Author Topic: Introduction  (Read 1783 times)

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Offline Spartanron

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #22 on: November 19, 2013, 06:42:00 PM »
Quote from: spartanron
Quote from: Evil_Won
I expect Lite's enrollment to increase 10-fold with all of these sensitive "quitters" that can't take constructive citisism for their failures. You failed Ajay, it doesn't even sound like you tried to resist at all. You made ZERO attempt to quit. You posted roll and caved. Your word means NOTHING.

Next time you "quit" get rid of all the nicotine including the nic-gum. Man, you are sad.

I am shaking my dirty shoe at you right now.

Alavidha, Accha Aashi, Accha Yetho. That means goodbye.
when you hate nicotine and hate the addiction like we do, you will understand. We do not believe in false starts. You quit three days and caved. The first three days are the worst. Why would you want to keep going through that over and over again ?? To do this and be quit like fuck, you have to be 100% committed to doing whatever it takes. Also know that you cannot bullshit us, we have heard every excuse and lived the addicts lie for years ourselves. The whole "i wanted to quit but the guys didn't coddle my balls and were hard on me so I am leaving" doesn't work. Either you want to be quit or you don't.
No more What If's, I quit everyday going forward
Quit Chewing 11/13/12, Quit Nicorette 12/23/12

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Offline wmcatty

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #21 on: November 19, 2013, 06:10:00 PM »
Quote from: Evil_Won
I expect Lite's enrollment to increase 10-fold with all of these sensitive "quitters" that can't take constructive citisism for their failures. You failed Ajay, it doesn't even sound like you tried to resist at all. You made ZERO attempt to quit. You posted roll and caved. Your word means NOTHING.

Next time you "quit" get rid of all the nicotine including the nic-gum. Man, you are sad.

I am shaking my dirty shoe at you right now.

Alavidha, Accha Aashi, Accha Yetho. That means goodbye.
"I am shaking my dirty shoe at you right now." I have read this about 10 times today, laughing so hard each time my sides ache. I even sent Jason a pm earlier today telling him I thought some of the whinners on here would think his post was internationally insensitive...but I loved it all the more. This was classic Evil Won and I appreciate his humor, candor and his penchant to tell it like it is. Thank you Jason, today was the first time I have laughed at anything connected to KTC in about a week and needed a good laugh. If it offended anyone, other than pussy Ajay, simply avert your eyes. Easy.
"Life's tough......It's even tougher if you're stupid."
-John Wayne

Offline Spartanron

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #20 on: November 19, 2013, 01:53:00 PM »
Quote from: Evil_Won
I expect Lite's enrollment to increase 10-fold with all of these sensitive "quitters" that can't take constructive citisism for their failures. You failed Ajay, it doesn't even sound like you tried to resist at all. You made ZERO attempt to quit. You posted roll and caved. Your word means NOTHING.

Next time you "quit" get rid of all the nicotine including the nic-gum. Man, you are sad.

I am shaking my dirty shoe at you right now.

Alavidha, Accha Aashi, Accha Yetho. That means goodbye.
when you hate nicotine and hate the addiction like we do, you will understand. We do not believe in false starts. You quit three days and caved. The first three days are the worst. Why would you want to keep going through that over and over again ?? To do this and be quit like fuck, you have to be 100% committed to doing whatever it takes. Also know that you cannot bullshit us, we have heard every excuse and lived the addicts lie for years ourselves. The whole "i wanted to quit but the guys didn't coddle my balls and were hard on me so I am leaving" doesn't work. Either you want to be quit or you don't.
No more What If's, I quit everyday going forward
Quit Chewing 11/13/12, Quit Nicorette 12/23/12

MY Hall of Fame Speech

Offline Mthomas3824

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #19 on: November 19, 2013, 01:26:00 PM »
Quote from: Ajay
Quote from: wmcatty
Why didn't you either call or text me before you shoved that shit in your mouth?  I sent you my number the very first night you signed well as Praddy's information for you to contact.  Remember him, the other new guy also from India that sent you the PM at my request?  Praddy told me last night he had not heard back from you either.  I have to assume by your cave that you did not read any information on the site nor put any thought into WHY Paddy and I sent you our telephone numbers. Until you work this program with the tools it provides, you are destined for continued failure.  Go post your new Day 1 in February 2014.
Damn it!

Fuck! Everyone reading this. You post roll. If you can't keep your word that day, you are required to call a brother or sister and ask for permission to cave before you can.

Some of you are too prideful to admit you are weak. Don't you think we get it yet? We have been weak before too. I didn't make it 615 days without calling for permission to cave.

Oh you don't want to call because you know the answer? So what? You still can cave even if the answer is, "no". You would have caved without the call so the call is not that big of deal to make if you want to cave but it is honorable to at least call for support before you act on impulse.

Offering advice - Wise people don't need it and fools won't heed it!

Here and now quitters. No one uses nicotine when they post roll. If you are planning to cave, or going back on your word, you can't do it until you make the call and ask for permission!

I had a battle with thinking a glass of wine would hurt. Just one and no one would be around to see it. I DIDN'T DRINK because I didn't get permission to cave.

Make the call or hate yourself for going back into the jail cell of addiction!

Ajay, you are new to this game so I am chalking this up to being too prideful to call for support. If you break your word to us again, Shame on you. YOU ARE WORTH IT and YOU DESERVE TO BE FREE FROM THIS! You surrender to nicotine again, I will come unglued because you are not following the plan.

People, if you follow the will not lose!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ajay - I think people should use proper sentences...hurting someone's feelings may not always provide better support. I thought this site is full of supporters....but I can't carry on with this kind of I am leaving this site ...thanks for your support till now.
Ajay - I don't want you to leave. However, reproving your actions is to strengthen your resolve.

We can fight addiction by being accountable! If you cave and we say, "Nice try, better luck this time." Then the accountability is a sham!

You promised to quit and you didn't. Plain and simple. If I wasn't trying in practice because I just didn't feel like practicing that day, my coach said some really hard things to me but I loved my coach because he was teaching me things not only in wrestling but how to be in life.

My coach. I once walked on the mat and was wrestling an "easy" match. I expected to win without trying. I walked off the mat and the coach said, "Thomas, you could have been a hero but instead you're and asshole." I deserved it because I didn't try I just thought wrestling was easy.

You have the plan and you can't fail if you follow it. You missed an assignment and your coaches are telling you to get your head in the game. Not because we are mean but because we see a part of you in us and that means, I love you, I care about your quit and I want you to win.

Please get back in the game and quit. Don't take offense or use this as an excuse to remain a bitch to nicotine and US tobacco.

I really am sorry for you if you leave. However, if you need an excuse to bow out and hump a can, that's on you. I didn't make you quit, I didn't make you cave and I didn't make you surrender. ADDICTS MAKE EXCUSES to Surrender or justify chewing.

In short, I care about you and don't want you to go. However, if you want a hug when you fail, I wont. I hug when someone follows the plan and reprove when they fuck up! YOU FUCKED UP and need to own it so you don't repeat the mistake.

I would expect you to do the same to me if I screw up.
Quit And Be Free

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Offline Evil_Won

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #18 on: November 19, 2013, 10:33:00 AM »
I expect Lite's enrollment to increase 10-fold with all of these sensitive "quitters" that can't take constructive citisism for their failures. You failed Ajay, it doesn't even sound like you tried to resist at all. You made ZERO attempt to quit. You posted roll and caved. Your word means NOTHING.

Next time you "quit" get rid of all the nicotine including the nic-gum. Man, you are sad.

I am shaking my dirty shoe at you right now.

Alavidha, Accha Aashi, Accha Yetho. That means goodbye.
"Dunno about you HP, but LOOT doesn't like getting assfucked, by anyone....and certainly won't chalk it up to 'shit happens'."

Offline Grizzfall

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #17 on: November 19, 2013, 07:35:00 AM »
Quote from: Ajay
Quote from: wmcatty
Why didn't you either call or text me before you shoved that shit in your mouth?  I sent you my number the very first night you signed well as Praddy's information for you to contact.  Remember him, the other new guy also from India that sent you the PM at my request?  Praddy told me last night he had not heard back from you either.  I have to assume by your cave that you did not read any information on the site nor put any thought into WHY Paddy and I sent you our telephone numbers. Until you work this program with the tools it provides, you are destined for continued failure.  Go post your new Day 1 in February 2014.
Damn it!

Fuck! Everyone reading this. You post roll. If you can't keep your word that day, you are required to call a brother or sister and ask for permission to cave before you can.

Some of you are too prideful to admit you are weak. Don't you think we get it yet? We have been weak before too. I didn't make it 615 days without calling for permission to cave.

Oh you don't want to call because you know the answer? So what? You still can cave even if the answer is, "no". You would have caved without the call so the call is not that big of deal to make if you want to cave but it is honorable to at least call for support before you act on impulse.

Offering advice - Wise people don't need it and fools won't heed it!

Here and now quitters. No one uses nicotine when they post roll. If you are planning to cave, or going back on your word, you can't do it until you make the call and ask for permission!

I had a battle with thinking a glass of wine would hurt. Just one and no one would be around to see it. I DIDN'T DRINK because I didn't get permission to cave.

Make the call or hate yourself for going back into the jail cell of addiction!

Ajay, you are new to this game so I am chalking this up to being too prideful to call for support. If you break your word to us again, Shame on you. YOU ARE WORTH IT and YOU DESERVE TO BE FREE FROM THIS! You surrender to nicotine again, I will come unglued because you are not following the plan.

People, if you follow the will not lose!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ajay - I think people should use proper sentences...hurting someone's feelings may not always provide better support. I thought this site is full of supporters....but I can't carry on with this kind of I am leaving this site ...thanks for your support till now.
Enjoy dieing slow and alone Ajay. You had a window of hope wide open but couldnt stand the breeze of success flowing through it. You will be missed.
"This personal torture has a good ending right?"

Offline Ajay

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #16 on: November 19, 2013, 01:37:00 AM »
Quote from: wmcatty
Why didn't you either call or text me before you shoved that shit in your mouth?  I sent you my number the very first night you signed well as Praddy's information for you to contact.  Remember him, the other new guy also from India that sent you the PM at my request?  Praddy told me last night he had not heard back from you either.  I have to assume by your cave that you did not read any information on the site nor put any thought into WHY Paddy and I sent you our telephone numbers. Until you work this program with the tools it provides, you are destined for continued failure.  Go post your new Day 1 in February 2014.
Damn it!

Fuck! Everyone reading this. You post roll. If you can't keep your word that day, you are required to call a brother or sister and ask for permission to cave before you can.

Some of you are too prideful to admit you are weak. Don't you think we get it yet? We have been weak before too. I didn't make it 615 days without calling for permission to cave.

Oh you don't want to call because you know the answer? So what? You still can cave even if the answer is, "no". You would have caved without the call so the call is not that big of deal to make if you want to cave but it is honorable to at least call for support before you act on impulse.

Offering advice - Wise people don't need it and fools won't heed it!

Here and now quitters. No one uses nicotine when they post roll. If you are planning to cave, or going back on your word, you can't do it until you make the call and ask for permission!

I had a battle with thinking a glass of wine would hurt. Just one and no one would be around to see it. I DIDN'T DRINK because I didn't get permission to cave.

Make the call or hate yourself for going back into the jail cell of addiction!

Ajay, you are new to this game so I am chalking this up to being too prideful to call for support. If you break your word to us again, Shame on you. YOU ARE WORTH IT and YOU DESERVE TO BE FREE FROM THIS! You surrender to nicotine again, I will come unglued because you are not following the plan.

People, if you follow the will not lose!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ajay - I think people should use proper sentences...hurting someone's feelings may not always provide better support. I thought this site is full of supporters....but I can't carry on with this kind of I am leaving this site ...thanks for your support till now.

Offline Mthomas3824

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #15 on: November 18, 2013, 12:40:00 PM »
Quote from: wmcatty
Why didn't you either call or text me before you shoved that shit in your mouth?  I sent you my number the very first night you signed well as Praddy's information for you to contact.  Remember him, the other new guy also from India that sent you the PM at my request?  Praddy told me last night he had not heard back from you either.  I have to assume by your cave that you did not read any information on the site nor put any thought into WHY Paddy and I sent you our telephone numbers. Until you work this program with the tools it provides, you are destined for continued failure.  Go post your new Day 1 in February 2014.
Damn it!

Fuck! Everyone reading this. You post roll. If you can't keep your word that day, you are required to call a brother or sister and ask for permission to cave before you can.

Some of you are too prideful to admit you are weak. Don't you think we get it yet? We have been weak before too. I didn't make it 615 days without calling for permission to cave.

Oh you don't want to call because you know the answer? So what? You still can cave even if the answer is, "no". You would have caved without the call so the call is not that big of deal to make if you want to cave but it is honorable to at least call for support before you act on impulse.

Offering advice - Wise people don't need it and fools won't heed it!

Here and now quitters. No one uses nicotine when they post roll. If you are planning to cave, or going back on your word, you can't do it until you make the call and ask for permission!

I had a battle with thinking a glass of wine wouldn't hurt. Just one and no one would be around to see it. I DIDN'T DRINK because I didn't get permission to cave.

Make the call or hate yourself for going back into the jail cell of addiction!

Ajay, you are new to this game so I am chalking this up to being too prideful to call for support. If you break your word to us again, Shame on you. YOU ARE WORTH IT and YOU DESERVE TO BE FREE FROM THIS! You surrender to nicotine again, I will come unglued because you are not following the plan.

People, if you follow the will not lose!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Quit And Be Free

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Offline wmcatty

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #14 on: November 18, 2013, 11:33:00 AM »
Why didn't you either call or text me before you shoved that shit in your mouth? I sent you my number the very first night you signed well as Praddy's information for you to contact. Remember him, the other new guy also from India that sent you the PM at my request? Praddy told me last night he had not heard back from you either. I have to assume by your cave that you did not read any information on the site nor put any thought into WHY Paddy and I sent you our telephone numbers. Until you work this program with the tools it provides, you are destined for continued failure. Go post your new Day 1 in February 2014.
"Life's tough......It's even tougher if you're stupid."
-John Wayne

Offline bigskyken

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #13 on: November 18, 2013, 08:57:00 AM »
Yes, you need to start at Day 1 again. So, you said what happened, why it happened, but haven't answered what you will do differently so it doesn't happen again. Want to let us know?

Offline Ajay

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #12 on: November 18, 2013, 01:43:00 AM »
Ajay, I will Send you a PM with my number so you can text me over the weekend if you need help. Also, if you let me know each day you're firm in your quit, I will log roll on your behalf.

Unfortunately...I used 3 cigarettes and 2 nitcotine gums in past 2 days...Although I avoided taking tobacco as dip or chew....but still I failed.

Story goes like this...
I was at my native place this saturday and sunday. This was the place where I got addicted to tobacco chewing/dip. I had lots of drinks with my friends both they were smoking...I was not able to control myself and took few.
After smoking...I wanted to have a chewing gum but I ran out of normal chewing gums. I had nicotine gums with which I was carrying but stopped using from day-1 when I declared to quit nicotine. I used 2 gums. Now I have stopped carrying these gums and have lots of stock of normal chewing gums to avoid this situation in future.

If I would have avoided heavy drinking, I could have controlled better and avoided taking nicotine.

Can anyone please let me know whether I should start posting my roll with again day-1?

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #11 on: November 15, 2013, 01:54:00 AM »
Welcome Ajay,

Good to see more People from India joining here. The use of tobacco is rampant in here. I salute you for the great decision you have taken in your life to quit tobacco. I have sent you a PM. Keep posting roll everyday and take it one day at a time. You got a great support group to hang back on in here.
I quit with you brother.


Offline bigskyken

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #10 on: November 15, 2013, 01:47:00 AM »
Ajay, I will Send you a PM with my number so you can text me over the weekend if you need help. Also, if you let me know each day you're firm in your quit, I will log roll on your behalf.

Offline Ajay

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #9 on: November 15, 2013, 01:43:00 AM »
Quote from: Ajay
I am from India...and this is my day-1 of quitting dip...Thanks to all of you for your support.
Glad to Have you here and glad you are QUIT with me.

Keep it up!!!

In last month, I was able to keep myself away from nicotine for almost 6 days. But then I started it again. This time I am more confident as I am not alone. Its my second day now... I will be travelling this week-end so cannot post roll till Monday.

Offline Ace121x

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #8 on: November 14, 2013, 12:03:00 PM »
Quote from: Ajay
I am from India...and this is my day-1 of quitting dip...Thanks to all of you for your support.
Glad to Have you here and glad you are QUIT with me.

Keep it up!!!
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'crackup' You Actually Think I May Cave Today? 'crackup'
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