Author Topic: Well, it's probably about time...  (Read 2095 times)

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Offline SirDerek

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Re: Well, it's probably about time...
« Reply #31 on: June 05, 2014, 05:49:00 PM »
Quote from: Knockout
Quote from: spence249
Quote from: slug.go
Quote from: AppleJack
Quote from: Knockout
6 days no post, leaves the spreadsheet idle for 5 days, and his excuses apparently are "too busy" and "June doesn't deserve an inconsistent poster".

Chalk this one up to a cave. Unreal. Don't be this guy, quitters.
"Whoa is me"

Excuses stink
Say it ain't so...
Kanye - grow a pair would you?! This is bullshit. What happened? to be honest, I could care less. the only person you're hurting is yourself. If you don't give a shit about your quit, why should we.
Any shame or guilt you have from bailing on your group, or worse caving, does not improve by just lurking in the shadows. Man up West, I see you popping in without posting.
the thoughts just go wild.

This whole situation can be resolved if you just look deep inside yourself. You came to KTC because you wanted to quit. You joined up, participated, lead the control of your spreadsheet,.....and then something happened. Well lets look inside yourself. I doubt something has changed that drastically that would really keep you away from here. Somewhere inside I bet you still want to be quit. But you need to take that next step. Whether you messed up or not, you are messing up right now by not responding to repeated PMs and Texts. It is that which is turning your back on friends and a new family that is here in support.

But this is a time where one needs to see that fork in the road. A time where one needs to look inside himself and really ask what he wants, because the clock is ticking. That tic tock can be the countdown to one of 2 things.....either a life plagued with poison, wasted time, and all that comes with that....Or it could be a life of freedom.

So what is your choice my friend.....

Offline Knockout

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Re: Well, it's probably about time...
« Reply #30 on: June 05, 2014, 12:13:00 AM »
Quote from: spence249
Quote from: slug.go
Quote from: AppleJack
Quote from: Knockout
6 days no post, leaves the spreadsheet idle for 5 days, and his excuses apparently are "too busy" and "June doesn't deserve an inconsistent poster".

Chalk this one up to a cave. Unreal. Don't be this guy, quitters.
"Whoa is me"

Excuses stink
Say it ain't so...
Kanye - grow a pair would you?! This is bullshit. What happened? to be honest, I could care less. the only person you're hurting is yourself. If you don't give a shit about your quit, why should we.
Any shame or guilt you have from bailing on your group, or worse caving, does not improve by just lurking in the shadows. Man up West, I see you popping in without posting.
Obsessed with the ghey

QD 01/10/14

Offline Spence249

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Re: Well, it's probably about time...
« Reply #29 on: May 28, 2014, 07:34:00 PM »
Quote from: slug.go
Quote from: AppleJack
Quote from: Knockout
6 days no post, leaves the spreadsheet idle for 5 days, and his excuses apparently are "too busy" and "June doesn't deserve an inconsistent poster".

Chalk this one up to a cave. Unreal. Don't be this guy, quitters.
"Whoa is me"

Excuses stink
Say it ain't so...
Kanye - grow a pair would you?! This is bullshit. What happened? to be honest, I could care less. the only person you're hurting is yourself. If you don't give a shit about your quit, why should we.

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Re: Well, it's probably about time...
« Reply #28 on: May 28, 2014, 12:42:00 PM »
Quote from: AppleJack
Quote from: Knockout
6 days no post, leaves the spreadsheet idle for 5 days, and his excuses apparently are "too busy" and "June doesn't deserve an inconsistent poster".

Chalk this one up to a cave. Unreal. Don't be this guy, quitters.
"Whoa is me"

Excuses stink
Say it ain't so...
Quit since 1/23/14

Offline AppleJack

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Re: Well, it's probably about time...
« Reply #27 on: May 28, 2014, 11:49:00 AM »
Quote from: Knockout
6 days no post, leaves the spreadsheet idle for 5 days, and his excuses apparently are "too busy" and "June doesn't deserve an inconsistent poster".

Chalk this one up to a cave. Unreal. Don't be this guy, quitters.
"Whoa is me"

Excuses stink
Well, it’s one louder, isn’t it? It’s not ten.

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Re: Well, it's probably about time...
« Reply #26 on: May 28, 2014, 10:04:00 AM »
Never heard of this guy until today, and now I am bummed out. West man, don't do us like this.
Some of my fondest and clearest memories are peeing in places that aren't bathrooms.

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Re: Well, it's probably about time...
« Reply #25 on: May 28, 2014, 10:02:00 AM »
Come on, West. What the fuck? You were one of the leaders of our group early on. You were always in the chat room helping the new guys. You were someone that alot of guys in our group looked up to. I hope we're wrong, but I can't think of a single reason that someone would miss roll for that many days in a row other than caving. I would love to be wrong about this, but I don't think so. Hey June. Let's man up, grow a set of nuts, and Quit Like Fuck.
We are what we repeatedly do. ~ Aristotle

Quit or get off the pot, Sally. ~ Diesel2112

The way I see it, you can either post roll daily or fuck off. ~ jost2brown

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Re: Well, it's probably about time...
« Reply #24 on: May 28, 2014, 04:51:00 AM »
Mr. West, I hope what KO said is not true. You were one of the the quitters I looked up to. Whenever new young quitters joined I could always say You, Me, KO, etc were bad-fucking-ass young quitters, we were proof that young quitters could not only make a long term commitment to quitting but we could also give advice and help others just as well as the older guys. I am hoping you didn't cave, I am hoping you've just been really busy with work, either way you need to post roll. I hope I can reach you through text/facebook, and we can talk, I know you want to quit and I want you to be quit.
Quit: 3/14/2014
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If you are reading this; I quit with you today.

Offline Knockout

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Re: Well, it's probably about time...
« Reply #23 on: May 28, 2014, 01:03:00 AM »
6 days no post, leaves the spreadsheet idle for 5 days, and his excuses apparently are "too busy" and "June doesn't deserve an inconsistent poster".

Chalk this one up to a cave. Unreal. Don't be this guy, quitters.
Obsessed with the ghey

QD 01/10/14

Offline yemtig

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Re: Well, it's probably about time...
« Reply #22 on: May 19, 2014, 01:09:00 AM »
What up Mr. West?? Just wanted to drop a line and tell you how badass it is to see guys like yourself of character continue to stay quit.. You are well on your way to HOF and I comnend you, you deserve it, but continue to stay vigiliant.. We all do....

And for that nic bitch that tries to suck you off every once in awhile, tell her to fuck off!!! QLF with you man!

Offline Ginet

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Re: Well, it's probably about time...
« Reply #21 on: April 25, 2014, 08:19:00 AM »
Quote from: SAM83
Quote from: mrwest
Two months today. Not going to lie, it feels good. Probably the best milestone I've had yet. I honestly couldn't have done it without the awesome group of quitters we have it, so thank you. I look forward to posting up a 61 tomorrow. ODAAT
Rock solid Mr. West....Quit with you today!
Nice job Kanye!
The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person who is doing it. ~ Chinese Proverb
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Offline SAM83

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Re: Well, it's probably about time...
« Reply #20 on: April 25, 2014, 06:24:00 AM »
Quote from: mrwest
Two months today. Not going to lie, it feels good. Probably the best milestone I've had yet. I honestly couldn't have done it without the awesome group of quitters we have it, so thank you. I look forward to posting up a 61 tomorrow. ODAAT
Rock solid Mr. West....Quit with you today!

Offline mrwest

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Re: Well, it's probably about time...
« Reply #19 on: April 25, 2014, 01:20:00 AM »
Two months today. Not going to lie, it feels good. Probably the best milestone I've had yet. I honestly couldn't have done it without the awesome group of quitters we have it, so thank you. I look forward to posting up a 61 tomorrow. ODAAT
Quit Date: 2/25/14

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Re: Well, it's probably about time...
« Reply #18 on: April 02, 2014, 06:33:00 AM »
Quote from: SAM83
Quote from: Zillah
Quote from: Etxaggie
Quote from: mrwest
Having some craves the past few days had me feeling a little down about my quit. I didn't have a funk around 20, but I'm definitely in one now. I know for a fact that if I wasn't on KTC I would not still be quit. I know it. By ourselves, we're weak. Together, we can do it. I think it's just about readjusting my motivation. The first few weeks it's easy to float through on adrenaline alone. When that wears off, you have to ask yourself, what am I doing? I asked myself that question last night. What I did next? Went back and read my journaling from the first 5 days. I didn't write much, but enough to jog my memory of just how bad I really hate tobacco and everything that it had turned me into. It's easy to forget just how pathetic and useless a nicotine addiction really is, and I'm glad I had something that I had written to remind myself.

Not sure where this is going, but the message is, NAFAR. I'm quit, and I'm not fucking going back now. So bring on fucking day 37.  'Finger'
Those days were difficult in my quit also. Rage, F-its, everyone is a dumbass, etc.... It will pass.

I quit w/ you today!
Yes, yes....It's the "Nothing works, and everyone is an idiot" phase. I have those only momentarily now. :-) Hang in there Westie. Etx is right....this too shall pass.
Solid quitter in Mr West. As you post support with July and then with August and even September you will really see the patterns develop. For me, it helped me better understand what I went through watching the next couple of groups and the developing quits of others. That understanding made it even clearer just what a hold nicotine had on me, how much I rationalized every day, and it helped me see through the lies in my own head. This is powerful stuff here. No doubt I would not have added this many +1's on my own. ODAAT Mr. West, the funks pass as well.
Always remember that it will KILL you.
Nicotine Quit Date:10/31/2013
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Offline SAM83

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Re: Well, it's probably about time...
« Reply #17 on: April 02, 2014, 06:20:00 AM »
Quote from: Zillah
Quote from: Etxaggie
Quote from: mrwest
Having some craves the past few days had me feeling a little down about my quit. I didn't have a funk around 20, but I'm definitely in one now. I know for a fact that if I wasn't on KTC I would not still be quit. I know it. By ourselves, we're weak. Together, we can do it. I think it's just about readjusting my motivation. The first few weeks it's easy to float through on adrenaline alone. When that wears off, you have to ask yourself, what am I doing? I asked myself that question last night. What I did next? Went back and read my journaling from the first 5 days. I didn't write much, but enough to jog my memory of just how bad I really hate tobacco and everything that it had turned me into. It's easy to forget just how pathetic and useless a nicotine addiction really is, and I'm glad I had something that I had written to remind myself.

Not sure where this is going, but the message is, NAFAR. I'm quit, and I'm not fucking going back now. So bring on fucking day 37.  'Finger'
Those days were difficult in my quit also. Rage, F-its, everyone is a dumbass, etc.... It will pass.

I quit w/ you today!
Yes, yes....It's the "Nothing works, and everyone is an idiot" phase. I have those only momentarily now. :-) Hang in there Westie. Etx is right....this too shall pass.
Solid quitter in Mr West. As you post support with July and then with August and even September you will really see the patterns develop. For me, it helped me better understand what I went through watching the next couple of groups and the developing quits of others. That understanding made it even clearer just what a hold nicotine had on me, how much I rationalized every day, and it helped me see through the lies in my own head. This is powerful stuff here. No doubt I would not have added this many +1's on my own. ODAAT Mr. West, the funks pass as well.