Author Topic: Quitting after 27 yrs of dipping  (Read 1201 times)

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Re: Quitting after 27 yrs of dipping
« Reply #14 on: August 17, 2011, 03:03:00 PM »
Welcome Blay.

You got this bro.

Offline Kdip

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Re: Quitting after 27 yrs of dipping
« Reply #13 on: August 17, 2011, 02:55:00 PM »
Quote from: Blay
Quote from: Greg5280
Welcome to the party !  This is the place to be to get your quit on.  You have more quit knowledge, resources and help than you could ever imagine. 

Post your promise daily and keep your word and you will be quit....

Glad you are here
Let us know if you need help.

Started cleaning up my tracks.

Tossed the shit covered coffee cup that was used as a spitter.

Unsubscribed to the US tobacco site that used to send me crap.

Tossed the stash of paper cups and paper towels for the car. GONE.

Walking away from dipping and now I want to put even more distance from it.

I still have that little bit of nagging that says I'm an addict but its getting easier to ignore.
'clap' Nice work Blay!!! Welcome to the site!!! You are now a NON-Dipper!!! Dipped and/or smoked for over 30 years here and I am quit almost THREE years!!! You too CAN DO this one day at a time!!!

Offline Blay

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Re: Quitting after 27 yrs of dipping
« Reply #12 on: August 17, 2011, 01:14:00 PM »
Quote from: Greg5280
Welcome to the party ! This is the place to be to get your quit on. You have more quit knowledge, resources and help than you could ever imagine.

Post your promise daily and keep your word and you will be quit....

Glad you are here
Let us know if you need help.

Started cleaning up my tracks.

Tossed the shit covered coffee cup that was used as a spitter.

Unsubscribed to the US tobacco site that used to send me crap.

Tossed the stash of paper cups and paper towels for the car. GONE.

Walking away from dipping and now I want to put even more distance from it.

I still have that little bit of nagging that says I'm an addict but its getting easier to ignore.
Quit 7/31/11
HOF 11/7/11
2nd Floor 2/15/12

Offline Greg5280

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Re: Quitting after 27 yrs of dipping
« Reply #11 on: August 11, 2011, 10:03:00 PM »
Welcome to the party ! This is the place to be to get your quit on. You have more quit knowledge, resources and help than you could ever imagine.

Post your promise daily and keep your word and you will be quit....

Glad you are here
Let us know if you need help.


Offline gladitsnotheroine

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Re: Quitting after 27 yrs of dipping
« Reply #10 on: August 11, 2011, 09:39:00 PM »
Quote from: Leahy16
Quote from: Blay
Quit on July 31st when I got to the bottom of a can of copenhagen and thought to myself, "how about NOT immediately leaving to buy another two cans".

My habit had gotten up to about four cans of copenhagen a week (if not more). I started dipping in college in 1983. There were always plenty of us tobacco reps around to hand out a can of dip. The streets were littered with samples of bandits.

Having quit a few times; either going cold turkey or using nicorette gum. From this experience, I know that going cold turkey is the only way you REALLY are committed to quitting and is a cleaner cut.

I looked online about quitting cold turkey and found some stats on the half-life of nicotine. From there I went hour by hour fighting to hold whatever ground I had gained and trying to build on it. There are still some times where I'm stunned how many rituals in a day I had built around dipping.

My real motivator for quitting was fear of stomach cancer. I have pushed my luck long enough and I'm walking away.
Blay, congratulations on your decision. You've manned up and quit now for 12 days and you should be commended for that. What you've found here is one hell of a resource of people going through the same thing you are. We know your story, we know the excuses, the triggers, the damage dip causes to mind  body and we know how to quit. There are some bad ass quitters around this place and every one of them wants to help you stay quit.

Hit the Welcome Center (upper left on the screen), learn how to post roll, get on over to November and introduce yourself.

I'd recommend get some phone numbers of some of your fellow quitters and lean on them when you need it.

You found the right place. Now get ready to kick ass...
"Bad ass quitters" ........I want to be one of those one day!
Reading KTC and Rocking to DBT!

Quit date 08/05/2011

Offline Leahy16

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Re: Quitting after 27 yrs of dipping
« Reply #9 on: August 11, 2011, 08:01:00 PM »
Quote from: Blay
Quit on July 31st when I got to the bottom of a can of copenhagen and thought to myself, "how about NOT immediately leaving to buy another two cans".

My habit had gotten up to about four cans of copenhagen a week (if not more). I started dipping in college in 1983. There were always plenty of us tobacco reps around to hand out a can of dip. The streets were littered with samples of bandits.

Having quit a few times; either going cold turkey or using nicorette gum. From this experience, I know that going cold turkey is the only way you REALLY are committed to quitting and is a cleaner cut.

I looked online about quitting cold turkey and found some stats on the half-life of nicotine. From there I went hour by hour fighting to hold whatever ground I had gained and trying to build on it. There are still some times where I'm stunned how many rituals in a day I had built around dipping.

My real motivator for quitting was fear of stomach cancer. I have pushed my luck long enough and I'm walking away.
Blay, congratulations on your decision. You've manned up and quit now for 12 days and you should be commended for that. What you've found here is one hell of a resource of people going through the same thing you are. We know your story, we know the excuses, the triggers, the damage dip causes to mind  body and we know how to quit. There are some bad ass quitters around this place and every one of them wants to help you stay quit.

Hit the Welcome Center (upper left on the screen), learn how to post roll, get on over to November and introduce yourself.

I'd recommend get some phone numbers of some of your fellow quitters and lean on them when you need it.

You found the right place. Now get ready to kick ass...
Quit Date Jun 5, 2011; HOF Sep 12, 2011; 1,000 days Feb 28, 2014

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Re: Quitting after 27 yrs of dipping
« Reply #8 on: August 11, 2011, 06:28:00 PM »
Quote from: Blay
Quit on July 31st when I got to the bottom of a can of copenhagen and thought to myself, "how about NOT immediately leaving to buy another two cans".

My habit had gotten up to about four cans of copenhagen a week (if not more). I started dipping in college in 1983. There were always plenty of us tobacco reps around to hand out a can of dip. The streets were littered with samples of bandits.

Having quit a few times; either going cold turkey or using nicorette gum. From this experience, I know that going cold turkey is the only way you REALLY are committed to quitting and is a cleaner cut.

I looked online about quitting cold turkey and found some stats on the half-life of nicotine. From there I went hour by hour fighting to hold whatever ground I had gained and trying to build on it. There are still some times where I'm stunned how many rituals in a day I had built around dipping.

My real motivator for quitting was fear of stomach cancer. I have pushed my luck long enough and I'm walking away.
Welcome to the QUIT HOUSE! You made a great choice - and you know it.

Like the others have said - it won't be easy. But..... you do this 1 day at a time and soon you will be close to that 100 day mark. I am 91 days quit today - and at the beginning I didn't want to quit for myself. I enjoyed it - and it still scares the shit out of myself knowing the cold hard truth ---- I'm an Addict!

But, with the guys here, together we will look back and be thankful for the support we got. So --- you need anything - shoot me a pm. Just concentrate on today, nothing more for now. Happy to be quit with you today!
QD - 5/13/11
1 day at a time!

Offline Huskercpa

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Re: Quitting after 27 yrs of dipping
« Reply #7 on: August 11, 2011, 04:22:00 PM »
Congrats on flipping addiction the bird. I am on Day 4. It has gotten easier every day for me, and I haven't slept this well since I was in junior high. I'm not sure if it is the stimulant that is no longer in my system or the fact that I am no longer part ninja. Either way, great decision and I am happy to quit with you.
Quit Date: 08/08/2011
HOF Date: 11/15/2011
2nd Floor: 2/23/2012
3rd Floor: 6/3/2012

Offline bJA

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Re: Quitting after 27 yrs of dipping
« Reply #6 on: August 11, 2011, 03:12:00 PM »
Welcome aboard! Happy you made it here. You're going to love this place.

Offline chunkles

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Re: Quitting after 27 yrs of dipping
« Reply #5 on: August 10, 2011, 01:42:00 PM »
Hi Blay,

28 years for me and over 40 days so far. If I can do it, so can you. Keep it up brother, you're doing great!

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Re: Quitting after 27 yrs of dipping
« Reply #4 on: August 10, 2011, 01:01:00 PM »
Congratulations on the quit. Keep sticking it out and it won't belong before it becomes pretty tolerable. As they say around here, if you post roll every day and keep your word, you can't fail.
Quit Day: 6/20/2011
1st Floor: 9/27/2011


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Re: Quitting after 27 yrs of dipping
« Reply #3 on: August 10, 2011, 12:45:00 PM »
Congrats on your decision to quit. I made that same decision 14 days ago after 21 years of heavy ninja-like use. You'll get the support you need right here on this website. Let me know if you need anything and welcome aboard.

Offline Scowick65

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Re: Quitting after 27 yrs of dipping
« Reply #2 on: August 10, 2011, 10:04:00 AM »
Read this: index.php?showforum=13

and then post your day 1 here: index.php?showtopic=5023

You can count on me for support a number or a chat. What ever you need to stay quit. Dipping is bullshit. Nicotine sux. It is hard at first but well worth the misery.

Offline Blay

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Quitting after 27 yrs of dipping
« on: August 10, 2011, 09:54:00 AM »
Quit on July 31st when I got to the bottom of a can of copenhagen and thought to myself, "how about NOT immediately leaving to buy another two cans".

My habit had gotten up to about four cans of copenhagen a week (if not more). I started dipping in college in 1983. There were always plenty of us tobacco reps around to hand out a can of dip. The streets were littered with samples of bandits.

Having quit a few times; either going cold turkey or using nicorette gum. From this experience, I know that going cold turkey is the only way you REALLY are committed to quitting and is a cleaner cut.

I looked online about quitting cold turkey and found some stats on the half-life of nicotine. From there I went hour by hour fighting to hold whatever ground I had gained and trying to build on it. There are still some times where I'm stunned how many rituals in a day I had built around dipping.

My real motivator for quitting was fear of stomach cancer. I have pushed my luck long enough and I'm walking away.
Quit 7/31/11
HOF 11/7/11
2nd Floor 2/15/12