Author Topic: Quit Today  (Read 1547 times)

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Offline Rosey

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Re: Quit Today
« Reply #17 on: September 07, 2014, 07:36:00 AM »
Thanks Brettlees for the 101 article. A lot of good stuff to think about there. Gonna keep reread ing it. Thanks Again.

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Re: Quit Today
« Reply #16 on: September 06, 2014, 11:27:00 AM »
Another day here Matt- just get through this one and things are slowly going to start looking bright at times. The suck was bad for me too, and long- and it reminds me of why I never want to go back to that addiction. I'm 13 years older than you and SO wish I had the chance you do now, back then. This may be hard but you can do it day by day, and it will be one of the best things you ever did in your life- guaranteed! Anyone here who has been through it for a while will tell you the same. In the meantime, read all you can about the evil nasty addiction that had you on it's claws. It's really bad- scared that it's not illegal. Check out the article in the link in my signature lines to start.
This info helped me early on, and still does today:

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Offline Gabriel

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Re: Quit Today
« Reply #15 on: September 06, 2014, 10:56:00 AM »
Quote from: Rosey
Quote from: Gabriel
Matt, I'm 37 years old too. Started dipping at 14, stopped a couple times, quit 32 days ago, and loving the freedom now. You can do this man. It's hard right now, but it will get better. You and I will always have the temptation in front of us. We are full-blown nicotine junkies, but we are recovering, and there is a good life to be had after quitting nicotine. Hang in there today. I'm quit with you.
Gabriel, Thanks for the encouragement. I really need it at times. Things are pretty rough and stressful at home- my wife just found out I've been lying and hiding my use for 7 years from her. And we have been talking late into the past couple nights. When I get more time I hope to read more here and interact with other quitters. For now, I'm still here and grinding through. Thanks Man -We Can Do It
Matt, I hope things at home get better soon. That is tough stuff and your wife is going to need some time to heal up from that. My wife needed some time when she found out I was lying to her. She thought I had quit, but I was lying to her about it. Keep the quit going. I'm quit with you today.

Offline Rosey

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Re: Quit Today
« Reply #14 on: September 06, 2014, 07:24:00 AM »
Quote from: Gabriel
Matt, I'm 37 years old too. Started dipping at 14, stopped a couple times, quit 32 days ago, and loving the freedom now. You can do this man. It's hard right now, but it will get better. You and I will always have the temptation in front of us. We are full-blown nicotine junkies, but we are recovering, and there is a good life to be had after quitting nicotine. Hang in there today. I'm quit with you.
Gabriel, Thanks for the encouragement. I really need it at times. Things are pretty rough and stressful at home- my wife just found out I've been lying and hiding my use for 7 years from her. And we have been talking late into the past couple nights. When I get more time I hope to read more here and interact with other quitters. For now, I'm still here and grinding through. Thanks Man -We Can Do It

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Re: Quit Today
« Reply #13 on: September 05, 2014, 10:44:00 AM »
Matt, I'm 37 years old too. Started dipping at 14, stopped a couple times, quit 32 days ago, and loving the freedom now. You can do this man. It's hard right now, but it will get better. You and I will always have the temptation in front of us. We are full-blown nicotine junkies, but we are recovering, and there is a good life to be had after quitting nicotine. Hang in there today. I'm quit with you.

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Re: Quit Today
« Reply #12 on: September 05, 2014, 08:49:00 AM »
Quote from: Deerslayer9688
Quote from: Rosey
Thanks everyone for the encouragement and advice. Yes, it sucks bad right now but I've made it through the day. I appreciate everyone taking the time to write me, even though I'm newcandctechnically a stranger. I am excited to get as many days behind me as fast as I can and then help someone new myself. Thanks.
take it day by day. report tomorrow.
What he ^^^^ said. Post roll today, get through today. Embrace the suck, and know that if you remain quit you will never have to go through it again.
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Re: Quit Today
« Reply #11 on: September 05, 2014, 08:25:00 AM »
When I joined this site a phrase that was used more often then was 'embrace the suck". What does that mean? You know quitting is going to be hard, we all know quitting has been hard. Instead of being cowed and afraid of all the craves you are going to have to stave off, welcome them. You body and mind will send up all kinds of reasons and imulses that will pull you to buying and using nicotine, but that number is finite. Meaning every crave you fight off brings you closer to freedom. Take control of your quit and be a bad ass!

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Re: Quit Today
« Reply #10 on: September 05, 2014, 06:36:00 AM »
Some good advice has been dispensed from some wise individuals who know the struggles you are facing. It sucks right now. It will suck tomorrow and for several days after that. However, it will get better! I encourage you to read as much as you can on this site. There is a ton of valuable information within these walls to absorb. I do want to ask you one thing. You admitted to hiding your addiction from family and friends. Now might be the time to come clean with them. I know that is a fairly scary thought, but they might suprise you with the amount of support they can give. Of course, they could also bash you over the head but that's a chance you have to take. The reason I say this is that you will be experiencing some change over the next few weeks, especially in the attitude department. If you feel the need to lash out or just throw a shit fit, head in here and do it. Folks on this site have seen it all. Do whatever it takes to keep that rage away from your family. And I have to say it really doesn't matter what kind of personality you have. I consider myself to be fairly stable and even I was having some crazy thoughts. If you need anything, a number or whatever, shoot me a PM. Hang in there, the worst is almost over.
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Offline Deerslayer9688

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Re: Quit Today
« Reply #9 on: September 04, 2014, 10:57:00 PM »
Quote from: Rosey
Thanks everyone for the encouragement and advice. Yes, it sucks bad right now but I've made it through the day. I appreciate everyone taking the time to write me, even though I'm newcandctechnically a stranger. I am excited to get as many days behind me as fast as I can and then help someone new myself. Thanks.
take it day by day. report tomorrow.

Offline Rosey

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Re: Quit Today
« Reply #8 on: September 04, 2014, 10:56:00 PM »
Thanks everyone for the encouragement and advice. Yes, it sucks bad right now but I've made it through the day. I appreciate everyone taking the time to write me, even though I'm new and technically a stranger. I am excited to get as many days behind me as fast as I can and then help someone new myself. Thanks.

Offline ERDVM

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Re: Quit Today
« Reply #7 on: September 04, 2014, 04:10:00 PM »
Quote from: Thumblewort
Matt, I see on roll you posted "worried and scared". You are not alone, 154 days ago I was a nervous wreck, and just knew I couldn't make it until midnight without nicotine. But I did, and you can too. Fight minute by minute, or second by second if you have to, but just do it, you'll thank yourself in a few days.

You'll hear this a lot around here - "If I can do it, you can do it". It sounds like we are trivializing the quit, but truer words were never spoken. And the first time you yourself type that to a new quitter is a great feeling. I quit with you today.
One day Rosey P. One, single day. That's all we want. Being scared is normal. Grab your balls and push on through. Don't let a can of cancer dictate your life.

Offline Thumblewort

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Re: Quit Today
« Reply #6 on: September 04, 2014, 03:37:00 PM »
Matt, I see on roll you posted "worried and scared". You are not alone, 154 days ago I was a nervous wreck, and just knew I couldn't make it until midnight without nicotine. But I did, and you can too. Fight minute by minute, or second by second if you have to, but just do it, you'll thank yourself in a few days.

You'll hear this a lot around here - "If I can do it, you can do it". It sounds like we are trivializing the quit, but truer words were never spoken. And the first time you yourself type that to a new quitter is a great feeling. I quit with you today.
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Offline jwright

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Re: Quit Today
« Reply #5 on: September 04, 2014, 08:52:00 AM »
Quote from: Rosey
Hello. My name is Matt, I'm 37 and I've dipped for the better part of ten years. I'm really new to this site, just found it last night, and am hopeful that this site can help. I've dipped in secret, lying to my family, friends and generally everyone. I've tried quitting numerous times, going cold turkey or trying nicotine gum. Sooner or later the gum would run out or I would find an excuse to start up again. I'm pretty worried about making it stick this time, but want to make it work for me and my family. I'm not looking for sympathy- I made the bad choices to dip myself- just encouragement and support.
Rosey, welcome... I'm new to this journey as well. Through this site you will get advice not from a website read, a discussion with a medical professional, but from veterans who have fought the battle and recognize it is a lifelong battle. My advice (as of day four), is take it seriously and commit to the concept of this site. Listen to all advice from vets that's encouraging or brutally harsh, it's needed the first few days.

So, everything you said I can relate to... I've been secretively dipping for over 15 years and failing to quit alone the same. With this site, you'll have people holding you accountable and you will have to declare and hold your promise not to use every day by posting roll. If you stick to the promise every day and buy into the concept, each day seems to be more encouraging.

I'm almost at the end of my 96 (corrected from 72 as I think it takes longer) hour nicotine withdrawal, so not too far into it, but I can't say enough about how this site alone has helped me progress much farther mentally than I ever have been able to before.

So, welcome, I'll see you in the December HOF Quit Group posting roll. PM me if you take it seriously and want to exchange digits in the event you think of caving. I'm right there with you.

"Your net worth to the world is usually determined by what remains after your bad habits are subtracted from your good ones."

-Benjamin Franklin


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Re: Quit Today
« Reply #4 on: September 04, 2014, 08:38:00 AM »

You have identified the problem: "I would find an excuse to start up again"

The solution: Do something different. Some days are going to be hard. Those are the days that you need to put your head down and get through the day. Other days are going to be good... you will go through the day without thinking about dip... at all. The farther you are from day 1, the less bad days you will have.

You mentioned that you used nicotine gum... Nicotine is the drug you are addicted to, so replacing it with more nicotine is pointless- it just prolongs the withdrawal. If you are using any kind of nicotine right now, you are not considered quit.

As an addict you are in a perpetual state of withdrawal... that's what keeps you reaching for the can... or the gum... or whatever other nicotine you ingest. If you want freedom from this addiction, it is time to go through this withdrawal 1 final time. You never need to go through it again unless you are foolish enough to re-introduce nicotine to your body.


Holler if you need anything.

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Re: Quit Today
« Reply #3 on: September 04, 2014, 06:37:00 AM »
Rosey, You have two things going for you already. You're hear and you posted roll early. Just hang on because nicotine addiction and it's withdrawal effects are a real bitch. We are here for you so don't be afraid to reach out.

Looking forward to posting roll with you tomorrow morning.