Author Topic: Ooshie introduction  (Read 1280 times)

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Offline Skoal Monster

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Re: Ooshie introduction
« Reply #9 on: January 03, 2014, 07:46:00 PM »
Stop thinking in weeks and months quit. The only thing you have to do is stay quit today.

One day at a time is how you do it
"CLOSE THE DOOR. In my opinion, it?s the single most important step in your final quit. There is one moment, THE moment, when you finally let go and surrender to the quit. After that moment, no temptation will be great enough, no lie persuasive enough to make you commit suicide by using tobacco."

Offline wmcatty

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Re: Ooshie introduction
« Reply #8 on: January 03, 2014, 06:02:00 PM »
Welcome aboard Jeff. Nice job of posting roll today, so the only advice I will add is some background on posting roll and why we do it. Roll is your daily promise to yourself and all of your new brothers and sisters that you will not use tobacco in any form that day. You will post your name and the number of days you are quit each day in the April, 2014 quit group. Each and every day you will post your promise. No exceptions. That is the price of admission to KTC. Nothing more and nothing less. If your electricity quits working, your internet provider goes bankrupt or you are tied to a bed in a whore house, call or text a quit brother and tell the brother to post for you. Simple and easyÂ…and therefore, no reason for not posting roll. The reason you are put in April is that will be the month that you will celebrate being 100 days free of nicotineÂ…your Hall of Fame date.
Now look up at the upper right hand side of this screen and you will see your Inbox(1). Open it and you will find a message from me with my telephone number. Call that number 24/7 when you are raging or thinking about going to the store to get a can of shit...OK?
Congratulations on making the best decision of your life. Wayne
"Life's tough......It's even tougher if you're stupid."
-John Wayne

Offline brettlees

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Re: Ooshie introduction
« Reply #7 on: January 03, 2014, 04:17:00 PM »
Quote from: rdad
Quote from: Ooshie
My name is Jeff, I have dipped for around six years now.  I started because one day while driving my buddy told me to try a dip and ever since then I was hooked.  That insane buzz at the beginning was what got me going.

I like to play video games competitively, and every game I'd play I'd always have a dip it, because you know, it made me play better. I would go through one or one and a half cans a day.

It started out just having a dip while I was playing video games, then it turned into needing a dip in my mouth through the whole day.

What I struggle with in dipping isn't as much of the oral fixation, it's me playing a game and wanting a dip to calm my nerves. So, the past two days I have played one game and that was rough getting through.

I have attempted to quit in the past, with obvious failure.  I tried tapering off, going cold turkey, none worked because the only person in my battle was me with no support... so here I am.  Looking at some of the numbers of days quit by the people on this site seems so unreal to me, but inspires me. To all of you even a minute longer in quit than me... respect.

The last time I attempted quitting I went for a week without any nicotine, so I think if I can make it past a month I will start having confidence in myself.

I think that's all I have for now, I hope to get to know and support great people on here.

Thanks for your time reading,
Hi Jeff
We all thought dip helped us do whatever it was we do better. It doesn't. Its a huge lie. All dip does is help you feel "normal" because since your last dip you have been withdrawing. People that are not addicted to nicotine feel like that all the time. We just cant remember. You are in the right place for help and support. Read as much as you can, there is a lot to learn and a lot of support to be had here. Welcome.
Jeff nice decision, now arm yourself for real life battle. You will get to freedom if you follow the path this site and these quitters provide, but you have to earn it yourself- nobody can do that part for you.

Here's a link to a lot of info about the addiction our bro rdad is talking about-- check it out if you are so inclined. It's amazing how deep the addiction is...

Why Quit

ok, jump on it- it's as simple as posting role and living up to your word.
This info helped me early on, and still does today:

Quitters I’ve met so far: Ihatecope, >Pinched<, T-Cell, grizzlyhasclaws, Canvasback, BaseballPlayer, Cbird65, ERDVM, BradleyGuy, Ted, Zeno, AppleJack, Bronc, Knockout, MookieBlaylock, Rdad, 2mch2lv4, MN_Ben, Natro, Lippizaner, Amquash, ChristopherJ, GDubya, SRohde  -- always eager to meet more!

Offline USCG77

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Re: Ooshie introduction
« Reply #6 on: January 03, 2014, 04:09:00 PM »
Congrats on your decision to quit. Now post role in the Pre HOF April 2013 under quit groups. Do not worry about next month or even tomorrow. One Day At A Time. Put the quit contract in your pocket as a reminder and Post Role.
USCG77(C. Lucas)
QUIT 01/01/2014

Offline rdad

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Re: Ooshie introduction
« Reply #5 on: January 03, 2014, 03:39:00 PM »
Quote from: Ooshie
My name is Jeff, I have dipped for around six years now. I started because one day while driving my buddy told me to try a dip and ever since then I was hooked. That insane buzz at the beginning was what got me going.

I like to play video games competitively, and every game I'd play I'd always have a dip it, because you know, it made me play better. I would go through one or one and a half cans a day.

It started out just having a dip while I was playing video games, then it turned into needing a dip in my mouth through the whole day.

What I struggle with in dipping isn't as much of the oral fixation, it's me playing a game and wanting a dip to calm my nerves. So, the past two days I have played one game and that was rough getting through.

I have attempted to quit in the past, with obvious failure. I tried tapering off, going cold turkey, none worked because the only person in my battle was me with no support... so here I am. Looking at some of the numbers of days quit by the people on this site seems so unreal to me, but inspires me. To all of you even a minute longer in quit than me... respect.

The last time I attempted quitting I went for a week without any nicotine, so I think if I can make it past a month I will start having confidence in myself.

I think that's all I have for now, I hope to get to know and support great people on here.

Thanks for your time reading,
Hi Jeff
We all thought dip helped us do whatever it was we do better. It doesn't. Its a huge lie. All dip does is help you feel "normal" because since your last dip you have been withdrawing. People that are not addicted to nicotine feel like that all the time. We just cant remember. You are in the right place for help and support. Read as much as you can, there is a lot to learn and a lot of support to be had here. Welcome.

Offline Bean

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Re: Ooshie introduction
« Reply #4 on: January 03, 2014, 03:38:00 PM »
Great choice, Jeff!!! The good news is that you've come to the right place. The bad news is that the oral fixation/calming nerves stuff is just addict-speak. We know, because we're fluent in that bullshit. It's okay though. You can learn to control your all of the other badass quitters on this site.

It doesn't matter if you have been dipping for 6 years or 6 minutes. Nobody can definitively identify the moment they became an addict. We just are. But everyone knows the first step to gaining control back from the grip of the Nic Bitch...POSTING ROLL.

Click on the Welcome Center Link are read how and why we post roll. Read what it means. Read about the significance of One Day at a Time. Then, start kicking ass like a Master Chief (think you might have a new nick name, Master Chief).

Congrats on a great choice. You don't need nicotine to play video games. But if video games are too big of a trigger, then focus on something else until you reach the exercise or reading a book or something. Nothing is more important than keeping your quit...nothing. You're in a real fight and you life, throat, lower jaw all hang in the balance. It may be tought to play video games without nicotine, but it is ever harder after disfiguring surgery, chemo, feeding tubes and no tounge...I bet.

Welcome to the real fight!!! YOU CAN DO THIS!!!

Offline jzzyzag01

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Re: Ooshie introduction
« Reply #3 on: January 03, 2014, 03:36:00 PM »
Welcome Jeff. Don't "think" you can do it this time. You WILL do it this time. Stick tot this site and you will get through this thing. It's going to suck for the first little bit ("the fog" or "the suck"), but use it as a motivator to never go back so you don't ever have to go thru it again.

I used to dip when I was gaming too. It was really annoying though to have to find a hiding spot every 30 seconds so I wouldn't get shot while I spit. That got real old after awhile. You don't need it. The nic tricks you into thinking you need it to concentrate when all you're doing is concentrating on the nic.

The only thing you have to do each day (with the exception of no nicotine) is post roll in the April 2014 HOF group. There's a big pink "WELCOME CENTER" button in the top of your screen. Click on that and start reading. You should spend hours reading the stories and advice throughout this site. Read other people's introductions. You will see that you aren't the only one in this spot. We have all been there and we're all better people for putting the worm dirt down once and for all. You will never regret quitting. but you will always regret caving.

Our motto here: One day at a time (ODAAT). Each day you post your promise that you will not dip that day. Don't use nicotine in any fashion that day, go to sleep. Wake up and repeat. The process is simple, but difficult. Reach out to your new brothers and sisters on this site. Swap numbers with them, get to know them. The more people you know, the less likely you'll be to cave and let them down when a crave hits.

Alright, enough of the soap box. Private message me if you wanna swap numbers or need someone to talk to/text with to get you thru the suck. You want this. It's right here, grab it.

I quit with you today brother.

"I am a nicotine addict and there is nothing I can do about it; I am also a quitter, and that, I can do plenty about." - Grizzly25

Today I choose to quit because today is the only day I have control over today. Tomorrow is a new day and when tomorrow is today, I'll control it too, but not until then. I will win this fight with today...

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Re: Ooshie introduction
« Reply #2 on: January 03, 2014, 03:34:00 PM »
Quote from: Ooshie
My name is Jeff, I have dipped for around six years now. I started because one day while driving my buddy told me to try a dip and ever since then I was hooked. That insane buzz at the beginning was what got me going.

I like to play video games competitively, and every game I'd play I'd always have a dip it, because you know, it made me play better. I would go through one or one and a half cans a day.

It started out just having a dip while I was playing video games, then it turned into needing a dip in my mouth through the whole day.

What I struggle with in dipping isn't as much of the oral fixation, it's me playing a game and wanting a dip to calm my nerves. So, the past two days I have played one game and that was rough getting through.

I have attempted to quit in the past, with obvious failure. I tried tapering off, going cold turkey, none worked because the only person in my battle was me with no support... so here I am. Looking at some of the numbers of days quit by the people on this site seems so unreal to me, but inspires me. To all of you even a minute longer in quit than me... respect.

The last time I attempted quitting I went for a week without any nicotine, so I think if I can make it past a month I will start having confidence in myself.

I think that's all I have for now, I hope to get to know and support great people on here.

Thanks for your time reading,
Hey Jeff

I was on the nic bitches tit for 23 years. I couldn't quit for my wife. I couldn't quit for my kids. I tried to do it for them but I failed every time. When I finally got pissed off and wanted to do it for me I started to get some success. I'm quit 33 days now.
Don't look down the road. You quit today. Only today. Odaat. One day at a time. Anyone can do anything for one day. Just quit today. Then the rest of us will do it again with you tomorrow.
I get the games and chew. I pvp and the chew was a real necessary part of that experience.
You just gotta do it. Find something else. I ate about six pounds of jolly ranchers the first week. Atomic fireballs too. Get some fake chew. Smokey mountain saved my ass. Walmart has it or you can order it online.
Stay strong man.

Offline Ooshie

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Ooshie introduction
« on: January 03, 2014, 03:21:00 PM »
My name is Jeff, I have dipped for around six years now. I started because one day while driving my buddy told me to try a dip and ever since then I was hooked. That insane buzz at the beginning was what got me going.

I like to play video games competitively, and every game I'd play I'd always have a dip it, because you know, it made me play better. I would go through one or one and a half cans a day.

It started out just having a dip while I was playing video games, then it turned into needing a dip in my mouth through the whole day.

What I struggle with in dipping isn't as much of the oral fixation, it's me playing a game and wanting a dip to calm my nerves. So, the past two days I have played one game and that was rough getting through.

I have attempted to quit in the past, with obvious failure. I tried tapering off, going cold turkey, none worked because the only person in my battle was me with no support... so here I am. Looking at some of the numbers of days quit by the people on this site seems so unreal to me, but inspires me. To all of you even a minute longer in quit than me... respect.

The last time I attempted quitting I went for a week without any nicotine, so I think if I can make it past a month I will start having confidence in myself.

I think that's all I have for now, I hope to get to know and support great people on here.

Thanks for your time reading,
Clinched fist held above me, you will never bring me to my knees. -A Day To Remember