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Re: seriously
« Reply #15 on: September 08, 2011, 10:44:00 PM »
Quote from: Jaymodill
Welcome BR! Sorry I am just catching up in here. I am on Day 9 and it does get better. Each day has been very different. I have gone through the fog, pain, fear, loathing, denial, depression and then yesterday had a full-blown mental breakdown in front of my wife. God bless that woman!! But today was beautiful, and every day gets better. Posting Roll - as cheesy as it sounds - is the lifesaver. I promised my brothers that I won't stuff my face with that foul crap today. I will worry about tomorrow when I wake up, and I am sure that while I am still groggy and not in my addicted mind yet, I will once again pledge to my brothers that I am quit.
Jay and lo...Keep it up guys. We've come to far now to have to do this shit all over again. I had a shitty day yesterday but today was cool with the football mixed in. My wife has been an angel as well even though she doesn't really understand addiction even after 17 years of marriage. She loves me and thats enough. See you on the roll.
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Re: seriously
« Reply #14 on: September 08, 2011, 10:16:00 PM »
Quote from: Jaymodill
Welcome BR! Sorry I am just catching up in here. I am on Day 9 and it does get better. Each day has been very different. I have gone through the fog, pain, fear, loathing, denial, depression and then yesterday had a full-blown mental breakdown in front of my wife. God bless that woman!! But today was beautiful, and every day gets better. Posting Roll - as cheesy as it sounds - is the lifesaver. I promised my brothers that I won't stuff my face with that foul crap today. I will worry about tomorrow when I wake up, and I am sure that while I am still groggy and not in my addicted mind yet, I will once again pledge to my brothers that I am quit.
I think we lost BRGGUY at the moment. Hopefully just temporary.

Jay, I know what you mean on the breakdown..I think that has been the most shocking aspect of this experience. I told my wife last Saturday how I was feeling and was thinking about going to DR to get medicine-in my head the main reason I told her was because I wanted someone to know that I was losing it just in case I actually did and she could get me help. Outside of KTC, she has been the ultimate support I could ask for.

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Re: seriously
« Reply #13 on: September 08, 2011, 10:07:00 PM »
Welcome BR! Sorry I am just catching up in here. I am on Day 9 and it does get better. Each day has been very different. I have gone through the fog, pain, fear, loathing, denial, depression and then yesterday had a full-blown mental breakdown in front of my wife. God bless that woman!! But today was beautiful, and every day gets better. Posting Roll - as cheesy as it sounds - is the lifesaver. I promised my brothers that I won't stuff my face with that foul crap today. I will worry about tomorrow when I wake up, and I am sure that while I am still groggy and not in my addicted mind yet, I will once again pledge to my brothers that I am quit.
I'm goin' tackle this bitch!

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Offline Lock10

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Re: seriously
« Reply #12 on: September 08, 2011, 07:25:00 PM »
Everyday gets you a little farther away from day 1! That's how I attacked the suck. Just kept telling yourself I will never have to do these days again.

Offline tarpon17

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Re: seriously
« Reply #11 on: September 08, 2011, 12:58:00 PM »
Quote from: BRGGUY
Thanks people. I wouldn't wish this on any of you but glad I'm not alone. Ready for the SUCK to go away
You can't expect it to just magically go away. After x many years of stuffing poison in your body, now you pay the price. The beauty of it is, remember this feeling. Take a mental image of it. Write down some thoughts, keep a journal. Remember how shitty you feel now. Store it somewhere. Now when you are out of the fog and think you have this shit licked, pick it up and read it. Don't go through this again. Ever.

Never again for any reason.

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Re: seriously
« Reply #10 on: September 07, 2011, 10:14:00 PM »
Good advice here newbie. Take advantage of the support being offered. I was hesitant at first to give my number out, to get too involved, to actually have some accountability. It is the way addicts work, always leave yourself an out....

The beauty of this site is you cannot bullshit a bullshitter. Everyone here knows the same tricks, the same stories. Get involved in this site, use the support of your brothers and sisters.. it will change your life.

Wake up, post roll, keep your word.... simple.


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Re: seriously
« Reply #9 on: September 07, 2011, 03:16:00 PM »

I'm day 8. Once that nic haze lifts it DOES get better. I know you've heard that a million times but it's true. The most important thing you need to remember right now is that you have a pregnant wife who is NOT responsible for what you're going through right now. If you gotta spew that rage shit, spew it at us. Everyone here has gone through what you're goin through and we would all rather take an ass chewing than see your wife take it. If you wanna pm me, I'll give you my cell number and you can tell me what a piece of shit I am. Keep strong, keep quit, and keep that rage pointed away from your family.

Stay strong.
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Re: seriously
« Reply #8 on: September 07, 2011, 11:55:00 AM »
The first 3-4 days are HELL. You can get through this. One hour at a time if you have too.
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Offline Wild_Bill

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Re: seriously
« Reply #7 on: September 07, 2011, 11:25:00 AM »
It will get better, brother. One day at a time.
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Offline BRGGUY

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Re: seriously
« Reply #6 on: September 07, 2011, 11:02:00 AM »
Thanks people. I wouldn't wish this on any of you but glad I'm not alone. Ready for the SUCK to go away

Offline chewife

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Re: seriously
« Reply #5 on: September 07, 2011, 09:06:00 AM »
IT DOES GET BETTER!!! I was like you and I was locked up in a house with a toddler, a baby, a 7 year old and a husband that decided to quit also. I was such a bitch. I hated my life at the moment. I got very angry and violent (days 1-3)(not to my kids) I hit the wall till my hand was sore. I took a footlong summer squash and BASHED over our deck rail. It really helps to get those "IM gonna fucking kill something" feelings out of your system. Especially with a preggo around who is emotional already and doesnt understand what your going through. Try a smashing a zucchini, seriously it explodes!
Im on day 5 and it is a world of difference! I can promise you the intensity will fade! Hang on!

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Re: seriously
« Reply #4 on: September 07, 2011, 09:04:00 AM »
Quote from: BRGGUY
I have been reading things on this website alot here lately and I am hoping that something gets easier with time. I see you guys with more quit days than me and wonder when I read your positve messages, did you have the hate session? I hate everything right now. I hate that I'm writing this messsage, I hate that I have headaches, I hate that my prenant wife is annoying the shit out of me, I hate that no matter where I go I cannot get comfortable. There is NOTHING that does not remind me of Copenhagen. Then when I try to think positive (Your going to kick this crap) I end up Hating the fact that I let myself get hooked on something like this or the fact that I don't have control over myself and depend on chemicals To regulate my Life. I have never been an addict before with anything. I AM a ADDICT and really want to quit. I do realize I'm only on day two but $#@%$@## this sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I HATE.
BRGGUY, we've ALL had that. It's called the SUCK. It passes. Stick very close to this board, keep very busy, post roll every day. Repeat.

There's nothing more to it, and nothing to prevent the SUCK while detoxing.
"Stupid is as stupid does"

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Offline lo sprk

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Re: seriously
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2011, 08:55:00 AM »
I am 9 days in and just recently have I been lifted of the depression/hate cloud. PM, if you would like or I can give you call. You are right, it sucks and there is no way around it but to fight through it. I can't tell how many times I have gone over in my head, if I start back I might as well dip for the rest of my life and die from it, cause the frist 5 days of quitting is the worst experience. I promise you each day gets a little less overwhelming, I can't believe I am saying that as low as I felt this past Saturday. And just keep reading on here, there is always that one post that triggers or reminds you of why you are fighting this addiction. Had to do it yesterday and one of SEAGEMS post reminded me of my fight and will power. -cas

Offline whacko

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Re: seriously
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2011, 08:52:00 AM »
Can't sugar coat days one through five man! Those did absolutely suck for me and just about everyong on the site! I am currently on day 27! Almost 4 weeks ago I threw the can away and am feeling so good about it it is amazing. you can do it.......just embrace the suck for the next few days and you will get past it! You and I will always be addicts.....but it is never as bad as the first few days! Hang in there.......proud to be quit with you!
EX ninja dipper!
Felt good to come clean on August 12, 2011

Offline BRGGUY

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« on: September 07, 2011, 08:45:00 AM »
I have been reading things on this website alot here lately and I am hoping that something gets easier with time. I see you guys with more quit days than me and wonder when I read your positve messages, did you have the hate session? I hate everything right now. I hate that I'm writing this messsage, I hate that I have headaches, I hate that my prenant wife is annoying the shit out of me, I hate that no matter where I go I cannot get comfortable. There is NOTHING that does not remind me of Copenhagen. Then when I try to think positive (Your going to kick this crap) I end up Hating the fact that I let myself get hooked on something like this or the fact that I don't have control over myself and depend on chemicals To regulate my Life. I have never been an addict before with anything. I AM a ADDICT and really want to quit. I do realize I'm only on day two but $#@%$@## this sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I HATE.