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Re: Want to QUIT
« Reply #12 on: June 14, 2016, 05:48:00 PM »
Quote from: moequit
Thanks CavMan. I posted in the September Roll Call. That's it, now well into Day 1 and so far so good.
Hang on, because if you're anything like me, the first week is gonna be a bitch on wheels. Just do whatever you need to to stay the hell away from nicotine....sooner or later it'll get better, but for now, learn to hate everything that tobacco has done to you. The more you hate it, the stronger your quit becomes!

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Re: Want to QUIT
« Reply #11 on: June 14, 2016, 08:58:00 AM »
Welcome Moe, snus addict here too. Went from 2-3 to 5 a day, to one in my lip every waking moment of the day. The last week has been pure hell. Physical cravings, mental pain. Still in a fog but starting to feel better and stronger every day now. Reach out if you need support.

Quit with you today.
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Re: Want to QUIT
« Reply #10 on: June 14, 2016, 02:54:00 AM »
Thanks CavMan. I posted in the September Roll Call. That's it, now well into Day 1 and so far so good.

Offline CavMan83

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Re: Want to QUIT
« Reply #9 on: June 13, 2016, 09:07:00 PM »
Quote from: Grievous
Quote from: Palpatine
Quote from: moequit
Hi all.

First post. I've been using snus for the past year and a half.
Nothing too intense, like 5 pouches a day. This stuff is HARD to quit. No spit, discrete, many scientific studies showing that it isn't terrible for you, etc.

Honestly, I really do like it: the feeling, the taste. I wish I could just enjoy it like coffee, for example.

My main motivation for quitting is to not be dependent on something.

I went 72 hours without then had 1. Went 24 more hours without, had 1 today. Now back without.

I think my addiction is more psychological. Haven't had headaches, trouble sleeping, etc. Maybe a little less sharp than usual...

Please help me power through this. The habit is a secret, and I just want to put this chapter behind me. I know I can do it, but my brain keeps telling me "why quit, it feels good, just cut down to 1-2 a day and keep it in check."

I know this is BS, because a few beers also feel good, but I never find myself "looking forward" to my next opportunity to drink.
Some comments:
- You don't have a habit. You are and always will be addicted to nicotine. You need to recognize that and embrace that. We are all addicts here.
- Many scientific studies showing it isn't terrible...those studies are funded by big tobacoo. Believe me, before I quit I was hoping I'd see medical journals come out and say tobacco/nicotine was really good for you and that everyone should be using it.
- I like your main motivation is for YOU...this quit should ONLY be for YOU and not someone/something else. Do it to save YOUR life!
- It doesn't matter where your addiction are an addict psychologically and physiologically. You need to recognize you will always be an addict and that you need to tame your addiction. This site will help you out with that.

Sign up for the September Roll Call...swap numbers with others who are quitting with you and they will hold you accountable as you will them. Quit together and not alone AND quit each day and only that day...then come back again and quit again tomorrow.

It can be done...quit with you today!
Yep. Language is important. This wasn't a bad habit. You are an addict--and yest a component of addiction is psychological.

I too thought I would "cut back." It never works.

Welcome aboard. Post roll, make your promise for the day, then be a man of your world.
Where y'at Moe?

You're not QUIT until you post up a Day 1, which is your promise to your quit group that you've stopped all nicotine and you won't use for the next 24 hours. That's how this system works. You wake up, piss, post roll, honor your post, and repeat. One Day At A Time (ODAAT), and Every Damn Day (EDD). Nothing else is acceptable here.

So how 'bout it? Find your September 16 STD buddies and start to quittin'. In your corner bubba, but you gotta make a move.

Offline Grievous Angel

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Re: Want to QUIT
« Reply #8 on: June 13, 2016, 03:52:00 PM »
Quote from: Palpatine
Quote from: moequit
Hi all.

First post. I've been using snus for the past year and a half.
Nothing too intense, like 5 pouches a day. This stuff is HARD to quit. No spit, discrete, many scientific studies showing that it isn't terrible for you, etc.

Honestly, I really do like it: the feeling, the taste. I wish I could just enjoy it like coffee, for example.

My main motivation for quitting is to not be dependent on something.

I went 72 hours without then had 1. Went 24 more hours without, had 1 today. Now back without.

I think my addiction is more psychological. Haven't had headaches, trouble sleeping, etc. Maybe a little less sharp than usual...

Please help me power through this. The habit is a secret, and I just want to put this chapter behind me. I know I can do it, but my brain keeps telling me "why quit, it feels good, just cut down to 1-2 a day and keep it in check."

I know this is BS, because a few beers also feel good, but I never find myself "looking forward" to my next opportunity to drink.
Some comments:
- You don't have a habit. You are and always will be addicted to nicotine. You need to recognize that and embrace that. We are all addicts here.
- Many scientific studies showing it isn't terrible...those studies are funded by big tobacoo. Believe me, before I quit I was hoping I'd see medical journals come out and say tobacco/nicotine was really good for you and that everyone should be using it.
- I like your main motivation is for YOU...this quit should ONLY be for YOU and not someone/something else. Do it to save YOUR life!
- It doesn't matter where your addiction are an addict psychologically and physiologically. You need to recognize you will always be an addict and that you need to tame your addiction. This site will help you out with that.

Sign up for the September Roll Call...swap numbers with others who are quitting with you and they will hold you accountable as you will them. Quit together and not alone AND quit each day and only that day...then come back again and quit again tomorrow.

It can be done...quit with you today!
Yep. Language is important. This wasn't a bad habit. You are an addict--and yest a component of addiction is psychological.

I too thought I would "cut back." It never works.

Welcome aboard. Post roll, make your promise for the day, then be a man of your world.

Offline Palpatine

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Re: Want to QUIT
« Reply #7 on: June 13, 2016, 02:43:00 PM »
Quote from: moequit
Thanks for your replies!

Yes, it's the Swedish stuff, at least that and not the really damaging stuff.

That's it. I tossed what I had left (2.5 cans). No more 24 hours then "another one."

Fortunately, I live in an area where you can only mail order it and they also don't sell dip.

So that's it: my supply is cut off and no way back because by the time any arrives, if I were to order, I'll already be far into my quit.
One of the best ways to measure your quit (since you said you will be far into your quit) is to ratio how many days you used versus how many days you have been quit. For example - I used for roughly 8,000 days and I'm 160 days quit. I just hit 2% today of my total days using versus my total days quit. Now, I used for quite sometime but quitting is something that you don't want to just reach 100 and then be is about life long quit.

Come here often and read, learn, vent, chat, talk about anything, quit and do it again the next day.
Good...good, let the quit flow through you!  -chewie

Offline Palpatine

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Re: Want to QUIT
« Reply #6 on: June 13, 2016, 02:40:00 PM »
Quote from: moequit
Hi all.

First post. I've been using snus for the past year and a half.
Nothing too intense, like 5 pouches a day. This stuff is HARD to quit. No spit, discrete, many scientific studies showing that it isn't terrible for you, etc.

Honestly, I really do like it: the feeling, the taste. I wish I could just enjoy it like coffee, for example.

My main motivation for quitting is to not be dependent on something.

I went 72 hours without then had 1. Went 24 more hours without, had 1 today. Now back without.

I think my addiction is more psychological. Haven't had headaches, trouble sleeping, etc. Maybe a little less sharp than usual...

Please help me power through this. The habit is a secret, and I just want to put this chapter behind me. I know I can do it, but my brain keeps telling me "why quit, it feels good, just cut down to 1-2 a day and keep it in check."

I know this is BS, because a few beers also feel good, but I never find myself "looking forward" to my next opportunity to drink.
Some comments:
- You don't have a habit. You are and always will be addicted to nicotine. You need to recognize that and embrace that. We are all addicts here.
- Many scientific studies showing it isn't terrible...those studies are funded by big tobacoo. Believe me, before I quit I was hoping I'd see medical journals come out and say tobacco/nicotine was really good for you and that everyone should be using it.
- I like your main motivation is for YOU...this quit should ONLY be for YOU and not someone/something else. Do it to save YOUR life!
- It doesn't matter where your addiction are an addict psychologically and physiologically. You need to recognize you will always be an addict and that you need to tame your addiction. This site will help you out with that.

Sign up for the September Roll Call...swap numbers with others who are quitting with you and they will hold you accountable as you will them. Quit together and not alone AND quit each day and only that day...then come back again and quit again tomorrow.

It can be done...quit with you today!
Good...good, let the quit flow through you!  -chewie

Offline moequit

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Re: Want to QUIT
« Reply #5 on: June 13, 2016, 02:39:00 PM »
Thanks for your replies!

Yes, it's the Swedish stuff, at least that and not the really damaging stuff.

That's it. I tossed what I had left (2.5 cans). No more 24 hours then "another one."

Fortunately, I live in an area where you can only mail order it and they also don't sell dip.

So that's it: my supply is cut off and no way back because by the time any arrives, if I were to order, I'll already be far into my quit.

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Re: Want to QUIT
« Reply #4 on: June 13, 2016, 02:34:00 PM »
You have to learn to hate nicotine before you can quit. It is not safe in any form, and will kill you.
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Re: Want to QUIT
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2016, 02:31:00 PM »
Hi moequit,
SNUS was my poison of choice as well because of it's ninja qualities, spent my last 5 years mostly on snus but some dip as well. I can't tell you how many times the same thoughts ran through my head about being fine cutting back, then I would get stressed out and be back to 10+ pouches per day on a continuos nicotine high. The only way to control the amount of nicotine you consume is to not consume any nicotine at all. Give an inch and the nic will take a mile.

If you are 100% committed to quitting nicotine then we can help you get through the head games. Head on over to the September quit group and join us in posting roll each day.



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Re: Want to QUIT
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2016, 01:45:00 PM »
I ended up a hardcore snuser. I dipped for 32 years, my last 4 were snus. it was discrete so I could do it 24/7 and NO ONE KNEW!!! That also meant I was on the nic ride 24/7. That thing about it being not as bad for you.... I actually kinda agree but that is the snus from Sweden where it started. The Camel and skoal snus is packed with a lotta' shit! it's not the same animal as the Swedish snus.
That being said... your still addicted to it.
You've come to the right place to quit.
Just one is right back to where you were and where you were was desperately wishing you were where you are now.- Via Flip
"But KNOW that quitting every day means that eventually you'll have to quit on the day Lassie kicks the bucket" - ZAM
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Offline moequit

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Want to QUIT
« on: June 13, 2016, 01:05:00 PM »
Hi all.

First post. I've been using snus for the past year and a half.
Nothing too intense, like 5 pouches a day. This stuff is HARD to quit. No spit, discrete, many scientific studies showing that it isn't terrible for you, etc.

Honestly, I really do like it: the feeling, the taste. I wish I could just enjoy it like coffee, for example.

My main motivation for quitting is to not be dependent on something.

I went 72 hours without then had 1. Went 24 more hours without, had 1 today. Now back without.

I think my addiction is more psychological. Haven't had headaches, trouble sleeping, etc. Maybe a little less sharp than usual...

Please help me power through this. The habit is a secret, and I just want to put this chapter behind me. I know I can do it, but my brain keeps telling me "why quit, it feels good, just cut down to 1-2 a day and keep it in check."

I know this is BS, because a few beers also feel good, but I never find myself "looking forward" to my next opportunity to drink.