Author Topic: Quit this crap  (Read 1314 times)

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Re: Quit this crap
« Reply #15 on: January 29, 2016, 08:56:00 AM »
Keep fighting. You're doing good. It will get better.
Nicotine Quit Date:10/31/2013
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Offline Jjrva

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Re: Quit this crap
« Reply #14 on: January 29, 2016, 06:41:00 AM »
Quote from: Dipbegone
Quote from: Jjrva
Quote from: Palpatine
Quote from: Jjrva
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: Jjrva

29 year old guy here. Married to an amazing woman, have a great job, expecting my first kid around July 7th.

In high school my friends and I screwed around and tried the Nic Bitch while playing baseball. When I broke up with a psycho abusive gf in college, I started dipping again (age 20) and haven't quit since. Stupid girl was the reason I stupidly thought I should do it again. Been 9 years now and still going. Every dentist appt is terrifying. Every time I bite into a burger I'm afraid I'll bleed on the bun

I am a complete Ninja Dipper. Wife has no idea. I'm at least a can a day. I quit every weekend and vacation but when I get back in my truck for work I immediately stop at any of the 10 convenience stores around for a fix.
Wife has a family member who was a long time dipper and has had cancer for a while. Pretty nasty stuff and it's really unconfortable talking about it, especially as I continue to do it. Even this wasn't enough to get me to stop.

I'm quit for 72 hours now because of snow. I wanted to go out to get some but didn't feel like snow blowing the driveway. Started browsing about quitting and came to this site. I have 3 days down and it blows but I want to be the best husband and father (crazy responsibility coming) I can be.

Any easy ways to post roll on an iPhone?

Jj you're not the only ninja dipper around here, you'll be shocked. Our stories have some similarities. My wife was unaware for decades. I sat be a friend dying of oral cancer, did I stop? Hell no I dipped while setting with him those last days. Man I wish I'd found this place when I was 29, instead I'm now 58. I was a slave to the bitch for 40+ years. Quitting will suck but it one day won't. It will quit sucking when it does. Until it quits sucking store the miserable memories as motivation for saying 'Finger' the next time the temptation comes calling.

Palpitaine is off a month you will be in the new May 2016 group
Thanks man. Looking forward to this. Save a few thousand dollars a year (I always bought a nice spitter with a can every day so $5/day*250 days is a lot of $$ every year). Feel better about myself. My health. Relationship with my wife (not being excited for her to go to work so I can dip). But being stuck today the cravings hit hard. Trying to snack, drink seltzer, seeds, it all sucks. Just gotta stay quit today. Tomorrow is a new day
Awesome - come join us in the April quit group. Your quit date is 1/22/16 which means your 100 day Hall Of Fame mark will be April 30, 2016 which is the first milestone of many more.

Here we stay quit with no nic whatsoever. "I had it in my lip for just 5 seconds and took it out". If it is there, it is in and you start over at day 1. When you have the cravings...come here and read and post and rage all you want. Those first days are really hard. You can do it one day at a time. After that day, we focus and promise not to use nic the next day.

Lastly - you have to quit for YOU and YOU only. Not for your wife, new baby on the way, friend, mom, garbage man, etc. It is for YOU!!!

Come join us brother!
Thanks. Posted roll for the first time today. Looks like a great group of guys (and girls) in here to get my head on straight. I've dipped for too long because I liked it. I finally see the 999 other positives I could see from not dipping at all.
It may seem like symantics but u never liked me. What you liked was coolimg down withdrawal symptons 100 times a day. Learn to despise Nic, hatred like you habe never exprrssed. It Will help you win battles in this war. I quit with you today
Good point. I never liked that bitch anyways. 8 days quit now and the cravings have eased up a bit. Seeds getting me thru the day now. And snacking. Picked up a new healthy habit - going to the gym. I feel so much better about myself the pasr few days now that I'm not telling myself I'm going to the gym but instead buying a can and dipping it in the parking lot of the gas station until my wife leaves for work. Going to the gym is a much better feeling!

Offline dipbegone

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Re: Quit this crap
« Reply #13 on: January 28, 2016, 06:16:00 PM »
Quote from: Jjrva
Quote from: Palpatine
Quote from: Jjrva
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: Jjrva

29 year old guy here. Married to an amazing woman, have a great job, expecting my first kid around July 7th.

In high school my friends and I screwed around and tried the Nic Bitch while playing baseball. When I broke up with a psycho abusive gf in college, I started dipping again (age 20) and haven't quit since. Stupid girl was the reason I stupidly thought I should do it again. Been 9 years now and still going. Every dentist appt is terrifying. Every time I bite into a burger I'm afraid I'll bleed on the bun.

I am a complete Ninja Dipper. Wife has no idea. I'm at least a can a day. I quit every weekend and vacation but when I get back in my truck for work I immediately stop at any of the 10 convenience stores around for a fix.
Wife has a family member who was a long time dipper and has had cancer for a while. Pretty nasty stuff and it's really unconfortable talking about it, especially as I continue to do it. Even this wasn't enough to get me to stop.

I'm quit for 72 hours now because of snow. I wanted to go out to get some but didn't feel like snow blowing the driveway. Started browsing about quitting and came to this site. I have 3 days down and it blows but I want to be the best husband and father (crazy responsibility coming) I can be.

Any easy ways to post roll on an iPhone?

Jj you're not the only ninja dipper around here, you'll be shocked. Our stories have some similarities. My wife was unaware for decades. I sat be a friend dying of oral cancer, did I stop? Hell no I dipped while setting with him those last days. Man I wish I'd found this place when I was 29, instead I'm now 58. I was a slave to the bitch for 40+ years. Quitting will suck but it one day won't. It will quit sucking when it does. Until it quits sucking store the miserable memories as motivation for saying 'Finger' the next time the temptation comes calling.

Palpitaine is off a month you will be in the new May 2016 group
Thanks man. Looking forward to this. Save a few thousand dollars a year (I always bought a nice spitter with a can every day so $5/day*250 days is a lot of $$ every year). Feel better about myself. My health. Relationship with my wife (not being excited for her to go to work so I can dip). But being stuck today the cravings hit hard. Trying to snack, drink seltzer, seeds, it all sucks. Just gotta stay quit today. Tomorrow is a new day
Awesome - come join us in the April quit group. Your quit date is 1/22/16 which means your 100 day Hall Of Fame mark will be April 30, 2016 which is the first milestone of many more.

Here we stay quit with no nic whatsoever. "I had it in my lip for just 5 seconds and took it out". If it is there, it is in and you start over at day 1. When you have the cravings...come here and read and post and rage all you want. Those first days are really hard. You can do it one day at a time. After that day, we focus and promise not to use nic the next day.

Lastly - you have to quit for YOU and YOU only. Not for your wife, new baby on the way, friend, mom, garbage man, etc. It is for YOU!!!

Come join us brother!
Thanks. Posted roll for the first time today. Looks like a great group of guys (and girls) in here to get my head on straight. I've dipped for too long because I liked it. I finally see the 999 other positives I could see from not dipping at all.
It may seem like symantics but u never liked me. What you liked was coolimg down withdrawal symptons 100 times a day. Learn to despise Nic, hatred like you habe never exprrssed. It Will help you win battles in this war. I quit with you today

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Re: Quit this crap
« Reply #12 on: January 26, 2016, 12:36:00 PM »
Quote from: Jjrva
Damn. Craved it all morning. Not productive at work. Snuck out and drove to Walmart to buy the smoky mountain stuff but they only had the straight chew - no pouches or flavors. Went to 2 other places and struck out. Went to the store and got a big ass bag of seeds and I'm getting the same spitting feeling without the Nic bitch and without the cancer inside. I'm surprised how similar the spitting seeds feeling can be. Shoved a big clump into my upper lip (always chewed upper lip with pouches) and it's not that different (just making me drink a shit ton of seltzer bc my mouth is so damn dry).

Stay quit my friends
I use the smoky mountain...and that does help with the cravings. I'm starting to ween from using that but I'm on Day 23. I'm glad you are here but this for you...not for anybody else. This shit is hard but if you do it one day at a makes it doable. PM if you want to exchange digits.

Also...I was a ninja dipper and my wife had no idea that I did it. I dipped everyday for over 15 years. On day 7, I confessed to her to own my quit. She was very understanding and I felt great getting that off my chest. I have nothing to hide and we are closer then ever.
You will NEVER regret quitting. You will ALWAYS regret caving ~ NOLAQ

Everyday an addict reminds himself he is an addict is a day an addict earns another day of freedom. ~ Scowick65

To persevere is important for everybody. Don't give up, don't give in. There's always an answer to everything. ~ Louis Zamperini

Offline Jjrva

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Re: Quit this crap
« Reply #11 on: January 26, 2016, 12:33:00 PM »
Quote from: Cope30
Quote from: Jjrva
Damn. Craved it all morning. Not productive at work. Snuck out and drove to Walmart to buy the smoky mountain stuff but they only had the straight chew - no pouches or flavors. Went to 2 other places and struck out. Went to the store and got a big ass bag of seeds and I'm getting the same spitting feeling without the Nic bitch and without the cancer inside. I'm surprised how similar the spitting seeds feeling can be. Shoved a big clump into my upper lip (always chewed upper lip with pouches) and it's not that different (just making me drink a shit ton of seltzer bc my mouth is so damn dry).

Stay quit my friends
Congrats on the quit, we are all in this together. When you cant find the fake stuff, roll some flavored gum up that used to be similar in flavor to your dip and try that, worked for me for a while.......and Welcome to the BROTHERHOOD!
Thanks Cope - great brotherhood here. Staying quit one day at a time. Thanks for the advice too - needed something in my mouth to spit. I went to a tobacco counter for the first time today for the smoky mountain and could have fucked up and bought a cancer can but didn't. I got a loooong work drive next week (one I used to spend with a fat face for hours on end) and I'm going to need all the alternatives I can think of (I'm planning on gum, seeds, hard candies).

Offline Cope30

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Re: Quit this crap
« Reply #10 on: January 26, 2016, 12:26:00 PM »
Quote from: Jjrva
Damn. Craved it all morning. Not productive at work. Snuck out and drove to Walmart to buy the smoky mountain stuff but they only had the straight chew - no pouches or flavors. Went to 2 other places and struck out. Went to the store and got a big ass bag of seeds and I'm getting the same spitting feeling without the Nic bitch and without the cancer inside. I'm surprised how similar the spitting seeds feeling can be. Shoved a big clump into my upper lip (always chewed upper lip with pouches) and it's not that different (just making me drink a shit ton of seltzer bc my mouth is so damn dry).

Stay quit my friends
Congrats on the quit, we are all in this together. When you cant find the fake stuff, roll some flavored gum up that used to be similar in flavor to your dip and try that, worked for me for a while.......and Welcome to the BROTHERHOOD!
2 Timothy 1:7 - For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

HOF 11/24/15 Zombroski Nymphos
1st Floor 11-24-15
2nd Floor 3-3-16
3rd Floor 6-11-16
4th Floor 9-19-16
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6th Floor 4-7-17

Offline Jjrva

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Re: Quit this crap
« Reply #9 on: January 26, 2016, 12:18:00 PM »
Damn. Craved it all morning. Not productive at work. Snuck out and drove to Walmart to buy the smoky mountain stuff but they only had the straight chew - no pouches or flavors. Went to 2 other places and struck out. Went to the store and got a big ass bag of seeds and I'm getting the same spitting feeling without the Nic bitch and without the cancer inside. I'm surprised how similar the spitting seeds feeling can be. Shoved a big clump into my upper lip (always chewed upper lip with pouches) and it's not that different (just making me drink a shit ton of seltzer bc my mouth is so damn dry).

Stay quit my friends

Offline southgafarmer

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Re: Quit this crap
« Reply #8 on: January 25, 2016, 09:08:00 PM »
Quote from: Jjrva
Quote from: Palpatine
Quote from: Jjrva
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: Jjrva

29 year old guy here. Married to an amazing woman, have a great job, expecting my first kid around July 7th.

In high school my friends and I screwed around and tried the Nic Bitch while playing baseball. When I broke up with a psycho abusive gf in college, I started dipping again (age 20) and haven't quit since. Stupid girl was the reason I stupidly thought I should do it again. Been 9 years now and still going. Every dentist appt is terrifying. Every time I bite into a burger I'm afraid I'll bleed on the bun.

I am a complete Ninja Dipper. Wife has no idea. I'm at least a can a day. I quit every weekend and vacation but when I get back in my truck for work I immediately stop at any of the 10 convenience stores around for a fix.
Wife has a family member who was a long time dipper and has had cancer for a while. Pretty nasty stuff and it's really unconfortable talking about it, especially as I continue to do it. Even this wasn't enough to get me to stop.

I'm quit for 72 hours now because of snow. I wanted to go out to get some but didn't feel like snow blowing the driveway. Started browsing about quitting and came to this site. I have 3 days down and it blows but I want to be the best husband and father (crazy responsibility coming) I can be.

Any easy ways to post roll on an iPhone?

Jj you're not the only ninja dipper around here, you'll be shocked. Our stories have some similarities. My wife was unaware for decades. I sat be a friend dying of oral cancer, did I stop? Hell no I dipped while setting with him those last days. Man I wish I'd found this place when I was 29, instead I'm now 58. I was a slave to the bitch for 40+ years. Quitting will suck but it one day won't. It will quit sucking when it does. Until it quits sucking store the miserable memories as motivation for saying 'Finger' the next time the temptation comes calling.

Palpitaine is off a month you will be in the new May 2016 group
Thanks man. Looking forward to this. Save a few thousand dollars a year (I always bought a nice spitter with a can every day so $5/day*250 days is a lot of $$ every year). Feel better about myself. My health. Relationship with my wife (not being excited for her to go to work so I can dip). But being stuck today the cravings hit hard. Trying to snack, drink seltzer, seeds, it all sucks. Just gotta stay quit today. Tomorrow is a new day
Awesome - come join us in the April quit group. Your quit date is 1/22/16 which means your 100 day Hall Of Fame mark will be April 30, 2016 which is the first milestone of many more.

Here we stay quit with no nic whatsoever. "I had it in my lip for just 5 seconds and took it out". If it is there, it is in and you start over at day 1. When you have the cravings...come here and read and post and rage all you want. Those first days are really hard. You can do it one day at a time. After that day, we focus and promise not to use nic the next day.

Lastly - you have to quit for YOU and YOU only. Not for your wife, new baby on the way, friend, mom, garbage man, etc. It is for YOU!!!

Come join us brother!
Thanks. Posted roll for the first time today. Looks like a great group of guys (and girls) in here to get my head on straight. I've dipped for too long because I liked it. I finally see the 999 other positives I could see from not dipping at all.
All I've got to say is welcome to the brotherhood! You're just a PM away from all the support/phone numbers you could ever need.

Quit on!
"The key is that daily promise. Once it is made, there isn't a trigger big enough to cause me to cave. Provided you are all men of your word, you too will find freedom from this vile shit."-Rkymtnman

"Quitting isn't about what you have accomplished. It's what you are doing right now."-wastepanel HOL

Offline Jjrva

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Re: Quit this crap
« Reply #7 on: January 25, 2016, 05:45:00 PM »
Quote from: Palpatine
Quote from: Jjrva
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: Jjrva

29 year old guy here. Married to an amazing woman, have a great job, expecting my first kid around July 7th.

In high school my friends and I screwed around and tried the Nic Bitch while playing baseball. When I broke up with a psycho abusive gf in college, I started dipping again (age 20) and haven't quit since. Stupid girl was the reason I stupidly thought I should do it again. Been 9 years now and still going. Every dentist appt is terrifying. Every time I bite into a burger I'm afraid I'll bleed on the bun.

I am a complete Ninja Dipper. Wife has no idea. I'm at least a can a day. I quit every weekend and vacation but when I get back in my truck for work I immediately stop at any of the 10 convenience stores around for a fix.
Wife has a family member who was a long time dipper and has had cancer for a while. Pretty nasty stuff and it's really unconfortable talking about it, especially as I continue to do it. Even this wasn't enough to get me to stop.

I'm quit for 72 hours now because of snow. I wanted to go out to get some but didn't feel like snow blowing the driveway. Started browsing about quitting and came to this site. I have 3 days down and it blows but I want to be the best husband and father (crazy responsibility coming) I can be.

Any easy ways to post roll on an iPhone?

Jj you're not the only ninja dipper around here, you'll be shocked. Our stories have some similarities. My wife was unaware for decades. I sat be a friend dying of oral cancer, did I stop? Hell no I dipped while setting with him those last days. Man I wish I'd found this place when I was 29, instead I'm now 58. I was a slave to the bitch for 40+ years. Quitting will suck but it one day won't. It will quit sucking when it does. Until it quits sucking store the miserable memories as motivation for saying 'Finger' the next time the temptation comes calling.

Palpitaine is off a month you will be in the new May 2016 group
Thanks man. Looking forward to this. Save a few thousand dollars a year (I always bought a nice spitter with a can every day so $5/day*250 days is a lot of $$ every year). Feel better about myself. My health. Relationship with my wife (not being excited for her to go to work so I can dip). But being stuck today the cravings hit hard. Trying to snack, drink seltzer, seeds, it all sucks. Just gotta stay quit today. Tomorrow is a new day
Awesome - come join us in the April quit group. Your quit date is 1/22/16 which means your 100 day Hall Of Fame mark will be April 30, 2016 which is the first milestone of many more.

Here we stay quit with no nic whatsoever. "I had it in my lip for just 5 seconds and took it out". If it is there, it is in and you start over at day 1. When you have the cravings...come here and read and post and rage all you want. Those first days are really hard. You can do it one day at a time. After that day, we focus and promise not to use nic the next day.

Lastly - you have to quit for YOU and YOU only. Not for your wife, new baby on the way, friend, mom, garbage man, etc. It is for YOU!!!

Come join us brother!
Thanks. Posted roll for the first time today. Looks like a great group of guys (and girls) in here to get my head on straight. I've dipped for too long because I liked it. I finally see the 999 other positives I could see from not dipping at all.

Offline Palpatine

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Re: Quit this crap
« Reply #6 on: January 25, 2016, 05:35:00 PM »
Quote from: Jjrva
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: Jjrva

29 year old guy here. Married to an amazing woman, have a great job, expecting my first kid around July 7th.

In high school my friends and I screwed around and tried the Nic Bitch while playing baseball. When I broke up with a psycho abusive gf in college, I started dipping again (age 20) and haven't quit since. Stupid girl was the reason I stupidly thought I should do it again. Been 9 years now and still going. Every dentist appt is terrifying. Every time I bite into a burger I'm afraid I'll bleed on the bun.

I am a complete Ninja Dipper. Wife has no idea. I'm at least a can a day. I quit every weekend and vacation but when I get back in my truck for work I immediately stop at any of the 10 convenience stores around for a fix.
Wife has a family member who was a long time dipper and has had cancer for a while. Pretty nasty stuff and it's really unconfortable talking about it, especially as I continue to do it. Even this wasn't enough to get me to stop.

I'm quit for 72 hours now because of snow. I wanted to go out to get some but didn't feel like snow blowing the driveway. Started browsing about quitting and came to this site. I have 3 days down and it blows but I want to be the best husband and father (crazy responsibility coming) I can be.

Any easy ways to post roll on an iPhone?

Jj you're not the only ninja dipper around here, you'll be shocked. Our stories have some similarities. My wife was unaware for decades. I sat be a friend dying of oral cancer, did I stop? Hell no I dipped while setting with him those last days. Man I wish I'd found this place when I was 29, instead I'm now 58. I was a slave to the bitch for 40+ years. Quitting will suck but it one day won't. It will quit sucking when it does. Until it quits sucking store the miserable memories as motivation for saying 'Finger' the next time the temptation comes calling.

Palpitaine is off a month you will be in the new May 2016 group
Thanks man. Looking forward to this. Save a few thousand dollars a year (I always bought a nice spitter with a can every day so $5/day*250 days is a lot of $$ every year). Feel better about myself. My health. Relationship with my wife (not being excited for her to go to work so I can dip). But being stuck today the cravings hit hard. Trying to snack, drink seltzer, seeds, it all sucks. Just gotta stay quit today. Tomorrow is a new day
Awesome - come join us in the April quit group. Your quit date is 1/22/16 which means your 100 day Hall Of Fame mark will be April 30, 2016 which is the first milestone of many more.

Here we stay quit with no nic whatsoever. "I had it in my lip for just 5 seconds and took it out". If it is there, it is in and you start over at day 1. When you have the cravings...come here and read and post and rage all you want. Those first days are really hard. You can do it one day at a time. After that day, we focus and promise not to use nic the next day.

Lastly - you have to quit for YOU and YOU only. Not for your wife, new baby on the way, friend, mom, garbage man, etc. It is for YOU!!!

Come join us brother!
Good...good, let the quit flow through you!  -chewie

Offline Jjrva

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Re: Quit this crap
« Reply #5 on: January 25, 2016, 05:30:00 PM »
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: Jjrva

29 year old guy here. Married to an amazing woman, have a great job, expecting my first kid around July 7th.

In high school my friends and I screwed around and tried the Nic Bitch while playing baseball. When I broke up with a psycho abusive gf in college, I started dipping again (age 20) and haven't quit since. Stupid girl was the reason I stupidly thought I should do it again. Been 9 years now and still going. Every dentist appt is terrifying. Every time I bite into a burger I'm afraid I'll bleed on the bun.

I am a complete Ninja Dipper. Wife has no idea. I'm at least a can a day. I quit every weekend and vacation but when I get back in my truck for work I immediately stop at any of the 10 convenience stores around for a fix.
Wife has a family member who was a long time dipper and has had cancer for a while. Pretty nasty stuff and it's really unconfortable talking about it, especially as I continue to do it. Even this wasn't enough to get me to stop.

I'm quit for 72 hours now because of snow. I wanted to go out to get some but didn't feel like snow blowing the driveway. Started browsing about quitting and came to this site. I have 3 days down and it blows but I want to be the best husband and father (crazy responsibility coming) I can be.

Any easy ways to post roll on an iPhone?

Jj you're not the only ninja dipper around here, you'll be shocked. Our stories have some similarities. My wife was unaware for decades. I sat be a friend dying of oral cancer, did I stop? Hell no I dipped while setting with him those last days. Man I wish I'd found this place when I was 29, instead I'm now 58. I was a slave to the bitch for 40+ years. Quitting will suck but it one day won't. It will quit sucking when it does. Until it quits sucking store the miserable memories as motivation for saying 'Finger' the next time the temptation comes calling.

Palpitaine is off a month you will be in the new May 2016 group
Thanks man. Looking forward to this. Save a few thousand dollars a year (I always bought a nice spitter with a can every day so $5/day*250 days is a lot of $$ every year). Feel better about myself. My health. Relationship with my wife (not being excited for her to go to work so I can dip). But being stuck today the cravings hit hard. Trying to snack, drink seltzer, seeds, it all sucks. Just gotta stay quit today. Tomorrow is a new day

Offline Palpatine

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Re: Quit this crap
« Reply #4 on: January 25, 2016, 05:28:00 PM »
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: Jjrva

29 year old guy here. Married to an amazing woman, have a great job, expecting my first kid around July 7th.

In high school my friends and I screwed around and tried the Nic Bitch while playing baseball. When I broke up with a psycho abusive gf in college, I started dipping again (age 20) and haven't quit since. Stupid girl was the reason I stupidly thought I should do it again. Been 9 years now and still going. Every dentist appt is terrifying. Every time I bite into a burger I'm afraid I'll bleed on the bun.

I am a complete Ninja Dipper. Wife has no idea. I'm at least a can a day. I quit every weekend and vacation but when I get back in my truck for work I immediately stop at any of the 10 convenience stores around for a fix.
Wife has a family member who was a long time dipper and has had cancer for a while. Pretty nasty stuff and it's really unconfortable talking about it, especially as I continue to do it. Even this wasn't enough to get me to stop.

I'm quit for 72 hours now because of snow. I wanted to go out to get some but didn't feel like snow blowing the driveway. Started browsing about quitting and came to this site. I have 3 days down and it blows but I want to be the best husband and father (crazy responsibility coming) I can be.

Any easy ways to post roll on an iPhone?

Jj you're not the only ninja dipper around here, you'll be shocked. Our stories have some similarities. My wife was unaware for decades. I sat be a friend dying of oral cancer, did I stop? Hell no I dipped while setting with him those last days. Man I wish I'd found this place when I was 29, instead I'm now 58. I was a slave to the bitch for 40+ years. Quitting will suck but it one day won't. It will quit sucking when it does. Until it quits sucking store the miserable memories as motivation for saying 'Finger' the next time the temptation comes calling.

Palpitaine is off a month you will be in the new May 2016 group
No - 1/22 quit date is April.
Good...good, let the quit flow through you!  -chewie

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Re: Quit this crap
« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2016, 05:21:00 PM »
Quote from: Jjrva

29 year old guy here. Married to an amazing woman, have a great job, expecting my first kid around July 7th.

In high school my friends and I screwed around and tried the Nic Bitch while playing baseball. When I broke up with a psycho abusive gf in college, I started dipping again (age 20) and haven't quit since. Stupid girl was the reason I stupidly thought I should do it again. Been 9 years now and still going. Every dentist appt is terrifying. Every time I bite into a burger I'm afraid I'll bleed on the bun.

I am a complete Ninja Dipper. Wife has no idea. I'm at least a can a day. I quit every weekend and vacation but when I get back in my truck for work I immediately stop at any of the 10 convenience stores around for a fix.
Wife has a family member who was a long time dipper and has had cancer for a while. Pretty nasty stuff and it's really unconfortable talking about it, especially as I continue to do it. Even this wasn't enough to get me to stop.

I'm quit for 72 hours now because of snow. I wanted to go out to get some but didn't feel like snow blowing the driveway. Started browsing about quitting and came to this site. I have 3 days down and it blows but I want to be the best husband and father (crazy responsibility coming) I can be.

Any easy ways to post roll on an iPhone?

Jj you're not the only ninja dipper around here, you'll be shocked. Our stories have some similarities. My wife was unaware for decades. I sat be a friend dying of oral cancer, did I stop? Hell no I dipped while setting with him those last days. Man I wish I'd found this place when I was 29, instead I'm now 58. I was a slave to the bitch for 40+ years. Quitting will suck but it one day won't. It will quit sucking when it does. Until it quits sucking store the miserable memories as motivation for saying 'Finger' the next time the temptation comes calling.

Palpitaine is off a month you will be in the new May 2016 group
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
7/9/12: HOF The Missing Warning Label
TODAY is the day that counts
"Do, or do not, there is no try." Yoda

Offline Palpatine

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Re: Quit this crap
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2016, 05:19:00 PM »
Quote from: Jjrva

29 year old guy here. Married to an amazing woman, have a great job, expecting my first kid around July 7th.

In high school my friends and I screwed around and tried the Nic Bitch while playing baseball. When I broke up with a psycho abusive gf in college, I started dipping again (age 20) and haven't quit since. Stupid girl was the reason I stupidly thought I should do it again. Been 9 years now and still going. Every dentist appt is terrifying. Every time I bite into a burger I'm afraid I'll bleed on the bun.

I am a complete Ninja Dipper. Wife has no idea. I'm at least a can a day. I quit every weekend and vacation but when I get back in my truck for work I immediately stop at any of the 10 convenience stores around for a fix.

Wife has a family member who was a long time dipper and has had cancer for a while. Pretty nasty stuff and it's really unconfortable talking about it, especially as I continue to do it. Even this wasn't enough to get me to stop.

I'm quit for 72 hours now because of snow. I wanted to go out to get some but didn't feel like snow blowing the driveway. Started browsing about quitting and came to this site. I have 3 days down and it blows but I want to be the best husband and father (crazy responsibility coming) I can be.

Any easy ways to post roll on an iPhone?

Welcome JJ! Come post in the April Pre-HOF Group with all of us other quitters.

It's a journey but we are all in it and here to support each other.

Today I quit the nic bitch with you!
Good...good, let the quit flow through you!  -chewie

Offline Jjrva

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Quit this crap
« on: January 25, 2016, 05:00:00 PM »

29 year old guy here. Married to an amazing woman, have a great job, expecting my first kid around July 7th.

In high school my friends and I screwed around and tried the Nic Bitch while playing baseball. When I broke up with a psycho abusive gf in college, I started dipping again (age 20) and haven't quit since. Stupid girl was the reason I stupidly thought I should do it again. Been 9 years now and still going. Every dentist appt is terrifying. Every time I bite into a burger I'm afraid I'll bleed on the bun.

I am a complete Ninja Dipper. Wife has no idea. I'm at least a can a day. I quit every weekend and vacation but when I get back in my truck for work I immediately stop at any of the 10 convenience stores around for a fix.

Wife has a family member who was a long time dipper and has had cancer for a while. Pretty nasty stuff and it's really unconfortable talking about it, especially as I continue to do it. Even this wasn't enough to get me to stop.

I'm quit for 72 hours now because of snow. I wanted to go out to get some but didn't feel like snow blowing the driveway. Started browsing about quitting and came to this site. I have 3 days down and it blows but I want to be the best husband and father (crazy responsibility coming) I can be.

Any easy ways to post roll on an iPhone?
