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Re: well here goes
« Reply #24 on: December 09, 2014, 11:04:00 PM »
Quote from: Maddox09
Well here I sit at the end of day 9 waiting for a decent time to go to sleep where I can sleep most of tomorrow so I can work nights for the next 2 nights as I have finished my day shifts. I flew through my first roll over but tonight is different. Just sitting here watching tv eating seeds and non stop thinking about my quit. Today was easy but tonight seems to be a challenge. Days were rolling by and now seems to be stuck in traffic. I came on read a bunch of post and started typing. Every post I see I can relate to. This site is an amazing thing, an amazing group full of great people. From the random members writing pm's to the the members fallowing my intro to the members of my group. This is my quit, this is your quit, this is our quit. At first I posted my quit was for my wife and my kids, as it proceeds I realize this quit has to be for me before anyone else, it's me that struggles, it's me that conquers but at the end of the day it will be them that get the result. It has been tough but it's personally rewarding. If anyone reading is in the very early stages of their quit I suggest you hang on and enjoy the shitty ride. Everyday post roll, make a promise and stick to it. Then do it again. Count days and be happy.
Hey man imma be up for a while if ya need someone to text with, pm me.

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Re: well here goes
« Reply #23 on: December 09, 2014, 11:01:00 PM »
Well here I sit at the end of day 9 waiting for a decent time to go to sleep where I can sleep most of tomorrow so I can work nights for the next 2 nights as I have finished my day shifts. I flew through my first roll over but tonight is different. Just sitting here watching tv eating seeds and non stop thinking about my quit. Today was easy but tonight seems to be a challenge. Days were rolling by and now seems to be stuck in traffic. I came on read a bunch of post and started typing. Every post I see I can relate to. This site is an amazing thing, an amazing group full of great people. From the random members writing pm's to the the members fallowing my intro to the members of my group. This is my quit, this is your quit, this is our quit. At first I posted my quit was for my wife and my kids, as it proceeds I realize this quit has to be for me before anyone else, it's me that struggles, it's me that conquers but at the end of the day it will be them that get the result. It has been tough but it's personally rewarding. If anyone reading is in the very early stages of their quit I suggest you hang on and enjoy the shitty ride. Everyday post roll, make a promise and stick to it. Then do it again. Count days and be happy.

Offline Maddox09

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Re: well here goes
« Reply #22 on: December 08, 2014, 08:31:00 PM »
Day 6 and 7. My first full weekend. Xmas party fri night, couple drinks, no pressure no problem. Saturday back home with boys. Lots of drinks, bit of stress but I made through the night. I personally wanted to smash the bottom lip of my best friend but I didn't. Another milestone in my books. Days are getting better.

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Re: well here goes
« Reply #21 on: December 05, 2014, 11:38:00 PM »
Day 5. A good sore mouth. Lol. Over the last 5 days I have done anything and everything to keep my mind off of chewing or keep me occupied enough not to want to chew. My 2nd favorites baseball passion is sunflower seeds. Now mind you I have never eaten sunflower seed for 5 straight days. My mouth is in worst shape now then it was after a 25 hour drive to Florida with 3 buddies who all chewed but it's nicotine free.

Day 1: seasoned whole bag
Day 2: salted most of the bag
Day 3: rest of salted bag, mouth so sore had to eat 1 seed at a time in order to not store them in my mouth. Felt like razor blades.
Day 4 and 5: CRACKED PEPPER, same satisfaction, great taste no salt. Mouth is almost back to normal and can eat more than 1 at a time.

Along with seeds I have pretty much given up on the beers for the time being, I'll attempt when I feel ready for a challenge.
Coffee doesn't seem to trigger me, if anything I have found coffee to keep me busy.
I try to stay away from candy, to much sugar or aspartame, but Was wondering other things I can try to change things up a bit.

Anyway still positive, still happy, still doing well. Today was my 5th day without nicotine, as posted at the start I am a Canadian citizen who spent roughly 20$ per can. A can a day habit = $100.

Day 1: pretty much seemed as I was counting in min to half hours
Days 2 and 3: hours started to go by a little easier
Day 4: 2 pm was a bit hard then it passed
Day 5: the day went by pretty well

I started counted in min now I'm counting money. This is possibly the hardest thing I have my body and my mind through. I have battled addiction before for some serious shit. It was very hard but I have made it 4 years to date, I will never call it a victory because you can never say you have successfully beaten something. It will always be my battle, and this will always be my quit. I do however find this quit harder, it's not the withdrawals, it's not the mind fucks, it's not the pain you think you are going through. I have come to realize this time I'm fighting accessibility the most. I do a lot of driving which has proven to be hard but ever few km or miles there is a store or a gas station with a full shelf. It calls me every time I pass by, I smile, nod and politely say fuck you not this kid.

I stay positive and stay strong, good hours and bad. I must add I am enjoying my quit, the first 3 days were horrible but bad enough I don't want to have to experience them again. Every morning I make a promise, and stick to it. Good night

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Re: well here goes
« Reply #20 on: December 05, 2014, 12:46:00 PM »
Quote from: Grady
I go to sleep waiting to post roll
I like what you're putting down Maddox. Your attitude is right on track. Quit on!
I agree with Grady. Attitude is everything. Good Job

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Re: well here goes
« Reply #19 on: December 05, 2014, 07:17:00 AM »
I go to sleep waiting to post roll
I like what you're putting down Maddox. Your attitude is right on track. Quit on!

Offline Maddox09

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Re: well here goes
« Reply #18 on: December 04, 2014, 09:34:00 PM »
Day 4 is coming to an end and I find myself sitting on the couch with my 3 year old son watching the sandlot without a chew in my mouth. I have seem to notice daily activities that were In fact triggers for my addiction.
Driving- traffic jams and snow storms seem to take forever yesterday
Movies- I watch a lot of baseball movies with my son. But usually that meant sit back and have a chew
Eating- finish this food and throw in a bomb
Working- well might as well have a chew

These are the things I find trigger my want the most so far. I am glad it's freezing cold outside, I'd be losing my shit if it was golf and baseball season. I feel I have made great strides so far, there are things in my life that I know will bother me more than others, all I can do is tackle them 1 at a time. In the grand scheme of things 4 days isn't a long time, but for me it has seemed like a month. I am very proud of myself and proud of my quit. I'm taking this a day at time. I go to sleep waiting to post roll, and I work with the mind set that I'm not alone. I can go home and read words of encouragement or of people's struggles. This site and the members are great. I can only look forward to more nicotine free days.

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Re: well here goes
« Reply #17 on: December 04, 2014, 01:37:00 PM »
Quote from: AppleJack
The combo of quit fog and sleep deprivation turned me into a retarded goob.
This made me laugh! I cant find the "Giggly" emoticon

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Re: well here goes
« Reply #16 on: December 04, 2014, 01:25:00 PM »
Quote from: Maddox09
Day 3 over. A little more driving and a little more work. Didnt sleep the best but still doing good.
Early in my quit, I think the lack of sleep was worse than craves. I was a freakin' zombie. The combo of quit fog and sleep deprivation turned me into a retarded goob.

It'll pass bro. It really will. These things are a small price to pay for the number of years most of us poisoned our body and mind with that awful shit. Be proud of your fight! Each win makes you more badass and... Makes the freedom all the sweeter.
Well, it’s one louder, isn’t it? It’s not ten.

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Re: well here goes
« Reply #15 on: December 04, 2014, 01:16:00 PM »
Keep posting on your intro man, it will be a good read for you in the future. Fucking Skoal in the can with you today.
Some of my fondest and clearest memories are peeing in places that aren't bathrooms.

Offline Maddox09

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Re: well here goes
« Reply #14 on: December 04, 2014, 06:16:00 AM »
Day 3 over. A little more driving and a little more work. Didnt sleep the best but still doing good.

Offline Maddox09

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Re: well here goes
« Reply #13 on: December 03, 2014, 01:04:00 AM »
Day 2- Done.. One my biggest concerns tackled. First night back at work and don't I get stuck in a 2 hour traffic jam. Seeds, gum and bunch of water. Fuck skoal, this is my quit

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Re: well here goes
« Reply #12 on: December 02, 2014, 11:41:00 PM »
Quote from: Grady
Quote from: Thumblewort
Quote from: Maddox09
Day 1- over. Lots of support. Thank you all. Fuck skoal im going to do this
I second that statement - FUCK SKOAL.
Can I get a hell yeah? If I even see an advertisement for that shit, I want to puke. Hang in there Maddox. You WILL do this. By Friday you should be feeling a lot better.
Day 1 is the biggest milestone you can've made a promise to quit for a day and then kept that promise. That's what this site is all about. Now start stacking the days. From here on out You are in control over what goes in your got this.

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Re: well here goes
« Reply #11 on: December 02, 2014, 08:34:00 PM »
Quote from: Thumblewort
Quote from: Maddox09
Day 1- over. Lots of support. Thank you all. Fuck skoal im going to do this
I second that statement - FUCK SKOAL.
Can I get a hell yeah? If I even see an advertisement for that shit, I want to puke. Hang in there Maddox. You WILL do this. By Friday you should be feeling a lot better.

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Re: well here goes
« Reply #10 on: December 02, 2014, 09:52:00 AM »
Quote from: Maddox09
Day 1- over. Lots of support. Thank you all. Fuck skoal im going to do this
I second that statement - FUCK SKOAL.
Some of my fondest and clearest memories are peeing in places that aren't bathrooms.