Hey guys I figured I may as well try to reach out and find some people that are like myself. I'll give you a quick bio so I don't bore you too much:
24 yrs old. Former Navy Vet (never was on a ship, a tour in the desert and stationed in GTMO). I love motorcycles, lacrosse, and hockey. My name is Brian.
Basically I have tried to quit a few time before but I turn into such a macho douchebag while I'm off the stuff that it ruins my day. I hate everything, even riding to work through the mountains (I live in CO) is a pain in the ass. It's a sad dilemma to have. Either act like I'm 'roid raging all the time or keep chewing and wait for my number to come up. Really frustrating. Anyways, awesome website guys, keep it up!  'Sno'
Post roll and start getting to know your quit brothers. The first week will suck but it is worth it ..
Thanks guys I really appreciate it! How do I post roll call? I'm 3 days in now and doing okay.
I love the positive feedback and no bullshit approach that you guys have. So refreshing.
I just have to stay positive!
Welcome to the site man..
I'm gona take the straight forward no bullshit approach with you and tell you how it is.. You seem the type of dude who can take the shit, strap it on and get the shit done..
First off, the first week fucking sucks.. You're 3 days in, you're getting in the middle of the hard part.. Time to sack up and power through the weekend..
Stay away from the beer, that shit will fuck your quit..
Stay beer free for at least 50 days..
We quit one day at a time here, focus on that 1 day..
Post Roll
Keep your promise
Heres a link to a
video on how to post roll..
Need anything a number for support or anything, drop me a PM..