Author Topic: Today is the day.; No Nicotine  (Read 1498 times)

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Re: Today is the day.; No Nicotine
« Reply #12 on: September 23, 2010, 10:06:00 PM »
I sent you directions on how to post. I realize there is a lot conversations going on in the December group, but you still need to post. Get in there and get it done.
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Re: Today is the day.; No Nicotine
« Reply #11 on: September 23, 2010, 10:49:00 AM »

I just quit 12 days ago, but I'm back on the Introduction page to encourage those that just quit. The first days are BRUTAL, the next are not much better (still haven't slept more than a couple of hours at a time in almost 2 weeks, but you can do it.

"Quit + 1" is the made it through yesterday without nic, and you're going to do it again today. Don't worry about forever, just enjoy the fact that you are free and in control right now.

I sat in front of this website for the first few days (and I'm still on it at Day 12), but I'm living nic free...and I intend to stay that way. You'll find all the support you need here.


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Re: Today is the day.; No Nicotine
« Reply #10 on: September 23, 2010, 09:45:00 AM »
Quote from: brianl
Welcome aboard BigMike!!

It was a big wake-up call for me too when I realized that I would have a dip in for an hour and didn't spit once.
I remember when I first started 27 years ago that just the thought of a drop of that spit going down my throat would make me gag!!

Anyways, glad your hear. Read as much as you can here and listen to what people are saying, everyone here has gone through what your going through.


Welcome bigmike - post up, keep the word and you will have more support than you ever thought possible. I'm an ex-dipper of 30 years and just hit the HOF. You've come to the right place. read, exercise, post, have a plan. You can do this. If you need a contact, PM me.

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Re: Today is the day.; No Nicotine
« Reply #9 on: September 23, 2010, 06:41:00 AM »
Welcome aboard BigMike!!

It was a big wake-up call for me too when I realized that I would have a dip in for an hour and didn't spit once.
I remember when I first started 27 years ago that just the thought of a drop of that spit going down my throat would make me gag!!

Anyways, glad your hear. Read as much as you can here and listen to what people are saying, everyone here has gone through what your going through.



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Re: Today is the day.; No Nicotine
« Reply #8 on: September 22, 2010, 09:19:00 PM »
Quote from: BigMike
Well today is my first day that I am nicotine free. I realize some are not crazy about the titration method, but it got me past the 50% mark after 5 days to zero today. Yes, I know I am addicted to Nicotine (you don't chew the shit and swallow the juice without realizing there is a problem). To the people who quit, don't underestimate your influence on the rest of us who just started. Reach out to the newbies. If it wasn't for Crick, Signal31X, tom h, and AndrewJacksonTaylor responding to my first post I would have been looking for help elsewhere and probably spinning my wheels again. I look forward to the day when I feel I can help others with their quit.
Welcome to day 1. Glad to see you back. Do you have your balls with you? Because it is time to fight. You can have fun with this quit. Treat it like a MMA cage fight. Don't give up, even when you are getting your ass kicked by the bitch. Roll her over and throw some elbows. The only rule here is that you win. Get up and slam your foot into her throat to keep the nic bitch down. Don't turn your back on her, 'cuz she will get up and jump on it. Cave her f'n skull in. If you run out of cool moves to keep her down, we will all be in your corner yelling support. Glad you are on our team.
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Re: Today is the day.; No Nicotine
« Reply #7 on: September 22, 2010, 09:17:00 PM »
Congrats on the up..have a will suck  it will be the best thing you have ever done and if your like me it will alternate between those two minute by minute. For me excercise was key. Find an outlet that's not your family :D that's what we are here for.

Pm me or anyone if you need a number.

Most important STAY QUIT
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Re: Today is the day.; No Nicotine
« Reply #6 on: September 22, 2010, 08:56:00 PM »
Well today is my first day that I am nicotine free. I realize some are not crazy about the titration method, but it got me past the 50% mark after 5 days to zero today. Yes, I know I am addicted to Nicotine (you don't chew the shit and swallow the juice without realizing there is a problem). To the people who quit, don't underestimate your influence on the rest of us who just started. Reach out to the newbies. If it wasn't for Crick, Signal31X, tom h, and AndrewJacksonTaylor responding to my first post I would have been looking for help elsewhere and probably spinning my wheels again. I look forward to the day when I feel I can help others with their quit.

Offline Crick

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Re: Today is the day.; No Nicotine
« Reply #5 on: September 19, 2010, 12:15:00 AM »
Quote from: Greg5280
Quote from: Skoal
Quote from: Spurbow
Quote from: BigMike
I have been chewing Copenhagen for over 30 years and chew a can a day.  I have made multiple attempts to quit throughout this time period using the cold turkey method, nicotine patches and gum.  Well this year the Company I work for implemented a Tobacco surcharge on health insurance for tobacco users, my gums have taken a beating, and I decided it was time to go for the final quit.  One thing I realized was that there are very few support groups or cessation programs for smokeless tobacco, almost all are centered around smoking.  I also realize I am in for another big battle.  I am hoping this site can help.  I bought some Smokey Mountain Chew and started the titration method.  The SMC is tolerable but does not pack or taste anything like the original Cope fine cut.  I ordered some Hootch Classic and I am open to suggestions from Cope users on the best alternative herbal chew.  Also, has anyone had success with Chantix?
It sounds like you want to quit but have not completely made up you mind. Titration is not going to fly here as we all would compare that with only smearing half a piece of your shit on toast before eating it. It doesn't make sense. Trying to reduce your nicotine usually results in something i call "reverse titration" and you eventually just cut out the hooch and dip more. I dipped a can of cope a day for 24 years and have only quit for 38 days but i am done. You can be too when you lay down the NIC once and for all and never, ever, ever look back again. Man up Mike and flush the cope for good. Some of the other folks may be able to tell you about chantrix or welbutrin but quit the NIC now for your sake. 'archer'
Spurbow - day 38 and pulling for you to make the commitment.
SPurs right, its like a bandaid,hurts alot less when you rip it off. Titration just prolongs the withdrawl.
Big Mike,
You are correct there are very few support groups for smokeless tobacco. Good news is you found the one you need. This place and these people will help you stay quit if you will use the methods provided.

The methods here work. If my weak willed ass can quit I assure you, you can do it also. Post your promise daily and keep your word. It really is that simple.
I tried Chantrix a few year ago. Let me tell you from experience, stay away from it. The side effects are just as bad, if not worse, than withdrawal symptoms of going cold turkey.

The best thing to do is what everybody else in here is doing. Grab your balls, man up, and fight through the suck. Read every word on this site. And again, man up and fight through it.
Quit 5/29/10
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Re: Today is the day.; No Nicotine
« Reply #4 on: September 18, 2010, 10:20:00 PM »
Quote from: Skoal
Quote from: Spurbow
Quote from: BigMike
I have been chewing Copenhagen for over 30 years and chew a can a day.  I have made multiple attempts to quit throughout this time period using the cold turkey method, nicotine patches and gum.  Well this year the Company I work for implemented a Tobacco surcharge on health insurance for tobacco users, my gums have taken a beating, and I decided it was time to go for the final quit.  One thing I realized was that there are very few support groups or cessation programs for smokeless tobacco, almost all are centered around smoking.  I also realize I am in for another big battle.  I am hoping this site can help.  I bought some Smokey Mountain Chew and started the titration method.  The SMC is tolerable but does not pack or taste anything like the original Cope fine cut.  I ordered some Hootch Classic and I am open to suggestions from Cope users on the best alternative herbal chew.  Also, has anyone had success with Chantix?
It sounds like you want to quit but have not completely made up you mind. Titration is not going to fly here as we all would compare that with only smearing half a piece of your shit on toast before eating it. It doesn't make sense. Trying to reduce your nicotine usually results in something i call "reverse titration" and you eventually just cut out the hooch and dip more. I dipped a can of cope a day for 24 years and have only quit for 38 days but i am done. You can be too when you lay down the NIC once and for all and never, ever, ever look back again. Man up Mike and flush the cope for good. Some of the other folks may be able to tell you about chantrix or welbutrin but quit the NIC now for your sake. 'archer'
Spurbow - day 38 and pulling for you to make the commitment.
SPurs right, its like a bandaid,hurts alot less when you rip it off. Titration just prolongs the withdrawl.
Big Mike,
You are correct there are very few support groups for smokeless tobacco. Good news is you found the one you need. This place and these people will help you stay quit if you will use the methods provided.

The methods here work. If my weak willed ass can quit I assure you, you can do it also. Post your promise daily and keep your word. It really is that simple.

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Re: Today is the day.; No Nicotine
« Reply #3 on: September 18, 2010, 10:10:00 PM »
Quote from: Spurbow
Quote from: BigMike
I have been chewing Copenhagen for over 30 years and chew a can a day.  I have made multiple attempts to quit throughout this time period using the cold turkey method, nicotine patches and gum.  Well this year the Company I work for implemented a Tobacco surcharge on health insurance for tobacco users, my gums have taken a beating, and I decided it was time to go for the final quit.  One thing I realized was that there are very few support groups or cessation programs for smokeless tobacco, almost all are centered around smoking.  I also realize I am in for another big battle.  I am hoping this site can help.  I bought some Smokey Mountain Chew and started the titration method.  The SMC is tolerable but does not pack or taste anything like the original Cope fine cut.  I ordered some Hootch Classic and I am open to suggestions from Cope users on the best alternative herbal chew.  Also, has anyone had success with Chantix?
It sounds like you want to quit but have not completely made up you mind. Titration is not going to fly here as we all would compare that with only smearing half a piece of your shit on toast before eating it. It doesn't make sense. Trying to reduce your nicotine usually results in something i call "reverse titration" and you eventually just cut out the hooch and dip more. I dipped a can of cope a day for 24 years and have only quit for 38 days but i am done. You can be too when you lay down the NIC once and for all and never, ever, ever look back again. Man up Mike and flush the cope for good. Some of the other folks may be able to tell you about chantrix or welbutrin but quit the NIC now for your sake. 'archer'
Spurbow - day 38 and pulling for you to make the commitment.
SPurs right, its like a bandaid,hurts alot less when you rip it off. Titration just prolongs the withdrawl.
"CLOSE THE DOOR. In my opinion, it?s the single most important step in your final quit. There is one moment, THE moment, when you finally let go and surrender to the quit. After that moment, no temptation will be great enough, no lie persuasive enough to make you commit suicide by using tobacco."

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Re: Today is the day.; No Nicotine
« Reply #2 on: September 18, 2010, 03:43:00 PM »
Quote from: BigMike
I have been chewing Copenhagen for over 30 years and chew a can a day. I have made multiple attempts to quit throughout this time period using the cold turkey method, nicotine patches and gum. Well this year the Company I work for implemented a Tobacco surcharge on health insurance for tobacco users, my gums have taken a beating, and I decided it was time to go for the final quit. One thing I realized was that there are very few support groups or cessation programs for smokeless tobacco, almost all are centered around smoking. I also realize I am in for another big battle. I am hoping this site can help. I bought some Smokey Mountain Chew and started the titration method. The SMC is tolerable but does not pack or taste anything like the original Cope fine cut. I ordered some Hootch Classic and I am open to suggestions from Cope users on the best alternative herbal chew. Also, has anyone had success with Chantix?
It sounds like you want to quit but have not completely made up you mind. Titration is not going to fly here as we all would compare that with only smearing half a piece of your shit on toast before eating it. It doesn't make sense. Trying to reduce your nicotine usually results in something i call "reverse titration" and you eventually just cut out the hooch and dip more. I dipped a can of cope a day for 24 years and have only quit for 38 days but i am done. You can be too when you lay down the NIC once and for all and never, ever, ever look back again. Man up Mike and flush the cope for good. Some of the other folks may be able to tell you about chantrix or welbutrin but quit the NIC now for your sake. 'archer'
Spurbow - day 38 and pulling for you to make the commitment.
"Silly rabbits, nicotine wasn't filling the void it was creating it." - Skoal Monster

Offline BigMike

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Today is the day.; No Nicotine
« on: September 18, 2010, 03:23:00 PM »
I have been chewing Copenhagen for over 30 years and chew a can a day. I have made multiple attempts to quit throughout this time period using the cold turkey method, nicotine patches and gum. Well this year the Company I work for implemented a Tobacco surcharge on health insurance for tobacco users, my gums have taken a beating, and I decided it was time to go for the final quit. One thing I realized was that there are very few support groups or cessation programs for smokeless tobacco, almost all are centered around smoking. I also realize I am in for another big battle. I am hoping this site can help. I bought some Smokey Mountain Chew and started the titration method. The SMC is tolerable but does not pack or taste anything like the original Cope fine cut. I ordered some Hootch Classic and I am open to suggestions from Cope users on the best alternative herbal chew. Also, has anyone had success with Chantix?