Author Topic: Tired of the stress  (Read 1843 times)

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Re: Tired of the stress
« Reply #30 on: January 03, 2016, 01:52:00 PM »
Quote from: cdk
Still very happy with this decision to kick the grizzly. It's still on my mind at times I have to admit but at this point I can't throw away 77 days of not giving in and buying that crap.

Feel so much healthier not poisoning myself with it and am down 10 lbs as well. Next up giving up beer for a month haha we will see if I can do that!
Hey cdk as a quitter you can do anything you put your mind to! Congratulations on success at such a young age, I'm jealous, at the same time proud as a fat cat! Quit on!
Tobacco is so addictive it took me a year after a massive heart attack, in which doctor confirmed caused from dipping to finally put a lid on the bitch! ODAAT EDD

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Re: Tired of the stress
« Reply #29 on: January 03, 2016, 12:36:00 PM »
Still very happy with this decision to kick the grizzly. It's still on my mind at times I have to admit but at this point I can't throw away 77 days of not giving in and buying that crap.

Feel so much healthier not poisoning myself with it and am down 10 lbs as well. Next up giving up beer for a month haha we will see if I can do that!

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Re: Tired of the stress
« Reply #28 on: November 25, 2015, 02:04:00 AM »
congrats cdk on 27 days! one day at a time you'll get there man. after a while the sunflower seeds tear up ur mouth pretty good. get an old tic tac container and fill it with tooth pics.

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Re: Tired of the stress
« Reply #27 on: November 24, 2015, 12:05:00 AM »
I've been having a difficult time with the quit just like many ppl I am sure, but today I got the kick in the ass I think I needed to keep this going.

I went to the dentist for a first time visit and came clean about ditching the habit etc etc. I asked for an in depth oral screening in order to make me feel a little better. Good news on that front that my mouth is in good shape and he told me it doesn't look like there's been any damage. Thank God. That being said I am going to make that a routine of mine since I know I might not be out of the woods just yet. It will be a lifelong battle because of my decision to start putting that crap in my mouth. I recommend any new to the quit to have an oral exam if you are super anxious like I am. I am confident that everyone will be okay but it's good to have a professional check.

Peace and quit on! I am happy to now be 37 days into this journey and I am gonna keep the pedal down. Fuck tobacco

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Re: Tired of the stress
« Reply #26 on: October 27, 2015, 10:43:00 PM »
It makes me smile to see someone as young as you kicking this bitch ass. See, she kicked my ass for 38 year's. That's hard to believe and I'm damn sure not proud of it. But I am damn sure proud of the 304 days of freedom because of my brothers and sister's and all the tools here at ktc! You can and will beat this if you post early every damn day and concentrate on one day at a time! Damn proud of you! Quit on!
Tobacco is so addictive it took me a year after a massive heart attack, in which doctor confirmed caused from dipping to finally put a lid on the bitch! ODAAT EDD

Offline Derekc1986

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Re: Tired of the stress
« Reply #25 on: October 27, 2015, 09:17:00 PM »
Derekc1986 - 3 Days Quit for me. I quit with you cdk.

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Re: Tired of the stress
« Reply #24 on: October 27, 2015, 11:22:00 AM »
Quote from: cdk
Quote from: Done4Me
Quote from: cdk
Having some pretty tough urges the last couple days...been a tough week or so

I have been resorting to sunflower seeds and I did try this smokey mountain stuff, which is surprisingly good. It tastes exactly like cope in my opinion. I am eagerly awaiting a shipment of Grinds I ordered online. Anyone try that stuff?
Lots of people like grinds. I never used fake so others will respond. As for urges, you're past the point of physical addiction. It's all head games. Urges/craves are frequent early on but lessen with time. Throw in some gum, hard candy, hot balls, whatever it takes. Redirection also works. Get up and walk outside. Do a different task. Bottom line make it through the day.
"Redirection also works. Get up and walk outside. Do a different task. "

Thanks man. I actually really like that advice, and thats something I got to keep drilling in my head. I feel like the physical addiction I have been able to overcome somewhat ok, but the mental part about it right now is the toughest for me. I am trying to use the fake stuff to keep my mind off it, but also dont want to use it as a crutch so I just want it handy for the hard times....

It kind of is like that old adage, "Put yourself in a position to succeed"...Thank you I will carry that on in my quit!

Oh yea screw UNC and Duke!
I think this is the best part of the quote:
Quote from: Done4Me
Throw in balls
This is your intro though so take what you need. In all seriousness, do whatever it takes to keep that shit out of your mouth today. Fake, gum, seeds, it doesn't matter. If it keeps you quit it's worth it for now. Eventually you'll tire of the replacements because they aren't laced with addictive poisons like dip was. Nice job reaching out, and share your struggles with your group too because chances are somebody in there is dealing with this too.

Keep it up CDK, it gets better.
"Fuck nicotine dude. You don't need it. And you don't want it. It didn't do a thing for you and you know it." - worktowin
"today you dissided that shit wont control your life. and it wont. unless you let it." - drome
"Not thinking about nicotine is for people who've never used nicotine. We threw that option away with the first dip or drag on a cigarette. We are addicts, and cannot become un-addicted." - wildirish317
"You need to decide how much you really want to be quit." - pky1520
We are always at risk. And probably always will be. That is why I will never get "too quit" to post my +1. Every. Damn. Day. - geis2597

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Re: Tired of the stress
« Reply #23 on: October 27, 2015, 10:00:00 AM »
Quote from: Done4Me
Quote from: cdk
Having some pretty tough urges the last couple days...been a tough week or so

I have been resorting to sunflower seeds and I did try this smokey mountain stuff, which is surprisingly good. It tastes exactly like cope in my opinion. I am eagerly awaiting a shipment of Grinds I ordered online. Anyone try that stuff?
Lots of people like grinds. I never used fake so others will respond. As for urges, you're past the point of physical addiction. It's all head games. Urges/craves are frequent early on but lessen with time. Throw in some gum, hard candy, hot balls, whatever it takes. Redirection also works. Get up and walk outside. Do a different task. Bottom line make it through the day.
"Redirection also works. Get up and walk outside. Do a different task. "

Thanks man. I actually really like that advice, and thats something I got to keep drilling in my head. I feel like the physical addiction I have been able to overcome somewhat ok, but the mental part about it right now is the toughest for me. I am trying to use the fake stuff to keep my mind off it, but also dont want to use it as a crutch so I just want it handy for the hard times....

It kind of is like that old adage, "Put yourself in a position to succeed"...Thank you I will carry that on in my quit!

Oh yea screw UNC and Duke!

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Re: Tired of the stress
« Reply #22 on: October 27, 2015, 09:26:00 AM »
Quote from: cdk
Having some pretty tough urges the last couple days...been a tough week or so

I have been resorting to sunflower seeds and I did try this smokey mountain stuff, which is surprisingly good. It tastes exactly like cope in my opinion. I am eagerly awaiting a shipment of Grinds I ordered online. Anyone try that stuff?
Lots of people like grinds. I never used fake so others will respond. As for urges, you're past the point of physical addiction. It's all head games. Urges/craves are frequent early on but lessen with time. Throw in some gum, hard candy, hot balls, whatever it takes. Redirection also works. Get up and walk outside. Do a different task. Bottom line make it through the day.

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Re: Tired of the stress
« Reply #21 on: October 27, 2015, 08:28:00 AM »
Having some pretty tough urges the last couple days...been a tough week or so

I have been resorting to sunflower seeds and I did try this smokey mountain stuff, which is surprisingly good. It tastes exactly like cope in my opinion. I am eagerly awaiting a shipment of Grinds I ordered online. Anyone try that stuff?

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Re: Tired of the stress
« Reply #20 on: October 23, 2015, 07:29:00 AM »
Quote from: Jeleonowicz
Quote from: eyehatecope
Quote from: quark
Quote from: cdk
I think i am going to have trouble fighting the urges in certain situations (after drinking/long drives/golfing/yard work etc) I know the last time I fucked up because I was quit for 2 weeks and threw one in after drinking and watching football with a buddy.
Stay away from alcohol for the first 50 days, since it lowers you inhibition as well as promotes a buzz crave. Once you have some quit time behind you, then you can try alcohol again.

You may need something to occupy your mouth for your first 100 days during your 'certain situations': I used wintergreen lifesavers pretty constantly, but others swear by the imitation dip.
This right here. As bad as you don't want to, this will help you tremendously. It was hard for me because God knows I loved my Miller Lite. Now I'm a rum guy in my days of the 70's. I picked the rum up around 50ish after the ML didn't taste exactly right.
Alcohol will be the downfall of your quit. It has happened to me. I was two weeks into a quit and decided to have some beer and ended up walking to a c-store to put some of that shredded shit in my mouth.

Welcome to KTC and congrats on making a great decision. I quit with you.

Thanks that's whats happened to me in the past as well so I need to do something different this time. The excuses definitely start coming out of the woodwork if youre drinking.

Thanks for the advice ( even if you're a UMich fan lol)

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Re: Tired of the stress
« Reply #19 on: October 23, 2015, 07:26:00 AM »
Quote from: eyehatecope
Quote from: quark
Quote from: cdk
I think i am going to have trouble fighting the urges in certain situations (after drinking/long drives/golfing/yard work etc) I know the last time I fucked up because I was quit for 2 weeks and threw one in after drinking and watching football with a buddy.
Stay away from alcohol for the first 50 days, since it lowers you inhibition as well as promotes a buzz crave. Once you have some quit time behind you, then you can try alcohol again.

You may need something to occupy your mouth for your first 100 days during your 'certain situations': I used wintergreen lifesavers pretty constantly, but others swear by the imitation dip.
This right here. As bad as you don't want to, this will help you tremendously. It was hard for me because God knows I loved my Miller Lite. Now I'm a rum guy in my days of the 70's. I picked the rum up around 50ish after the ML didn't taste exactly right.
Thanks its definitely a good idea. I will cut back on the drinking at home for sure because it's usually just having a few by myself or with my brother that I would end up dipping after.

Cutting back drinking in general is something I want to do to be healthier so might as well start now!

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Re: Tired of the stress
« Reply #18 on: October 22, 2015, 11:57:00 PM »
Quote from: cdk
Quote from: quark
Quote from: cdk
I think i am going to have trouble fighting the urges in certain situations (after drinking/long drives/golfing/yard work etc) I know the last time I fucked up because I was quit for 2 weeks and threw one in after drinking and watching football with a buddy.
Stay away from alcohol for the first 50 days, since it lowers you inhibition as well as promotes a buzz crave. Once you have some quit time behind you, then you can try alcohol again.

You may need something to occupy your mouth for your first 100 days during your 'certain situations': I used wintergreen lifesavers pretty constantly, but others swear by the imitation dip.
Thanks I should certainly try and cut out, or at least limit the drinking going forward. I don't know which will be harder no dip or no beer... I'm not an alcoholic by any means but am a social drinker. I will keep posted on what I find works for me. I might check out the fake stuff, but then again Id rather go without and get rid of the ritual of packing a lip altogeter even if it's coffee grinds instead of carcinogens...
Tired of being tired.
Make your decision early....
Just one day at a time.
You can quit anything for a day.
You dont need either one.
Nor do I.
I quit with you today.
Rawls 339
I believe.....

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Re: Tired of the stress
« Reply #17 on: October 22, 2015, 09:38:00 PM »
Quote from: eyehatecope
Quote from: quark
Quote from: cdk
I think i am going to have trouble fighting the urges in certain situations (after drinking/long drives/golfing/yard work etc) I know the last time I fucked up because I was quit for 2 weeks and threw one in after drinking and watching football with a buddy.
Stay away from alcohol for the first 50 days, since it lowers you inhibition as well as promotes a buzz crave. Once you have some quit time behind you, then you can try alcohol again.

You may need something to occupy your mouth for your first 100 days during your 'certain situations': I used wintergreen lifesavers pretty constantly, but others swear by the imitation dip.
This right here. As bad as you don't want to, this will help you tremendously. It was hard for me because God knows I loved my Miller Lite. Now I'm a rum guy in my days of the 70's. I picked the rum up around 50ish after the ML didn't taste exactly right.
Alcohol will be the downfall of your quit. It has happened to me. I was two weeks into a quit and decided to have some beer and ended up walking to a c-store to put some of that shredded shit in my mouth.

Welcome to KTC and congrats on making a great decision. I quit with you.

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Re: Tired of the stress
« Reply #16 on: October 22, 2015, 09:24:00 PM »
Quote from: quark
Quote from: cdk
I think i am going to have trouble fighting the urges in certain situations (after drinking/long drives/golfing/yard work etc) I know the last time I fucked up because I was quit for 2 weeks and threw one in after drinking and watching football with a buddy.
Stay away from alcohol for the first 50 days, since it lowers you inhibition as well as promotes a buzz crave. Once you have some quit time behind you, then you can try alcohol again.

You may need something to occupy your mouth for your first 100 days during your 'certain situations': I used wintergreen lifesavers pretty constantly, but others swear by the imitation dip.
This right here. As bad as you don't want to, this will help you tremendously. It was hard for me because God knows I loved my Miller Lite. Now I'm a rum guy in my days of the 70's. I picked the rum up around 50ish after the ML didn't taste exactly right.
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