Author Topic: Tomorrow is the day.  (Read 1028 times)

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Offline JMckay

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Re: Tomorrow is the day.
« Reply #4 on: October 08, 2017, 01:32:00 AM »
The sooner you quit the sooner you'll feel good

Offline Jeff W

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Re: Tomorrow is the day.
« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2017, 04:23:00 PM »
Agreed why put it off until tomorrow? That makes no sense....dump your shit and get to quittin'!

Let's nit pick a bit here. You've never quit before, you've stopped using nicotine. I know it sounds ridiculous but verbiage is important for your mindset. Quitting is hard, but very doable if you subscribe to the KTC method of posting your promise every single day as soon as you wake and keeping that promise for 24hrs. Like I said this is hard, don't worry about a month from now. All you need to worry about at this moment in time is spitting out that cancer dirt, flushing the rest and posting your promise in Jan '18 that you won't use for the remainder of today. Then wake up, piss, and post your promise tomorrow morning that you won't use for 24 hrs.

Get some quit! This site will save your life!

Offline RDB

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Re: Tomorrow is the day.
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2017, 03:05:00 PM »
Quit today. Post your promise in January ‘18. That opens the floodgates of support.

Offline Actuallytmb

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Tomorrow is the day.
« on: October 07, 2017, 01:36:00 PM »
IÂ’ve never joined an online forum in any subject matter, so IÂ’m new to this as well as quitting the chew. IÂ’ve been a 1 can/day user of Copenhagen Wintergreen Pouches for about 5 years. IÂ’ve never attempted quitting the can before, but I smoked cigarettes from 2007-2012 and quit for 6 months before I started chewing, so IÂ’m familiar with the nicotine withdrawal.

I’m at a point in my life where I no longer necessarily enjoy chewing tobacco anymore. I find myself thinking “why am I even putting one in right now” and I’m sure you’ve all had those moments before you decided to quit.

Following the advice IÂ’ve read here, I set a quit date for tomorrow (10/8/17) a couple of weeks ago. Coincidentally, itÂ’s my daughters second birthday. SheÂ’s why I want to quit, because I want to see my children grow up and have babies of their own. But I want to quit for myself more. IÂ’m 25, in great physical shape, I donÂ’t drink or do drugs. I got married 3 months ago, have two bachelors degrees and have an awesome career. My life is in a great spot, but this is the one thing I havenÂ’t been able to kick. But IÂ’m ready.

IÂ’ve written 11/8/17 on the fridge so that my wife knows that any irrational attitude she receives will be gone by that point. I figure if I can get through the first month, I can grind out the rest. I have pretty strong resolve and IÂ’d like to think I can accomplish anything I attempt, but some of the stuff IÂ’ve read sounds pretty horrendous.

So, in closing, IÂ’d like your own pieces of advice on what works and has worked best for yÂ’all. I would appreciate it so much. Thank you in advance!

Cheers to quitting, accomplishing whatever we decide we want, and being better men for it. IÂ’m sure IÂ’ll be back in a few days to b*tch about this.
