Author Topic: Quitting is easy  (Read 1515 times)

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Re: Quitting is easy
« Reply #13 on: February 20, 2010, 08:45:00 PM »
Quote from: LaQuitter
Quote you need to keep the same mentality on days 78, 212, 547 as you do on days 1-10?
I personally think the mentality needs to be the same very day, Day 1 through whatever. Well, I don't know. I can't see into the future. But I know that for the last 295 days, I have made a very conscious and deliberate decision to not dip. I have posted roll every day, promising to not do it. It's always going to be a matter of making a choice.

This is the only way I understand. It's the only way I have been successful. Speaking for myself, I am not ready to do this any other way. I know I can walk away from this mentality and survive. But for how long is the question I ask myself. I fear that the "just one" mistake could happen, if I become any less vigilant than I am. No complacency, no failure.
If so, how do you make that happen?
I think you make it happen by continuing to live by the creed - ONE DAY AT A TIME, you come here, and allow yourself to be held accountable.
If not, what will have changed?
Nothing will every change....we will always be addicts. Hence the necessity of maintaining the mentality. At least for me, for now.

Good shit, Smokey.

thats a fuckin awesome post

thanks men...LOOT is glad he stumled in on this shit tonight

damn LOOT is pumped...made LOOT remember a lot of shit. maybe "refreshed" is a better word. LOOT never forgets...sometimes LOOTs quit goes into autopilot and the reasons, the facts, and the methods become clouded by time. yous some quittin' ass mufuckers. damn damn damn...thanks for reinvigorating LOOTs quit.

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Re: Quitting is easy
« Reply #12 on: February 20, 2010, 08:27:00 PM »
Quote from: Dr.
Quote from: jRock
Quote from: Smokeyg
Quote from: jRock
You make not dipping a part of your daily routine.
Clever retort. And, yeah, I've "tried" that.

I took a break for over 200 days in the past. Once my attempt at quitting became routine, "just one" became a reality. There is nothing routine about my quit today. If you could see it in real life, your balls would explode. It's that powerful. Raiders of the Lost Ark melt your face awesome. you need to keep the same mentality on days 78, 212, 547 as you do on days 1-10? If so, how do you make that happen? If not, what will have changed?

Do these questions even fucking matter right now?
I don't want my balls to explode :(

and probably, but hell if I know how you do that, I'm just hitting two weeks right now.
you get your plan together....... I know you've heard about the plan.....Ask Greg5280 to show you his... or Chewie to show his awesome example of a staying quit plan.... What matters is that you know you are an addict, and that by being an addict that having "just one" will lead you down the broken posting everyday for 100 days that you will not put nicotine in your body. And stay involved until you understand what you are truly up against...That is how you get an awesome quit like Smokey's
Sorry to step over LaQ's reply - read it below if you haven't already.

Had to clarify one thing:
And stay involved until you understand what you are truly up against...That is how you get an awesome quit like Smokey's
Stay involved especially after you think you understand what you are truly up against.

But for now....stay quit tonight.

Offline LaQuitter

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Re: Quitting is easy
« Reply #11 on: February 20, 2010, 07:59:00 PM »
Quote you need to keep the same mentality on days 78, 212, 547 as you do on days 1-10?
I personally think the mentality needs to be the same very day, Day 1 through whatever. Well, I don't know. I can't see into the future. But I know that for the last 295 days, I have made a very conscious and deliberate decision to not dip. I have posted roll every day, promising to not do it. It's always going to be a matter of making a choice.

This is the only way I understand. It's the only way I have been successful. Speaking for myself, I am not ready to do this any other way. I know I can walk away from this mentality and survive. But for how long is the question I ask myself. I fear that the "just one" mistake could happen, if I become any less vigilant than I am. No complacency, no failure.
If so, how do you make that happen?
I think you make it happen by continuing to live by the creed - ONE DAY AT A TIME, you come here, and allow yourself to be held accountable.
If not, what will have changed?
Nothing will every change....we will always be addicts. Hence the necessity of maintaining the mentality. At least for me, for now.

Good shit, Smokey.
Quit: Saturday, May 2, 2009
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Offline Dr. Bruce Banner

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Re: Quitting is easy
« Reply #10 on: February 20, 2010, 07:56:00 PM »
Quote from: jRock
Quote from: Smokeyg
Quote from: jRock
You make not dipping a part of your daily routine.
Clever retort. And, yeah, I've "tried" that.

I took a break for over 200 days in the past. Once my attempt at quitting became routine, "just one" became a reality. There is nothing routine about my quit today. If you could see it in real life, your balls would explode. It's that powerful. Raiders of the Lost Ark melt your face awesome. you need to keep the same mentality on days 78, 212, 547 as you do on days 1-10? If so, how do you make that happen? If not, what will have changed?

Do these questions even fucking matter right now?
I don't want my balls to explode :(

and probably, but hell if I know how you do that, I'm just hitting two weeks right now.
you get your plan together....... I know you've heard about the plan.....Ask Greg5280 to show you his... or Chewie to show his awesome example of a staying quit plan.... What matters is that you know you are an addict, and that by being an addict that having "just one" will lead you down the broken posting everyday for 100 days that you will not put nicotine in your body. And stay involved until you understand what you are truly up against...That is how you get an awesome quit like Smokey's
HOF 2/2/2010
2nd 5/12/2010
3rd 8/20/2010
4th 11/29/2010

Within our capabilities, orginating in our attitudes and culminating in our actions

Offline jRock

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Re: Quitting is easy
« Reply #9 on: February 20, 2010, 06:03:00 PM »
Quote from: Smokeyg
Quote from: jRock
You make not dipping a part of your daily routine.
Clever retort. And, yeah, I've "tried" that.

I took a break for over 200 days in the past. Once my attempt at quitting became routine, "just one" became a reality. There is nothing routine about my quit today. If you could see it in real life, your balls would explode. It's that powerful. Raiders of the Lost Ark melt your face awesome. you need to keep the same mentality on days 78, 212, 547 as you do on days 1-10? If so, how do you make that happen? If not, what will have changed?

Do these questions even fucking matter right now?
I don't want my balls to explode :(

and probably, but hell if I know how you do that, I'm just hitting two weeks right now.
ooM went the dyslexic cow.

Offline Smokeyg

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Re: Quitting is easy
« Reply #8 on: February 20, 2010, 05:27:00 PM »
Quote from: jRock
You make not dipping a part of your daily routine.
Clever retort. And, yeah, I've "tried" that.

I took a break for over 200 days in the past. Once my attempt at quitting became routine, "just one" became a reality. There is nothing routine about my quit today. If you could see it in real life, your balls would explode. It's that powerful. Raiders of the Lost Ark melt your face awesome. you need to keep the same mentality on days 78, 212, 547 as you do on days 1-10? If so, how do you make that happen? If not, what will have changed?

Do these questions even fucking matter right now?

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Re: Quitting is easy
« Reply #7 on: February 20, 2010, 04:45:00 PM »
You make not dipping a part of your daily routine.
ooM went the dyslexic cow.

Offline Smokeyg

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Re: Quitting is easy
« Reply #6 on: February 20, 2010, 03:33:00 PM »
Quote from: ahfull
Quote from: Snuffed
Quote from: Smokeyg
Quote from: sensei
Quote from: Zolo
I dipped Copenhagen for 30 years and I quit three times a week for the last twenty. Now, NOT STARTING up again.....that is tough.

I thank whoever put this site together. Maybe if I can be accountable, I can finally not start up again.

I am at 36 hours and the demons are here whispering...."just one little dip, then you can stop again"...."Come on. Just one little one, it won't hurt. God! it would feel good."

But I added my name to roll call. I AM NOT GOING TO DIP TODAY!!!
Quitting is by no means "easy". Buckle up, because the road gets rough. Were all here for the same reason, so when you need help, ask and you shall receive.

Great to see you posted roll, welcome to the May group. Stay quit.
Quitting is the easiest thing in the world when you can quit three times a week.

Methinks Zolo needs to rethink his definition of the word "quit".

Rest, Break, Vacation, etc....

Quitting is a daily battle. It requires commitment, effort and support. It is by no means easy, but it is definitely worth the struggle.

Zolo - welcome to your 1st and only QUIT. Buckle up butterfuck.
I think you guys missed his sarcasm :wacko:
What's sarcasm?
I see his "not starting back up" angle. Tee-hee and shit.

I do like his last line: "I AM NOT GOING TO DIP TODAY!!!"

Not starting back up is actually pretty simple when you bring that attitude on a daily basis. How does one keep that attitude down the road though? Once the exciting part is over and the daily routine takes over again?

Offline ahfull

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Re: Quitting is easy
« Reply #5 on: February 20, 2010, 01:07:00 PM »
Quote from: Snuffed
Quote from: Smokeyg
Quote from: sensei
Quote from: Zolo
I dipped Copenhagen for 30 years and I quit three times a week for the last twenty. Now, NOT STARTING up again.....that is tough.

I thank whoever put this site together. Maybe if I can be accountable, I can finally not start up again.

I am at 36 hours and the demons are here whispering...."just one little dip, then you can stop again"...."Come on. Just one little one, it won't hurt. God! it would feel good."

But I added my name to roll call. I AM NOT GOING TO DIP TODAY!!!
Quitting is by no means "easy". Buckle up, because the road gets rough. Were all here for the same reason, so when you need help, ask and you shall receive.

Great to see you posted roll, welcome to the May group. Stay quit.
Quitting is the easiest thing in the world when you can quit three times a week.

Methinks Zolo needs to rethink his definition of the word "quit".

Rest, Break, Vacation, etc....

Quitting is a daily battle. It requires commitment, effort and support. It is by no means easy, but it is definitely worth the struggle.

Zolo - welcome to your 1st and only QUIT. Buckle up butterfuck.
I think you guys missed his sarcasm :wacko:
What's sarcasm?
Quit: Saturday, September 5, 2009

Offline Snuffed

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Re: Quitting is easy
« Reply #4 on: February 20, 2010, 12:50:00 PM »
Quote from: Smokeyg
Quote from: sensei
Quote from: Zolo
I dipped Copenhagen for 30 years and I quit three times a week for the last twenty. Now, NOT STARTING up again.....that is tough.

I thank whoever put this site together. Maybe if I can be accountable, I can finally not start up again.

I am at 36 hours and the demons are here whispering...."just one little dip, then you can stop again"...."Come on. Just one little one, it won't hurt. God! it would feel good."

But I added my name to roll call. I AM NOT GOING TO DIP TODAY!!!
Quitting is by no means "easy". Buckle up, because the road gets rough. Were all here for the same reason, so when you need help, ask and you shall receive.

Great to see you posted roll, welcome to the May group. Stay quit.
Quitting is the easiest thing in the world when you can quit three times a week.

Methinks Zolo needs to rethink his definition of the word "quit".

Rest, Break, Vacation, etc....

Quitting is a daily battle. It requires commitment, effort and support. It is by no means easy, but it is definitely worth the struggle.

Zolo - welcome to your 1st and only QUIT. Buckle up butterfuck.
I think you guys missed his sarcasm :wacko:

Offline Smokeyg

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Re: Quitting is easy
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2010, 12:27:00 PM »
Quote from: sensei
Quote from: Zolo
I dipped Copenhagen for 30 years and I quit three times a week for the last twenty. Now, NOT STARTING up again.....that is tough.

I thank whoever put this site together. Maybe if I can be accountable, I can finally not start up again.

I am at 36 hours and the demons are here whispering...."just one little dip, then you can stop again"...."Come on. Just one little one, it won't hurt. God! it would feel good."

But I added my name to roll call. I AM NOT GOING TO DIP TODAY!!!
Quitting is by no means "easy". Buckle up, because the road gets rough. Were all here for the same reason, so when you need help, ask and you shall receive.

Great to see you posted roll, welcome to the May group. Stay quit.
Quitting is the easiest thing in the world when you can quit three times a week.

Methinks Zolo needs to rethink his definition of the word "quit".

Rest, Break, Vacation, etc....

Quitting is a daily battle. It requires commitment, effort and support. It is by no means easy, but it is definitely worth the struggle.

Zolo - welcome to your 1st and only QUIT. Buckle up butterfuck.

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Re: Quitting is easy
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2010, 11:33:00 AM »
Quote from: Zolo
I dipped Copenhagen for 30 years and I quit three times a week for the last twenty. Now, NOT STARTING up again.....that is tough.

I thank whoever put this site together. Maybe if I can be accountable, I can finally not start up again.

I am at 36 hours and the demons are here whispering...."just one little dip, then you can stop again"...."Come on. Just one little one, it won't hurt. God! it would feel good."

But I added my name to roll call. I AM NOT GOING TO DIP TODAY!!!
Quitting is by no means "easy". Buckle up, because the road gets rough. Were all here for the same reason, so when you need help, ask and you shall receive.

Great to see you posted roll, welcome to the May group. Stay quit.

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Quitting is easy
« on: February 20, 2010, 11:02:00 AM »
I dipped Copenhagen for 30 years and I quit three times a week for the last twenty. Now, NOT STARTING up again.....that is tough.

I thank whoever put this site together. Maybe if I can be accountable, I can finally not start up again.

I am at 36 hours and the demons are here whispering...."just one little dip, then you can stop again"...."Come on. Just one little one, it won't hurt. God! it would feel good."

But I added my name to roll call. I AM NOT GOING TO DIP TODAY!!!