a mistake, i was off and running. My chewing has always gone up and down, sometimes a lot other times very little but always daily, but NO MORE.

Username: LiveSimple02
Name: Steve
Age: 21
Where: WI, but stationed in San Diego for the Marine Corps
Married: No
Addiction Details: I started dipping when I was a junior in high school so its only been 5 years for me but that is 5 years too long. Shortly after I started dipping I also began smoking because everybody I worked with did. Over those 5 years I've gone through times where I either smoked or dipped, but most of the time I did both. I never hesitated to go out and smoke and when I got inside to throw in a dip. I've been wanting to quit for a while but given my circumstances, I never could really get myself to commit to it. Being in the Marine Corps has not helped me at all with the tobacco use and for 7 months in Afghanistan, the only time I wasn't using was when I was sleeping or at the gym. Now is my time to quite though.

Username: Cowboy1142
Name: Bryan
Age: 38
Where: Utah
Married: Yes wit 4 kids
Addiction Details: Started chewing when I was 10 thought that all good cowboys did all my hero's
did it so why not me. I've been using 2 cans of Copenhagen a day since. It is time to stop now I don't want to be controlled by a can of chew anymore

Username: MRWILLIA
Name: MARK
Age: 31
Where: TX
Married: YES
Addiction Details: I have been dipping for 13 years and I am ready to get rid of my addiction.

Username: boneil396
Name: Brendan
Age: 30
Where: Atlanta
Married: No
Addiction Details: Started dipping here and there when I was 15 or so. Increased to a can a day when I was about 17 and continued until 2 weeks ago. Kodiak wintergreen was my dip of choice. I'm happy to be here.

Username: Erdnase
Name: Chad
Age: 36
Where: MT
Married: Yes
Addiction Details- 20 years, 1st day of quite Oct 3-went 62 days and caved, Back at it with these March Maniacs.

Username: Lochi21
Name: Chris
Age: 42
Where: Wisconsin
Married: Yes with an 8 yr old son.
Addiction Details: Tin a day of Kodiak followed by Grizzly for 20+ years. Former HOFer on this site. Caved multiple times. On FINAL quit. I need this place like I need oxygen.

Username: zachh1020
Name: Zach
Age: 21
Where: Southern Indiana
Married: No
Addiction Details: I don't really remember why I started. I started when I was 18 (4 years). It started with Camel Snus then eventually I switched to Skoal Wintergreen. I was never a really heavy chewer. Two cans a week maybe. Back in April when I purchased a restaurant, It got a lot worse. My worst was almost 3 cans a day! I ALWAYS had a dip in. I guess I found it was a stress reliever. I'm down to about 1-2 cans a day, but today, that all stops.

Username: thunderdanb
Name: Dan
Age: 28
Where: Arizona
Married: Yep, 6 years
Addiction Details: Nicotine for over 7 years. Started smoking when I started work at an ambulance company, because everyone either smoked or chewed, and being the dumb FNG I wanted to fit in. After about a year, my buddy introduced to skoal - believe it or not I switched to smokeless because I thought it was less disgusting... didn't have to worry about my clothes or car smelling, and it was much easier to hide from the lady (wish I could have seen the horrible precedent that would set). Been trying to quit on and off for years. Have stopped for 2 months a couple of times, but always slipped back. Most recently I visited "", and tried their nicotine lozenge program... But what I've read around here is true, if you're using any nicotine you are just prolonging the agony. Done with that crap and ready to get any and all nicotine out of my system for good.

Username: hsumatt2117
Name: Matt
Age: 28
Where: Texas
Married: Yes, with a 2 year old son and a baby girl on the way.
Addiction Details: Mostly grizzly but been hooked on nic ever since I started coaching and saw the other guys doing it. Seemed cool at the time but now im sick of having it in my mouth. Im ready to break this crap and something that has a hold of me.

Username: saintjohnsloop
First Name: Dan
Where From: Alexandria, VA
Age: 29
Married: Yes with 3 awesome kids
Addiction Details: 15 years, 2-4 cans of Copenhagen Snuff a week. I'm a caver retread on this site and I am committed to remembering my promise and my bond to the people above and below me on this list.

Username: PMac
First Name: Paul
Where From: Alpharetta, GA
Age: 41
Married: Yes with 3 boys aged 9, 6, and 4.
Addiction Details: 25-26 years. Last 10 or so between 1.5 and 3 cans per day. Primarily Skoal Long Cut Mint. Few cans of Copenhagen Black every week or two. Today (December 19th) is Day 1. Suck it Nic Bitch!

Username: ac1980vac
First Name: Andy
Where From: Guthrie, OK
Age: 31
Married: Divorced, no kids
Addiction Details: I have dipped since I was 14 years old, started out sneaking around, but has been about a half to a can a day habit since I was 18. I don't want to be a slave to a drug anymore and am tired of having nasty crap in my mouth. I woke up on December 7, 2011 and have not had any nicotine since then.

Username: JWhorton
Name: Jory
Age: 36 next month
Where: Fort Knox
Married: Yes with 3 Sons
Addiction Details: 24 years, yes since I was 12. I have lied time and time again to my kids about when I would quit. After this deployment. I am now in command, stress of moving the family from post to post, my next birthday. FUCK THAT! My oldest boy is the age that I started using that shit. 1 Week today. Look forward to some long term friendships.

Username: RMayer32
Name: Rick
Age: 41 on 12/23
Where: Chicago Area
Married: Yes with 4 kids ages 21, 18, 17, 9
Addiction Details: 25 years of using this garbage. Started with a pinch of Happy Days as a kid and never stopped. At least until 7 days ago.


Username: 30yrAddict
First Name: Dale
Where From: NY
Age: 44
Married: yes- 4 children 24, 20, 17, 14
Addiction Details: 33yrs, can a day- Skoal LC Green, Grizzly Green, and Cigars. Started in little league.

Username: Cornholio
First Name: Mike
Where: Ohio
Married, two boys. 9 and 12.
Addiction Details. Started smoking as a habit in 8th grade ('81). Picked up Dip as a dumb ass approach to quit smoking in '02. Kodiak to Grizzly. Quickly turned into can a day. I "quit" before several times. Once I made a year. I know what I'm facing and I fear failure. I've been feeding the nic bitch for 30yrs. It's time for the fat ass whore to die. WE CAN DO THIS, ONE DAY AT A TIME.

Username: ScooterScum
First Name: Curt
Where From: TX
Age: 46
Married: Yes
Addiction Details: 30+ years, 2-3 cans of Copenhagen a day! Thought I was cool like Walt Garrison when I started!

Username: Tazmed (Taz)
Name: C.J.
Age: 44
Where: Southern Oregon
Married: Yep, along with 9 kids the last time I counted.
Addiction Details: First dip of Copenhagen at 6 years old (from Granddad), started chewing regularly at 10 playing baseball. 34 years later, on June 22, 2011, I tasted freedom for the first time.

Username: Show
Name: Terry
Age: 42
Where: Minneapolis
Married: Twice.....the second time is fantastic. Got a couple of kids too.
Addiction Details: Started chewing in 1984. Quit chewing on my daughters birthday in 2009 with the help of my brother (PbKid) and my cohort in March 2010 - feel free to join us.

Username: Souliman
Name: Chris
Age: 38
Where: Rhodey
Married: Yes + 2
Addiction Details: ~24 years of tin a day Copenhagen. Free for just over a year. Fighting daily.

Username: AgLawyer
Name: Paul
Age: 4-0
Where: Boerne
Married: Yes
Addiction Details: 21 years of can a day. 139 days of freedom.
The end of my self mutilation by dip date - December 14, 2011

Offline JWhorton

  • Quitter
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  • Posts: 104
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Re: March 2012 Introduction thread
« Reply #41 on: December 20, 2011, 10:54:00 AM »
Ok March, time to learn a bit about each other...after all we are now quit brothers.. Post like Roll Call:
March 2012 Quitters:

Username: Smokewagon47
First Name: Jim
Where From: N. California
Age: 33
Married: Yes with 6 year old daughter.
Addition Details: 11 years of a can a day. Started with Skoal Mint then used Copenhagen Wintergreen since its release. Started because I wanted to be a real man like my friends. I am a complete addict so it did not take long to get hooked on the crap. Have tried quitting many times. This time will be my last.

Username: Wadeperk
first name: Wade
Where from: OR
Age: 28
Married: Nope
Addiction Details: 12 years of a can a day. Started with Skoal and Rooster then went to Copenhagen Long Cut for the last 9 years or so. Started because my friends were doing it, hunting and fishing and baseball and all that. I'm loving quitting with you guys, keep up the good work and good communication, we can all do this.

Username: CoachT
First Name: Tim
Where From: TX
Age: 29
Married: Never have been but working on it.
Addiction Details: 2001-11/26/2011 All types but primarily Copenhagen Long Cut. Anywhere from a can a day to a can a week just depending.

Username: leeron
first name: Ron
Where from: Baytown, TX originally but Navy transplant to Norfolk/VA BCH Virginia
Age: 44
Married: Yes (to a woman, just sayin), also have one 9 year old daughter
Addiction Details: I've been using since I was 15 or 16, so that's a good 28 or 29 years. Skoal (original fine cut, skoal brother) got me started but I've made my rounds...levi garret, red man, cope, red seal, most recently I was using Longhorn Wintergreen Longcut. Hey if you guys havn't yet be sure to read the Jenny and Tom Kern story, use the link on the roll call post. Once your there also look at the guest book and READ Mackenzie's Messages to here father. If you have kids this will have an impact.

Username: Expletive Yes
Name: Richard
Where: TX
Married: Yes with a 1 year old boy
Addiction Details: Working on Day 1. I'm ready for the fight.
Because all of the guys on my baseball team did I started chewing Levi Garrett when I was 18, quit and picked up Copenhangen at 20. 3-4 cans per week, plus general swedish snus for times when a bulge in the lip would get me in trouble.

Username: mhegerle
Name: Micah
Where: Minnesota
Married: no
Addiction Details: Dipping for a yea. Tried quitting multiple times. Started a quit group a few months back and didn't stay quit. I was up to a tin a day and I want to stick with it this time.

Username: macdaddy1300
Name: jamie
Age: 41
Where: Kansas
Married: yes
Addiction Details: started chewing when i was 15, thought it was cool,quit for a
year when I was 20 but started up again and been chewing a can a day every since.

Username: ktb1764
Name: Rob
Age: 50
Where: TX
Married: Yes, with a 16 year old girl and a 13 year old boy
Addiction Details: Started dipping at 15 in little league. Switched to cigarettes in college and kept smoking until I ws 30. Went back to the can, but over the last 10 years, been dipping and smoking. 4 cans/week of Cope and 1/2 pack/day Marlboro Reds. The bitch has had me by the balls for a long time.

Username: apull1
Name: Aric
Where: MI
Married: Yes with our first child on the way.
Addiction Details:Last 5 years dippin' grizz wintergreen. before that started smoking at 18 to 30. I have been a slave for so long I need freedom.

Username: ScooterScum
First Name: Curt
Where From: TX
Age: 46
Married: Yes
Addiction Details: 30+ years, 2-3 cans of Copenhagen a day! Thought I was cool like Walt Garrison when I started!

Username: Skeeder99
Name: Chad
Where: MI
Married: Yes, with first child on the way
Addiction Details:
Started chewing when I was 13 because my older brother and his friends chewed. All my friends chewed as well, so it was always easy to get. I'd been chewing Skoal Straight at just over a can a day since I was 16. I've tried quitting one time before, and made it to a month. So I thought I was in the clear and could have just one dip, no big deal....3 days later I was back to my old ways. I havent tried quitting in over ten years, so I'm glad I found this website to help me along the way.

Username: Paulregali
Name: Paul
Where: Oregon
Married: Yes, with 4 daughters
Addiction Details: Dipped since the 7th grade. First chew was a mistake, i was off and running. My chewing has always gone up and down, sometimes a lot other times very little but always daily, but NO MORE.

Username: LiveSimple02
Name: Steve
Age: 21
Where: WI, but stationed in San Diego for the Marine Corps
Married: No
Addiction Details: I started dipping when I was a junior in high school so its only been 5 years for me but that is 5 years too long. Shortly after I started dipping I also began smoking because everybody I worked with did. Over those 5 years I've gone through times where I either smoked or dipped, but most of the time I did both. I never hesitated to go out and smoke and when I got inside to throw in a dip. I've been wanting to quit for a while but given my circumstances, I never could really get myself to commit to it. Being in the Marine Corps has not helped me at all with the tobacco use and for 7 months in Afghanistan, the only time I wasn't using was when I was sleeping or at the gym. Now is my time to quite though.

Username: Cowboy1142
Name: Bryan
Age: 38
Where: Utah
Married: Yes wit 4 kids
Addiction Details: Started chewing when I was 10 thought that all good cowboys did all my hero's
did it so why not me. I've been using 2 cans of Copenhagen a day since. It is time to stop now I don't want to be controlled by a can of chew anymore

Username: MRWILLIA
Name: MARK
Age: 31
Where: TX
Married: YES
Addiction Details: I have been dipping for 13 years and I am ready to get rid of my addiction.

Username: boneil396
Name: Brendan
Age: 30
Where: Atlanta
Married: No
Addiction Details: Started dipping here and there when I was 15 or so. Increased to a can a day when I was about 17 and continued until 2 weeks ago. Kodiak wintergreen was my dip of choice. I'm happy to be here.

Username: Erdnase
Name: Chad
Age: 36
Where: MT
Married: Yes
Addiction Details- 20 years, 1st day of quite Oct 3-went 62 days and caved, Back at it with these March Maniacs.

Username: Lochi21
Name: Chris
Age: 42
Where: Wisconsin
Married: Yes with an 8 yr old son.
Addiction Details: Tin a day of Kodiak followed by Grizzly for 20+ years. Former HOFer on this site. Caved multiple times. On FINAL quit. I need this place like I need oxygen.

Username: zachh1020
Name: Zach
Age: 21
Where: Southern Indiana
Married: No
Addiction Details: I don't really remember why I started. I started when I was 18 (4 years). It started with Camel Snus then eventually I switched to Skoal Wintergreen. I was never a really heavy chewer. Two cans a week maybe. Back in April when I purchased a restaurant, It got a lot worse. My worst was almost 3 cans a day! I ALWAYS had a dip in. I guess I found it was a stress reliever. I'm down to about 1-2 cans a day, but today, that all stops.

Username: thunderdanb
Name: Dan
Age: 28
Where: Arizona
Married: Yep, 6 years
Addiction Details: Nicotine for over 7 years. Started smoking when I started work at an ambulance company, because everyone either smoked or chewed, and being the dumb FNG I wanted to fit in. After about a year, my buddy introduced to skoal - believe it or not I switched to smokeless because I thought it was less disgusting... didn't have to worry about my clothes or car smelling, and it was much easier to hide from the lady (wish I could have seen the horrible precedent that would set). Been trying to quit on and off for years. Have stopped for 2 months a couple of times, but always slipped back. Most recently I visited "", and tried their nicotine lozenge program... But what I've read around here is true, if you're using any nicotine you are just prolonging the agony. Done with that crap and ready to get any and all nicotine out of my system for good.

Username: hsumatt2117
Name: Matt
Age: 28
Where: Texas
Married: Yes, with a 2 year old son and a baby girl on the way.
Addiction Details: Mostly grizzly but been hooked on nic ever since I started coaching and saw the other guys doing it. Seemed cool at the time but now im sick of having it in my mouth. Im ready to break this crap and something that has a hold of me.

Username: saintjohnsloop
First Name: Dan
Where From: Alexandria, VA
Age: 29
Married: Yes with 3 awesome kids
Addiction Details: 15 years, 2-4 cans of Copenhagen Snuff a week. I'm a caver retread on this site and I am committed to remembering my promise and my bond to the people above and below me on this list.

Username: PMac
First Name: Paul
Where From: Alpharetta, GA
Age: 41
Married: Yes with 3 boys aged 9, 6, and 4.
Addiction Details: 25-26 years. Last 10 or so between 1.5 and 3 cans per day. Primarily Skoal Long Cut Mint. Few cans of Copenhagen Black every week or two. Today (December 19th) is Day 1. Suck it Nic Bitch!

Username: ac1980vac
First Name: Andy
Where From: Guthrie, OK
Age: 31
Married: Divorced, no kids
Addiction Details: I have dipped since I was 14 years old, started out sneaking around, but has been about a half to a can a day habit since I was 18. I don't want to be a slave to a drug anymore and am tired of having nasty crap in my mouth. I woke up on December 7, 2011 and have not had any nicotine since then.

Username: JWhorton
Name: Jory
Age: 36 next month
Where: Fort Knox
Married: Yes with 3 Sons
Addiction Details: 24 years, yes since I was 12. I have lied time and time again to my kids about when I would quit. After this deployment. I am now in command, stress of moving the family from post to post, my next birthday. FUCK THAT! My oldest boy is the age that I started using that shit. 1 Week today. Look forward to some long term friendships.


Username: 30yrAddict
First Name: Dale
Where From: NY
Age: 44
Married: yes- 4 children 24, 20, 17, 14
Addiction Details: 33yrs, can a day- Skoal LC Green, Grizzly Green, and Cigars. Started in little league.

Username: Cornholio
First Name: Mike
Where: Ohio
Married, two boys. 9 and 12.
Addiction Details. Started smoking as a habit in 8th grade ('81). Picked up Dip as a dumb ass approach to quit smoking in '02. Kodiak to Grizzly. Quickly turned into can a day. I "quit" before several times. Once I made a year. I know what I'm facing and I fear failure. I've been feeding the nic bitch for 30yrs. It's time for the fat ass whore to die. WE CAN DO THIS, ONE DAY AT A TIME.

Username: ScooterScum
First Name: Curt
Where From: TX
Age: 46
Married: Yes
Addiction Details: 30+ years, 2-3 cans of Copenhagen a day! Thought I was cool like Walt Garrison when I started!

Username: Tazmed (Taz)
Name: C.J.
Age: 44
Where: Southern Oregon
Married: Yep, along with 9 kids the last time I counted.
Addiction Details: First dip of Copenhagen at 6 years old (from Granddad), started chewing regularly at 10 playing baseball. 34 years later, on June 22, 2011, I tasted freedom for the first time.

Username: Show
Name: Terry
Age: 42
Where: Minneapolis
Married: Twice.....the second time is fantastic. Got a couple of kids too.
Addiction Details: Started chewing in 1984. Quit chewing on my daughters birthday in 2009 with the help of my brother (PbKid) and my cohort in March 2010 - feel free to join us.

Username: Souliman
Name: Chris
Age: 38
Where: Rhodey
Married: Yes + 2
Addiction Details: ~24 years of tin a day Copenhagen. Free for just over a year. Fighting daily.

Username: AgLawyer
Name: Paul
Age: 4-0
Where: Boerne
Married: Yes
Addiction Details: 21 years of can a day. 139 days of freedom.

Offline ac1980vac

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Re: March 2012 Introduction thread
« Reply #40 on: December 19, 2011, 11:05:00 AM »
Ok March, time to learn a bit about each other...after all we are now quit brothers.. Post like Roll Call:
March 2012 Quitters:

Username: Smokewagon47
First Name: Jim
Where From: N. California
Age: 33
Married: Yes with 6 year old daughter.
Addition Details: 11 years of a can a day. Started with Skoal Mint then used Copenhagen Wintergreen since its release. Started because I wanted to be a real man like my friends. I am a complete addict so it did not take long to get hooked on the crap. Have tried quitting many times. This time will be my last.

Username: Wadeperk
first name: Wade
Where from: OR
Age: 28
Married: Nope
Addiction Details: 12 years of a can a day. Started with Skoal and Rooster then went to Copenhagen Long Cut for the last 9 years or so. Started because my friends were doing it, hunting and fishing and baseball and all that. I'm loving quitting with you guys, keep up the good work and good communication, we can all do this.

Username: CoachT
First Name: Tim
Where From: TX
Age: 29
Married: Never have been but working on it.
Addiction Details: 2001-11/26/2011 All types but primarily Copenhagen Long Cut. Anywhere from a can a day to a can a week just depending.

Username: leeron
first name: Ron
Where from: Baytown, TX originally but Navy transplant to Norfolk/VA BCH Virginia
Age: 44
Married: Yes (to a woman, just sayin), also have one 9 year old daughter
Addiction Details: I've been using since I was 15 or 16, so that's a good 28 or 29 years. Skoal (original fine cut, skoal brother) got me started but I've made my rounds...levi garret, red man, cope, red seal, most recently I was using Longhorn Wintergreen Longcut. Hey if you guys havn't yet be sure to read the Jenny and Tom Kern story, use the link on the roll call post. Once your there also look at the guest book and READ Mackenzie's Messages to here father. If you have kids this will have an impact.

Username: Expletive Yes
Name: Richard
Where: TX
Married: Yes with a 1 year old boy
Addiction Details: Working on Day 1. I'm ready for the fight.
Because all of the guys on my baseball team did I started chewing Levi Garrett when I was 18, quit and picked up Copenhangen at 20. 3-4 cans per week, plus general swedish snus for times when a bulge in the lip would get me in trouble.

Username: mhegerle
Name: Micah
Where: Minnesota
Married: no
Addiction Details: Dipping for a yea. Tried quitting multiple times. Started a quit group a few months back and didn't stay quit. I was up to a tin a day and I want to stick with it this time.

Username: macdaddy1300
Name: jamie
Age: 41
Where: Kansas
Married: yes
Addiction Details: started chewing when i was 15, thought it was cool,quit for a
year when I was 20 but started up again and been chewing a can a day every since.

Username: ktb1764
Name: Rob
Age: 50
Where: TX
Married: Yes, with a 16 year old girl and a 13 year old boy
Addiction Details: Started dipping at 15 in little league. Switched to cigarettes in college and kept smoking until I ws 30. Went back to the can, but over the last 10 years, been dipping and smoking. 4 cans/week of Cope and 1/2 pack/day Marlboro Reds. The bitch has had me by the balls for a long time.

Username: apull1
Name: Aric
Where: MI
Married: Yes with our first child on the way.
Addiction Details:Last 5 years dippin' grizz wintergreen. before that started smoking at 18 to 30. I have been a slave for so long I need freedom.

Username: ScooterScum
First Name: Curt
Where From: TX
Age: 46
Married: Yes
Addiction Details: 30+ years, 2-3 cans of Copenhagen a day! Thought I was cool like Walt Garrison when I started!

Username: Skeeder99
Name: Chad
Where: MI
Married: Yes, with first child on the way
Addiction Details:
Started chewing when I was 13 because my older brother and his friends chewed. All my friends chewed as well, so it was always easy to get. I'd been chewing Skoal Straight at just over a can a day since I was 16. I've tried quitting one time before, and made it to a month. So I thought I was in the clear and could have just one dip, no big deal....3 days later I was back to my old ways. I havent tried quitting in over ten years, so I'm glad I found this website to help me along the way.

Username: Paulregali
Name: Paul
Where: Oregon
Married: Yes, with 4 daughters
Addiction Details: Dipped since the 7th grade. First chew was a mistake, i was off and running. My chewing has always gone up and down, sometimes a lot other times very little but always daily, but NO MORE.

Username: LiveSimple02
Name: Steve
Age: 21
Where: WI, but stationed in San Diego for the Marine Corps
Married: No
Addiction Details: I started dipping when I was a junior in high school so its only been 5 years for me but that is 5 years too long. Shortly after I started dipping I also began smoking because everybody I worked with did. Over those 5 years I've gone through times where I either smoked or dipped, but most of the time I did both. I never hesitated to go out and smoke and when I got inside to throw in a dip. I've been wanting to quit for a while but given my circumstances, I never could really get myself to commit to it. Being in the Marine Corps has not helped me at all with the tobacco use and for 7 months in Afghanistan, the only time I wasn't using was when I was sleeping or at the gym. Now is my time to quite though.

Username: Cowboy1142
Name: Bryan
Age: 38
Where: Utah
Married: Yes wit 4 kids
Addiction Details: Started chewing when I was 10 thought that all good cowboys did all my hero's
did it so why not me. I've been using 2 cans of Copenhagen a day since. It is time to stop now I don't want to be controlled by a can of chew anymore

Username: MRWILLIA
Name: MARK
Age: 31
Where: TX
Married: YES
Addiction Details: I have been dipping for 13 years and I am ready to get rid of my addiction.

Username: boneil396
Name: Brendan
Age: 30
Where: Atlanta
Married: No
Addiction Details: Started dipping here and there when I was 15 or so. Increased to a can a day when I was about 17 and continued until 2 weeks ago. Kodiak wintergreen was my dip of choice. I'm happy to be here.

Username: Erdnase
Name: Chad
Age: 36
Where: MT
Married: Yes
Addiction Details- 20 years, 1st day of quite Oct 3-went 62 days and caved, Back at it with these March Maniacs.

Username: Lochi21
Name: Chris
Age: 42
Where: Wisconsin
Married: Yes with an 8 yr old son.
Addiction Details: Tin a day of Kodiak followed by Grizzly for 20+ years. Former HOFer on this site. Caved multiple times. On FINAL quit. I need this place like I need oxygen.

Username: zachh1020
Name: Zach
Age: 21
Where: Southern Indiana
Married: No
Addiction Details: I don't really remember why I started. I started when I was 18 (4 years). It started with Camel Snus then eventually I switched to Skoal Wintergreen. I was never a really heavy chewer. Two cans a week maybe. Back in April when I purchased a restaurant, It got a lot worse. My worst was almost 3 cans a day! I ALWAYS had a dip in. I guess I found it was a stress reliever. I'm down to about 1-2 cans a day, but today, that all stops.

Username: thunderdanb
Name: Dan
Age: 28
Where: Arizona
Married: Yep, 6 years
Addiction Details: Nicotine for over 7 years. Started smoking when I started work at an ambulance company, because everyone either smoked or chewed, and being the dumb FNG I wanted to fit in. After about a year, my buddy introduced to skoal - believe it or not I switched to smokeless because I thought it was less disgusting... didn't have to worry about my clothes or car smelling, and it was much easier to hide from the lady (wish I could have seen the horrible precedent that would set). Been trying to quit on and off for years. Have stopped for 2 months a couple of times, but always slipped back. Most recently I visited "", and tried their nicotine lozenge program... But what I've read around here is true, if you're using any nicotine you are just prolonging the agony. Done with that crap and ready to get any and all nicotine out of my system for good.

Username: hsumatt2117
Name: Matt
Age: 28
Where: Texas
Married: Yes, with a 2 year old son and a baby girl on the way.
Addiction Details: Mostly grizzly but been hooked on nic ever since I started coaching and saw the other guys doing it. Seemed cool at the time but now im sick of having it in my mouth. Im ready to break this crap and something that has a hold of me.

Username: saintjohnsloop
First Name: Dan
Where From: Alexandria, VA
Age: 29
Married: Yes with 3 awesome kids
Addiction Details: 15 years, 2-4 cans of Copenhagen Snuff a week. I'm a caver retread on this site and I am committed to remembering my promise and my bond to the people above and below me on this list.

Username: PMac
First Name: Paul
Where From: Alpharetta, GA
Age: 41
Married: Yes with 3 boys aged 9, 6, and 4.
Addiction Details: 25-26 years. Last 10 or so between 1.5 and 3 cans per day. Primarily Skoal Long Cut Mint. Few cans of Copenhagen Black every week or two. Today (December 19th) is Day 1. Suck it Nic Bitch!

Username: ac1980vac
First Name: Andy
Where From: Guthrie, OK
Age: 31
Married: Divorced, no kids
Addiction Details: I have dipped since I was 14 years old, started out sneaking around, but has been about a half to a can a day habit since I was 18. I don't want to be a slave to a drug anymore and am tired of having nasty crap in my mouth. I woke up on December 7, 2011 and have not had any nicotine since then.


Username: 30yrAddict
First Name: Dale
Where From: NY
Age: 44
Married: yes- 4 children 24, 20, 17, 14
Addiction Details: 33yrs, can a day- Skoal LC Green, Grizzly Green, and Cigars. Started in little league.

Username: Cornholio
First Name: Mike
Where: Ohio
Married, two boys. 9 and 12.
Addiction Details. Started smoking as a habit in 8th grade ('81). Picked up Dip as a dumb ass approach to quit smoking in '02. Kodiak to Grizzly. Quickly turned into can a day. I "quit" before several times. Once I made a year. I know what I'm facing and I fear failure. I've been feeding the nic bitch for 30yrs. It's time for the fat ass whore to die. WE CAN DO THIS, ONE DAY AT A TIME.

Username: ScooterScum
First Name: Curt
Where From: TX
Age: 46
Married: Yes
Addiction Details: 30+ years, 2-3 cans of Copenhagen a day! Thought I was cool like Walt Garrison when I started!

Username: Tazmed (Taz)
Name: C.J.
Age: 44
Where: Southern Oregon
Married: Yep, along with 9 kids the last time I counted.
Addiction Details: First dip of Copenhagen at 6 years old (from Granddad), started chewing regularly at 10 playing baseball. 34 years later, on June 22, 2011, I tasted freedom for the first time.

Username: Show
Name: Terry
Age: 42
Where: Minneapolis
Married: Twice.....the second time is fantastic. Got a couple of kids too.
Addiction Details: Started chewing in 1984. Quit chewing on my daughters birthday in 2009 with the help of my brother (PbKid) and my cohort in March 2010 - feel free to join us.

Username: Souliman
Name: Chris
Age: 38
Where: Rhodey
Married: Yes + 2
Addiction Details: ~24 years of tin a day Copenhagen. Free for just over a year. Fighting daily.

Username: AgLawyer
Name: Paul
Age: 4-0
Where: Boerne
Married: Yes
Addiction Details: 21 years of can a day. 139 days of freedom.

Offline PMac

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Re: March 2012 Introduction thread
« Reply #39 on: December 19, 2011, 10:24:00 AM »
Ok March, time to learn a bit about each other...after all we are now quit brothers.. Post like Roll Call:
March 2012 Quitters:

Username: Smokewagon47
First Name: Jim
Where From: N. California
Age: 33
Married: Yes with 6 year old daughter.
Addition Details: 11 years of a can a day. Started with Skoal Mint then used Copenhagen Wintergreen since its release. Started because I wanted to be a real man like my friends. I am a complete addict so it did not take long to get hooked on the crap. Have tried quitting many times. This time will be my last.

Username: Wadeperk
first name: Wade
Where from: OR
Age: 28
Married: Nope
Addiction Details: 12 years of a can a day. Started with Skoal and Rooster then went to Copenhagen Long Cut for the last 9 years or so. Started because my friends were doing it, hunting and fishing and baseball and all that. I'm loving quitting with you guys, keep up the good work and good communication, we can all do this.

Username: CoachT
First Name: Tim
Where From: TX
Age: 29
Married: Never have been but working on it.
Addiction Details: 2001-11/26/2011 All types but primarily Copenhagen Long Cut. Anywhere from a can a day to a can a week just depending.

Username: leeron
first name: Ron
Where from: Baytown, TX originally but Navy transplant to Norfolk/VA BCH Virginia
Age: 44
Married: Yes (to a woman, just sayin), also have one 9 year old daughter
Addiction Details: I've been using since I was 15 or 16, so that's a good 28 or 29 years. Skoal (original fine cut, skoal brother) got me started but I've made my rounds...levi garret, red man, cope, red seal, most recently I was using Longhorn Wintergreen Longcut. Hey if you guys havn't yet be sure to read the Jenny and Tom Kern story, use the link on the roll call post. Once your there also look at the guest book and READ Mackenzie's Messages to here father. If you have kids this will have an impact.

Username: Expletive Yes
Name: Richard
Where: TX
Married: Yes with a 1 year old boy
Addiction Details: Working on Day 1. I'm ready for the fight.
Because all of the guys on my baseball team did I started chewing Levi Garrett when I was 18, quit and picked up Copenhangen at 20. 3-4 cans per week, plus general swedish snus for times when a bulge in the lip would get me in trouble.

Username: mhegerle
Name: Micah
Where: Minnesota
Married: no
Addiction Details: Dipping for a yea. Tried quitting multiple times. Started a quit group a few months back and didn't stay quit. I was up to a tin a day and I want to stick with it this time.

Username: macdaddy1300
Name: jamie
Age: 41
Where: Kansas
Married: yes
Addiction Details: started chewing when i was 15, thought it was cool,quit for a
year when I was 20 but started up again and been chewing a can a day every since.

Username: ktb1764
Name: Rob
Age: 50
Where: TX
Married: Yes, with a 16 year old girl and a 13 year old boy
Addiction Details: Started dipping at 15 in little league. Switched to cigarettes in college and kept smoking until I ws 30. Went back to the can, but over the last 10 years, been dipping and smoking. 4 cans/week of Cope and 1/2 pack/day Marlboro Reds. The bitch has had me by the balls for a long time.

Username: apull1
Name: Aric
Where: MI
Married: Yes with our first child on the way.
Addiction Details:Last 5 years dippin' grizz wintergreen. before that started smoking at 18 to 30. I have been a slave for so long I need freedom.

Username: ScooterScum
First Name: Curt
Where From: TX
Age: 46
Married: Yes
Addiction Details: 30+ years, 2-3 cans of Copenhagen a day! Thought I was cool like Walt Garrison when I started!

Username: Skeeder99
Name: Chad
Where: MI
Married: Yes, with first child on the way
Addiction Details:
Started chewing when I was 13 because my older brother and his friends chewed. All my friends chewed as well, so it was always easy to get. I'd been chewing Skoal Straight at just over a can a day since I was 16. I've tried quitting one time before, and made it to a month. So I thought I was in the clear and could have just one dip, no big deal....3 days later I was back to my old ways. I havent tried quitting in over ten years, so I'm glad I found this website to help me along the way.

Username: Paulregali
Name: Paul
Where: Oregon
Married: Yes, with 4 daughters
Addiction Details: Dipped since the 7th grade. First chew was a mistake, i was off and running. My chewing has always gone up and down, sometimes a lot other times very little but always daily, but NO MORE.

Username: LiveSimple02
Name: Steve
Age: 21
Where: WI, but stationed in San Diego for the Marine Corps
Married: No
Addiction Details: I started dipping when I was a junior in high school so its only been 5 years for me but that is 5 years too long. Shortly after I started dipping I also began smoking because everybody I worked with did. Over those 5 years I've gone through times where I either smoked or dipped, but most of the time I did both. I never hesitated to go out and smoke and when I got inside to throw in a dip. I've been wanting to quit for a while but given my circumstances, I never could really get myself to commit to it. Being in the Marine Corps has not helped me at all with the tobacco use and for 7 months in Afghanistan, the only time I wasn't using was when I was sleeping or at the gym. Now is my time to quite though.

Username: Cowboy1142
Name: Bryan
Age: 38
Where: Utah
Married: Yes wit 4 kids
Addiction Details: Started chewing when I was 10 thought that all good cowboys did all my hero's
did it so why not me. I've been using 2 cans of Copenhagen a day since. It is time to stop now I don't want to be controlled by a can of chew anymore

Username: MRWILLIA
Name: MARK
Age: 31
Where: TX
Married: YES
Addiction Details: I have been dipping for 13 years and I am ready to get rid of my addiction.

Username: boneil396
Name: Brendan
Age: 30
Where: Atlanta
Married: No
Addiction Details: Started dipping here and there when I was 15 or so. Increased to a can a day when I was about 17 and continued until 2 weeks ago. Kodiak wintergreen was my dip of choice. I'm happy to be here.

Username: Erdnase
Name: Chad
Age: 36
Where: MT
Married: Yes
Addiction Details- 20 years, 1st day of quite Oct 3-went 62 days and caved, Back at it with these March Maniacs.

Username: Lochi21
Name: Chris
Age: 42
Where: Wisconsin
Married: Yes with an 8 yr old son.
Addiction Details: Tin a day of Kodiak followed by Grizzly for 20+ years. Former HOFer on this site. Caved multiple times. On FINAL quit. I need this place like I need oxygen.

Username: zachh1020
Name: Zach
Age: 21
Where: Southern Indiana
Married: No
Addiction Details: I don't really remember why I started. I started when I was 18 (4 years). It started with Camel Snus then eventually I switched to Skoal Wintergreen. I was never a really heavy chewer. Two cans a week maybe. Back in April when I purchased a restaurant, It got a lot worse. My worst was almost 3 cans a day! I ALWAYS had a dip in. I guess I found it was a stress reliever. I'm down to about 1-2 cans a day, but today, that all stops.

Username: thunderdanb
Name: Dan
Age: 28
Where: Arizona
Married: Yep, 6 years
Addiction Details: Nicotine for over 7 years. Started smoking when I started work at an ambulance company, because everyone either smoked or chewed, and being the dumb FNG I wanted to fit in. After about a year, my buddy introduced to skoal - believe it or not I switched to smokeless because I thought it was less disgusting... didn't have to worry about my clothes or car smelling, and it was much easier to hide from the lady (wish I could have seen the horrible precedent that would set). Been trying to quit on and off for years. Have stopped for 2 months a couple of times, but always slipped back. Most recently I visited "", and tried their nicotine lozenge program... But what I've read around here is true, if you're using any nicotine you are just prolonging the agony. Done with that crap and ready to get any and all nicotine out of my system for good.

Username: hsumatt2117
Name: Matt
Age: 28
Where: Texas
Married: Yes, with a 2 year old son and a baby girl on the way.
Addiction Details: Mostly grizzly but been hooked on nic ever since I started coaching and saw the other guys doing it. Seemed cool at the time but now im sick of having it in my mouth. Im ready to break this crap and something that has a hold of me.

Username: saintjohnsloop
First Name: Dan
Where From: Alexandria, VA
Age: 29
Married: Yes with 3 awesome kids
Addiction Details: 15 years, 2-4 cans of Copenhagen Snuff a week. I'm a caver retread on this site and I am committed to remembering my promise and my bond to the people above and below me on this list.

Username: PMac
First Name: Paul
Where From: Alpharetta, GA
Age: 41
Married: Yes with 3 boys aged 9, 6, and 4.
Addiction Details: 25-26 years. Last 10 or so between 1.5 and 3 cans per day. Primarily Skoal Long Cut Mint. Few cans of Copenhagen Black every week or two. Today (December 19th) is Day 1. Suck it Nic Bitch!


Username: 30yrAddict
First Name: Dale
Where From: NY
Age: 44
Married: yes- 4 children 24, 20, 17, 14
Addiction Details: 33yrs, can a day- Skoal LC Green, Grizzly Green, and Cigars. Started in little league.

Username: Cornholio
First Name: Mike
Where: Ohio
Married, two boys. 9 and 12.
Addiction Details. Started smoking as a habit in 8th grade ('81). Picked up Dip as a dumb ass approach to quit smoking in '02. Kodiak to Grizzly. Quickly turned into can a day. I "quit" before several times. Once I made a year. I know what I'm facing and I fear failure. I've been feeding the nic bitch for 30yrs. It's time for the fat ass whore to die. WE CAN DO THIS, ONE DAY AT A TIME.

Username: ScooterScum
First Name: Curt
Where From: TX
Age: 46
Married: Yes
Addiction Details: 30+ years, 2-3 cans of Copenhagen a day! Thought I was cool like Walt Garrison when I started!

Username: Tazmed (Taz)
Name: C.J.
Age: 44
Where: Southern Oregon
Married: Yep, along with 9 kids the last time I counted.
Addiction Details: First dip of Copenhagen at 6 years old (from Granddad), started chewing regularly at 10 playing baseball. 34 years later, on June 22, 2011, I tasted freedom for the first time.

Username: Show
Name: Terry
Age: 42
Where: Minneapolis
Married: Twice.....the second time is fantastic. Got a couple of kids too.
Addiction Details: Started chewing in 1984. Quit chewing on my daughters birthday in 2009 with the help of my brother (PbKid) and my cohort in March 2010 - feel free to join us.

Username: Souliman
Name: Chris
Age: 38
Where: Rhodey
Married: Yes + 2
Addiction Details: ~24 years of tin a day Copenhagen. Free for just over a year. Fighting daily.

Username: AgLawyer
Name: Paul
Age: 4-0
Where: Boerne
Married: Yes
Addiction Details: 21 years of can a day. 139 days of freedom.
My Independence Day - December 19, 2011
HOF - March 27, 2012
Comma Town, USA - September 15, 2014
Three Years - December 19, 2014
Eleventh Floor - December 24, 2014