Author Topic: Last of the lasts - Day Uno  (Read 2050 times)

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Offline DanEz007

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Re: Last of the lasts - Day Uno
« Reply #26 on: November 14, 2011, 09:46:00 AM »
certainly rdy for no fog, o yea, that last post of mine should have said day 6, today is 7. I swear I can do math.
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Re: Last of the lasts - Day Uno
« Reply #25 on: November 13, 2011, 08:03:00 PM »
Quote from: DanEz007
Good to be on the quitting team. This is day 5, been somewhat a testing day today, some high blood pressure moments.. possibly a bit of rage but all under control. Had a huge meal and know a dip would just perk me right up and make me shit out all my intestines. All's perfect tho with the quit, had one drink Fri night  had some seeds.. David's Buffalo style Ranch is pretty tasty.. a bit salty / spicy but yummy none the less. Mornings are clear, then fog comes over in afternoon. .going to run, deuces.
1 day at a time. The fog shall clear. Freedom is the shit.

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Re: Last of the lasts - Day Uno
« Reply #24 on: November 13, 2011, 04:31:00 PM »
Good to be on the quitting team. This is day 5, been somewhat a testing day today, some high blood pressure moments.. possibly a bit of rage but all under control. Had a huge meal and know a dip would just perk me right up and make me shit out all my intestines. All's perfect tho with the quit, had one drink Fri night  had some seeds.. David's Buffalo style Ranch is pretty tasty.. a bit salty / spicy but yummy none the less. Mornings are clear, then fog comes over in afternoon. .going to run, deuces.
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Offline RiverRunner

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Re: Last of the lasts - Day Uno
« Reply #23 on: November 12, 2011, 03:23:00 AM »
I dig the avatar, Dan.

Good to have you on the quittin team.

Offline Tsmith17

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Re: Last of the lasts - Day Uno
« Reply #22 on: November 12, 2011, 02:53:00 AM »
Quote from: Steve1357
I'll quit with Dan.

Ignore dooshes like this.  You probably see one or two more in your group.  It really shows how dillusional an addict can be.  5 days quit and he is cured; what a load of bullshit.

Keep going strong and have a plan ready for the weekend.  The first weekend quit is really tough.  I would recommend avoiding booze.

PM me if you need anything.

Steve is right. The first weekend is difficult. Make sure you have a plan in place. Avoiding the booze is also a really good idea in the early part of your quit.

Offline Tsmith17

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Re: Last of the lasts - Day Uno
« Reply #21 on: November 11, 2011, 10:44:00 PM »
Quote from: Guitarplayer123
Yes i am sorry for acting like a douche. I just am niccin so hard.
I remember how big of an asshole I was in my first week quit. It's hard to believe I have any friends left. My girlfriend didn't even leave me. Crazy. Nice job on posting day 5 today. I expect to see a day 6 posted tomorrow though. We are all here to help.

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Re: Last of the lasts - Day Uno
« Reply #20 on: November 11, 2011, 05:30:00 PM »
Yes i am sorry for acting like a douche. I just am niccin so hard.

Offline steve1357

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Re: Last of the lasts - Day Uno
« Reply #19 on: November 11, 2011, 04:58:00 PM »
Quote from: DanEz007
Quote from: Guitarplayer123
That dude is mad because I don't conform to this sites stupid shit. Let me tell you man. Do this on your own.  Roll call is stupid.  It does not have an effect on anything.  It is intentionally good.  Just remember it comes down to you wanting it or not.  I have been in 5 days.  I haven't caved once.  All of my friends are in awe.  It is actually making them want to quit.  You stick with it man.  That was a dick move on that guys part to automatically assume something.  Anyways Good luck man.
Oh really? Do it for ourselves? Never thought of it that way. I just quit dipping for everyone else on here. I see roll call as very effective and I see doing this with a bunch of people that hate it just as much as you (I) also very effective. I also like the idea of being able to rant and rave to a bunch of strangers that don't give a fuck what I talk about and can put themselves in my shoes b/c they've been there. It makes the process easier. Call it conforming if you want guitar and you can be the rebel that doesn't need or want anyone else's help, you be the "big man" on site and tell everyone how useless it is.. have you read any of the HOF speeches?
This site works and there's no need (certainly NO patience) for little fuckers like yourself to come in and act like you're holier than thou. 5 days isn't shit, you're going to think you have it beat (for.. I'm guessing 2 months) and try it once and you'll be right back where you were, hopefully this isn't the case obviously as I wouldn't wish that on anyone but atleast w/roll call you're more accountable + it only takes a short amount of time. Your friends are idiots, I advise you to make new ones.. that don't drool.. or suck cock. Best of luck to you as well. Don't fuck up. Stay quit.
I'll quit with Dan.

Ignore dooshes like this. You probably see one or two more in your group. It really shows how dillusional an addict can be. 5 days quit and he is cured; what a load of bullshit.

Keep going strong and have a plan ready for the weekend. The first weekend quit is really tough. I would recommend avoiding booze.

PM me if you need anything.


Offline DanEz007

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Re: Last of the lasts - Day Uno
« Reply #18 on: November 11, 2011, 04:50:00 PM »
Quote from: Guitarplayer123
That dude is mad because I don't conform to this sites stupid shit. Let me tell you man. Do this on your own. Roll call is stupid. It does not have an effect on anything. It is intentionally good. Just remember it comes down to you wanting it or not. I have been in 5 days. I haven't caved once. All of my friends are in awe. It is actually making them want to quit. You stick with it man. That was a dick move on that guys part to automatically assume something. Anyways Good luck man.
Oh really? Do it for ourselves? Never thought of it that way. I just quit dipping for everyone else on here. I see roll call as very effective and I see doing this with a bunch of people that hate it just as much as you (I) also very effective. I also like the idea of being able to rant and rave to a bunch of strangers that don't give a fuck what I talk about and can put themselves in my shoes b/c they've been there. It makes the process easier. Call it conforming if you want guitar and you can be the rebel that doesn't need or want anyone else's help, you be the "big man" on site and tell everyone how useless it is.. have you read any of the HOF speeches?
This site works and there's no need (certainly NO patience) for little fuckers like yourself to come in and act like you're holier than thou. 5 days isn't shit, you're going to think you have it beat (for.. I'm guessing 2 months) and try it once and you'll be right back where you were, hopefully this isn't the case obviously as I wouldn't wish that on anyone but atleast w/roll call you're more accountable + it only takes a short amount of time. Your friends are idiots, I advise you to make new ones.. that don't drool.. or suck cock. Best of luck to you as well. Don't fuck up. Stay quit.
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Offline Guitarplayer123

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Re: Last of the lasts - Day Uno
« Reply #17 on: November 11, 2011, 04:30:00 PM »
That dude is mad because I don't conform to this sites stupid shit. Let me tell you man. Do this on your own. Roll call is stupid. It does not have an effect on anything. It is intentionally good. Just remember it comes down to you wanting it or not. I have been in 5 days. I haven't caved once. All of my friends are in awe. It is actually making them want to quit. You stick with it man. That was a dick move on that guys part to automatically assume something. Anyways Good luck man.

Offline DanEz007

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Re: Last of the lasts - Day Uno
« Reply #16 on: November 11, 2011, 04:07:00 PM »
Quote from: jdferguson07
Quote from: Guitarplayer123
3 days in man....Take it slowly and think it through....It's tough, but it is do-able.  I am in your class. I am here to quit with ya Brother!
^^ This guy is a pussy. He has already caved after 4 days. Great support advice though!!

3 days is a huge accomplishment, man. Congratulations! And its great that you are feeling good today. But I assure you that there will be some tough days coming up. Rest up while you are feeling good because I promise the nic bitch is ready to do battle with you here soon.
What a douche, best intentions when saying that I'm sure but either you're the real deal or you're not.

After telling the wife I was quitting I had some moments today where I felt like she was over exaggeratedly being nice and placating to the point of it meaning, oh honey you're really upset because you don't have nicotine in your system. Feels like she's bound and determined to not let me just have a decent quit and must make a deal out of any reaction. She smokes but now that I'm quitting she has to act a different way otherwise I'm going to freak out and be all nutty? I'm not exactly sure how to explain it and yea maybe the nic bitch is starting to rear her head a bit.. I just prefer not to be placated and would rather have people treat me normal and not like a.. like a.. recovering addict? ..... Hello nic bitch 'Finger'

Day 4's a whore 'boob'
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Re: Last of the lasts - Day Uno
« Reply #15 on: November 11, 2011, 03:22:00 PM »
Quote from: Guitarplayer123
3 days in man....Take it slowly and think it through....It's tough, but it is do-able. I am in your class. I am here to quit with ya Brother!
^^ This guy is a pussy. He has already caved after 4 days. Great support advice though!!

3 days is a huge accomplishment, man. Congratulations! And its great that you are feeling good today. But I assure you that there will be some tough days coming up. Rest up while you are feeling good because I promise the nic bitch is ready to do battle with you here soon.
Grit your fucking teeth and man up like the fucking stud you are. I'm right there with you, and I promise not to dip today

Quit- 2.10.10, HOF- 5.20.10

My Quit.

Offline DanEz007

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Re: Last of the lasts - Day Uno
« Reply #14 on: November 11, 2011, 10:48:00 AM »
Feeling badass today. I know one day at a time but still.. very perky  upbeat today. Wish everyone the best.


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Offline DanEz007

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Re: Last of the lasts - Day Uno
« Reply #13 on: November 10, 2011, 04:48:00 PM »
Yea I like yours.. I shoulda made the can the head of a stick figure.. Good lookin out on the caffeine tid bit. Never knew, but it makes sense. Worked out.. eatin seeds.. worked out.. all's good for day 3. ez pz.
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Re: Last of the lasts - Day Uno
« Reply #12 on: November 10, 2011, 02:01:00 PM »
Quote from: Notdeadyet
Quote from: DanEz007
lol, I thought about being that considerate.. but I figure I'm just getting ahead for the nights when she is and I'm not. Off for that workout thing.. had a sip of coffee for the first time since quit, felt like heart was going to explode. Coffee  dip was always a heavenly mix for me, will proceed w/caution 1 day at a time.

Oh and I love my new logo.. go me.
Read this:The Caffeine/Nicotine Interation

Nice logo!
Dang, NDY... you are one resourceful dude.

Nice logo, Dan. I ran through several before I found a nice, simple one that really stood out.