Author Topic: Newbie  (Read 1814 times)

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Offline brianl

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Re: Newbie
« Reply #13 on: November 02, 2010, 06:31:00 AM »
Quote from: teaka
Quote from: Ride4TheBrand
Quote from: DizzyDude
And please, if you can find a real reason why Nov 1st is better than NOW, let me know. I just couldn't find it.
Simple, actually. Nov 1 is MY quit day. That is how I planned it, that is how it will work for ME.
Quote from: Skoal
Whats Nov 1 got that today doesn't?
Same as above.
Quote from: Smokeyg
Ride - your word means nothing until you take the first step.
Actually, Sir .. you don't know me well enough to make a blanket statement like that. A person's word has no merit when it has been proven to be false or not to be trusted. In my case, you are flat out wrong. As you will notice, I did in fact post roll on Nov 1 as my quit date ... just as I said I would.
Actually, Sir .. you don't know me well enough to make a blanket statement like that. A person's word has no merit when it has been proven to be false or not to be trusted.

Actually, where I'm from your word means nothing until you prove it. I don't just assume everyone is a man of their word. So I agree with Smokey.
How about y'all stop the bitch'n and get to quit'n.

Offline teaka

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Re: Newbie
« Reply #12 on: November 01, 2010, 09:37:00 PM »
Quote from: Ride4TheBrand
Quote from: DizzyDude
And please, if you can find a real reason why Nov 1st is better than NOW, let me know. I just couldn't find it.
Simple, actually. Nov 1 is MY quit day. That is how I planned it, that is how it will work for ME.
Quote from: Skoal
Whats Nov 1 got that today doesn't?
Same as above.
Quote from: Smokeyg
Ride - your word means nothing until you take the first step.
Actually, Sir .. you don't know me well enough to make a blanket statement like that. A person's word has no merit when it has been proven to be false or not to be trusted. In my case, you are flat out wrong. As you will notice, I did in fact post roll on Nov 1 as my quit date ... just as I said I would.
Actually, Sir .. you don't know me well enough to make a blanket statement like that. A person's word has no merit when it has been proven to be false or not to be trusted.

Actually, where I'm from your word means nothing until you prove it. I don't just assume everyone is a man of their word. So I agree with Smokey.
a strange game. the only winning move is not to play


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Re: Newbie
« Reply #11 on: November 01, 2010, 04:06:00 PM »
Actually, Sir .. you don't know me well enough to make a blanket statement like that. A person's word has no merit when it has been proven to be false or not to be trusted. In my case, you are flat out wrong. As you will notice, I did in fact post roll on Nov 1 as my quit date ... just as I said I would.

Ride- Nice response. I'm in your quit group on my day 5. It's been tough but this site and people on it have really helped me so far. Every day has been a real bitch but I get on here about 10 times a day and somehow it makes me feel better. Anyway, I look forward to becoming a Bad Ass February Quitter with you and will talk to you soon!
February 4, 2011

Offline Bean

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Re: Newbie
« Reply #10 on: November 01, 2010, 10:53:00 AM »
Well done, Ride!!! Now that you've taken the first step, let us help you with the rest. Post roll, stay quit, and repeat. "Yesterday + 1" is your new motto.

You seem to be prety strong-willed...Great. Use that to your advantage. Nic doesn't give up its victims easily...especially after 36 years. But you can do this. Focus on why you quit and embrace the fog.

Nic will try to F with your mind. Nic will try to make you break your word. It tries to convince you that it isn't that dangerous, other people do it, no danger in taking just one more...all of those are addict speak. You're trying to take back control of your is the fight of your life.

Welcome to the fog. Embrace it, remember it...and STAY QUIT brother!!!

Offline tarpon17

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Re: Newbie
« Reply #9 on: November 01, 2010, 10:36:00 AM »
Quote from: Ride4TheBrand
Quote from: DizzyDude
And please, if you can find a real reason why Nov 1st is better than NOW, let me know. I just couldn't find it.
Simple, actually. Nov 1 is MY quit day. That is how I planned it, that is how it will work for ME.
Quote from: Skoal
Whats Nov 1 got that today doesn't?
Same as above.
Quote from: Smokeyg
Ride - your word means nothing until you take the first step.
Actually, Sir .. you don't know me well enough to make a blanket statement like that. A person's word has no merit when it has been proven to be false or not to be trusted. In my case, you are flat out wrong. As you will notice, I did in fact post roll on Nov 1 as my quit date ... just as I said I would.
Doesn't matter. All that does matter is that you're quit now. Welcome aboard and make use of the site, it's help me get through 41 days without cope.

Offline brianl

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Re: Newbie
« Reply #8 on: November 01, 2010, 08:45:00 AM »
Welcome aboard Ride.
Congrats on your posting today, enjoy your Day 1.
Don't take offense to the prior posts about delaying your Quit, it's just good people wanting you to not delay such an important moment in your life.

I too posted a similar scenerio when I first started. I said I was not dipping but using the nic gum and was going to quit that in a few days. Needless to say I got hammered with comments telling me not to delay. I already had it in my head and was sticking to it, and like you I did keep my word. Now I'm 65 days into my Quit.

Looking back now I know where everyone was coming from and it is not common for people to push a Quit date and stick to it. Like we all know, we have tried to quit many times without success so why delay it any longer.

Anyways, welcome to the best decision of your life and the best place to make it happen. Read alot, listen alot, QUIT alot!!

PM me if there is anything I can help you with.


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Re: Newbie
« Reply #7 on: November 01, 2010, 08:24:00 AM »
Quote from: Ride4TheBrand
Quote from: DizzyDude
And please, if you can find a real reason why Nov 1st is better than NOW, let me know. I just couldn't find it.
Simple, actually. Nov 1 is MY quit day. That is how I planned it, that is how it will work for ME.
Quote from: Skoal
Whats Nov 1 got that today doesn't?
Same as above.
Quote from: Smokeyg
Ride - your word means nothing until you take the first step.
Actually, Sir .. you don't know me well enough to make a blanket statement like that. A person's word has no merit when it has been proven to be false or not to be trusted. In my case, you are flat out wrong. As you will notice, I did in fact post roll on Nov 1 as my quit date ... just as I said I would.
Glad to see that you posted roll Ride this is a very important day because it is your day. It is the day that you take back your life. if you need any support just pm will always reply back.
Quit day - friday the 13th of August 2010
HOF day - November 20th 2010 - KTC's 4th bday
2nd Floor - Febuary 28th 2011

Offline Ride4TheBrand

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Re: Newbie
« Reply #6 on: November 01, 2010, 08:20:00 AM »
Quote from: DizzyDude
And please, if you can find a real reason why Nov 1st is better than NOW, let me know. I just couldn't find it.
Simple, actually. Nov 1 is MY quit day. That is how I planned it, that is how it will work for ME.
Quote from: Skoal
Whats Nov 1 got that today doesn't?
Same as above.
Quote from: Smokeyg
Ride - your word means nothing until you take the first step.
Actually, Sir .. you don't know me well enough to make a blanket statement like that. A person's word has no merit when it has been proven to be false or not to be trusted. In my case, you are flat out wrong. As you will notice, I did in fact post roll on Nov 1 as my quit date ... just as I said I would.
"I bark at no man's bid. I will never come and go,
and fetch and carry, at the whistle of the great
man in the White House no matter who he is."
~ Davy Crockett

Quit Day..........1-Nov-10
100 days.........8-Feb-11
1 Year.............31-Oct-11
.5 Comma.......14-Mar-12
2 Years...........31-Oct-12
1 Comma........27-Jul-13
3 Years...........31-Oct-13
4 years...........31-Oct-14
1.5 Comma.....10-Dec-14
5 Years...........31-Oct-15

Offline Skoal Monster

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Re: Newbie
« Reply #5 on: October 30, 2010, 04:06:00 PM »
Quote from: DizzyDude
Quote from: Smokeyg
Quote from: scooners
Quote from: Ride4TheBrand
Howdy gents ..

Gearing up for a Nov. 1 quit date.  Been usin' for 36 years!  Yep .. started on the Cope when it was 33 cents a can back in my high school days.  I'll have to do the math and figure out just how many thousands of dollars I've spent over all this time.  I'm sure I'll cringe.

Had my hits and misses "quitting" over the decades, and time to give it a serious and final go.
Why wait? Quit now - post roll with the rest of the quitters here. Read all you can, this place and the people in it rock and will help you keep quit. I am now on day 20, mainly due to the fact that I am comitted to my quit, and these guys are some of the best support mainiacs around.

Quit now - quit for life.

Quit for October 29th. Don't worry about the rest. Don't even worry about November 1st. It's all about October 29th (October 30th for you East Coasters).

Ride - your word means nothing until you take the first step. We've all made too many empty promises in the past. We're not your wife. We're not your kids. We were you.
The only time to quit is now. Take a look at my story. I am now quit 59 days.

The time is NOW

And please, if you can find a real reason why Nov 1st is better than NOW, let me know. I just couldn't find it.
the path to quit is not paved with good intentions....... thats somewhere else I think. Whats Nov 1 got that today doesn't?
"CLOSE THE DOOR. In my opinion, it?s the single most important step in your final quit. There is one moment, THE moment, when you finally let go and surrender to the quit. After that moment, no temptation will be great enough, no lie persuasive enough to make you commit suicide by using tobacco."

Offline DizzyDude

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Re: Newbie
« Reply #4 on: October 30, 2010, 10:06:00 AM »
Quote from: Smokeyg
Quote from: scooners
Quote from: Ride4TheBrand
Howdy gents ..

Gearing up for a Nov. 1 quit date.  Been usin' for 36 years!  Yep .. started on the Cope when it was 33 cents a can back in my high school days.  I'll have to do the math and figure out just how many thousands of dollars I've spent over all this time.  I'm sure I'll cringe.

Had my hits and misses "quitting" over the decades, and time to give it a serious and final go.
Why wait? Quit now - post roll with the rest of the quitters here. Read all you can, this place and the people in it rock and will help you keep quit. I am now on day 20, mainly due to the fact that I am comitted to my quit, and these guys are some of the best support mainiacs around.

Quit now - quit for life.

Quit for October 29th. Don't worry about the rest. Don't even worry about November 1st. It's all about October 29th (October 30th for you East Coasters).

Ride - your word means nothing until you take the first step. We've all made too many empty promises in the past. We're not your wife. We're not your kids. We were you.
The only time to quit is now. Take a look at my story. I am now quit 59 days.

The time is NOW

And please, if you can find a real reason why Nov 1st is better than NOW, let me know. I just couldn't find it.

Quit Date : 9/2/10
HOF : 12/10/10

"Quit or Quit Not. There is no try."

Offline Smokeyg

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Re: Newbie
« Reply #3 on: October 30, 2010, 01:12:00 AM »
Quote from: scooners
Quote from: Ride4TheBrand
Howdy gents ..

Gearing up for a Nov. 1 quit date.  Been usin' for 36 years!  Yep .. started on the Cope when it was 33 cents a can back in my high school days.  I'll have to do the math and figure out just how many thousands of dollars I've spent over all this time.  I'm sure I'll cringe.

Had my hits and misses "quitting" over the decades, and time to give it a serious and final go.
Why wait? Quit now - post roll with the rest of the quitters here. Read all you can, this place and the people in it rock and will help you keep quit. I am now on day 20, mainly due to the fact that I am comitted to my quit, and these guys are some of the best support mainiacs around.

Quit now - quit for life.

Quit for October 29th. Don't worry about the rest. Don't even worry about November 1st. It's all about October 29th (October 30th for you East Coasters).

Ride - your word means nothing until you take the first step. We've all made too many empty promises in the past. We're not your wife. We're not your kids. We were you.

Offline scooners

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Re: Newbie
« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2010, 12:05:00 AM »
Quote from: Ride4TheBrand
Howdy gents ..

Gearing up for a Nov. 1 quit date.  Been usin' for 36 years!  Yep .. started on the Cope when it was 33 cents a can back in my high school days.  I'll have to do the math and figure out just how many thousands of dollars I've spent over all this time.  I'm sure I'll cringe.

Had my hits and misses "quitting" over the decades, and time to give it a serious and final go.
Why wait? Quit now - post roll with the rest of the quitters here. Read all you can, this place and the people in it rock and will help you keep quit. I am now on day 20, mainly due to the fact that I am comitted to my quit, and these guys are some of the best support mainiacs around.

Quit now - quit for life.

Quit Date 10/09/2010; HOF 1/17/2011
Cancer and Death will not work on your Time Table, why work on Theirs - Quit Today.
If you fail to plan, plan to fail.
The older I get, the better I was - made an even bigger improvment the day I quit dip.
HOF Speech

Offline Ride4TheBrand

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« on: October 29, 2010, 11:38:00 PM »
Howdy gents ..

Gearing up for a Nov. 1 quit date. Been usin' for 36 years! Yep .. started on the Cope when it was 33 cents a can back in my high school days. I'll have to do the math and figure out just how many thousands of dollars I've spent over all this time. I'm sure I'll cringe.

Had my hits and misses "quitting" over the decades, and time to give it a serious and final go.
"I bark at no man's bid. I will never come and go,
and fetch and carry, at the whistle of the great
man in the White House no matter who he is."
~ Davy Crockett

Quit Day..........1-Nov-10
100 days.........8-Feb-11
1 Year.............31-Oct-11
.5 Comma.......14-Mar-12
2 Years...........31-Oct-12
1 Comma........27-Jul-13
3 Years...........31-Oct-13
4 years...........31-Oct-14
1.5 Comma.....10-Dec-14
5 Years...........31-Oct-15