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Offline Steakbomb18

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Re: Yesterday
« Reply #8 on: July 08, 2014, 10:15:00 PM »
Quote from: rdad
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: brad80
I have been a dipper for about 6 years, which doesn't seem that long in comparison to some of the other posts i have read. I am definitely hooked however and have tried to quit many times in the past. I have to make it happen this time.

I am determined to do this for my own well being! I have taken a lot of stories from this community and it has really hit home for me. I ordered the Chattahoochee herbal snuff, which should be here by the end of the week. Hoping that will help with my oral fixation.

I am currently dealing with jaw pains along with tooth pains, etc. Just the typical quitting stuff. It sucks, but I'm gonna get thru it.

Lost 125lbs of weight and in order to get the skin surgery I have been working toward for over 3 years I have to be tobacco free for more than a month before and after according to my doctor. That's even more motivation, but I'm not going to go back. If i can go two months I can keep it going.

Appreciate any and all support I'm sure I'm going to need it.

I am doing my best to not be a total A hole to my wife and kids. :) I know it's not their fault, but damn am I irritable.

If you look in the dictionary under "quit Sherpa" there are pictures of the 4 guys that have responded to you. If I were you, I would follow their advice. I would post roll and then I would be a man of integrity, honoring my word for today that I will be nicotine free. Once my eyelids opened tomorrow I would post roll immediately and repay being a man if honor, whose word is worth a damn. In order to help overcome some of the bumps (ie - you being an irritable mofo, lol) I would ask those 4 bad asses if I could have their contact info... And then I would send each of them a text.

Sound ghey? Sound weird? Texting and talking to a stranger at your most vulnerable point? Day 562 here. I promised myself everyday for 25 years that tomorrow would be the day. Then I found ktc. Text the Sherpas. You are gonna love the new you, you won't be an asshole forever!
Make that 5 quit sherpas. WtW is a formidable quitter and knows what he's talking about. Me? I don't care why you quit. We all have our own reasons. If you really want to be quit, you will post roll everyday, weave an impenetrable web of accountability of fellow quitters here, and read everything you can find to learn about our addiction. Knowledge is power. Welcome!
Dude. Guy. 1 number 1 word for you: 125 pounds. That's fucking amazing. You know what that tells me. You have will. You have power. You have desire. You have discipline. These are all great attributes and you will need them. But, know...this foe, nicotine, is probably 10 times harder than what you've already been through, none-the-less, you are amidst a complete lifestyle turn-around and this, quitting the nic, will be pinnacle of your achievements. These 2 guys on this reply are rocks in my foundation of quit, and I'm talking huge ass weight bearing rocks. I also refer to these rocks as my brothers. Drink the KTC Kool-aid and post roll. Build your accountability, read, learn, become involved and watch your quit foundation grow. You too can have rocks like these.
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Re: Yesterday
« Reply #7 on: July 08, 2014, 09:43:00 PM »
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: brad80
I have been a dipper for about 6 years, which doesn't seem that long in comparison to some of the other posts i have read. I am definitely hooked however and have tried to quit many times in the past. I have to make it happen this time.

I am determined to do this for my own well being! I have taken a lot of stories from this community and it has really hit home for me. I ordered the Chattahoochee herbal snuff, which should be here by the end of the week. Hoping that will help with my oral fixation.

I am currently dealing with jaw pains along with tooth pains, etc. Just the typical quitting stuff. It sucks, but I'm gonna get thru it.

Lost 125lbs of weight and in order to get the skin surgery I have been working toward for over 3 years I have to be tobacco free for more than a month before and after according to my doctor. That's even more motivation, but I'm not going to go back. If i can go two months I can keep it going.

Appreciate any and all support I'm sure I'm going to need it.

I am doing my best to not be a total A hole to my wife and kids. :) I know it's not their fault, but damn am I irritable.

If you look in the dictionary under "quit Sherpa" there are pictures of the 4 guys that have responded to you. If I were you, I would follow their advice. I would post roll and then I would be a man of integrity, honoring my word for today that I will be nicotine free. Once my eyelids opened tomorrow I would post roll immediately and repay being a man if honor, whose word is worth a damn. In order to help overcome some of the bumps (ie - you being an irritable mofo, lol) I would ask those 4 bad asses if I could have their contact info... And then I would send each of them a text.

Sound ghey? Sound weird? Texting and talking to a stranger at your most vulnerable point? Day 562 here. I promised myself everyday for 25 years that tomorrow would be the day. Then I found ktc. Text the Sherpas. You are gonna love the new you, you won't be an asshole forever!
Make that 5 quit sherpas. WtW is a formidable quitter and knows what he's talking about. Me? I don't care why you quit. We all have our own reasons. If you really want to be quit, you will post roll everyday, weave an impenetrable web of accountability of fellow quitters here, and read everything you can find to learn about our addiction. Knowledge is power. Welcome!

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Re: Yesterday
« Reply #6 on: July 08, 2014, 09:22:00 PM »
Quote from: brad80
I have been a dipper for about 6 years, which doesn't seem that long in comparison to some of the other posts i have read. I am definitely hooked however and have tried to quit many times in the past. I have to make it happen this time.

I am determined to do this for my own well being! I have taken a lot of stories from this community and it has really hit home for me. I ordered the Chattahoochee herbal snuff, which should be here by the end of the week. Hoping that will help with my oral fixation.

I am currently dealing with jaw pains along with tooth pains, etc. Just the typical quitting stuff. It sucks, but I'm gonna get thru it.

Lost 125lbs of weight and in order to get the skin surgery I have been working toward for over 3 years I have to be tobacco free for more than a month before and after according to my doctor. That's even more motivation, but I'm not going to go back. If i can go two months I can keep it going.

Appreciate any and all support I'm sure I'm going to need it.

I am doing my best to not be a total A hole to my wife and kids. :) I know it's not their fault, but damn am I irritable.

If you look in the dictionary under "quit Sherpa" there are pictures of the 4 guys that have responded to you. If I were you, I would follow their advice. I would post roll and then I would be a man of integrity, honoring my word for today that I will be nicotine free. Once my eyelids opened tomorrow I would post roll immediately and repay being a man if honor, whose word is worth a damn. In order to help overcome some of the bumps (ie - you being an irritable mofo, lol) I would ask those 4 bad asses if I could have their contact info... And then I would send each of them a text.

Sound ghey? Sound weird? Texting and talking to a stranger at your most vulnerable point? Day 562 here. I promised myself everyday for 25 years that tomorrow would be the day. Then I found ktc. Text the Sherpas. You are gonna love the new you, you won't be an asshole forever!

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Re: Yesterday
« Reply #5 on: July 08, 2014, 08:40:00 PM »
Quote from: brad80
I have to be tobacco free for more than a month before and after according to my doctor. That's even more motivation, but I'm not going to go back. If i can go two months I can keep it going.
Welcome Friend! You have made the right choice- time to quit!

Wanted to point out a new way to think, one that will guarantee success in quitting if you embrace it: If you can quit for one day you can remain quit for as long as you choose. Quitting is a choice. Caving is a choice. Today we all made the right choice. Tomorrow, we will post our name on roll call and make the right choice again.

1 day is the KTC building block. can you see yourself quit for 1000 days? I know to me that seemed an impossible feat... I came here and learned how to quit for 1 day. Just 1 day friend. You will be amazed how quickly those +1s add up.

These first few days will be intense, but know this- you never have to go through them again. Freedom is just around the corner.

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Re: Yesterday
« Reply #4 on: July 08, 2014, 05:32:00 PM »
Quote from: Thumblewort
Quote from: brad80
I have been a dipper for about 6 years, which doesn't seem that long in comparison to some of the other posts i have read. I am definitely hooked however and have tried to quit many times in the past. I have to make it happen this time.

I am determined to do this for my own well being! I have taken a lot of stories from this community and it has really hit home for me. I ordered the Chattahoochee herbal snuff, which should be here by the end of the week. Hoping that will help with my oral fixation.

I am currently dealing with jaw pains along with tooth pains, etc. Just the typical quitting stuff. It sucks, but I'm gonna get thru it.

Lost 125lbs of weight and in order to get the skin surgery I have been working toward for over 3 years I have to be tobacco free for more than a month before and after according to my doctor. That's even more motivation, but I'm not going to go back. If i can go two months I can keep it going.

Appreciate any and all support I'm sure I'm going to need it.

I am doing my best to not be a total A hole to my wife and kids. :) I know it's not their fault, but damn am I irritable.
Brad, are you an addict? We don't do 2 months here, we do it One Day at a Time (ODAAT). I can give up anything for 24 hours, and I'm sure you can too. I admire your weight loss and reason to be quit, but get really mad at nicotine, and quit nicotine because it is killing you, not because of a surgery.
Welcome, Brad. Congratulations on the quit and the weight loss. Post roll every day and get involved with your fellow quitters. If you need anything or want to swap numbers, let me know.
We are what we repeatedly do. ~ Aristotle

Quit or get off the pot, Sally. ~ Diesel2112

The way I see it, you can either post roll daily or fuck off. ~ jost2brown

Bam! Right in the ass! ~ MonsterEMT

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Re: Yesterday
« Reply #3 on: July 08, 2014, 05:00:00 PM »
Quote from: brad80
I have been a dipper for about 6 years, which doesn't seem that long in comparison to some of the other posts i have read. I am definitely hooked however and have tried to quit many times in the past. I have to make it happen this time.

I am determined to do this for my own well being! I have taken a lot of stories from this community and it has really hit home for me. I ordered the Chattahoochee herbal snuff, which should be here by the end of the week. Hoping that will help with my oral fixation.

I am currently dealing with jaw pains along with tooth pains, etc. Just the typical quitting stuff. It sucks, but I'm gonna get thru it.

Lost 125lbs of weight and in order to get the skin surgery I have been working toward for over 3 years I have to be tobacco free for more than a month before and after according to my doctor. That's even more motivation, but I'm not going to go back. If i can go two months I can keep it going.

Appreciate any and all support I'm sure I'm going to need it.

I am doing my best to not be a total A hole to my wife and kids. :) I know it's not their fault, but damn am I irritable.
Brad, are you an addict? We don't do 2 months here, we do it One Day at a Time (ODAAT). I can give up anything for 24 hours, and I'm sure you can too. I admire your weight loss and reason to be quit, but get really mad at nicotine, and quit nicotine because it is killing you, not because of a surgery.
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Re: Yesterday
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2014, 04:52:00 PM »
Quote from: brad80
I have been a dipper for about 6 years, which doesn't seem that long in comparison to some of the other posts i have read. I am definitely hooked however and have tried to quit many times in the past. I have to make it happen this time.

I am determined to do this for my own well being! I have taken a lot of stories from this community and it has really hit home for me. I ordered the Chattahoochee herbal snuff, which should be here by the end of the week. Hoping that will help with my oral fixation.

I am currently dealing with jaw pains along with tooth pains, etc. Just the typical quitting stuff. It sucks, but I'm gonna get thru it.

Lost 125lbs of weight and in order to get the skin surgery I have been working toward for over 3 years I have to be tobacco free for more than a month before and after according to my doctor. That's even more motivation, but I'm not going to go back. If i can go two months I can keep it going.

Appreciate any and all support I'm sure I'm going to need it.

I am doing my best to not be a total A hole to my wife and kids. :) I know it's not their fault, but damn am I irritable.
Alright. Lets get started on your quit. Read this: forum/55560/

Post your day 1 on roll here: topic/10359552/113/#new

Offline brad80

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« on: July 08, 2014, 04:48:00 PM »
I have been a dipper for about 6 years, which doesn't seem that long in comparison to some of the other posts i have read. I am definitely hooked however and have tried to quit many times in the past. I have to make it happen this time.

I am determined to do this for my own well being! I have taken a lot of stories from this community and it has really hit home for me. I ordered the Chattahoochee herbal snuff, which should be here by the end of the week. Hoping that will help with my oral fixation.

I am currently dealing with jaw pains along with tooth pains, etc. Just the typical quitting stuff. It sucks, but I'm gonna get thru it.

Lost 125lbs of weight and in order to get the skin surgery I have been working toward for over 3 years I have to be tobacco free for more than a month before and after according to my doctor. That's even more motivation, but I'm not going to go back. If i can go two months I can keep it going.

Appreciate any and all support I'm sure I'm going to need it.

I am doing my best to not be a total A hole to my wife and kids. :) I know it's not their fault, but damn am I irritable.