Author Topic: Killin The Can  (Read 1387 times)

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Re: Killin The Can
« Reply #14 on: August 21, 2014, 12:19:00 PM »
Quote from: MatVol
To all:

Today I quit my favorite thing to do. Dipping Longhorn Straight.

I went to the dentist today and now have a referral to an oral surgeon to have a screening / biopsy done for cancer. Nothing too unusual, he said it was "curious", the doc just wants to be sure (as do I). I put 99% of my dips in one location, and that spot is what they wanna check on or that looks "curious".

I have been wanting to quit for a few years now, and have tried gum, nicotine lozenges etc... With no luck. Today after my gut wrenching visit to the dentist I'm quitting cold Turkey, no matter the result. I have to much to live for, let just hope this is not it.

I started dipping when I was 15 and this is my 13th year. Before today at 4:15 I was dipping a can a day, 365. I have always enjoyed it, this will be tough.

I'm done folks, help will be needed.
Welcome MatVol. Hey first of all I love a new quitter. Can't help it, because I was there once myself. I copied this from a post I made the other day....

I dipped for many more years because I was worried about that last bump on my tongue or the last ulcer I got in that spot you know, where you put your dip in. That stuff went away and I continued slammin 'em in everyday.... That is until I finally got it that it wasn't a bump, an ulcer, a red spot, a hurting whatever in my mouth, a bad day, a good day, an ok day, some bad traffic, no bad traffic, some beers, no beers, caffeine, no caffeine, whatever..... I could actually quit this shit for good!!! Nobody needs this shit to live despite popular opinion among addicts like those who are still dipping today!!! Go see the oral surgeon.. and then fucking quit for good!!! By the way I went to the dentist this week myself for my bi-annual cleaning. It was nice to not get the lecture anymore about the horrors of tobacco. I mean really damn nice!!! Stay quit today all you bastard addicts!!! I will think of you man. This is a scare none of us want to face, but no matter the outcome remember - Nic + Problem = 2 Problems Nicotine will never help you with anything again!!!
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Re: Killin The Can
« Reply #13 on: August 21, 2014, 11:54:00 AM »
Fingers and toes crossed that everything checks out Ok for you. Quitting with something like that looming over you can be a tremendous motivator. Just be sure to have a plan if it comes back clean.

Joining up here and posting roll is a great first step in that plan to stay quit today. Keep doing it every day. Reach out to others and start building that network.

You might think you miss that shit now, but once she's been kicking you in the nuts for days on end, you'll be changing your tune.

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Re: Killin The Can
« Reply #12 on: August 21, 2014, 11:32:00 AM »
Great to see you on Day 2. You're going through the thick of it right now. Keep it up and stay strong. We're here for you! Don't be afraid to reach out when things get tough.

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Re: Killin The Can
« Reply #11 on: August 21, 2014, 08:58:00 AM »
Badass posting day 2 this morning. Keep it up man you are doing great. Check your inbox
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Re: Killin The Can
« Reply #10 on: August 21, 2014, 07:38:00 AM »
Glad to have you here. Get connected with some quitters in your group as well as some more experienced quitters. Brotherhood and accountability are key factors in staying quit.

Check your PMs in the upper right. Proud to be quit with you.
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Re: Killin The Can
« Reply #9 on: August 20, 2014, 11:43:00 PM »
Welcome aboard Mat. Failure is off the table here at KTC. Give us your word each day and honor it. It's that simple!

Make some friends too!

You can definitely do this.
Nicotine Quit Date:10/31/2013
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Re: Killin The Can
« Reply #8 on: August 20, 2014, 10:56:00 PM »
Congrats for joining MatVol. This is the first step but the right step. Dive into this site and make it a part of your daily routine. Wake up, piss, post roll. Repeat. Wake up, piss, post roll. You will not believe what this site can provide in terms of support and accountability, but you have to want it. I am somewhat new here, but you learn very quick what is important to your quit, and it starts with posting roll daily. Not at noon, or at 5PM. But when you wake up (now, if you are third shift, then that is different, but you get my point) Second, get to know the vets on this site and your Nov quit brothers. Support is so key to our quit. It will be 18 days tomorrow, but I have 7 cell phone numbers that I text and some vets in my inbox that have reached out. I will PM you my contact info so you have it if needed. Do the same. If you haven't posted roll yet, go ahead and do it. Also, look at the string where we are all learning about each other. Contribute there also. Good luck with your quit. We are all in this together.

Offline MatVol

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Re: Killin The Can
« Reply #7 on: August 20, 2014, 10:26:00 PM »
Thanks for the support guys, going to post roll now.

I am definitely doing this for me!

Offline Candoit

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Re: Killin The Can
« Reply #6 on: August 20, 2014, 10:13:00 PM »
Take role seriously, and get to know your fellow quitters. We are all in the same boat, day 1 or day 1000 it makes no difference, we could fall at any time. I have read about the members that make it a 100 days and stop posting role, and the fail at their quit. It is the role that helps us keep our promise to ourselves and each other. Please reach out to any one if you need help, pm me if you want.

Quit One Day at A Time is not a mantra it is a way of life.
There are no circumstances in which using nicotine will improve the outcome.

My journey. The best part it is not over yet.

Offline Candoit

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Re: Killin The Can
« Reply #5 on: August 20, 2014, 10:10:00 PM »
Take role seriously, and get to know your fellow quitters. We are all in the same boat, day 1 or day 1000 it makes no difference, we could fall at any time. I have read about the members that make it a 100 days and stop posting role, and the fail at their quit. It is the role that helps us keep our promise to ourselves and each other. Please reach out to any one if you need help, pm me if you want.

Quit One Day at A Time is not a mantra it is a way of life.
There are no circumstances in which using nicotine will improve the outcome.

My journey. The best part it is not over yet.

Offline Quitforsoj

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Re: Killin The Can
« Reply #4 on: August 20, 2014, 09:58:00 PM »
Post roll with us in the Nov quit group -- first 72 hours will be hard but you will get thru it ///

Praying your visit to surgeon is good news .....

Feel free to pm me

Offline schaef418

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Re: Killin The Can
« Reply #3 on: August 20, 2014, 09:49:00 PM »
Quote from: MatVol
To all:

Today I quit my favorite thing to do. Dipping Longhorn Straight.

I went to the dentist today and now have a referral to an oral surgeon to have a screening / biopsy done for cancer. Nothing too unusual, he said it was "curious", the doc just wants to be sure (as do I). I put 99% of my dips in one location, and that spot is what they wanna check on or that looks "curious".

I have been wanting to quit for a few years now, and have tried gum, nicotine lozenges etc... With no luck. Today after my gut wrenching visit to the dentist I'm quitting cold Turkey, no matter the result. I have to much to live for, let just hope this is not it.

I started dipping when I was 15 and this is my 13th year. Before today at 4:15 I was dipping a can a day, 365. I have always enjoyed it, this will be tough.

I'm done folks, help will be needed.
Read read everything you can on this site. Reach out. Make friends...they will be your rock when times are tough. Learn from the vets, they've been here seen a lot of shit. Your quit is about you, you have to help you first and let others support your quit. Get numbers, use them.

Post roll in November 2014 quit group.'s your pledge. Post roll, it is what this site is...don't miss roll.


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Re: Killin The Can
« Reply #2 on: August 20, 2014, 09:47:00 PM »
Quote from: MatVol
To all:

Today I quit my favorite thing to do. Dipping Longhorn Straight.

I went to the dentist today and now have a referral to an oral surgeon to have a screening / biopsy done for cancer. Nothing too unusual, he said it was "curious", the doc just wants to be sure (as do I). I put 99% of my dips in one location, and that spot is what they wanna check on or that looks "curious".

I have been wanting to quit for a few years now, and have tried gum, nicotine lozenges etc... With no luck. Today after my gut wrenching visit to the dentist I'm quitting cold Turkey, no matter the result. I have to much to live for, let just hope this is not it.

I started dipping when I was 15 and this is my 13th year. Before today at 4:15 I was dipping a can a day, 365. I have always enjoyed it, this will be tough.

I'm done folks, help will be needed.
I hope and pray that everything checks out okay. As that could be me.
You need to spend some time on this site reading and understanding your addiction.
Romacticising chew is a bad way to start your quit. Post roll daily it is our promise to ourselves and fellow quitters that we wont use nicotine.
pm if you want to chat or text.

Offline MatVol

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Killin The Can
« on: August 20, 2014, 09:20:00 PM »
To all:

Today I quit my favorite thing to do. Dipping Longhorn Straight.

I went to the dentist today and now have a referral to an oral surgeon to have a screening / biopsy done for cancer. Nothing too unusual, he said it was "curious", the doc just wants to be sure (as do I). I put 99% of my dips in one location, and that spot is what they wanna check on or that looks "curious".

I have been wanting to quit for a few years now, and have tried gum, nicotine lozenges etc... With no luck. Today after my gut wrenching visit to the dentist I'm quitting cold Turkey, no matter the result. I have to much to live for, let just hope this is not it.

I started dipping when I was 15 and this is my 13th year. Before today at 4:15 I was dipping a can a day, 365. I have always enjoyed it, this will be tough.

I'm done folks, help will be needed.