Author Topic: Quitting (again)  (Read 1112 times)

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Offline slug.go

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Re: Quitting (again)
« Reply #12 on: February 18, 2014, 07:59:00 AM »
Quote from: jake
Quote from: Emulator
Quote from: srans
Quote from: derk40
Quote from: Morgan1
Quote from: smithhs
Well this site is just like the rest internet: judgemental as hell.  Two people supportive and two people 'questioning my resolve', despite the fact that I went two months cold turkey on my first try without even telling another living soul (in person or over the internet) I was quitting.  Yes I was a damn idiot to think I could use dip again after 2 months; I didn't blame it on anything, just gave the circumstances in which it happened.

I think I'll just sweat it out alone again with the added knowledge that I'll get addicted again if I indulge myself.
Why wouldn't they? You said in your intro you failed in your last quit because of an injury and a car ride. People on this site have suffered the losses of love ones - including children - and still managed to quit. Divorce, personal failure, financial problems, businesses failing, etc. A guy here once had his son missing for months and still posted roll almost every day and remained quit. This site can offer all the brotherhood and support you could ever want. Don't write it off so quick. Show those that questioned you that you mean business by not using and posting roll every day for 100 days...or 500. There isn't any ball coddling on this site - that's true - it takes a little getting used to. But if you are willing to be accountable to others and are a man of your word, this site will get you quit. Fact.
Judgmental as hell... no sir, you have the wrong idea. No one sits in judgment of you here... in fact, we are you! We are all nicotine addicts just like you are and we work like hell to be quit every day.

People here will tell you what you need to hear... not what you think you should be hearing. This is the only way. It might be uncomfortable, but folks are trying to point out things you are saying that will get you off track.

Listen to what people said on your intro. Don't take it personally. We are trying to get smithhs quit and on the correct path. Don't throw up your hands just yet. Post roll and choose to quit.
Read that ^^^ again. How bad do you want this? If you want it bad enough you'll stay. Post roll with us or go it alone. Alone didn't get you very far before. How about excepting the fact you need help.

Join us brother. Take your life back. Start by listening to quitters. Tried and true quitters. We don't just talk, hope, try we're QUIT! Lotta knowledge gonna come from the 1000's of quitters this site has produced. You won't get this this kinda help anywhere else.

Start reading the information this site has to offer. Learn your enemy brother, we're not it. Your going through withdraws and it sucks. Where else you gonna go to get this much excitement. Hell if you need to get pissed we're here for you man. Let it out brother. We just ask for one thing in return. Post roll and keep your word. Give your word to us, yourself and the world you won't use for the day. Let's do this!
True that. not judgmental . just not a bunch of fools willing to let all trolls suckle at the teets of knowledge that are reserved for people who are willing to suck it up a little to learn what it take to be rid of this bad girl nicotine once and for all, because she is a bad ass bitch that you can not underestimate or she will kick your ass up between your shoulders when you think you have her whipped.
Let go of the anger and pride bro. I'm an addict. So are you! Let's learn about our addiction and regain our freedom. No matter what day each of us is on, we need accountability. Who better to learn from then other addicts who are living free? Tried and true methods here. I am quit today with you!
Congrats, smithhs, in 5 hours you figured it all out for yourself. See you when you come back and are committed to ending your addiction like the rest of us.
Quit since 1/23/14

Offline jake frawley

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Re: Quitting (again)
« Reply #11 on: February 17, 2014, 10:20:00 PM »
Quote from: Emulator
Quote from: srans
Quote from: derk40
Quote from: Morgan1
Quote from: smithhs
Well this site is just like the rest internet: judgemental as hell.  Two people supportive and two people 'questioning my resolve', despite the fact that I went two months cold turkey on my first try without even telling another living soul (in person or over the internet) I was quitting.  Yes I was a damn idiot to think I could use dip again after 2 months; I didn't blame it on anything, just gave the circumstances in which it happened.

I think I'll just sweat it out alone again with the added knowledge that I'll get addicted again if I indulge myself.
Why wouldn't they? You said in your intro you failed in your last quit because of an injury and a car ride. People on this site have suffered the losses of love ones - including children - and still managed to quit. Divorce, personal failure, financial problems, businesses failing, etc. A guy here once had his son missing for months and still posted roll almost every day and remained quit. This site can offer all the brotherhood and support you could ever want. Don't write it off so quick. Show those that questioned you that you mean business by not using and posting roll every day for 100 days...or 500. There isn't any ball coddling on this site - that's true - it takes a little getting used to. But if you are willing to be accountable to others and are a man of your word, this site will get you quit. Fact.
Judgmental as hell... no sir, you have the wrong idea. No one sits in judgment of you here... in fact, we are you! We are all nicotine addicts just like you are and we work like hell to be quit every day.

People here will tell you what you need to hear... not what you think you should be hearing. This is the only way. It might be uncomfortable, but folks are trying to point out things you are saying that will get you off track.

Listen to what people said on your intro. Don't take it personally. We are trying to get smithhs quit and on the correct path. Don't throw up your hands just yet. Post roll and choose to quit.
Read that ^^^ again. How bad do you want this? If you want it bad enough you'll stay. Post roll with us or go it alone. Alone didn't get you very far before. How about excepting the fact you need help.

Join us brother. Take your life back. Start by listening to quitters. Tried and true quitters. We don't just talk, hope, try we're QUIT! Lotta knowledge gonna come from the 1000's of quitters this site has produced. You won't get this this kinda help anywhere else.

Start reading the information this site has to offer. Learn your enemy brother, we're not it. Your going through withdraws and it sucks. Where else you gonna go to get this much excitement. Hell if you need to get pissed we're here for you man. Let it out brother. We just ask for one thing in return. Post roll and keep your word. Give your word to us, yourself and the world you won't use for the day. Let's do this!
True that. not judgmental . just not a bunch of fools willing to let all trolls suckle at the teets of knowledge that are reserved for people who are willing to suck it up a little to learn what it take to be rid of this bad girl nicotine once and for all, because she is a bad ass bitch that you can not underestimate or she will kick your ass up between your shoulders when you think you have her whipped.
Let go of the anger and pride bro. I'm an addict. So are you! Let's learn about our addiction and regain our freedom. No matter what day each of us is on, we need accountability. Who better to learn from then other addicts who are living free? Tried and true methods here. I am quit today with you!

Offline Emulator

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Re: Quitting (again)
« Reply #10 on: February 17, 2014, 08:38:00 PM »
Quote from: srans
Quote from: derk40
Quote from: Morgan1
Quote from: smithhs
Well this site is just like the rest internet: judgemental as hell.  Two people supportive and two people 'questioning my resolve', despite the fact that I went two months cold turkey on my first try without even telling another living soul (in person or over the internet) I was quitting.  Yes I was a damn idiot to think I could use dip again after 2 months; I didn't blame it on anything, just gave the circumstances in which it happened.

I think I'll just sweat it out alone again with the added knowledge that I'll get addicted again if I indulge myself.
Why wouldn't they? You said in your intro you failed in your last quit because of an injury and a car ride. People on this site have suffered the losses of love ones - including children - and still managed to quit. Divorce, personal failure, financial problems, businesses failing, etc. A guy here once had his son missing for months and still posted roll almost every day and remained quit. This site can offer all the brotherhood and support you could ever want. Don't write it off so quick. Show those that questioned you that you mean business by not using and posting roll every day for 100 days...or 500. There isn't any ball coddling on this site - that's true - it takes a little getting used to. But if you are willing to be accountable to others and are a man of your word, this site will get you quit. Fact.
Judgmental as hell... no sir, you have the wrong idea. No one sits in judgment of you here... in fact, we are you! We are all nicotine addicts just like you are and we work like hell to be quit every day.

People here will tell you what you need to hear... not what you think you should be hearing. This is the only way. It might be uncomfortable, but folks are trying to point out things you are saying that will get you off track.

Listen to what people said on your intro. Don't take it personally. We are trying to get smithhs quit and on the correct path. Don't throw up your hands just yet. Post roll and choose to quit.
Read that ^^^ again. How bad do you want this? If you want it bad enough you'll stay. Post roll with us or go it alone. Alone didn't get you very far before. How about excepting the fact you need help.

Join us brother. Take your life back. Start by listening to quitters. Tried and true quitters. We don't just talk, hope, try we're QUIT! Lotta knowledge gonna come from the 1000's of quitters this site has produced. You won't get this this kinda help anywhere else.

Start reading the information this site has to offer. Learn your enemy brother, we're not it. Your going through withdraws and it sucks. Where else you gonna go to get this much excitement. Hell if you need to get pissed we're here for you man. Let it out brother. We just ask for one thing in return. Post roll and keep your word. Give your word to us, yourself and the world you won't use for the day. Let's do this!
True that. not judgmental . just not a bunch of fools willing to let all trolls suckle at the teets of knowledge that are reserved for people who are willing to suck it up a little to learn what it take to be rid of this bad girl nicotine once and for all, because she is a bad ass bitch that you can not underestimate or she will kick your ass up between your shoulders when you think you have her whipped.

D-Day 1/1/14
HOF 4/10/2014
2nd Floor July 19, 2014
3rd Floor October 27, 2014

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Offline srans

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Re: Quitting (again)
« Reply #9 on: February 17, 2014, 08:24:00 PM »
Quote from: derk40
Quote from: Morgan1
Quote from: smithhs
Well this site is just like the rest internet: judgemental as hell.  Two people supportive and two people 'questioning my resolve', despite the fact that I went two months cold turkey on my first try without even telling another living soul (in person or over the internet) I was quitting.  Yes I was a damn idiot to think I could use dip again after 2 months; I didn't blame it on anything, just gave the circumstances in which it happened.

I think I'll just sweat it out alone again with the added knowledge that I'll get addicted again if I indulge myself.
Why wouldn't they? You said in your intro you failed in your last quit because of an injury and a car ride. People on this site have suffered the losses of love ones - including children - and still managed to quit. Divorce, personal failure, financial problems, businesses failing, etc. A guy here once had his son missing for months and still posted roll almost every day and remained quit. This site can offer all the brotherhood and support you could ever want. Don't write it off so quick. Show those that questioned you that you mean business by not using and posting roll every day for 100 days...or 500. There isn't any ball coddling on this site - that's true - it takes a little getting used to. But if you are willing to be accountable to others and are a man of your word, this site will get you quit. Fact.
Judgmental as hell... no sir, you have the wrong idea. No one sits in judgment of you here... in fact, we are you! We are all nicotine addicts just like you are and we work like hell to be quit every day.

People here will tell you what you need to hear... not what you think you should be hearing. This is the only way. It might be uncomfortable, but folks are trying to point out things you are saying that will get you off track.

Listen to what people said on your intro. Don't take it personally. We are trying to get smithhs quit and on the correct path. Don't throw up your hands just yet. Post roll and choose to quit.
Read that ^^^ again. How bad do you want this? If you want it bad enough you'll stay. Post roll with us or go it alone. Alone didn't get you very far before. How about excepting the fact you need help.

Join us brother. Take your life back. Start by listening to quitters. Tried and true quitters. We don't just talk, hope, try we're QUIT! Lotta knowledge gonna come from the 1000's of quitters this site has produced. You won't get this this kinda help anywhere else.

Start reading the information this site has to offer. Learn your enemy brother, we're not it. Your going through withdraws and it sucks. Where else you gonna go to get this much excitement. Hell if you need to get pissed we're here for you man. Let it out brother. We just ask for one thing in return. Post roll and keep your word. Give your word to us, yourself and the world you won't use for the day. Let's do this!
Hof date may 25, 2013
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The poison sucks. I hate it. I hated it this morning, I hated it at noon, I hated it at supper and I hate it tonight. I enjoy hating it so much I'm going to wake up tomorrow and start over hating it. I quit with anyone that wants to hate it with me.

Offline Derk40

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Re: Quitting (again)
« Reply #8 on: February 17, 2014, 08:08:00 PM »
Quote from: Morgan1
Quote from: smithhs
Well this site is just like the rest internet: judgemental as hell.  Two people supportive and two people 'questioning my resolve', despite the fact that I went two months cold turkey on my first try without even telling another living soul (in person or over the internet) I was quitting.  Yes I was a damn idiot to think I could use dip again after 2 months; I didn't blame it on anything, just gave the circumstances in which it happened.

I think I'll just sweat it out alone again with the added knowledge that I'll get addicted again if I indulge myself.
Why wouldn't they? You said in your intro you failed in your last quit because of an injury and a car ride. People on this site have suffered the losses of love ones - including children - and still managed to quit. Divorce, personal failure, financial problems, businesses failing, etc. A guy here once had his son missing for months and still posted roll almost every day and remained quit. This site can offer all the brotherhood and support you could ever want. Don't write it off so quick. Show those that questioned you that you mean business by not using and posting roll every day for 100 days...or 500. There isn't any ball coddling on this site - that's true - it takes a little getting used to. But if you are willing to be accountable to others and are a man of your word, this site will get you quit. Fact.
Judgmental as hell... no sir, you have the wrong idea. No one sits in judgment of you here... in fact, we are you! We are all nicotine addicts just like you are and we work like hell to be quit every day.

People here will tell you what you need to hear... not what you think you should be hearing. This is the only way. It might be uncomfortable, but folks are trying to point out things you are saying that will get you off track.

Listen to what people said on your intro. Don't take it personally. We are trying to get smithhs quit and on the correct path. Don't throw up your hands just yet. Post roll and choose to quit.
Quit date: 6/23/2013
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Offline Morgan1

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Re: Quitting (again)
« Reply #7 on: February 17, 2014, 07:57:00 PM »
Quote from: smithhs
Well this site is just like the rest internet: judgemental as hell. Two people supportive and two people 'questioning my resolve', despite the fact that I went two months cold turkey on my first try without even telling another living soul (in person or over the internet) I was quitting. Yes I was a damn idiot to think I could use dip again after 2 months; I didn't blame it on anything, just gave the circumstances in which it happened.

I think I'll just sweat it out alone again with the added knowledge that I'll get addicted again if I indulge myself.
Why wouldn't they? You said in your intro you failed in your last quit because of an injury and a car ride. People on this site have suffered the losses of love ones - including children - and still managed to quit. Divorce, personal failure, financial problems, businesses failing, etc. A guy here once had his son missing for months and still posted roll almost every day and remained quit. This site can offer all the brotherhood and support you could ever want. Don't write it off so quick. Show those that questioned you that you mean business by not using and posting roll every day for 100 days...or 500. There isn't any ball coddling on this site - that's true - it takes a little getting used to. But if you are willing to be accountable to others and are a man of your word, this site will get you quit. Fact.
I have control over my quit. There's no luck involved. - Diesel2112


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Re: Quitting (again)
« Reply #6 on: February 17, 2014, 07:46:00 PM »
Well this site is just like the rest internet: judgemental as hell. Two people supportive and two people 'questioning my resolve', despite the fact that I went two months cold turkey on my first try without even telling another living soul (in person or over the internet) I was quitting. Yes I was a damn idiot to think I could use dip again after 2 months; I didn't blame it on anything, just gave the circumstances in which it happened.

I think I'll just sweat it out alone again with the added knowledge that I'll get addicted again if I indulge myself.

Offline Mcbeevee

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Re: Quitting (again)
« Reply #5 on: February 17, 2014, 04:29:00 PM »
Welcome, Henry! Reading your Intro makes me wonder about your resolve to accomplish the Quit. Seems like you always allow a reason or situation be the blame for you wanting to Quit the addiction. It is time for you to Own this Quit and hold yourself accountable only to yourself and us. Be the Man of your word and blame no one but yourself for failure or success. I am pulling for your success myself!
Quit today all day long!!!

Offline Bean

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Re: Quitting (again)
« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2014, 02:58:00 PM »
Congrats on great choice, Henry. Posting roll is the first step. You do that, and we've got your back the rest of the way. Read, post roll, read. Take it one day at a time, brother!

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Re: Quitting (again)
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2014, 02:31:00 PM »
Welcome and good job taking the first step (again). I think it's safe to say all of us on this site (or most of us) are on our second or third or whatever quit attempt. The difference here and with your previous stop is that here, you'll have accountability.

It starts with reading the Welcome Center and then learning how to post roll. You'll be in the May 14 quit group, so go read about how to post and get started. You need to reach out and start building a network of other quitters who will help hold you accountable and you will help them be accountable as well.

This is what makes this site strong.

If someone doesn't value logic, what logical argument could you provide to show the importance of logic? - Sam Harris

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Re: Quitting (again)
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2014, 02:30:00 PM »

index.php?showforum=13 --- That's a hyperlink to the Welcome Center. Read each section and PM me if you have any questions. Have you posted roll yet?

For the record, the only thing that happened at the end of November was that you chose to dip again. Staying quit is a choice, too, and you're going to start making that choice hundreds of times per day.
Quit Date 7/12/13
HOF Date 10/19/13

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Offline smithhs

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Quitting (again)
« on: February 17, 2014, 02:13:00 PM »
Hi, my name is Henry. I dipped for about 3 years. starting my sophomore year of college. I was a football player and dip is pretty common among college athletes.

Last October was my first attempt at quitting. Starting October 1st I went cold turkey from a tin and a half, and managed to get all the way to the end of November without relapsing. Then a combination of a minor injury, which prevented me from working out, and a long car drive (I used to dip in the car all the time) saw me relapse, and I was addicted again December-Last week.

Last week my step brother got kicked out of a halfway house for heroin addicts for walking into an ER demanding painkillers (to be clear dipping is the only addiction I've ever had) and the idea of being an addict makes me feel disgusted. Also, I'm currently living with my dad, who really isn't fond of the habit, so I've had to keep it secret, which is less than morally satisfying to be honest. So last Friday I threw out all the dip I had and now I'm just sweating through the withdrawals. I figured I'd join a community this time so I can at least vent my frustration to someone