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Re: New Member
« Reply #10 on: April 30, 2016, 11:05:00 AM »
You did the right thing, dumping all that crap now! Now the question is can you sack up and quit? It takes guts and determination to be a quitter. Your first 3-4 days in the fog  suck will test you every day and every minute at times. Its called the suck for a reason! That said you can do this because the process is simple. Post roll daily with your promise to KTC and yourself that you will remain nicotine free for 24 hours. Sleep wake up and honor your promise you can't lose! I'm a leo as well and its a bitch for sure with all the triggers and dippers around in our profession but if you want it bad enough you can do it. I'm proof of that at 893 days quit after over 20 years being a slave! Welcome to the asylum!

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Re: New Member
« Reply #9 on: April 30, 2016, 12:03:00 AM »
Just remember if something is happening to you, for instance sore throat whatever, odds are its happened to someone on here! Welcome aboard and quitting with 14000 on your side is a whole lot easier than alone! Quit on!
Tobacco is so addictive it took me a year after a massive heart attack, in which doctor confirmed caused from dipping to finally put a lid on the bitch! ODAAT EDD

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Re: New Member
« Reply #8 on: April 29, 2016, 09:31:00 PM »
One day at a time. One hour at a time. One minute at at time. Each and every second. Whatever it takes, remain quit.

You can do this. Anyone can quit for a day.
“Everything good that has happened to me has happened as a direct result of helping someone else, everything". - Danny Trejo

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Re: New Member
« Reply #7 on: April 29, 2016, 08:16:00 PM »
Quote from: danojeno
Quote from: jmartjmartjmart
Thanks guys. One problem I have is when driving or after meals. Thats the one time I always enjoy a dip. Going to stay strong and not think about it. I know in the long run how much better I'll feel and how much of a reward it will be to not be enslaved by a substance. Also to have pearly white teeth lol
We all have our triggers: driving, fishing, hunting, pretty much any time. Nicotine tricked us into thinking we were enjoying dip. Really, we were just relieved because our withdrawl symptoms were postponed. Nicotine is an evil, good for nothing drug that causes nothing but death. Head on over to August and post that promise!
It is also nice to learn to have self-control and not let some substance dictate how you live. Focus on the quit and post your promise!

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Re: New Member
« Reply #6 on: April 29, 2016, 07:59:00 PM »
Quote from: jmartjmartjmart
Thanks guys. One problem I have is when driving or after meals. Thats the one time I always enjoy a dip. Going to stay strong and not think about it. I know in the long run how much better I'll feel and how much of a reward it will be to not be enslaved by a substance. Also to have pearly white teeth lol
We all have our triggers: driving, fishing, hunting, pretty much any time. Nicotine tricked us into thinking we were enjoying dip. Really, we were just relieved because our withdrawl symptoms were postponed. Nicotine is an evil, good for nothing drug that causes nothing but death. Head on over to August and post that promise!

Offline jmartjmartjmart

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Re: New Member
« Reply #5 on: April 29, 2016, 07:49:00 PM »
Thanks guys. One problem I have is when driving or after meals. Thats the one time I always enjoy a dip. Going to stay strong and not think about it. I know in the long run how much better I'll feel and how much of a reward it will be to not be enslaved by a substance. Also to have pearly white teeth lol

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Re: New Member
« Reply #4 on: April 29, 2016, 07:09:00 PM »
Quote from: jmartjmartjmart
Hello, First off my name is Jordan. I work as a Sheriffs Deputy. I have been dipping Grizzly Wintergreen since I was 14 years old. I have tried to quit multiple times before, I have even quit for about 2 months while I was in military training but started right back once we got to the field. I did something today I have never done during the multiple times I've tried to quit and that's empty all of the dip I currently had into the toilet (which was 3 cans). I have finally come to realize it is a disgusting vice/crutch that I did not want to be chained to anymore. It's literally like slavery. I'm quitting for me this time. I'm tired of worrying about smiling in public due to not knowing if I had dip in my teeth, tired of having receding gums, and tired of all of the many health risks chewing tobacco gives you. I may be posting a lot in the future due to needing an outlet but I know you guys will understand and support me along the way! Thanks!
Welcome here! Congratulations on the decision. We quit daily here. We don't promise tomorrow because tomorrow is not here and we aren't even sure if tomorrow will happen. Also. It may be a minute by minute decision. Especially in your field of work. Like EMT, Fire, Active Duty military may have learned the soothing feel of poppin that dip in. WE all know that Nic is a lying bitch. And, something that is 1.?oz can control us is crazy. Yet, you see it everytime you encounter a crack head, or a coke fiend. Yeah. So. Here is what I am here for. To tell you to get yourself several gallons of water and some fruit juice. Drink it all up and get that poison out of your system. Tons of information on this site. Feel free to ask questions if you cant find the answer. I know from personal experience it is hard to find information when you have a fog around your head or jaw pain. Get through it. You will thank yourself for it.

Just for today, Self.

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Re: New Member
« Reply #3 on: April 29, 2016, 06:42:00 PM »
There is absolutely no reason in the world to dip. None. All the tools you need to stay quit can be found here. You just need to learn how to use them.

We've all been exactly where you are.

Proud to quit with you.

Offline baseballbrett

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Re: New Member
« Reply #2 on: April 29, 2016, 05:37:00 PM »
Quote from: jmartjmartjmart
Hello, First off my name is Jordan. I work as a Sheriffs Deputy. I have been dipping Grizzly Wintergreen since I was 14 years old. I have tried to quit multiple times before, I have even quit for about 2 months while I was in military training but started right back once we got to the field. I did something today I have never done during the multiple times I've tried to quit and that's empty all of the dip I currently had into the toilet (which was 3 cans). I have finally come to realize it is a disgusting vice/crutch that I did not want to be chained to anymore. It's literally like slavery. I'm quitting for me this time. I'm tired of worrying about smiling in public due to not knowing if I had dip in my teeth, tired of having receding gums, and tired of all of the many health risks chewing tobacco gives you. I may be posting a lot in the future due to needing an outlet but I know you guys will understand and support me along the way! Thanks!
Welcome brother. You've made a great decision. I made a great decision only 6 days ago. It's tough and there will definitely be some demons to battle, but you can start by posting roll call everyday. You will be in the August 2016 HOF Group. Go over there and follow the instructions and post role call with us new folks. Hit me up if you need anything. And feel free to vent here.

Offline jmartjmartjmart

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New Member
« on: April 29, 2016, 05:17:00 PM »
Hello, First off my name is Jordan. I work as a Sheriffs Deputy. I have been dipping Grizzly Wintergreen since I was 14 years old. I have tried to quit multiple times before, I have even quit for about 2 months while I was in military training but started right back once we got to the field. I did something today I have never done during the multiple times I've tried to quit and that's empty all of the dip I currently had into the toilet (which was 3 cans). I have finally come to realize it is a disgusting vice/crutch that I did not want to be chained to anymore. It's literally like slavery. I'm quitting for me this time. I'm tired of worrying about smiling in public due to not knowing if I had dip in my teeth, tired of having receding gums, and tired of all of the many health risks chewing tobacco gives you. I may be posting a lot in the future due to needing an outlet but I know you guys will understand and support me along the way! Thanks!