Author Topic: Quitting after 6+ years  (Read 1303 times)

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Re: Quitting after 6+ years
« Reply #7 on: April 10, 2013, 12:24:00 PM » need to post roll. If you're serious about quitting, start by clicking on the Welcome Center and read all you can.

Three days was a great start, but then you professed your love for nicotine? Nobody can stay quit with that attitude. Get your head straight. YOU CAN DO THIS!!!

You're 24 years old...young, dumb and full of...well, nicotine. Take a minute to look at the cancer pics....not because I asked, but for your own sake. Do you want that for your future? Let me ask it this way, do you love your Copenhagen more than your bottom jaw? Disfiguring surgeries and feeding tubes are your future unless you can learn how to give your word and keep it.

You can do this. Post roll, read all you can, and stay quit.

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Re: Quitting after 6+ years
« Reply #6 on: April 10, 2013, 10:53:00 AM »
one post, last night, after a few beers, that talked about your love for chew, and said you hated that you couldn't drive to get more. My cash is on you having another beer (or 2 or 3...) and driving or walking or riding a bike to the store to grab a can. If I'm wrong or if I'm right but you threw it away and are just getting set to post your day 1 today tell me to fuck off. OR... shoot me a pm and ask for my cell number, I'll get it to you and will take time away from my wife, kids, job etc... to do anything I can to help you through these first few days and beyond. The first days suck the most but it won't be "easy" anytime too soon. This site will make your quit stick buy you've got to use it. Signing up and posting an intro is not going to cut it. Post roll and get involved, I'll quit with you then and so will about 15,000 other guys!
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Offline manny88

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Re: Quitting after 6+ years
« Reply #5 on: April 10, 2013, 10:15:00 AM »
Think about it...a lot of guys on here quit after chewing for 2 or 3 decades of their lives. You are incredibly lucky to have found this site and this community and decided to quit relatively early in your life. Take advantage of ALL the resources and you will make your fiancé very happy.

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." -Albert Einstein

Offline Radman

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Re: Quitting after 6+ years
« Reply #4 on: April 10, 2013, 07:55:00 AM »
Listen to these guys and get your head straight. There is noting to love about tobacco, nicotine, or the disgusting health problems it causes. You are an addict. That's why you feel that way. Your chemical reward systems are being used against you when the withdrawals hit.

I can't say enough about your method being dangerous. Alcohol has killed more quits than I care to count. The vast majority of failures that I've personally been involved with here have that one thing in common. It lowers inhibitions and dulls focus. I'm not just pointing a finger here. When I first quit, I completely stayed away from alcohol for a couple months. I mean not one drop. Quitting is not easy. This ain't something an addict can do casually. It has to be every minute of every day, and every activity you do. Quitting became the most important thing in my life. Otherwise, I knew I'd fail.

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Re: Quitting after 6+ years
« Reply #3 on: April 10, 2013, 03:22:00 AM »
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: Sego72
Well. I have been chewing off and on since I was 16 years old... Right now I am 24 years old.  Only time I really quit was when I joined the military and I was no problem.. Basic training I never considered sneaking a can into the barracks or on our trainings outside the barracks... However once I got back from it and my girlfriend (at the time, now my fiance) broke up I started again... Been off and on for many years now, most recently been on for about 2 years... Decided to quit when I visited her over the weekend... Now I am on day 3 without any nicotine at all and it sucks..... I bought some beer to take the edge off.. Thankfully I am not going to drive my new car anywhere after drinking alcohol so it helps.. Even though I would love nothing more than to drive to the local store and pick up a can of copenhagen and toss in a big ole dip in my mouth.... Hate that I can't do it...
Don't set yourself up for failure! 1st read all you can and post roll EVERY day. Stay away from alcohol for awhile, most caves involve alcohol. And don't give that shit any glamore it will kill you. US Tabacco could care less if we die because the continue to recruit their teenage customers by the thousands daily. Your words you've been off and on dipper but remember you are a full time addict and get your mind around the fact that you will always be an addict and vulnerable to nicotine.
Listen to what Wt is telling you; he speaks the truth. You are an addict just like the rest of us. Where you said "Even though I would love nothing more than to drive to the local store and pick up a can of copenhagen and toss in a big ole dip in my mouth.... Hate that I can't do it..." Why do you hate that you can't do that??? You should hate the fact that the tobacco companies are even allowed to operate. They sell this shit knowing what it does to us addicts and they could care less, as long as we are lining their pockets they don't give a damn that it will kill you. I will never say that I hate that I can't have a dip. Hell I hate everything about dipping and I'm sure the thousands of other bad ass quitters on this site will say the say thing. You need to head on over to the July quit group and post roll and tell Copenhagen and big tobacco to kiss your ass. I will support you in anyway that I can. Just pm me if you need anything at all.
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Re: Quitting after 6+ years
« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2013, 12:47:00 AM »
Quote from: Sego72
Well. I have been chewing off and on since I was 16 years old... Right now I am 24 years old. Only time I really quit was when I joined the military and I was no problem.. Basic training I never considered sneaking a can into the barracks or on our trainings outside the barracks... However once I got back from it and my girlfriend (at the time, now my fiance) broke up I started again... Been off and on for many years now, most recently been on for about 2 years... Decided to quit when I visited her over the weekend... Now I am on day 3 without any nicotine at all and it sucks..... I bought some beer to take the edge off.. Thankfully I am not going to drive my new car anywhere after drinking alcohol so it helps.. Even though I would love nothing more than to drive to the local store and pick up a can of copenhagen and toss in a big ole dip in my mouth.... Hate that I can't do it...
Don't set yourself up for failure! 1st read all you can and post roll EVERY day. Stay away from alcohol for awhile, most caves involve alcohol. And don't give that shit any glamore it will kill you. US Tabacco could care less if we die because the continue to recruit their teenage customers by the thousands daily. Your words you've been off and on dipper but remember you are a full time addict and get your mind around the fact that you will always be an addict and vulnerable to nicotine.
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
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Offline Sego72

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Quitting after 6+ years
« on: April 09, 2013, 11:55:00 PM »
Well. I have been chewing off and on since I was 16 years old... Right now I am 24 years old. Only time I really quit was when I joined the military and I was no problem.. Basic training I never considered sneaking a can into the barracks or on our trainings outside the barracks... However once I got back from it and my girlfriend (at the time, now my fiance) broke up I started again... Been off and on for many years now, most recently been on for about 2 years... Decided to quit when I visited her over the weekend... Now I am on day 3 without any nicotine at all and it sucks..... I bought some beer to take the edge off.. Thankfully I am not going to drive my new car anywhere after drinking alcohol so it helps.. Even though I would love nothing more than to drive to the local store and pick up a can of copenhagen and toss in a big ole dip in my mouth.... Hate that I can't do it...