Author Topic: Starting Today  (Read 1265 times)

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Offline pab1964

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Re: Starting Today
« Reply #8 on: February 28, 2015, 12:54:00 PM »
Quote from: Pinched
Quote from: pab1964
Quote from: jwright
Quote from: rhunter
Im Starting today, I will no longer DIP. My dad Chewed tobacco when I was a Kid and I remember seeing the pouch and asking him what it was. He did not want me to grow up watching him do it and he was able to quit. I am about to be married and want to start a family soon and dont want my future kids to watch me putting that worm dirt in my mouth. MY fiance has been great about not pressuring to stop, but I know the habit disgusts her. I want to do this so she and everyone else, but most certainly for ME, can be proud that I took this step towards a more healthy future. I know I can do this, and want to use this site as my support. Good luck to everyone else on here who have started their quit date and for the others that will start in the days to come!
rhunter, first things first brother, it is far from a habit. Habits are things like chewing nails, picking nose, slurping your coffee, etc... what you have, my friend, is a full blown addiction. Start with that concept, embrace it. In order to get rid of it, you MUST log in here each day and just promise to your brothers/sisters that you will not use... just for that day. One day at a time. You can do this man!!!
What he said^^^^! Smart decision! Quit stay on here stay quit! Odaat! EDD!
rhunter, you have received some very sage advice by some serious quitters. But one thing I would like to add is that I too grew up watching older men in my life chewing and that is what made me think it was the right thing to do. One thing I wish could have happened is that I wish that my dad and grandfather were around today so I could tell them what it is like to not be an addict anymore. I thought it was a habit that would go away or that I would outgrow, but then I finally realized that I was a prisoner and had a weak ass constitution and was afraid of what the other me would be. I can honestly say that today I stand at 594 days quit and a much better man than I ever dreamt I would be.

My advice to you today is to quit for you and you alone; everyone else in your life can be benefactors of your quit but not reasons. Meet people on here and when presented the opportunity to meet another quitter face to face take it. You will find that everyone of us has a common thread and it might just turn out to be one of the best things in your life.

Exchange phone numbers with others, build a network of accountability so large that you are almost afraid of missing a roll post because there will be a manhunt of people tracking you down. If you decided to walk this path I extend my offer to you that you are welcome to my cell number to call or text me anytime you need a hand. Also remember that when a fit of rage happens that you are the asshole that made you an addict not anyone else.

Damn pinched powerful shit thanks! Made my quit stronger! Do proud be quit with you! Rh myself also watched my Dad made me think right thing to do. Back in those days didn't have anyone that really gave a shit but Big Tobacco and they were giving samples to 12 yo. Glad for some of the changes these days. Rock on quit with you today!
Tobacco is so addictive it took me a year after a massive heart attack, in which doctor confirmed caused from dipping to finally put a lid on the bitch! ODAAT EDD

Offline Pinched

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Re: Starting Today
« Reply #7 on: February 28, 2015, 12:05:00 PM »
Quote from: pab1964
Quote from: jwright
Quote from: rhunter
Im Starting today, I will no longer DIP. My dad Chewed tobacco when I was a Kid and I remember seeing the pouch and asking him what it was. He did not want me to grow up watching him do it and he was able to quit. I am about to be married and want to start a family soon and dont want my future kids to watch me putting that worm dirt in my mouth. MY fiance has been great about not pressuring to stop, but I know the habit disgusts her. I want to do this so she and everyone else, but most certainly for ME, can be proud that I took this step towards a more healthy future. I know I can do this, and want to use this site as my support. Good luck to everyone else on here who have started their quit date and for the others that will start in the days to come!
rhunter, first things first brother, it is far from a habit. Habits are things like chewing nails, picking nose, slurping your coffee, etc... what you have, my friend, is a full blown addiction. Start with that concept, embrace it. In order to get rid of it, you MUST log in here each day and just promise to your brothers/sisters that you will not use... just for that day. One day at a time. You can do this man!!!
What he said^^^^! Smart decision! Quit stay on here stay quit! Odaat! EDD!
rhunter, you have received some very sage advice by some serious quitters. But one thing I would like to add is that I too grew up watching older men in my life chewing and that is what made me think it was the right thing to do. One thing I wish could have happened is that I wish that my dad and grandfather were around today so I could tell them what it is like to not be an addict anymore. I thought it was a habit that would go away or that I would outgrow, but then I finally realized that I was a prisoner and had a weak ass constitution and was afraid of what the other me would be. I can honestly say that today I stand at 594 days quit and a much better man than I ever dreamt I would be.

My advice to you today is to quit for you and you alone; everyone else in your life can be benefactors of your quit but not reasons. Meet people on here and when presented the opportunity to meet another quitter face to face take it. You will find that everyone of us has a common thread and it might just turn out to be one of the best things in your life.

Exchange phone numbers with others, build a network of accountability so large that you are almost afraid of missing a roll post because there will be a manhunt of people tracking you down. If you decided to walk this path I extend my offer to you that you are welcome to my cell number to call or text me anytime you need a hand. Also remember that when a fit of rage happens that you are the asshole that made you an addict not anyone else.

"If you want to quit then stop talking and just QUIT. If you want to kill yourself a bullet is cheaper and faster than a tin, plus it eliminates my hearing you whine and cry like a bitch."

Best thing I have read on KTC...Submitted by tgafish on 7/3/14

Former Skoal Straight and Cope Longcut user that started at the age of 12. QUIT on 7/15/13

Offline pab1964

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Re: Starting Today
« Reply #6 on: February 28, 2015, 11:55:00 AM »
Quote from: jwright
Quote from: rhunter
Im Starting today, I will no longer DIP. My dad Chewed tobacco when I was a Kid and I remember seeing the pouch and asking him what it was. He did not want me to grow up watching him do it and he was able to quit. I am about to be married and want to start a family soon and dont want my future kids to watch me putting that worm dirt in my mouth. MY fiance has been great about not pressuring to stop, but I know the habit disgusts her. I want to do this so she and everyone else, but most certainly for ME, can be proud that I took this step towards a more healthy future. I know I can do this, and want to use this site as my support. Good luck to everyone else on here who have started their quit date and for the others that will start in the days to come!
rhunter, first things first brother, it is far from a habit. Habits are things like chewing nails, picking nose, slurping your coffee, etc... what you have, my friend, is a full blown addiction. Start with that concept, embrace it. In order to get rid of it, you MUST log in here each day and just promise to your brothers/sisters that you will not use... just for that day. One day at a time. You can do this man!!!
What he said^^^^! Smart decision! Quit stay on here stay quit! Odaat! EDD!
Tobacco is so addictive it took me a year after a massive heart attack, in which doctor confirmed caused from dipping to finally put a lid on the bitch! ODAAT EDD

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Re: Starting Today
« Reply #5 on: February 28, 2015, 06:28:00 AM »
Quote from: rhunter
Im Starting today, I will no longer DIP. My dad Chewed tobacco when I was a Kid and I remember seeing the pouch and asking him what it was. He did not want me to grow up watching him do it and he was able to quit. I am about to be married and want to start a family soon and dont want my future kids to watch me putting that worm dirt in my mouth. MY fiance has been great about not pressuring to stop, but I know the habit disgusts her. I want to do this so she and everyone else, but most certainly for ME, can be proud that I took this step towards a more healthy future. I know I can do this, and want to use this site as my support. Good luck to everyone else on here who have started their quit date and for the others that will start in the days to come!
rhunter, first things first brother, it is far from a habit. Habits are things like chewing nails, picking nose, slurping your coffee, etc... what you have, my friend, is a full blown addiction. Start with that concept, embrace it. In order to get rid of it, you MUST log in here each day and just promise to your brothers/sisters that you will not use... just for that day. One day at a time. You can do this man!!!
"Your net worth to the world is usually determined by what remains after your bad habits are subtracted from your good ones."

-Benjamin Franklin


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Re: Starting Today
« Reply #4 on: February 28, 2015, 06:22:00 AM »
Quote from: rhunter
Im Starting today, I will no longer DIP. My dad Chewed tobacco when I was a Kid and I remember seeing the pouch and asking him what it was. He did not want me to grow up watching him do it and he was able to quit. I am about to be married and want to start a family soon and dont want my future kids to watch me putting that worm dirt in my mouth. MY fiance has been great about not pressuring to stop, but I know the habit disgusts her. I want to do this so she and everyone else, but most certainly for ME, can be proud that I took this step towards a more healthy future. I know I can do this, and want to use this site as my support. Good luck to everyone else on here who have started their quit date and for the others that will start in the days to come!
There is no luck involved here.
Do or Do Not, there is no Try.
All you gotta do is Man the fuck up Everyday your feet hit the floor. I have done this 1010 times in a row. If my sorry ass can do this then You can too. Right?
We do this One Day at a Time. You can do anything for 1 Day, Right?
Keep it simple:
post roll after you piss in the a.m.
make it to bed
Wake and repeat
Learn all you can about your addiction. Yes, you and I are addicts.
It will get easier.
We had to force the first dip in our mouths. Now it's time to force your quit every day your feet hit the floor. This quittin' business is dead serious. It's hard work in your beginning...after a while it's an addiction to QLFEDD. I love my KTC Quit Addiction.
After 30 years 24/7 (was never a ninja) I am truly happy, free, strong and QLFEDD Today.
This site saved my life, it can save Yours too...But you gotta really want it, want it more than anything for YOU and noone else.
Guzzle the KTC koolaid. There is no better quit. I am proof.
Keeping my jaw and tongue...I like them.
It's poison I tell ya, You wouldn't drink Liquid Drano, would ya?

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Re: Starting Today
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2015, 11:28:00 AM »
Luck has nothing to do with quitting. It's all about action. Posting roll, honoring your word, reading the material and living clean from that cancerous weed. The difference between being quit and being abused by nicotine is a decision. Do or don't. Quit or abuse. Live or keep slowly killing yourself. Freedom or bitch boy to the nic bitch. You get to choose. Make the right choice every damn day and honor that decision.

Put the time into your quit like you did your addiction. Do it here on KTC. Read everything you can on this site, keep updating your intro, POST ROLL (your promise) every damn day (EDD) and FUCK NICOTINE.

You can do this. Quit strong and quit on.

Quit with you.

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Re: Starting Today
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2015, 09:44:00 AM »
Quote from: rhunter
Im Starting today, I will no longer DIP. My dad Chewed tobacco when I was a Kid and I remember seeing the pouch and asking him what it was. He did not want me to grow up watching him do it and he was able to quit. I am about to be married and want to start a family soon and dont want my future kids to watch me putting that worm dirt in my mouth. MY fiance has been great about not pressuring to stop, but I know the habit disgusts her. I want to do this so she and everyone else, but most certainly for ME, can be proud that I took this step towards a more healthy future. I know I can do this, and want to use this site as my support. Good luck to everyone else on here who have started their quit date and for the others that will start in the days to come!
That's what I'm screaming! Dump the worm dirt!
Welcome aboard... So when is the wedding date? B)B
Lean how to post roll today. Make a promise you won't touch nicotine for the next 24 hours.
Hey bud... If your dad quit, so can u. It's gonna suck.. Until it doesn't. But it gets easier every day.
I just sent you my digits in your inbox. If you have questions. Send me a text. I'll walk you through posting role today.
I quit with you today.
Last thing I'll say is find a strong reason why YOU want to quit for you. Be careful not to quit for your family or fiance.
Eat some seeds... Drink some water.. We're all here to help you through day one!
I believe.....

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Starting Today
« on: February 27, 2015, 09:20:00 AM »
Im Starting today, I will no longer DIP. My dad Chewed tobacco when I was a Kid and I remember seeing the pouch and asking him what it was. He did not want me to grow up watching him do it and he was able to quit. I am about to be married and want to start a family soon and dont want my future kids to watch me putting that worm dirt in my mouth. MY fiance has been great about not pressuring to stop, but I know the habit disgusts her. I want to do this so she and everyone else, but most certainly for ME, can be proud that I took this step towards a more healthy future. I know I can do this, and want to use this site as my support. Good luck to everyone else on here who have started their quit date and for the others that will start in the days to come!