Author Topic: Quitting this time for sure  (Read 1709 times)

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Offline Rsauce74

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Re: Quitting this time for sure
« Reply #22 on: March 10, 2011, 02:45:00 PM »
Thanks bud, I was really blessed this time around for quitting i think. I did it while I was deployed this time. I was fortunate enough to talk to a mental health specialist. It was funny cause I was able to teach her some of the stuff that I had learned from the website to her. She wrote down the website and will probably be giving out to other people quitting. But she had alot of good info as well. One was that we are defeating 3 types of addiction. One is the chemical from the nicotine. Two is the Emotional seems like dip becomes a lover we miss, hell I think I have been about to cry for the last month everytime I turn around, I feel like a little bitch. And the last one is the physical act of dipping or the oral fixation. I have my seeds, I have my gum and I have my mints. If I could get cinnamon sticks I would probably have them as well. Havent put a dip in the mouth for 37 days now and no nic patchs for 3 woot. My damn mouth is still jacked though I am paranoid I have cancer.

Offline lanza313

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Re: Quitting this time for sure
« Reply #21 on: March 09, 2011, 03:02:00 PM »
I am right there with ya brother. I chewed the gum a while back and realized that I didnt know the difference between Nic gum and regular gum. Thats when I threw both my can and the worthless fucking gum in the garbage and started my quit. I am on day 5 and there are points that I want to rip this computer monitor off my desk and throw it out the window. the way that I finally had to look at the gum/patch is that I was giving up nicotine and those were not helping me do that. Glad to have you in the June class with me bro lets make it til the end one day at a time.

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Re: Quitting this time for sure
« Reply #20 on: March 09, 2011, 02:38:00 PM »
Congratulations rsauce. One day at a time.

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Re: Quitting this time for sure
« Reply #19 on: March 09, 2011, 01:56:00 PM »
Quote from: noonelikesaquitter
Quote from: Rsauce74
Rough crowd, guess I came to the wrong place for sympathy.
Yes, wrong place for sympathy. Support, YES! Sympathy about what you're about to go through? Fuck no.

Why? 'Cause you need to remember every MISERABLE moment of it so you NEVER go back to the can.

This is going to suck. Embrace it. We can and will support you, and you CAN do this.

If I can, you can.

Welcome to the freak show.
Tough love is often hard to accept. Sympathy as you have seen is not what we offer here. I can promise you this though, if you join this merry band of quitters and you EVER need help. People will knock each other over to come to your aid.

Quitting has been described numerous ways here, none of them are pretty. The one that works best for me is this is a battle for my life every day. Each day I choose not to stuff poison in my face if I get weak and need a kick in the ass I can be assured that I will get it from these fine quitters.

Freedom is worth the fight... EVERY DAY

Offline Nolaq

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Re: Quitting this time for sure
« Reply #18 on: March 09, 2011, 08:31:00 AM »
Quote from: Rsauce74
Rough crowd, guess I came to the wrong place for sympathy.
Yes, wrong place for sympathy. Support, YES! Sympathy about what you're about to go through? Fuck no.

Why? 'Cause you need to remember every MISERABLE moment of it so you NEVER go back to the can.

This is going to suck. Embrace it. We can and will support you, and you CAN do this.

If I can, you can.

Welcome to the freak show.
What is your major malfunction?!?!?!?!

Offline 30yraddict

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Re: Quitting this time for sure
« Reply #17 on: March 09, 2011, 05:41:00 AM »
Quote from: Rsauce74
Sorry it took so long to post again,
  Well I went without the patch the first time for about 16 hours didnt go so well.  Almost went and had a chew so went back on the patch to finish up my step down process.  Well Today it is the 9th of March and I am about 30 hours with no patch.  Havent had a chew in over 36 days.  So I'm gettin there.
    I want to post roll call, but I am not sure where I post at or if someone else posts me.  I am ready and lets do this. 
      BTW you guys can be jerks (after everyone found out I was on the patch) but I understand the no nic rule,  but I guess thats what I needed.  I think the umteen replies about no nicotine now may have been a extreme.  I think I needed to do patch and finish up that way because that is what I had planned in the beginning.  Making the plan took alot of effort on my part and I had my heart already set on what I was doing.  Once I tried to change it it seemed like I was making excuses to going back to dipping.  Some of you may say "grow some nuts and quit now" "real men can quit without the help", pffft I don't give a fuck im off the shit now.
      I am definately going through a little depression,  no fog, but no motivation to do anything else but quit.  Everyones comments, information, stories ect here was a huge help in the past days I have read and reread alot of comments.  There is alot of good info about quitting what to expect and how to deal with it.  I do appreciate all the positive input on quitting.  You all have been good roll models.  I get pissed off more and more that I read about the chewing companies.  I think I read somewhere there is an independent tobacco company in Colorado that advertises they have 2x the nicotine that cope has, wtf.
No Dip Date 1 Feb 11,
No patch date 8 March 11,
Thanks guys stay dip free,
The important thing is you are now "clean"...The point about patches is you were, what 34 days into not dipping and you had to endure the same withdrawal that we did, but ours was finished 34 days before yours. In other words, you made your quit harder by drawing it out. Now it's you and your quit, no nic...It's going to take resolve and "balls" from here on out. Post roll FIRST thing and promise everyone here that nicotine in any form is off the table for that day. Listen to those with many months/years under their belt. Don't try to reinvent the program. Take accountability seriously. You will beat this one day at a time.

Congratulations on your quit and Welcome!


Offline Rsauce74

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Re: Quitting this time for sure
« Reply #16 on: March 09, 2011, 03:06:00 AM »
Sorry it took so long to post again,
Well I went without the patch the first time for about 16 hours didnt go so well. Almost went and had a chew so went back on the patch to finish up my step down process. Well Today it is the 9th of March and I am about 30 hours with no patch. Havent had a chew in over 36 days. So I'm gettin there.
I want to post roll call, but I am not sure where I post at or if someone else posts me. I am ready and lets do this.
BTW you guys can be jerks (after everyone found out I was on the patch) but I understand the no nic rule, but I guess thats what I needed. I think the umteen replies about no nicotine now may have been a extreme. I think I needed to do patch and finish up that way because that is what I had planned in the beginning. Making the plan took alot of effort on my part and I had my heart already set on what I was doing. Once I tried to change it it seemed like I was making excuses to going back to dipping. Some of you may say "grow some nuts and quit now" "real men can quit without the help", pffft I don't give a fuck im off the shit now.
I am definately going through a little depression, no fog, but no motivation to do anything else but quit. Everyones comments, information, stories ect here was a huge help in the past days I have read and reread alot of comments. There is alot of good info about quitting what to expect and how to deal with it. I do appreciate all the positive input on quitting. You all have been good roll models. I get pissed off more and more that I read about the chewing companies. I think I read somewhere there is an independent tobacco company in Colorado that advertises they have 2x the nicotine that cope has, wtf.
No Dip Date 1 Feb 11,
No patch date 8 March 11,
Thanks guys stay dip free,

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Re: Quitting this time for sure
« Reply #15 on: February 03, 2011, 12:47:00 PM »
Quote from: Rsauce74
I am going to give this 24 hours before I post roll call I got this shit though. This is the first time out of 4 times I am not freaking out. I cut down for about two weeks and went from my copenhagen, to skoal longcut, to red man leaf and told myself im not buyin anymore of this stuff. I saw a spitter one of my guys had today and made me gag actually. I have a good feelin about this and with you guys here to talk to I really appreciate it. I stocked up on seeds, mints, and gum. If god is willing ill see you on roll call tomorrow guys.

bud you can do it!! One thing that also helps or helped me was cinnamon sticks you can buy at a health food joint. But seeds and gum are great. Trust me I quit cold turkey and many others have as well. You can do it!! Just think to yourself I never want to go through this feeling again of withdrawals and shit. So man up and quit and stay quit. I'm around construction guys everyday cuz that's my profession. Guys dip left and right. I'm on day 20 and the smell of that nasty shit makes me sick. Just hang in there and things will get easier. Just stay the quit course.

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Re: Quitting this time for sure
« Reply #14 on: February 02, 2011, 04:34:00 PM »
Atta boy rsauce! Way to kick the bitch. Welcome to the suck, the happiest (safest) place on earth. Ton of active and prior military on the site to shoot the shit with too.

You got this man, one day at a time.
Freedom - 8 January 2011
HOF Date - 17 April 2011, 2nd Floor - 26 July 2011, 3rd Floor - 3 November 2011, 4th Floor - 11 February 2012

How bad do you want to quit? - posted by NOLAQ
"I'm an F-18 nic bitch, and I'll destroy you in the air." - The Sheen

"The truth, when you finally chase it down, is almost always far worse than your darkest visions and fears." - Hunter S. Thompson

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Re: Quitting this time for sure
« Reply #13 on: February 02, 2011, 04:03:00 PM »
Quote from: Rsauce74
Rough crowd, guess I came to the wrong place for sympathy. Alright I took my patch off four hours ago. No problems so far. I was pretty damn proud I was able to not put shit in my mouth for two days. I was a huge asshole my first day, I stopped dipping and was using the patch. But I understand everyones point , don't prolong the suffering and commit 100 percent. Well here goes. 'bang head'
Everybody on this site wants to help you. Screw sympathy, man. You need accountability. You need to post your word for all of us that you won't use nicotine today. Don't worry about tomorrow. Just give your word today and do whatever it takes to keep nicotine out of your body. Then get up tomorrow and do the same.

If NRT worked and made quitting easy, this site wouldn't exist. I'd stroke a huge check if I could make the desire to use tobacco go away forever. Don't start thinking about never having another dip. The thought still terrifies me. Just tell yourself that you are not going to be a slave to nicotine today. Then get up tomorrow and post roll before the nic bitch has you second guessing your quit. And she will. There are lots of folks on here who have put thousands of consecutive days of quit together by fighting the war a day at a time.

Welcome. I'm proud to be quit with you.

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Re: Quitting this time for sure
« Reply #12 on: February 02, 2011, 03:51:00 PM »
That a way, Rsauce!!! Cold turkey is for bad asses that want to quit. Patches are for excuse-makers and people who do not have the resolve to stay quit.

You're a bad ass.

Offline Rsauce74

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Re: Quitting this time for sure
« Reply #11 on: February 02, 2011, 03:50:00 PM »
I am going to give this 24 hours before I post roll call I got this shit though. This is the first time out of 4 times I am not freaking out. I cut down for about two weeks and went from my copenhagen, to skoal longcut, to red man leaf and told myself im not buyin anymore of this stuff. I saw a spitter one of my guys had today and made me gag actually. I have a good feelin about this and with you guys here to talk to I really appreciate it. I stocked up on seeds, mints, and gum. If god is willing ill see you on roll call tomorrow guys.


Offline andrew

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Re: Quitting this time for sure
« Reply #10 on: February 02, 2011, 03:42:00 PM »
I chewed Nic gum for months when I was trying to quit smoking years ago, I suffered withdrawal through most of that time, then I just went right back to smoking. In my life NRT wasn't worth shit. I didn't try to quit again until a month ago. I quit cold turkey, like everyone else here, and I'm 31 days off the NIC and finally starting to feel like myself again. You can do it. Those first few days will be the worst, but it's completely worth it. Stay strong, kick it in the face.

There are a number of military guys here (read: Army), myself being one of them. Hootie in the May group is as well, and he'd probably be a good contact for you once you post roll and establish your quit.
QUIT 01/03/11
HOF 04/12/11


Offline Rsauce74

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Re: Quitting this time for sure
« Reply #9 on: February 02, 2011, 03:15:00 PM »
Rough crowd, guess I came to the wrong place for sympathy. Alright I took my patch off four hours ago. No problems so far. I was pretty damn proud I was able to not put shit in my mouth for two days. I was a huge asshole my first day, I stopped dipping and was using the patch. But I understand everyones point , don't prolong the suffering and commit 100 percent. Well here goes. 'bang head'

Offline tarpon17

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Re: Quitting this time for sure
« Reply #8 on: February 02, 2011, 11:06:00 AM »
look around sauce, there's many, many, many guys that have quit just like you. We've all felt like you do and we all wake up and quit everyday. If we can do it, so can you.
