Author Topic: Tried several times  (Read 1604 times)

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Offline DV-Turbo

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Re: Tried several times
« Reply #19 on: March 08, 2016, 12:50:00 AM »
alright so after the major fuck up i had, i am now on the right track no more failures for the army we have what is called the warrior ethos which are

I WILL ALWAYS PLACE THE MISSION FIRST. my new mission is to get rid of the toxicity in my blood from nicotine and the thousands of other dangerous chemicals from dip and to remove myself from the nic bitchs control.

I WILL NEVER ACCEPT DEFEAT. i will do everything in my power to ensure a successful mission, to include posting roll everyday, and utilizing the live chat, hof stories advice and various other threads on ktc, and also exchange numbers with my fellow quitters


I WILL NEVER LEAVE A FALLEN COMRADE. If any of my fellow quitters need help or just want to rant feel free to send me a pm and ill exchange number with you, if your not comfortable with exchangeing digits then by all means blow up my inbox.

I am an army veteran and i hold the soldiers creed and warrior ethos close to my heart. i have used them through my military and civilian life to achieve many goals and to remind my self to keep going never take anything less the success and to continue mission no matter what obstacles come your way.

today is only day 2 in my journey I WILL NOT ACCEPT DEFEAT

Offline DV-Turbo

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Re: Tried several times
« Reply #18 on: March 07, 2016, 12:06:00 PM »
Tried changing he title but apparently I do not have permission to do so... Things are going good today made roll call first thing this morning after i got up. On a 7 hour trip back to ga now and got plenty of things to keep my mind off nic... Surprisingly I haven't even had a craving today.

And no I did not exchange numbers with anyone or even get on the chat I truly set myself up for failure by not using all assets to help with my mission to quit. That is the last failure... I do not have time in my life to fail because of nic cravings.

Offline copingwithoutcopen

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Re: Tried several times
« Reply #17 on: March 07, 2016, 07:10:00 AM »
A moment of weakness? That's what you're going with?

This is what we call a planned cave. You didn't make a promise for one reason only. You gave yourself an out. I question your guts but not your integrity, at least you're not a liar.

Explain your lack of resolve to your group. Think about why this happened. What's gonna be different this time?

Did you exchange numbers? Did you call anyone from your group? Did you hop into the chat room? You sacrificed a few minutes of relief for a lifetime of freedom.

Do me a favor, heck, do yourself a favor... Remove the question mark from your intro title and man up. Post your promise and quit.

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Re: Tried several times
« Reply #16 on: March 07, 2016, 07:09:00 AM »
Quote from: DV-Turbo
Yes I really do want to quit, I do not want half of all of my jaw missing, I do not want my son to pick up this nasty habit, I'm tired of just throwing money away, I seriously hate this nasty bitch. I had a moment of weakeness kinda like the time I tried to fix shit with my cheating ex...
you need to read your second intro the fuck up and quit that the stories and speeches on here....get numbers from other people in your quit is nice to have some one to lean on when the nic bitch is coming on strong

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Re: Tried several times
« Reply #15 on: March 06, 2016, 11:08:00 PM »
Quote from: DV-Turbo
Yes I really do want to quit, I do not want half of all of my jaw missing, I do not want my son to pick up this nasty habit, I'm tired of just throwing money away, I seriously hate this nasty bitch. I had a moment of weakeness kinda like the time I tried to fix shit with my cheating ex...
This site isn't like the last time...

Ktc is a team. Your group is a bunch of brothers going through the same shit you are at the same time. You a football fan? Imagine being on a team playing a game in 105 degree heat, being at the end of the 3rd Q, and your team being at 14 to their 28. Everyone is tired. Everyone is hot. Everyone is bruised and beaten up. The other team is good. But your team doesn't quit! Then imagine taking off your helmet and throwing it on the ground. Looking at your team and saying... Fuck this guys! I quit! I'm hot and thirsty and I'm not doing it any more!

That, sir, is exactly what you did today. Man up. Apologize and answer the 3 questions. And don't shit on your team again. Disloyalty is not a trait that we admire around here. No ball coddling.

Offline DV-Turbo

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Re: Tried several times
« Reply #14 on: March 06, 2016, 10:59:00 PM »
Yes I really do want to quit, I do not want half of all of my jaw missing, I do not want my son to pick up this nasty habit, I'm tired of just throwing money away, I seriously hate this nasty bitch. I had a moment of weakeness kinda like the time I tried to fix shit with my cheating ex...

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Re: Tried several times
« Reply #13 on: March 06, 2016, 10:56:00 PM »
Quote from: DV-Turbo
Well day 3 is almost over and I've fucked up....i did not post roll call or even make today's promise to myself so I set myself up for failure...the nic bitch got me today but I will get my revenge. I've thrown the can I bought a took a single pinch out of. Out of the damn more set backs
Why did you fail? Do you really want to quit? :blink:

You really need to hate the bitch before you start.

Offline DV-Turbo

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Re: Tried several times
« Reply #12 on: March 06, 2016, 10:49:00 PM »
Well day 3 is almost over and I've fucked up....i did not post roll call or even make today's promise to myself so I set myself up for failure...the nic bitch got me today but I will get my revenge. I've thrown the can I bought a took a single pinch out of. Out of the damn more set backs

Offline worktowin

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Re: Tried several times
« Reply #11 on: March 06, 2016, 11:45:00 AM »
Great intro bro.

No pain, no gain. You've posted today and your word is good, do you've got this today. One day at a time.

What you are going thru is not the new you. It gets way better. Go to Hall of Fame speeches and read them. Any of them. Every single one will talk about how good life is without the chains of nicotine. If I can help or if you need a number shoot me a PM. No one ever regrets quitting.

Offline copingwithoutcopen

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Re: Tried several times
« Reply #10 on: March 05, 2016, 06:18:00 AM »
Let's go! Day 2.

Time to post up. You know it is.

After you do, it won't matter how tough it is if you're a person of integrity.

You gotta take that first step.

Offline DV-Turbo

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Re: Tried several times
« Reply #9 on: March 05, 2016, 02:30:00 AM »
First day was pretty damn tuff not going to lie lol. But I made it through with the help of sun flower seeds lol. I'll figure out how to post roll and get started on that asap. I'm definitely going to get on here throughout the day and read some post. The stories on here are truly encouraging!!!

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Re: Tried several times
« Reply #8 on: March 04, 2016, 11:42:00 PM »
Quote from: Rawls
Quote from: DV-Turbo
you know what fuck the intro post it makes me sound like a pussy and that is definitely not who I am...I've been thinking and trying long enough I've spent the last hour reading through ktc and have gotten some major is the day i quite, I just threw a unopened can in the trash... I'm done with this shit I'm tired of letting it control parts of my life and honestly I don't even get a rush from it anymore hell I haven't in years. I did not survive Iraq, a divorce, and find a career I love just to let nicotine control my life and kill me I'm done!
Better.....2nd time DV!
A job doesn't have any thing to do with it.
Your an addict.
Addicts do great things.
We just dont need chains holding us down to get er done!
Find your cup half full.
You were not created to need poison.
Make it easy.... Post Roll.
I Quit with you today.
Rawls 473

Ps.. Thank you for your service....SIR!
Your quit is what you make of it. You want it to be life changing or just counting days? Sure it can be either. When you make your daily choice to quit you decide what the outcome is. You control it 100% of it. Make it the best possible.
There are no circumstances in which using nicotine will improve the outcome.

My journey. The best part it is not over yet.

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Re: Tried several times
« Reply #7 on: March 04, 2016, 11:12:00 PM »
Quote from: DV-Turbo
you know what fuck the intro post it makes me sound like a pussy and that is definitely not who I am...I've been thinking and trying long enough I've spent the last hour reading through ktc and have gotten some major is the day i quite, I just threw a unopened can in the trash... I'm done with this shit I'm tired of letting it control parts of my life and honestly I don't even get a rush from it anymore hell I haven't in years. I did not survive Iraq, a divorce, and find a career I love just to let nicotine control my life and kill me I'm done!
Better.....2nd time DV!
A job doesn't have any thing to do with it.
Your an addict.
Addicts do great things.
We just dont need chains holding us down to get er done!
Find your cup half full.
You were not created to need poison.
Make it easy.... Post Roll.
I Quit with you today.
Rawls 473

Ps.. Thank you for your service....SIR!
I believe.....

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Re: Tried several times
« Reply #6 on: March 04, 2016, 09:39:00 PM »
Come join our group. The way to make this stick is to post roll. Instructions are here.

By posting roll, you are making a simple promise not to use nicotine today. Pretty simple, you only have to get through today. Anyone can get through today, right? Then you do it again tomorrow.
“Everything good that has happened to me has happened as a direct result of helping someone else, everything". - Danny Trejo

Offline rcohan

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Re: Tried several times
« Reply #5 on: March 04, 2016, 01:26:00 PM »
Hey DV. I'm just about at the 1 year mark. If I had to give you one piece of advice, it would be this. Under no circumstances, go into the store (wherever that may be) if you are within 15 minutes of a craving! The NIC wench is standing right there behind the counter and she will do everything she can to trick you into getting a can. Walk around your rig 5 times, do 10 pushups, do whatever it takes but don't go into the store. You got this man and I want to see your post at 100 and what you did to turn away from those cravings.