Author Topic: New Quitter Introduction  (Read 1562 times)

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Re: New Quitter Introduction
« Reply #11 on: April 23, 2008, 08:05:00 AM »
Quote from: mrlibra
OK. With everyone's encouragement, I didn't take a spare patch with me today and I have now been 25 hours without nicotine. I have managed to drink over 100 oz. of water, not to mention a few glasses of tea. Also, I eat a bag of chips total and a little bit of junk food. WOW!! I've gotta watch weight pretty carefully. Anyway, I am not normally short or unfriendly to people but, today I was an ass, and for no big reason. Anyway, I can smell the nicotine sweating out of my pores. I assume that's the was it mostly leaves the body.
Day 2 is ahead and my alternative snuff supplier is out of the type I was using. So, I am scrambling to find an answer for that. I am going to need that I am pretty sure.
Come to July. Post Roll. Others there are in the same place or not that far off from you. Bitch in there, vent, whatever it takes.. Lean on those in that group. We're all in it together.

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Re: New Quitter Introduction
« Reply #10 on: April 23, 2008, 07:03:00 AM »
Quote from: mrlibra
OK. With everyone's encouragement, I didn't take a spare patch with me today and I have now been 25 hours without nicotine. I have managed to drink over 100 oz. of water, not to mention a few glasses of tea. Also, I eat a bag of chips total and a little bit of junk food. WOW!! I've gotta watch weight pretty carefully. Anyway, I am not normally short or unfriendly to people but, today I was an ass, and for no big reason. Anyway, I can smell the nicotine sweating out of my pores. I assume that's the was it mostly leaves the body.
Day 2 is ahead and my alternative snuff supplier is out of the type I was using. So, I am scrambling to find an answer for that. I am going to need that I am pretty sure.
By god that is the way to quit this shit. Way to grab it and take charge

Alternatives: bbq sunflower seeds, bbq p-nuts, gum, hard candy, jerky,

Anything that keeps it out of your mouth. are now serious about this....let's beat it once and for all.

Offline Buckfever36

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Re: New Quitter Introduction
« Reply #9 on: April 23, 2008, 07:00:00 AM »

Your right on track with everthing that's going on, little advice though if you feel like being an ass to someone come on over here. Join in live chat and call us assholes or whatever makes you feel better. We have been there and we won't take offence to it.

As for the junk food don't sweat it for a couple of weeks. You can lose weight once you've gotten past the first part of your quit.

Weight you can lose Cancer you can't!
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Offline mrlibra

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Re: New Quitter Introduction
« Reply #8 on: April 23, 2008, 12:04:00 AM »
OK. With everyone's encouragement, I didn't take a spare patch with me today and I have now been 25 hours without nicotine. I have managed to drink over 100 oz. of water, not to mention a few glasses of tea. Also, I eat a bag of chips total and a little bit of junk food. WOW!! I've gotta watch weight pretty carefully. Anyway, I am not normally short or unfriendly to people but, today I was an ass, and for no big reason. Anyway, I can smell the nicotine sweating out of my pores. I assume that's the was it mostly leaves the body.
Day 2 is ahead and my alternative snuff supplier is out of the type I was using. So, I am scrambling to find an answer for that. I am going to need that I am pretty sure.

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Re: New Quitter Introduction
« Reply #7 on: April 22, 2008, 11:29:00 PM »
Lose the patch and get in a quit group. Be accountable to someone. You've made the right choice, now stick to it.
QD - 050107 - DIE UST!

....That which does not kill us makes us stronger. - Friedrich Nietzche

....Contemplate this on the tree of woe. - Thulsa Doom

....Small fish are for Pussies! - Crosshair

Offline steelcity

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Re: New Quitter Introduction
« Reply #6 on: April 22, 2008, 09:03:00 PM »
mrlibra, great decision to quit. Follow joeyjojo's post and come over to July and post roll. We got a great group of quitters over there. Fuck the 'luck' and 'try', just do it.

I went cold turkey and one day of chewing that stupid nic gum... the patches and gum just put off the ineveitable.. plust they are designed for smokers - us dippers got a hell of a lot more nicotine than that delivers. It takes three days to get it out of your system, then its just mental from there. I found it better to just suffer through the 3 day suck and get it over with.

Offline mule

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Re: New Quitter Introduction
« Reply #5 on: April 22, 2008, 08:29:00 PM »
Quote from: Josh
Quote from: mrlibra
Hey to everyone. I am on day 3 quitting. However, I have been using the patch for a week until I woke up today and the time to change the patch (24 hrs) had past. So, with a little encouragement I am going for cold turkey. I've already had that little surge of energy that is nicotine telling my brain to feed me. So, i've chugged some water and I'm using a snuff alternative. At least, the alternative ain't going to kill me. That's great since, my Kodiak use was every two hours for 1/2 increments and for as long as I was awake. Today, while I'm going for cold turkey, I am going to keep a patch on me just in case. That's probably not the healthy attitude to have but, I know that this early on I can be really weak. Anyway, I just wanted to stop by and say hi. Wish me luck, cause I'm going to need it.  Oh yeah, can anyone tell me how to get involved in the roll call?
Welcome mrlibra. I'm on my 42nd day of quitting. I went cold turkey. That's what works for me. I don't honestly think that the patch or anything that involved nicotine would be beneficial for me. I think it would just make me want more. You mentioned wishing you luck. It's not luck that you need. It's sheer willpower. Just make the decision one day at a time. No nicotine today. We deal with tomorrow when it gets here. In order to post roll you must find your quit group. I would assume that would be July for you. Go to the last posted roll and quote it. You can then copy the entire post and paste it in the box at the top of the page and add your name. There are probably better instructions on the site. Just remember, everybody here knows what you're going through and understand how bad quitting sucks. However, we also understand how awesome it is to get through the first stages and on to a better, healthier life. Holler if you need anything.
Congrats on your decision to quit....saw one thing in your post...If you are going to systematically use the patch program on their recommended time frame to consistently reduce the nicotine in your system...that is one thing.

To keep a patch on you "just in case the cravin gets too bad" is a problem. When you feed a crave with nicotine in any are in essence caving in my opinion. You are allowing the crave to dictate your actions instead of grabbing your addiciton by the balls and taking control over your choices and actions.

you will find all the tools you need to quit here. support, empathy, swift kick in the ass when needed, and all the information and experience from those ahead of you on what to expect.

Yeah, quitting sucks for a little while.....dying of cancer pretty much sucks forever....especially for your family.

Now.....lets get this done the right way.

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Re: New Quitter Introduction
« Reply #4 on: April 22, 2008, 03:34:00 PM »
Quote from: mrlibra
Hey to everyone. I am on day 3 quitting. However, I have been using the patch for a week until I woke up today and the time to change the patch (24 hrs) had past. So, with a little encouragement I am going for cold turkey. I've already had that little surge of energy that is nicotine telling my brain to feed me. So, i've chugged some water and I'm using a snuff alternative. At least, the alternative ain't going to kill me. That's great since, my Kodiak use was every two hours for 1/2 increments and for as long as I was awake. Today, while I'm going for cold turkey, I am going to keep a patch on me just in case. That's probably not the healthy attitude to have but, I know that this early on I can be really weak. Anyway, I just wanted to stop by and say hi. Wish me luck, cause I'm going to need it.  Oh yeah, can anyone tell me how to get involved in the roll call?
Welcome mrlibra. I'm on my 42nd day of quitting. I went cold turkey. That's what works for me. I don't honestly think that the patch or anything that involved nicotine would be beneficial for me. I think it would just make me want more. You mentioned wishing you luck. It's not luck that you need. It's sheer willpower. Just make the decision one day at a time. No nicotine today. We deal with tomorrow when it gets here. In order to post roll you must find your quit group. I would assume that would be July for you. Go to the last posted roll and quote it. You can then copy the entire post and paste it in the box at the top of the page and add your name. There are probably better instructions on the site. Just remember, everybody here knows what you're going through and understand how bad quitting sucks. However, we also understand how awesome it is to get through the first stages and on to a better, healthier life. Holler if you need anything.

Offline joeyjojo

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Re: New Quitter Introduction
« Reply #3 on: April 22, 2008, 03:31:00 PM »
How to Post ROLL CALL - Roll Call Instructions
Step 1 - Find the last Roll Call
Step 2 - Hit the "Quote" button in the upper right hand corner.
Step 3 - Click your mouse ANYWHERE in The bottom Box
Step 4 - Hit Ctrl and "A" at the Same time so it looks like THIS
Step 5 - Hit Ctrl and "X" at the same time so there is NOTHING in Either Box
Step 6 - Click your mouse in the TOP BOX
Step 7 - Hit Ctrl and "V" at the same time to Past the info into the top box AND ADD YOUR info to the bottom of the list
Step 8 - Hit ADD REPLY below the bottom box
Step 9 - Go back to the 1st unread post, pat yourself on the back, and have a beer cause you will not be dipping today.
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Re: New Quitter Introduction
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2008, 03:30:00 PM »
Here's what you need:
time to read this site today

Things you don't need:
spare patch

Everyone here had doubts at one time or another about the ability to quit, otherwise we'd have done it sooner. There comes a time to man up, realize you did this to yourself, you need to decide to quit, and you will be successful.

We are all here to help if you need it.
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Offline mrlibra

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New Quitter Introduction
« on: April 22, 2008, 03:07:00 PM »
Hey to everyone. I am on day 3 quitting. However, I have been using the patch for a week until I woke up today and the time to change the patch (24 hrs) had past. So, with a little encouragement I am going for cold turkey. I've already had that little surge of energy that is nicotine telling my brain to feed me. So, i've chugged some water and I'm using a snuff alternative. At least, the alternative ain't going to kill me. That's great since, my Kodiak use was every two hours for 1/2 increments and for as long as I was awake. Today, while I'm going for cold turkey, I am going to keep a patch on me just in case. That's probably not the healthy attitude to have but, I know that this early on I can be really weak. Anyway, I just wanted to stop by and say hi. Wish me luck, cause I'm going to need it. Oh yeah, can anyone tell me how to get involved in the roll call?