Author Topic: Two weeks and counting  (Read 1109 times)

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Offline Mr Nice Guy

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Re: Two weeks and counting
« Reply #8 on: December 23, 2011, 07:42:00 PM »
Quote from: dippshit
Quote from: PMac
You want to finish up with me in March get the fuck on the bus.  We are going to finish this shit strong.  NO bitching, complaining, waffling, pussy-footing, or otherwise being a douche.  Symptoms are for pussies (sorry disrespect meant).  You got yourself into this position, you (like me) can suck it up and get out of it.

Today, I was texting with Cornholio.  WE came to a good conclusion.  The Nic Bitch has cost us lots and lots of time.  Family time.  Personal time.  Work time.  You name it and she has fucked with it.  Be fucking angry for the next ten days about the fact that YOU were a slave to the BITCH and that YOU wasted hours if not days of your life on such a stupid, ridiculous, nasty habit.

Proud to be quit with you.  PM me and I'll send you my cell number so that we can pledge to be faithful to our quit daily.


If there was an emoticon that was a boner I would have used it instead of this response 'na na'

Offline Mr Nice Guy

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Re: Two weeks and counting
« Reply #7 on: December 23, 2011, 07:41:00 PM »
Push through brother

Offline dippshit

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Re: Two weeks and counting
« Reply #6 on: December 23, 2011, 07:39:00 PM »
Quote from: PMac
You want to finish up with me in March get the fuck on the bus. We are going to finish this shit strong. NO bitching, complaining, waffling, pussy-footing, or otherwise being a douche. Symptoms are for pussies (sorry disrespect meant). You got yourself into this position, you (like me) can suck it up and get out of it.

Today, I was texting with Cornholio. WE came to a good conclusion. The Nic Bitch has cost us lots and lots of time. Family time. Personal time. Work time. You name it and she has fucked with it. Be fucking angry for the next ten days about the fact that YOU were a slave to the BITCH and that YOU wasted hours if not days of your life on such a stupid, ridiculous, nasty habit.

Proud to be quit with you. PM me and I'll send you my cell number so that we can pledge to be faithful to our quit daily.


If there was an emoticon that was a boner I would have used it instead of this response 'na na'

"It's amazing what a man can see by the light of a burning bridge" - Unknown

Offline PMac

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Re: Two weeks and counting
« Reply #5 on: December 22, 2011, 11:40:00 PM »
You want to finish up with me in March get the fuck on the bus. We are going to finish this shit strong. NO bitching, complaining, waffling, pussy-footing, or otherwise being a douche. Symptoms are for pussies (sorry disrespect meant). You got yourself into this position, you (like me) can suck it up and get out of it.

Today, I was texting with Cornholio. WE came to a good conclusion. The Nic Bitch has cost us lots and lots of time. Family time. Personal time. Work time. You name it and she has fucked with it. Be fucking angry for the next ten days about the fact that YOU were a slave to the BITCH and that YOU wasted hours if not days of your life on such a stupid, ridiculous, nasty habit.

Proud to be quit with you. PM me and I'll send you my cell number so that we can pledge to be faithful to our quit daily.


My Independence Day - December 19, 2011
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Offline magnum9

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Re: Two weeks and counting
« Reply #4 on: December 22, 2011, 11:31:00 PM »

One thing I can assure you is that you are in the toughest parts but it gets MUCH BETTER.

Just a little note, at only 310 days I have not had a craving in at least a week at least. The cravings I do have are just mere seconds long. It has been this way for quite some time.

This really is what you have to look forward to. It gets SO MUCH BETTER very soon.

Stick with it and follow our rules because they work.

Offline gladitsnotheroine

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Re: Two weeks and counting
« Reply #3 on: December 22, 2011, 10:24:00 PM »
Glad to be quit with you lax1. Welcome aboard.
Reading KTC and Rocking to DBT!

Quit date 08/05/2011

Offline Souliman

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Re: Two weeks and counting
« Reply #2 on: December 22, 2011, 09:36:00 PM »
Okay Lax. You've got a couple weeks down and that's tremendous. From here on out, you ride the bus with us. The approach here is pretty straight forward. If you are serious about staying quit and are a man of your word, this place works. Here are the secrets:

1. HIT THE PINK. Click on the 'Welcome Center' in the upper left. There you will get the lay of the land.

2. We do a little thing here called Roll Call. This is you putting down your word. You a man of your word Lax? You put down your word that you will not consume nicotine for 24 hours. That it. Not a year. Not a month. Not a week. One day. That's how we do it. One day at a time. Don't fuck with the program. We post roll every day. First thing. As soon as you put on your bunny slippers, you better be making a B-line to the computer to put down your word. Can't get to a computer? Text a quit brother or sister. Don't got numbers? Get some.

This is where you post roll:

March 2012

This is how you post roll:

How to Post Roll

3. Read. In this site you will find more information than you can imagine. You read about craves and ways to beat them. You read about dip dreams. You read about the struggle that is facing addiction daily. All this and MORE! The more you are educated, the safer your quit. And that's what we protect your quit.

4. Get involved. You can drop by every day and put down your 'JoeBlowALoot +1', keep your word and come back in 24 hours. Sure. That's one approach. But if you are hell bent on keeping that cancer candy out of your mouth you get involved. You get to know the folks here. They'll have your back on those days when shit is hitting the fan and you need someone who knows EXACTLY how fucking hard it is to fight. And if you want them to come running day or night, you better get to know them.

5. Reach out. Know that you are not alone. Know that there are a number of men and women here that you can call day or included if you need someone to talk you off the ledge.

There is no good reason to consume nicotine. None. Lastly I leave you with this don't use these words again: try, hope, wish, luck, cave.

We make our own path, each of us. We do this with purpose and conviction. You have quit so there is no "try" as this is not an attempt. YOU HAVE QUIT. Wish? Wish for what? You are quit. You got what you wanted. Luck? Fuck luck. I've got balls and I'm guessing so do you. Hope? Hope is a fat chick from high school. And lastly cave does not exist.

Welcome. Fight. Plan. Protect. That's all.

Offline lax1

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Two weeks and counting
« on: December 22, 2011, 08:46:00 PM »
Demographics: 39 year old male, married one kid.

About two weeks ago I decided to quit dipping after about 20 years of being addicted to Skoal M LC. I chewed about a can every other day until two weeks ago when I got dizzy and nearly passed out. The feeling never really subsided so I went into the doctor the next day and they couldn't find anything wrong after running numerous tests including an EKG. They suspected dehydration.

Anyhow that shook me up so I stopped dipping but what followed was pure hell. My head went into a complete spin like before. I could hardly function and thought perhaps cancer or something worse but never thought it was related to quitting since it happened before I stopped as well. Went back to the doctor two more times and received extensive blood tests over three days and a complete physical but still couldn't find anything wrong. After 9 days, I consulted with another specialist who told me to work-out and fight thru it and don't let the spinning get to me. For the next two days I worked out with a trainer who pushed me hard. I fought thru the pain and magically the fog/lightheadness and other physical symptoms lifted- I felt like a two ton brick was lifted off my shoulders... Coincidentally, out of all that I found out that my cholestrol was high and my glucose levels were borderline completely unrelated to the above. In a sense I got lucky to find that out now before heart/Stroke problems 10 years down the line.

The cravings have come back although not as intense. Generally I feel much better now and am realizing just how much chew controlled my life. Almost everything I did involved planning around my next chew from work, to sports, to home life, to travel, etc... everything!

Good luck to all... I still need continue the fight.