Author Topic: My intro  (Read 850 times)

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Re: My intro
« Reply #2 on: October 31, 2017, 10:10:00 PM »
Pike - not trying to bring you down, because your enthusiasm is commendable. You need to adjust your thinking a bit, though.

You aren't fighting a bad habit. You're dealing with an addiction.

Realizing that was a key moment for me. It absolutely changed the way I looked at my use of tobacco. It helped me to realize that this is not something I can do halfway. It made me understand that I was going to go through some major mental and physical changes over the days, weeks, months and even years to come.

More than that, though, it helped me to understand that I can never go back. Just like an alcoholic, just like a heroin addict, I can't ever have "just one".

I am an addict. I will always be an addict. I can't control that, but I can control whether or not I choose to feed my addiction.

That's entirely different from looking at this as a bad habit. In all honesty, I think that's what makes the real difference between quitters, and people who just use the site to stop for an extended period.
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My Intro - The Weight of Days - Mall Walking - Workin' it off in the Excercise Group

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My intro
« on: October 31, 2017, 06:18:00 PM »
So this time I am going to jump all in. I farted around with quiting even joined this site, however I never went any farther than that.

I AM DONE! Done paying money for chew, done shoving shit in my lip, done hacking and coughing up crap, just done with it in general.

I started when I was young, like too young to be buying tobacco. ( I don't want to calculate years, it seems to start some type of competetion between users). I have quit so many times. I know most of my triggers , so I think this time i can choke out this habit for good.