Author Topic: JonnyLaw  (Read 832 times)

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Offline JonnyLaw

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Re: JonnyLaw
« Reply #4 on: January 19, 2010, 06:05:00 AM »
Made it a week y'all! :lol: B) (and I'm still quit!)
I quit my two-can-a-day addiction on January 13, 2010.
Hall of Fame on April 22, 2010.
One Year: January 13, 2011

"Thank you KTC, for literally saving my life and giving me my freedom!"

Offline Rook

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Re: JonnyLaw
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2010, 11:20:00 PM »
Learn to Embrace 'The Suck.' It'll get worse, but you'll eventually get better. We're all behind you brother.
And you never once paid for drugs...NOT ONCE!

Offline Buckfever36

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Re: JonnyLaw
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2010, 02:25:00 PM »
Jonny ,

We all started where you have day 1. From there you add them up one day at a time.

The best tip I can give you is never set yourself up to fail. Just worry about today and then do the same thing tommow.

We are all addicts weather we admitt it or not. But as a former 2 plus can a day user you can do this.
Quit Date 12/31/2007 (8:00 PM)

Offline JonnyLaw

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« on: January 14, 2010, 02:13:00 PM »
When I started using Skoal, it was a once or twice a day "habit" that I did... I still remember the nicotine rush I got back then... and how I thought it was okay, everyone else I knew did it.

Even as my addiction moved from a can a week to a can a day, I continued to justify and rationalize my addiction. I mean come on, it's not smoking is it? Shit, smokers hack and cough and get lung cancer. I can still run, and breathe and no one I know has gotten "face cancer" from snuff.

I would start my day with a pinch, end my day with a pinch, and if I wasn't making love or eating food, damn it there was a pinch of Skoal in my mouth. And still I didn't think I was addicted. Two can's a day, sometimes less, sometimes more, and still I thought I was in control.

Then I decided to quit. I figured, shit, this is going to be no sweat. That dumbass feeling lasted less than an hour.

When I realized I had gotten way over my head I did a Google search and found this group.

Its about two hours since my first post in the Quit Group and damn it I am surprised at how many people have already come out to support my quit.

Realizing that I am not the only guy who feels like his body is rebelling against him for quitting, that there are others who know what I'm going through... I might just make it out of this addiction.

-My First Post-    Hello. My name is Jon and I just quit yesterday, January 13th. At 4am this morning I made it my first twenty-four hours without Skoal. I've made my choice to quit wasting my money on can after can of dip, and I don't feel like taking the chance that I'll end up with face cancer. When I was single, it was a risk that seemed negligible. Now I am married, and I need to be concerned about more than just myself. I've got to admit it though, I never thought it would be this hard over the first day and a half. I mean, I am sitting here actually consciously thinking about rubbing snuff, grinding my teeth, and dreading going to work tonight where I am sure just about everyone will offer me a pinch... ("no one likes a quitter")... I almost gave in this morning when I woke up feeling like complete shit, crawled into the shower and looked around for my can.
I quit my two-can-a-day addiction on January 13, 2010.
Hall of Fame on April 22, 2010.
One Year: January 13, 2011

"Thank you KTC, for literally saving my life and giving me my freedom!"