Author Topic: It is possible to be completely free  (Read 458 times)

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It is possible to be completely free
« on: August 31, 2018, 09:36:00 AM »
I was out yesterday enjoying the weather when it occurred to me that I hadn't even thought about tobacco in a long time. I went from counting days since I quit on April 27th to counting weeks and then without realizing it, I simply stopped even thinking about tobacco. After almost 20 years of dipping, I never thought this was possible. It's been 126 days now and I honestly cannot even imagine ever wanting to dip again.
I came here when I first quit and the success stories inspired me so I thought I would come back and post this, hoping it might help someone else trying to quit. Tough it out. The cravings do pass and over time become less and less. You'll have bad days, bad minutes, etc.. but like someone once said, when you're going through hell, just keep on going. There really is a place on the other side where you won't ever imagine yourself wanting to stick that crap in your mouth again.
Best of luck.