Author Topic: MarkÂ’s first intro speech  (Read 1408 times)

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Re: MarkÂ’s first intro speech
« Reply #10 on: September 07, 2018, 07:19:00 PM »

Offline Doofus

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Re: MarkÂ’s first intro speech
« Reply #9 on: August 23, 2018, 10:24:00 AM »
Getting close to un chartered quit waters.....never been past 7 months in 30 years....222 qlf

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Re: MarkÂ’s first intro speech
« Reply #8 on: July 31, 2018, 06:52:00 PM »
Double Wupp time for 200, proud to be quit wit u

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Re: MarkÂ’s first intro speech
« Reply #7 on: July 25, 2018, 12:35:00 PM »
Damn proud of you Mark, you look good on the second floor my brother. On to 300 ODAAT!!!!

Congrats on the milestone.
Be humble... grow everyday.

I fear I will always be chasing the vortex like a drug. None will be as special as my first hit.


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Re: MarkÂ’s first intro speech
« Reply #6 on: April 08, 2018, 09:45:00 AM »
Hey Mark,

Just saw this. You are an old fart but younger than me!

You should be close to your 100 days now. I know you are staying strong in your quit.

Even though you have made great progress I will stay share my words of wisdom:

The main way to be successful is to just decide that you have quit. Once you stop the negotiating in your head as to whether you will do one more or not the rest becomes far more simple.

Next, you will learn to distract your attention from your desire for a dip to anything else that interests you. This ability to change your focus will guarantee your success and make your quit that much easier.

When you place a dip in your mouth, your brain releases sugars. Well, those sugars are now going to be gone.

However, you can replace them with OJ or other fruit juices with sugar. This will provide some comfort, especially on your initial quit days.

Make sure to exercise with weights and cardio when you feel that nagging tension in your muscles, you feel that rage, when you can not sleep and when you cannot focus. Exercise really helps.

Here is one that most people overlook. Get at least 3 square meals a day. Hunger can really bring on those urges so squash those urges before they come. Eat full healthy meals and do not let yourself get excessively hungry. You will see this helps a great deal.

I waited until I was 59 quit after using tobacco for 40 years. You are wise to quit now.

I quit with you today.

Dundippin day 937

Offline Mack213

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Re: MarkÂ’s first intro speech
« Reply #5 on: April 07, 2018, 12:54:00 PM »
Quote from: Kybo
Quote from: Eric71
Quote from: pky1520
Quote from: Mark
Well hey folks out there in quitterville. My name is Mark Enstrom, IÂ’m 54 years old and started
dipping when I was 12 years of age. ThatÂ’s 42 straight fucking years that I am not the least
bit proud of. During my 42 years of being a slave to nicotine I went through 2.5 years of wearing braces at my parents expense. Realizing that wearing braces was not going to make me quit dipping, I felt as if I was flushing my parents money right down the drain. When I turned 21 years old, still dipping, now I was at the legal age to start drinking alcohol and dammit did I love my alcohol. After hooked bad on drinking I started smoking cigarettes taking truckers speed, over thirty pills per day I took just so I could be wide awake every night I went out and partied . So having dipping, heavy drinking, smoking, and popping pills in my everyday life that seemed like that was the only thing keeping me going, I later realized that this shit has got ahold of me and it ainÂ’t wanting to turn loose of me any time soon not to mention the health issues that were coming with all this. After having 3 DUIÂ’S under my belt, my body feeling like shit all the time, a woman came into my life which was a plus . At age 33 I got married and still doing the same things as mentioned above. In 1999 35 years old something inside of me was telling me , if you donÂ’t knock this bullshit out now, you wonÂ’t live long enough to even consider writing about your fucked up adventure. On my 35th birthday party, little did I know that that was going to be the last time I ever had a drop of alcohol . The secret, fucking cold ass turkey is what happened and slowly weened myself off them damn uppers. A month after quitting drinking, I put the crosshairs on them nasty ass filthy cigarettes that IÂ’ve been smoking for 10 years. How I quit smoking, well with me, it was a brand spanken new pickup truck. If I went on a long trip with it and I needed a cigarette , IÂ’d pull off the road or into a rest area to do my smoking. I enjoyed the smell of the interior of a new vehicle more than I did the cigarette smoke and their was no fucking way I was getting rid of a good thing. Finally got tired of having to pull over every time I wanted a smoke and I would start to put on more miles between smoke breaks, finally I told myself, screw this shit , if I can go this long w/ o a smoke that tells me that I can do without the shit, and there again a month after quitting drinking I quit the smoking and by this time I was done with the pill popping.
That following Thanksgiving Day I got a call on the phone from my sister in Florida telling me that dad has passed away whom also lived in FL. I was living in South Dakota at the time . My dads life had been taken by the damn cigarettes that he smoked most of his life. Yeah it sucks not seeing your parents last days here on earth, but I thanked the man above for me making the right decision not to smoke anymore. So 19 years has passed and I am still confronted with the habit that IÂ’ve done the longest.( fucking dipping). January 7th 2018 I made me a promise to quit dipping . About a week before I quit I was checking out KTC. and thought this could be my ticket of living free from nicotine once and for all. My quit day came, and as usual cold ass turkey and the best support and help from this site has kept me on a straight and narrow path of 90 days quit so far . Thanks to all who have supported me as well as others. Remember we are one big ass fucking family and no one can take that away from any of us!!! STAY QUIT BROTHERS AND SISTERS . ??
Congrats on your 90 days and getting your life in order!
The journey to get here should galvanize your quit, I know it reinforces mine. Thanks for sharing. Remember, the HOF is only one step on the way to a lifetime of quitting.
I am proud to share my quit day with you! LetÂ’s keep quitting one day at a time.

You have balls of steel my friend. Thanks for sharing, and I'll quit with you today, one day at a time, forever bud.

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Re: MarkÂ’s first intro speech
« Reply #4 on: April 07, 2018, 10:54:00 AM »
Quote from: Eric71
Quote from: pky1520
Quote from: Mark
Well hey folks out there in quitterville. My name is Mark Enstrom, IÂ’m 54 years old and started
dipping when I was 12 years of age. ThatÂ’s 42 straight fucking years that I am not the least
bit proud of. During my 42 years of being a slave to nicotine I went through 2.5 years of wearing braces at my parents expense. Realizing that wearing braces was not going to make me quit dipping, I felt as if I was flushing my parents money right down the drain. When I turned 21 years old, still dipping, now I was at the legal age to start drinking alcohol and dammit did I love my alcohol. After hooked bad on drinking I started smoking cigarettes taking truckers speed, over thirty pills per day I took just so I could be wide awake every night I went out and partied . So having dipping, heavy drinking, smoking, and popping pills in my everyday life that seemed like that was the only thing keeping me going, I later realized that this shit has got ahold of me and it ainÂ’t wanting to turn loose of me any time soon not to mention the health issues that were coming with all this. After having 3 DUIÂ’S under my belt, my body feeling like shit all the time, a woman came into my life which was a plus . At age 33 I got married and still doing the same things as mentioned above. In 1999 35 years old something inside of me was telling me , if you donÂ’t knock this bullshit out now, you wonÂ’t live long enough to even consider writing about your fucked up adventure. On my 35th birthday party, little did I know that that was going to be the last time I ever had a drop of alcohol . The secret, fucking cold ass turkey is what happened and slowly weened myself off them damn uppers. A month after quitting drinking, I put the crosshairs on them nasty ass filthy cigarettes that IÂ’ve been smoking for 10 years. How I quit smoking, well with me, it was a brand spanken new pickup truck. If I went on a long trip with it and I needed a cigarette , IÂ’d pull off the road or into a rest area to do my smoking. I enjoyed the smell of the interior of a new vehicle more than I did the cigarette smoke and their was no fucking way I was getting rid of a good thing. Finally got tired of having to pull over every time I wanted a smoke and I would start to put on more miles between smoke breaks, finally I told myself, screw this shit , if I can go this long w/ o a smoke that tells me that I can do without the shit, and there again a month after quitting drinking I quit the smoking and by this time I was done with the pill popping.
That following Thanksgiving Day I got a call on the phone from my sister in Florida telling me that dad has passed away whom also lived in FL. I was living in South Dakota at the time . My dads life had been taken by the damn cigarettes that he smoked most of his life. Yeah it sucks not seeing your parents last days here on earth, but I thanked the man above for me making the right decision not to smoke anymore. So 19 years has passed and I am still confronted with the habit that IÂ’ve done the longest.( fucking dipping). January 7th 2018 I made me a promise to quit dipping . About a week before I quit I was checking out KTC. and thought this could be my ticket of living free from nicotine once and for all. My quit day came, and as usual cold ass turkey and the best support and help from this site has kept me on a straight and narrow path of 90 days quit so far . Thanks to all who have supported me as well as others. Remember we are one big ass fucking family and no one can take that away from any of us!!! STAY QUIT BROTHERS AND SISTERS . ??
Congrats on your 90 days and getting your life in order!
The journey to get here should galvanize your quit, I know it reinforces mine. Thanks for sharing. Remember, the HOF is only one step on the way to a lifetime of quitting.
I am proud to share my quit day with you! LetÂ’s keep quitting one day at a time.

"No regrets, that's my motto. That and everybody Wang Chung tonight."
"That's what's great about the outdoors, you know. It's one giant toilet."
"i thought I could stay at the party forever, it don't work that way, cause that shit will kill ya" -- Stevie Ray Vaughan

HOF date: 4/16/182nd Floor: 7/25/183rd Floor: 11/02/184th Floor: 2/10/195th Floor: 5/21/196th Floor: 8/19/197th Floor: 12/7/198th Floor: 3/16/209th Floor: 6/24/2010th Floor: 10/02/2011th Floor: 1/10/2112th Floor: 4/20/2113th Floor: 7/29/2114th Floor: 11/7/2115th Floor:  2/14/2216th Floor:  5/25/2217th Floor:  9/2/2218th Floor:  12/11/2219th Floor:  3/21/23

Offline eric71

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Re: MarkÂ’s first intro speech
« Reply #3 on: April 07, 2018, 08:18:00 AM »
Quote from: pky1520
Quote from: Mark
Well hey folks out there in quitterville. My name is Mark Enstrom, IÂ’m 54 years old and started
dipping when I was 12 years of age. ThatÂ’s 42 straight fucking years that I am not the least
bit proud of. During my 42 years of being a slave to nicotine I went through 2.5 years of wearing braces at my parents expense. Realizing that wearing braces was not going to make me quit dipping, I felt as if I was flushing my parents money right down the drain. When I turned 21 years old, still dipping, now I was at the legal age to start drinking alcohol and dammit did I love my alcohol. After hooked bad on drinking I started smoking cigarettes taking truckers speed, over thirty pills per day I took just so I could be wide awake every night I went out and partied . So having dipping, heavy drinking, smoking, and popping pills in my everyday life that seemed like that was the only thing keeping me going, I later realized that this shit has got ahold of me and it ainÂ’t wanting to turn loose of me any time soon not to mention the health issues that were coming with all this. After having 3 DUIÂ’S under my belt, my body feeling like shit all the time, a woman came into my life which was a plus . At age 33 I got married and still doing the same things as mentioned above. In 1999 35 years old something inside of me was telling me , if you donÂ’t knock this bullshit out now, you wonÂ’t live long enough to even consider writing about your fucked up adventure. On my 35th birthday party, little did I know that that was going to be the last time I ever had a drop of alcohol . The secret, fucking cold ass turkey is what happened and slowly weened myself off them damn uppers. A month after quitting drinking, I put the crosshairs on them nasty ass filthy cigarettes that IÂ’ve been smoking for 10 years. How I quit smoking, well with me, it was a brand spanken new pickup truck. If I went on a long trip with it and I needed a cigarette , IÂ’d pull off the road or into a rest area to do my smoking. I enjoyed the smell of the interior of a new vehicle more than I did the cigarette smoke and their was no fucking way I was getting rid of a good thing. Finally got tired of having to pull over every time I wanted a smoke and I would start to put on more miles between smoke breaks, finally I told myself, screw this shit , if I can go this long w/ o a smoke that tells me that I can do without the shit, and there again a month after quitting drinking I quit the smoking and by this time I was done with the pill popping.
That following Thanksgiving Day I got a call on the phone from my sister in Florida telling me that dad has passed away whom also lived in FL. I was living in South Dakota at the time . My dads life had been taken by the damn cigarettes that he smoked most of his life. Yeah it sucks not seeing your parents last days here on earth, but I thanked the man above for me making the right decision not to smoke anymore. So 19 years has passed and I am still confronted with the habit that IÂ’ve done the longest.( fucking dipping). January 7th 2018 I made me a promise to quit dipping . About a week before I quit I was checking out KTC. and thought this could be my ticket of living free from nicotine once and for all. My quit day came, and as usual cold ass turkey and the best support and help from this site has kept me on a straight and narrow path of 90 days quit so far . Thanks to all who have supported me as well as others. Remember we are one big ass fucking family and no one can take that away from any of us!!! STAY QUIT BROTHERS AND SISTERS . ??
Congrats on your 90 days and getting your life in order!
The journey to get here should galvanize your quit, I know it reinforces mine. Thanks for sharing. Remember, the HOF is only one step on the way to a lifetime of quitting.

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Re: MarkÂ’s first intro speech
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2018, 05:50:00 AM »
Quote from: Mark
Well hey folks out there in quitterville. My name is Mark Enstrom, IÂ’m 54 years old and started
dipping when I was 12 years of age. ThatÂ’s 42 straight fucking years that I am not the least
bit proud of. During my 42 years of being a slave to nicotine I went through 2.5 years of wearing braces at my parents expense. Realizing that wearing braces was not going to make me quit dipping, I felt as if I was flushing my parents money right down the drain. When I turned 21 years old, still dipping, now I was at the legal age to start drinking alcohol and dammit did I love my alcohol. After hooked bad on drinking I started smoking cigarettes taking truckers speed, over thirty pills per day I took just so I could be wide awake every night I went out and partied . So having dipping, heavy drinking, smoking, and popping pills in my everyday life that seemed like that was the only thing keeping me going, I later realized that this shit has got ahold of me and it ainÂ’t wanting to turn loose of me any time soon not to mention the health issues that were coming with all this. After having 3 DUIÂ’S under my belt, my body feeling like shit all the time, a woman came into my life which was a plus . At age 33 I got married and still doing the same things as mentioned above. In 1999 35 years old something inside of me was telling me , if you donÂ’t knock this bullshit out now, you wonÂ’t live long enough to even consider writing about your fucked up adventure. On my 35th birthday party, little did I know that that was going to be the last time I ever had a drop of alcohol . The secret, fucking cold ass turkey is what happened and slowly weened myself off them damn uppers. A month after quitting drinking, I put the crosshairs on them nasty ass filthy cigarettes that IÂ’ve been smoking for 10 years. How I quit smoking, well with me, it was a brand spanken new pickup truck. If I went on a long trip with it and I needed a cigarette , IÂ’d pull off the road or into a rest area to do my smoking. I enjoyed the smell of the interior of a new vehicle more than I did the cigarette smoke and their was no fucking way I was getting rid of a good thing. Finally got tired of having to pull over every time I wanted a smoke and I would start to put on more miles between smoke breaks, finally I told myself, screw this shit , if I can go this long w/ o a smoke that tells me that I can do without the shit, and there again a month after quitting drinking I quit the smoking and by this time I was done with the pill popping.
That following Thanksgiving Day I got a call on the phone from my sister in Florida telling me that dad has passed away whom also lived in FL. I was living in South Dakota at the time . My dads life had been taken by the damn cigarettes that he smoked most of his life. Yeah it sucks not seeing your parents last days here on earth, but I thanked the man above for me making the right decision not to smoke anymore. So 19 years has passed and I am still confronted with the habit that IÂ’ve done the longest.( fucking dipping). January 7th 2018 I made me a promise to quit dipping . About a week before I quit I was checking out KTC. and thought this could be my ticket of living free from nicotine once and for all. My quit day came, and as usual cold ass turkey and the best support and help from this site has kept me on a straight and narrow path of 90 days quit so far . Thanks to all who have supported me as well as others. Remember we are one big ass fucking family and no one can take that away from any of us!!! STAY QUIT BROTHERS AND SISTERS . ??
Congrats on your 90 days and getting your life in order!

Offline Mark Enstrom

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MarkÂ’s first intro speech
« on: April 07, 2018, 12:10:00 AM »
Well hey folks out there in quitterville. My name is Mark Enstrom, IÂ’m 54 years old and started
dipping when I was 12 years of age. ThatÂ’s 42 straight fucking years that I am not the least
bit proud of. During my 42 years of being a slave to nicotine I went through 2.5 years of wearing braces at my parents expense. Realizing that wearing braces was not going to make me quit dipping, I felt as if I was flushing my parents money right down the drain. When I turned 21 years old, still dipping, now I was at the legal age to start drinking alcohol and dammit did I love my alcohol. After hooked bad on drinking I started smoking cigarettes taking truckers speed, over thirty pills per day I took just so I could be wide awake every night I went out and partied . So having dipping, heavy drinking, smoking, and popping pills in my everyday life that seemed like that was the only thing keeping me going, I later realized that this shit has got ahold of me and it ainÂ’t wanting to turn loose of me any time soon not to mention the health issues that were coming with all this. After having 3 DUIÂ’S under my belt, my body feeling like shit all the time, a woman came into my life which was a plus . At age 33 I got married and still doing the same things as mentioned above. In 1999 35 years old something inside of me was telling me , if you donÂ’t knock this bullshit out now, you wonÂ’t live long enough to even consider writing about your fucked up adventure. On my 35th birthday party, little did I know that that was going to be the last time I ever had a drop of alcohol . The secret, fucking cold ass turkey is what happened and slowly weened myself off them damn uppers. A month after quitting drinking, I put the crosshairs on them nasty ass filthy cigarettes that IÂ’ve been smoking for 10 years. How I quit smoking, well with me, it was a brand spanken new pickup truck. If I went on a long trip with it and I needed a cigarette , IÂ’d pull off the road or into a rest area to do my smoking. I enjoyed the smell of the interior of a new vehicle more than I did the cigarette smoke and their was no fucking way I was getting rid of a good thing. Finally got tired of having to pull over every time I wanted a smoke and I would start to put on more miles between smoke breaks, finally I told myself, screw this shit , if I can go this long w/ o a smoke that tells me that I can do without the shit, and there again a month after quitting drinking I quit the smoking and by this time I was done with the pill popping.
That following Thanksgiving Day I got a call on the phone from my sister in Florida telling me that dad has passed away whom also lived in FL. I was living in South Dakota at the time . My dads life had been taken by the damn cigarettes that he smoked most of his life. Yeah it sucks not seeing your parents last days here on earth, but I thanked the man above for me making the right decision not to smoke anymore. So 19 years has passed and I am still confronted with the habit that IÂ’ve done the longest.( fucking dipping). January 7th 2018 I made me a promise to quit dipping . About a week before I quit I was checking out KTC. and thought this could be my ticket of living free from nicotine once and for all. My quit day came, and as usual cold ass turkey and the best support and help from this site has kept me on a straight and narrow path of 90 days quit so far . Thanks to all who have supported me as well as others. Remember we are one big ass fucking family and no one can take that away from any of us!!! STAY QUIT BROTHERS AND SISTERS . ??