Author Topic: It's time  (Read 1258 times)

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Offline NP1990

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Re: It's time
« Reply #10 on: February 06, 2014, 10:54:00 PM »
ok, thanks guys

Offline slug.go

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Re: It's time
« Reply #9 on: February 06, 2014, 10:27:00 PM »
Quote from: NP1990
Quote from: humbledteacher

I can relate to your story.  What started off small has grown and now you know that you need to give it up for good.  Use KTC as an accountability tool and try to get involved with your May 14 Quit Group.  Pinched gave you the essentials. 

Seeds, beef jerky, and atomic fireballs worked for me.  They kept my mouth occupied.  Also, if you start feeling on edge--exercise.  Get that adrenaline pumping. 

Welcome to KTC, brother!  Make sure to check your inbox (top righthand side of your screen) for some messages from people that want to support your quit (you will have one from me).
Just an update

It went very well today. Much better than I thought at first. Hardest times were during designated times of the day that I usually chewed. Hour after work starts, lunch, afternoon break. Then the usual times after work while back at home.
Still chew free, and feeling healthy. No "fog"?, headaches, and (or) dizzyness today. I feel just like I always do. Now I'm just gonna have to stay to the course.

my number is EDITED if anyone has a concern or advice.

NP, EDIT your post and take your phone number out. Not a KTC issue, a personal privacy/security issue. May the Quit be with you!
Quit since 1/23/14

Offline Wt57

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Re: It's time
« Reply #8 on: February 06, 2014, 10:24:00 PM »
Not a good idea to put your number out there in a public place. You can edit it out or one of the mod's can do it.
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
7/9/12: HOF The Missing Warning Label
TODAY is the day that counts
"Do, or do not, there is no try." Yoda

Offline NP1990

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Re: It's time
« Reply #7 on: February 06, 2014, 10:14:00 PM »
Quote from: humbledteacher

I can relate to your story.  What started off small has grown and now you know that you need to give it up for good.  Use KTC as an accountability tool and try to get involved with your May 14 Quit Group.  Pinched gave you the essentials. 

Seeds, beef jerky, and atomic fireballs worked for me.  They kept my mouth occupied.  Also, if you start feeling on edge--exercise.  Get that adrenaline pumping. 

Welcome to KTC, brother!  Make sure to check your inbox (top righthand side of your screen) for some messages from people that want to support your quit (you will have one from me).
Just an update

It went very well today. Much better than I thought at first. Hardest times were during designated times of the day that I usually chewed. Hour after work starts, lunch, afternoon break. Then the usual times after work while back at home.
Still chew free, and feeling healthy. No "fog"?, headaches, and (or) dizzyness today. I feel just like I always do. Now I'm just gonna have to stay to the course.



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Re: It's time
« Reply #6 on: February 06, 2014, 09:33:00 AM »

I can relate to your story. What started off small has grown and now you know that you need to give it up for good. Use KTC as an accountability tool and try to get involved with your May 14 Quit Group. Pinched gave you the essentials.

Seeds, beef jerky, and atomic fireballs worked for me. They kept my mouth occupied. Also, if you start feeling on edge--exercise. Get that adrenaline pumping.

Welcome to KTC, brother! Make sure to check your inbox (top righthand side of your screen) for some messages from people that want to support your quit (you will have one from me).
Quit Date: 11/23/13

Offline Canvasback

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Re: It's time
« Reply #5 on: February 06, 2014, 09:28:00 AM »
Drink the kool aid. It tastes good and it will save your life.

By "drink the kool aid", I mean soak up, and buy into, all of the wisdom on this site.

By "taste good," I mean the benefits of being quit abound.

I mean "save your life" quite literally. This is a fight for your life, and understanding that is critical.
James 1:2-8

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Re: It's time
« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2014, 08:56:00 AM »
NP, great choice to quit, and also to come here!

Pinched took the time to lay out the road-map for you; I suggest you start by hitting all the links he left you. Read everything on KTC because all the knowledge you need to be quit is here.

You are correct that it does get so much better, but it may take longer than a month. Don't worry about that though just get through the day. PM me if you need anything.

Offline cactusem

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Re: It's time
« Reply #3 on: February 06, 2014, 07:41:00 AM »
Hi NP - Quit for you. Quit one day at time. Not for money, not for a month, not for your brother. Just quit today and then the next day and then the next day. There is no end - no end where when something happens you will chew again. You are quit for today...and then again tomorrow. Each day the resolve is stronger. Alternative chew has sure helped me. You might look into trying it. Right now we are kicking nicotine...later we can kick the gotta-have something-in-my-mouth habit.

Offline Pinched

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Re: It's time
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2014, 06:52:00 PM »
First of all welcome to KTC. I wish someone would have bet you $10,000 because my guess is that you would have worked at being quit for life. I sure as shit would be because I know my life is worth well more than $10K. Remember to take things one day at a time, never ever focus on tomorrow or next week, fight hourly at first, then daily.

Urges and cravings will come and go, rage may become a factor as well. You may notice that your body will change some good, some bad. Read up on that stuff here, those who have walked the trail before you can help guide you through things when you need it.

Now learn how to post roll How to Post Roll.

Then join your quit group Pre HOF May 2014, this will be the month at which you will hit your HOF or 100 days of quit, as long as you have the balls to quit.

Next read the HOF speeches and stories here, learn from the veterans. Look in the site for all kind of information like Spousal Support or What to Expect

Find an alternative to dip Smokeless Alternatives. Find other alternatives (candies, seeds, peanuts, beef jerky...). Also drink lots of water. Bump your intake so you have to stop at every urinal in order to not piss your pants.

Another thing I do is when I get a craving, I start doing push-ups until the crave goes away.

Finally, get to know people, exchange phone numbers, make friends and quit. I also have a beautiful wife and kids, which only pisses me off when I look at the photo albums and see a chunk of nasty weed in my mouth in all of them.

P.S. all of the above underlined words are links to different areas on KTC that should help you get started.

"If you want to quit then stop talking and just QUIT. If you want to kill yourself a bullet is cheaper and faster than a tin, plus it eliminates my hearing you whine and cry like a bitch."

Best thing I have read on KTC...Submitted by tgafish on 7/3/14

Former Skoal Straight and Cope Longcut user that started at the age of 12. QUIT on 7/15/13

Offline NP1990

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It's time
« on: February 05, 2014, 06:39:00 PM »
Hello all,
Yes, I have reached that point with chew. I have been chewing since 16 with the exception of 2.5 years that I just up and quit. I just turned 24 on the 1st of Feb. It hasn't seemed to me to be that long, until I write it out and count the years.
As I said, I quit for about 2.5 years, without any hiccups during those 2.5 years. I quit along with my younger brother where we had a bet of who stay away the longest. The loser would pay $100 if they caved. It was a very rewarding experience and I just remember thinking the whole time that it wasn't that big of a deal. It was difficult for the first month I would say, but after that it became increasingly easier.
My first time quitting I remember feeling the same way that I feel now. I can hardly keep a dip in for more than about 10-15 minutes. My mouth becomes so dry after that I can't develop much spit. The taste is becoming repulsive to me, just as before, but nonetheless I put up with it and keep buying cans and using them. I use roughly 4 cans a week, for as long as I chewed. Sometimes when I remove the wad in my lip, I gag taking it out. For me, the time to spit the thing out comes when I get that gagging feeling, a dry mouth and throat feeling, and not when the dip is finished. I used to never chew at work, only when I got home at night where I would have maybe 3 or so before bed. So I guess I probably used less 5 years ago than I do now. I have always been pretty secretive about the habit, and only a few people know about it. But now, I chew at work, in the car, and in public in certain circumstances. My level of shame for it has certainly changed. I guess I'm so tired of it, and that I've reached the point where I can't hardly even enjoy it, that makes me realize it once again, unfortunately that I HAVE to quit. Especially before severe issues from chew come around.

So cheers 'Popcorn' I'm here to be serious and learn, even if I have to read things that scare me. :unsure:

Also, how to I do the Roll Call thingy?
