Author Topic: One hour in  (Read 1396 times)

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Re: One hour in
« Reply #13 on: October 29, 2014, 10:48:00 AM »
So what's up Andrew, no roll yesterday or today? Don't let the nic bitch win, if thousands of us addicts can quit today, so can you.
Some of my fondest and clearest memories are peeing in places that aren't bathrooms.

Offline EFNKodiak

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Re: One hour in
« Reply #12 on: October 29, 2014, 06:40:00 AM »
Great advice given already. Buckle up and focus on fulling the promise you make to stay quit for today. This is one hell of a ride you are jumping on and also happens to be a decision you will not regret. Stick around.

Offline gooch44

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Re: One hour in
« Reply #11 on: October 29, 2014, 04:11:00 AM »
Quote from: Steakbomb18
Quote from: jeeptruck
Quote from: ForMyLife
andrew405 - I quit with you man. My quit day 1 was yesterday. We will be in the same quit group. PM me and i will get you my digits - count on me to keep you quit and i'll count on you to keep me quit.

What has been helping me today:

1) Knowing I tossed 5 cans of dip in the toilet last night and have nothing at home available to use
2) Feel liberated given that I can openly admit i am 100% ADDICTED to nicotine and will be for the rest of my life.
3) Thinking about my 5 year old daughter and how she will never again see her daddy with a dip in his mouth and a spit bottle next to him.

fucking feels amazing bro. just keep thinking about how amazing your decision is bro. you already did the hardest thing man - you decided to quit. now stay there.

Today has been nuts!! im craving like a bitch, but my heart is beating my mind. so pumped! FUCK DIP!!!!!!!!
keep writing thins like this that will help you stay quit, the fight is never over bro.
Wow. FML, that was one helluva gem; and Andrew I would take FML up on that offer for a digit exchange. 1 day in, and this guy get's it as good as anyone with 1 day under his/her belt. One critique as both of you begin this journey. Focus on today and today only. Forever is a long time and you can never get there unless you get through today. Today is the only thing that is important (ODAAT - one day at a time). Tomorrow, will be the most important thing only after you win for today. Think of it like a Bill Belichick interview; he only cares about the task in front of him...not yesterday, not 2 weeks from now, just the present.
Please, please, please pay attention to what everyone else has written. I thought I could quit on my own...wrong. I only stopped for a while. You can't do this alone and you can't do this without following the KTC guidelines. You have to post roll every damn day, you have to read every fucken article on this site, you have to keep coming back and posting. I've become obsessed with this site and it's helped. And for God's sakes, get in touch with FML because he'll make you laugh and he'll give you great encouragement. Stay strong and stay quit. I quit with you today.
Caving = Failure. Failure is NOT an option.

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Re: One hour in
« Reply #10 on: October 27, 2014, 06:29:00 PM »
Quote from: jeeptruck
Quote from: ForMyLife
andrew405 - I quit with you man. My quit day 1 was yesterday. We will be in the same quit group. PM me and i will get you my digits - count on me to keep you quit and i'll count on you to keep me quit.

What has been helping me today:

1) Knowing I tossed 5 cans of dip in the toilet last night and have nothing at home available to use
2) Feel liberated given that I can openly admit i am 100% ADDICTED to nicotine and will be for the rest of my life.
3) Thinking about my 5 year old daughter and how she will never again see her daddy with a dip in his mouth and a spit bottle next to him.

fucking feels amazing bro. just keep thinking about how amazing your decision is bro. you already did the hardest thing man - you decided to quit. now stay there.

Today has been nuts!! im craving like a bitch, but my heart is beating my mind. so pumped! FUCK DIP!!!!!!!!
keep writing thins like this that will help you stay quit, the fight is never over bro.
Wow. FML, that was one helluva gem; and Andrew I would take FML up on that offer for a digit exchange. 1 day in, and this guy get's it as good as anyone with 1 day under his/her belt. One critique as both of you begin this journey. Focus on today and today only. Forever is a long time and you can never get there unless you get through today. Today is the only thing that is important (ODAAT - one day at a time). Tomorrow, will be the most important thing only after you win for today. Think of it like a Bill Belichick interview; he only cares about the task in front of him...not yesterday, not 2 weeks from now, just the present.
Certified Grade A Badass

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Re: One hour in
« Reply #9 on: October 27, 2014, 03:32:00 PM »
Quote from: ForMyLife
andrew405 - I quit with you man. My quit day 1 was yesterday. We will be in the same quit group. PM me and i will get you my digits - count on me to keep you quit and i'll count on you to keep me quit.

What has been helping me today:

1) Knowing I tossed 5 cans of dip in the toilet last night and have nothing at home available to use
2) Feel liberated given that I can openly admit i am 100% ADDICTED to nicotine and will be for the rest of my life.
3) Thinking about my 5 year old daughter and how she will never again see her daddy with a dip in his mouth and a spit bottle next to him.

fucking feels amazing bro. just keep thinking about how amazing your decision is bro. you already did the hardest thing man - you decided to quit. now stay there.

Today has been nuts!! im craving like a bitch, but my heart is beating my mind. so pumped! FUCK DIP!!!!!!!!
keep writing thins like this that will help you stay quit, the fight is never over bro.
HOF Date 9/30/2014 in the October Titans group

so what my quit dates in September and im in the Ocotber HOF group? that makes me a SuliTan
"Youll never regret staying quit, youll always regret caving"- Nolaq
"That's like putting a bolt back into a machine without never seizing it.... Your just fucking the next guy. " - Jake_M
"Hipsters don't even know which end of the Hammer to hold" - Bronc

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Re: One hour in
« Reply #8 on: October 27, 2014, 03:30:00 PM »
andrew405 - I quit with you man. My quit day 1 was yesterday. We will be in the same quit group. PM me and i will get you my digits - count on me to keep you quit and i'll count on you to keep me quit.

What has been helping me today:

1) Knowing I tossed 5 cans of dip in the toilet last night and have nothing at home available to use
2) Feel liberated given that I can openly admit i am 100% ADDICTED to nicotine and will be for the rest of my life.
3) Thinking about my 5 year old daughter and how she will never again see her daddy with a dip in his mouth and a spit bottle next to him.

fucking feels amazing bro. just keep thinking about how amazing your decision is bro. you already did the hardest thing man - you decided to quit. now stay there.

Today has been nuts!! im craving like a bitch, but my heart is beating my mind. so pumped! FUCK DIP!!!!!!!!
My Introduction
My HOF Speech
"Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right" - Henry Ford
"To whom are you speaking?" - JonnyG on what to do when the Nic Bitch is tapping on your shoulder... I will never forget this.
"Don't waste the gas. Take those tins and flush their contents down the shitter, each and every one of them." - Raider

"If we handed out gold stars and pats on the ass to every swinging dick that misses roll and caves, this place wouldn't be worth all that much, would it?" - Tuco

Offline Thumblewort

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Re: One hour in
« Reply #7 on: October 27, 2014, 03:07:00 PM »
Great decision to save your life my man, but your HoF month is February, not December. I'll get you posted there, but remember that for tomorrow, when we both get to quit again!
Some of my fondest and clearest memories are peeing in places that aren't bathrooms.

Offline jeeptruck

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Re: One hour in
« Reply #6 on: October 27, 2014, 03:03:00 PM »
Quote from: KKLJINC
Welcome, Andrew!

You're in the suck, embrace it and remember how the next few weeks feel so that way you will never want to go through this crap again. Dont dip your toe in the water jump in and make your word early every day.

Drink water until every time you think about it you have to piss, it will help get rid of the nic. When you crave do pushups or burpees if you cant take a breath you cant crave.

Take it minute by minute, then hour by hour then day by day. Whatever you need you can find it here. I quit with you
minute by minute bud. you don't need that crap any more. get rid of it and start your free life.
HOF Date 9/30/2014 in the October Titans group

so what my quit dates in September and im in the Ocotber HOF group? that makes me a SuliTan
"Youll never regret staying quit, youll always regret caving"- Nolaq
"That's like putting a bolt back into a machine without never seizing it.... Your just fucking the next guy. " - Jake_M
"Hipsters don't even know which end of the Hammer to hold" - Bronc

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Re: One hour in
« Reply #5 on: October 27, 2014, 02:46:00 PM »
Welcome, Andrew!

You're in the suck, embrace it and remember how the next few weeks feel so that way you will never want to go through this crap again. Dont dip your toe in the water jump in and make your word early every day.

Drink water until every time you think about it you have to piss, it will help get rid of the nic. When you crave do pushups or burpees if you cant take a breath you cant crave.

Take it minute by minute, then hour by hour then day by day. Whatever you need you can find it here. I quit with you

Offline Dumpo

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Re: One hour in
« Reply #4 on: October 27, 2014, 02:45:00 PM »
Welcome! Great decision to start your quit. Start reading everything you can on this site, and get involved. I've only been here for 2 months, but I've quickly learned that people who post and stay involved don't cave. People who don't post are here today and gone tomorrow.

Feel free to send me a message if you need anything.
Nic free on 9/2/14

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Re: One hour in
« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2014, 02:20:00 PM »
You came to the right place, Andrew.

Post roll early, everyday....get to know your quit brothers and read everything you can here.

Most of all, shout if you need anything.


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Re: One hour in
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2014, 02:13:00 PM »
Welcome Andrew,
Great decision to quit. Drink a ton of water, get some gum, candy, seeds and/or fake chew, anything to help stay quit.
A great place to start is the welcome center:

The most important aspect of this site is to post your promise to quit each day:

Get active, and use you fellow quitters as support.

Offline andrew405

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One hour in
« on: October 27, 2014, 01:51:00 PM »
One hour into this quit thing after 8 years of two cans of Grizzly Mint a day. My coworkers are going to take the brunt of this I can already tell. I am pretty overwhelmed with this site already and need to learn how to use all the resources available to me. I will in time. Right now I feel like being in a dark room alone. Haha

If I have posted this incorrectly or in the wrong place, please forgive me. New to this stuff.