Author Topic: Working through the BS  (Read 1283 times)

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Re: Working through the BS
« Reply #10 on: December 30, 2011, 01:23:00 PM »
Quote from: iQUIT85
I figured i would post this as an update to a potential new quitter, perhaps u clicked on this wondering if a New Years Resolution for dropping the habit can be done...maybe your navigating the site and you CLICKED on this. Well i'm here to tell you......


I am up to 44 days free of Nicotine.... And it's not easy, but beating this crap, day in, day out, can reward your mind and spirit... Each day i have found it's getting a little easier.

I can only speak in terms of myself, but...

Days 1-4 were tough....It's mind over can.

Days 5-13ish...Energy boost....My bowels were like hard cement.

DAYS 15-30...Becoming normal again...noticing my friends constantly chewing is disgusting me....beginning to laugh at the Snuff displays in my local convenience store. Tobacco companies are a fucking joke.

Days 31-44.....Starting to realize that i can live without it, i'm shitting like a champ. I'm proud to be heading in the right direction.

I hate conformity. If you are a headstrong bastard and hate rules, doing things the right way, questioning authority....LOOK ME UP. Cause i hate it to. I will help U, and will take you under my wing if you let me. Unfortunately, i will only ask that you post everyday with me. It's really no big, throw me your cell # and i'll even do it for you. Im here to tell you it does really work, and doing it everyday is going to make it easier on you, your kids, family.....everyone involved in a newer healthier u.

Sometimes, we aren't bigger and tougher than that can, and bowing down so to speak is required of prolonging life.

Again, you can do it. But lets do it together.
This shit keeps me coming back for more quit every damn day.


'clap' 'clap' 'clap'

Offline iQUIT85

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Re: Working through the BS
« Reply #9 on: December 30, 2011, 01:14:00 PM »
I figured i would post this as an update to a potential new quitter, perhaps u clicked on this wondering if a New Years Resolution for dropping the habit can be done...maybe your navigating the site and you CLICKED on this. Well i'm here to tell you......


I am up to 44 days free of Nicotine.... And it's not easy, but beating this crap, day in, day out, can reward your mind and spirit... Each day i have found it's getting a little easier.

I can only speak in terms of myself, but...

Days 1-4 were tough....It's mind over can.

Days 5-13ish...Energy boost....My bowels were like hard cement.

DAYS 15-30...Becoming normal again...noticing my friends constantly chewing is disgusting me....beginning to laugh at the Snuff displays in my local convenience store. Tobacco companies are a fucking joke.

Days 31-44.....Starting to realize that i can live without it, i'm shitting like a champ. I'm proud to be heading in the right direction.

I hate conformity. If you are a headstrong bastard and hate rules, doing things the right way, questioning authority....LOOK ME UP. Cause i hate it to. I will help U, and will take you under my wing if you let me. Unfortunately, i will only ask that you post everyday with me. It's really no big, throw me your cell # and i'll even do it for you. Im here to tell you it does really work, and doing it everyday is going to make it easier on you, your kids, family.....everyone involved in a newer healthier u.

Sometimes, we aren't bigger and tougher than that can, and bowing down so to speak is required of prolonging life.

Again, you can do it. But lets do it together.

Offline iQUIT85

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Re: Working through the BS
« Reply #8 on: November 22, 2011, 03:24:00 PM »
Thanks everybody, much appreciate the help.

Stomach is getting somewhere back to normal. I've had a few cravings today. I am starting to notice how badly addicted i was. I did a few things today that i would have absolutely had that crap in my mouth for this afternoon. I'm hungry like an animal for food, been trying to eat plenty of greens. My appetite is waaaay up.

I can't drink enough water right now. I'm headed over to the gym for a few hours to workout, get a good sweat and jump in the Sauna for a good 20 minutes. It's relaxing. Makes me feel as though i'm sweating out that crap and purifying myself, this is a total mind game.

Anyways things haven't been perfect, but a pretty damn good day.

Parputt--Spent most of my career with the Pirates and Blue Jays.

Are there any Pa people out there?...Western Pa?

Offline LLCope

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Re: Working through the BS
« Reply #7 on: November 22, 2011, 10:18:00 AM »
Great Job Posting Roll!

We Quit one day at a time---you are an addict---make your promise and repeat tomorrow.

Pm me if you need anything
"A man is rich in proportion to the number of things he can do without" HD Thoreau

Offline husker06484

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Re: Working through the BS
« Reply #6 on: November 22, 2011, 10:02:00 AM »
I'm sore all over, my sits on the throne are something like child birth and, to be frank i need a dip....I'm all out of whack....My intestines feel like a bowl of BM's are like hard cement...what's next?
Do yourself a favor and lose the mentality that you need a dip. You never need something that will give you cancer. Big difference between wanting and needing....ITs all mental now..Its a battle of wills...Who has a bigger set of nuts you or the Nic bitch????

i want to be different. It's a bad investment as it is....paying for carcinogens...and eventually cancer or the slew of other just doesn't make sense.
you want to be different??? You took a great first step...Stay close to the site...Read everything over and over roll every day...ive been doing it for 251 straight days after dipping 1-2 cans a day for 18 years....It can be done..The proof is all over this site....break down the walls and get this done...YOU WILL DO THIS!!!! Proud to be quit with you....You need anything PM me

Offline Souliman

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Re: Working through the BS
« Reply #5 on: November 22, 2011, 07:46:00 AM »
Yeah its hard. You think your body liked you stuffing cancer and poison into it daily? Hell no. Work through the pain and see the light on the other side.

Keep fighting.

Offline Parputt

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Re: Working through the BS
« Reply #4 on: November 22, 2011, 07:42:00 AM »
Quote from: iQUIT85
If you really sit down and think about this's so stupid.
It ain't a habit it's an addiction. Give this everything you got, as much as you used to put into 2-a-days and you can do this. Post roll every day and keep your word for 24 hrs. We are here for you.

Who did you play for, you gotta come clean 'archer'
QD:  1-13-11
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Offline The Al man

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Re: Working through the BS
« Reply #3 on: November 21, 2011, 10:56:00 PM »
post roll, man up and you will be quit. Read the hall of fame posts and words of wisdom and you will see how many people who were in your position are now free of being a slave to that dirt shit.

Offline Chris231

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Re: Working through the BS
« Reply #2 on: November 21, 2011, 10:23:00 PM »
Quote from: iQUIT85
We'll i finally quite after several "I quit" attempts. I played pro-ball for 8+ years developed a dirty habit, and it's been absolutely the most difficult thing ever that is of trying to quit. I'm into day 5..i actually planned a hunting trip for the first 4 days of this thing as i knowing if i can get through that i can get through anything...i got through it..
The first 4 days were a breeze i felt pretty good, actually felt great...i have been sleeping like a champ...i have a lot more energy...but today.. Today has been a bitch to say the least. I feel like someone has kicked me in the gut, I'm sore all over, my sits on the throne are something like child birth and, to be frank i need a dip....I'm all out of whack....My intestines feel like a bowl of BM's are like hard cement...what's next?

Anyways quitting dip wasn't easy. With a wife and 3 year old son and a family who has a history of relying on a crutch, (smoke or dip)..i want to be different. It's a bad investment as it is....paying for carcinogens...and eventually cancer or the slew of other just doesn't make sense.

So I'm done!

And i love this website....quit the can....

If you really sit down and think about this's so stupid.
Nice job man, you're getting through the worst fucking parts already. You've found a great place to get support on your quit. If you haven't already, head over to the Wecome Center and learn about posting roll each day.

It may seem stupid, but it's the absolute best thing you can do to keep yourself accountable and away from the nicotine. Check your PM box. I'll send you my cell number and email so you've got a lifeline in case you're having a shittier than normal day. I'm happy as hell to be quittin with you.
- Chris

Quit 10-29-11

My HOF Pearls of Wisdom.

Offline iQUIT85

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Working through the BS
« on: November 21, 2011, 08:00:00 PM »
We'll i finally quite after several "I quit" attempts. I played pro-ball for 8+ years developed a dirty habit, and it's been absolutely the most difficult thing ever that is of trying to quit. I'm into day 5..i actually planned a hunting trip for the first 4 days of this thing as i knowing if i can get through that i can get through anything...i got through it..
The first 4 days were a breeze i felt pretty good, actually felt great...i have been sleeping like a champ...i have a lot more energy...but today.. Today has been a bitch to say the least. I feel like someone has kicked me in the gut, I'm sore all over, my sits on the throne are something like child birth and, to be frank i need a dip....I'm all out of whack....My intestines feel like a bowl of BM's are like hard cement...what's next?

Anyways quitting dip wasn't easy. With a wife and 3 year old son and a family who has a history of relying on a crutch, (smoke or dip)..i want to be different. It's a bad investment as it is....paying for carcinogens...and eventually cancer or the slew of other just doesn't make sense.

So I'm done!

And i love this website....quit the can....

If you really sit down and think about this's so stupid.