Author Topic: wow; this is tough!  (Read 1778 times)

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Offline bigben86

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Re: wow; this is tough!
« Reply #17 on: August 08, 2011, 11:43:00 PM »
Quote from: Scowick65
Looks like you got some support already. Count me in on that. I was a ninja dipper my self. Now I am quit...with you. Lets fight the fight together. 1 day at a time.
absolutely! it is crazy how you can have something that controls your life as much as dip, and hide it completely for years! your thoughts are much appreciated, and i am stoked to have met somebody who has gone through something similar to myself! one day at a time!

Offline Scowick65

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Re: wow; this is tough!
« Reply #16 on: August 08, 2011, 10:05:00 PM »
Looks like you got some support already. Count me in on that. I was a ninja dipper my self. Now I am quit...with you. Lets fight the fight together. 1 day at a time.

Offline bigben86

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Re: wow; this is tough!
« Reply #15 on: August 08, 2011, 04:25:00 PM »
Quote from: razd611
Quote from: Highwayman1890
Quote from: bigben86
i am finding myself trying to do any and absolutely everything i can to justify having a dip! i am only on day 2 and i can hardly stand it!!! I never realized how difficult this was going to be. i have my eye on the prize, and that prize is making it through this one damn day without having a dip!
Find somewhere that sells the fake stuff. No, you won't catch a buzz off it but you will be able to at least retain a little bit of your old habit, the dip itself. It gives you something to look forward to, and takes the place of the dangerous shit we used to put in our mouths. I've been doing it for a week now and already I am seeing the frequency of my dips fade and fade. But when watching a movie, after a meal, in the car the fake stuff is a godsend and you don't feel so out of place, there's a certain comfort to it.
Dear Princess,

Nothing justifies having a dip!

Change your thought process.
i know there are no reasons to justify this shit. that doesn't mean my mind doesn't go there!

i am set, and staying busy and keeping my mind in a busy/good place, but just saying there are thoughts that creep in, once they do, i get them the fuck out, but that doesn't mean i don't have those thoughts,and that it doesn't cause my mind to go to a place it shouldn't!

Offline bigben86

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Re: wow; this is tough!
« Reply #14 on: August 08, 2011, 04:21:00 PM »
Quote from: nicofiend
Welcome aboard Big Ben! Wise decision you made to quit nicotine!The first few days will be hell, but then It gets better, just make it a one day QUIT, one day at a time. Proud to be quit with you! Nico
thanks brother, it's tough, but i am determined man!! ONE DAY AT A TIME!!


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Re: wow; this is tough!
« Reply #13 on: August 08, 2011, 03:33:00 PM »
Quote from: Highwayman1890
Quote from: bigben86
i am finding myself trying to do any and absolutely everything i can to justify having a dip! i am only on day 2 and i can hardly stand it!!! I never realized how difficult this was going to be. i have my eye on the prize, and that prize is making it through this one damn day without having a dip!
Find somewhere that sells the fake stuff. No, you won't catch a buzz off it but you will be able to at least retain a little bit of your old habit, the dip itself. It gives you something to look forward to, and takes the place of the dangerous shit we used to put in our mouths. I've been doing it for a week now and already I am seeing the frequency of my dips fade and fade. But when watching a movie, after a meal, in the car the fake stuff is a godsend and you don't feel so out of place, there's a certain comfort to it.
Dear Princess,

Nothing justifies having a dip!

Change your thought process.
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Offline Highwayman1890

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Re: wow; this is tough!
« Reply #12 on: August 08, 2011, 03:29:00 PM »
Quote from: bigben86
i am finding myself trying to do any and absolutely everything i can to justify having a dip! i am only on day 2 and i can hardly stand it!!! I never realized how difficult this was going to be. i have my eye on the prize, and that prize is making it through this one damn day without having a dip!
Find somewhere that sells the fake stuff. No, you won't catch a buzz off it but you will be able to at least retain a little bit of your old habit, the dip itself. It gives you something to look forward to, and takes the place of the dangerous shit we used to put in our mouths. I've been doing it for a week now and already I am seeing the frequency of my dips fade and fade. But when watching a movie, after a meal, in the car the fake stuff is a godsend and you don't feel so out of place, there's a certain comfort to it.

Offline bigben86

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Re: wow; this is tough!
« Reply #11 on: August 08, 2011, 03:27:00 PM »
Quote from: Steve1357
Quote from: bigben86
i am finding myself trying to do any and absolutely everything i can to justify having a dip! i am only on day 2 and i can hardly stand it!!! I never realized how difficult this was going to be. i have my eye on the prize, and that prize is making it through this one damn day without having a dip!
If it was easy to quit, then US Tobacco would not be a billion dollar industry. You are in the thick of the hardest part of your quit. Keep your self busy, keep your mouth busy with gum, seeds, jerky, ect., and keep reading post on this site.

Get through today and tomorrow will be a new day.
thanks, bro! good advice, and much appreciated!

Offline steve1357

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Re: wow; this is tough!
« Reply #10 on: August 08, 2011, 03:24:00 PM »
Quote from: bigben86
i am finding myself trying to do any and absolutely everything i can to justify having a dip! i am only on day 2 and i can hardly stand it!!! I never realized how difficult this was going to be. i have my eye on the prize, and that prize is making it through this one damn day without having a dip!
If it was easy to quit, then US Tobacco would not be a billion dollar industry. You are in the thick of the hardest part of your quit. Keep your self busy, keep your mouth busy with gum, seeds, jerky, ect., and keep reading post on this site.

Get through today and tomorrow will be a new day.

Offline bigben86

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Re: wow; this is tough!
« Reply #9 on: August 08, 2011, 03:20:00 PM »
i am finding myself trying to do any and absolutely everything i can to justify having a dip! i am only on day 2 and i can hardly stand it!!! I never realized how difficult this was going to be. i have my eye on the prize, and that prize is making it through this one damn day without having a dip!

Offline nicofiend

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Re: wow; this is tough!
« Reply #8 on: August 08, 2011, 01:49:00 AM »
Welcome aboard Big Ben! Wise decision you made to quit nicotine!The first few days will be hell, but then It gets better, just make it a one day QUIT, one day at a time. Proud to be quit with you! Nico

Offline bigben86

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Re: wow; this is tough!
« Reply #7 on: August 08, 2011, 01:19:00 AM »
Quote from: Aglawyer
Kudos to you for having the desire to quit and for taking that first step, which was posting roll alongside the rest of us in the November group. Like the others have said, posting roll is key to your quit. When you post roll you give your absolute word that you will NOT use nicotine on that day in any form (dipping, cigarettes, cigars, nicotine gum, patches, etc.). Quite a simplistic approach but damn, it works like a charm if you really embrace it. I was a slave whore to it for 21 years, dipping a can a day, and am about to start my 12th day quit. There is NO WAY I could have accomplished even these short 12 days without the discovery of this website. It's one day at a time - don't think of it is quitting forever - it's being quit for one day at a time.

Anyway, congratulations on your first step and I am pleased to be quit with you today.

Send a shout out if you need anything.
wow, that is such a big deal for you as well! and i am proud to quit with you today, and join you in this journey! thanks so much!


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Re: wow; this is tough!
« Reply #6 on: August 08, 2011, 12:58:00 AM »
Kudos to you for having the desire to quit and for taking that first step, which was posting roll alongside the rest of us in the November group. Like the others have said, posting roll is key to your quit. When you post roll you give your absolute word that you will NOT use nicotine on that day in any form (dipping, cigarettes, cigars, nicotine gum, patches, etc.). Quite a simplistic approach but damn, it works like a charm if you really embrace it. I was a slave whore to it for 21 years, dipping a can a day, and am about to start my 12th day quit. There is NO WAY I could have accomplished even these short 12 days without the discovery of this website. It's one day at a time - don't think of it is quitting forever - it's being quit for one day at a time.

Anyway, congratulations on your first step and I am pleased to be quit with you today.

Send a shout out if you need anything.

Offline bigben86

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Re: wow; this is tough!
« Reply #5 on: August 08, 2011, 12:22:00 AM »
Quote from: tillergm
Hey Ben,

A gold star to you sir for quitting. Get ready for a wild ride. I'm only on day 8 but read as much as you can on this site. It has been my life raft. Every time you get an urge (and you will) log on and read something. They have articles, pictures, chats, speeches, jokes, all kinds of shit to keep you on the up and up. Glad to see you posted a big ol day one in november with me, but if your name bigben is in reference to Ben worthlessburger of the pittsburgh steelers go fuck yourself, and if it isnt i apologize. Either way I'm glad your quitting. Just think about today and not tomorrow. Dont be afraid to use that chatroom either, if you need to vent,cuss,bitch, tell someone to choke on donkey shit, or for support to not put a fatty in your lip, use it. That first night i was going to cave, I went into that chat room told everybody I hated them and felt better. A guy told me how to make some fake dip and I made to post day 2. Congrats on your upcoming marriage and stay strong.
thanks so much brother! as far as the whole Pittsburg thing, HELL NO i live in florida haha, thanks so much, and any tips you might have i am open to anything. thanks for the message. i'm staying stong!


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Re: wow; this is tough!
« Reply #4 on: August 08, 2011, 12:12:00 AM »
Hey Ben,

A gold star to you sir for quitting. Get ready for a wild ride. I'm only on day 8 but read as much as you can on this site. It has been my life raft. Every time you get an urge (and you will) log on and read something. They have articles, pictures, chats, speeches, jokes, all kinds of shit to keep you on the up and up. Glad to see you posted a big ol day one in november with me, but if your name bigben is in reference to Ben worthlessburger of the pittsburgh steelers go fuck yourself, and if it isnt i apologize. Either way I'm glad your quitting. Just think about today and not tomorrow. Dont be afraid to use that chatroom either, if you need to vent,cuss,bitch, tell someone to choke on donkey shit, or for support to not put a fatty in your lip, use it. That first night i was going to cave, I went into that chat room told everybody I hated them and felt better. A guy told me how to make some fake dip and I made to post day 2. Congrats on your upcoming marriage and stay strong.

Offline bigben86

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Re: wow; this is tough!
« Reply #3 on: August 08, 2011, 12:10:00 AM »
good call man! thanks so much. i am excited about starting this, and i am extremely confident knowing i have such a great support system!
