Author Topic: New quitter!  (Read 1102 times)

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Re: New quitter!
« Reply #7 on: February 03, 2015, 04:05:00 PM »
Quote from: dtgorrell
Quote from: Awkwood15
Welcome Thomas. I know it's lame to copy and paste but what I posted up on Max's intro goes for you too.

If you have any sort of nicotine in your presence, it needs to be destroyed and disposed of immediately. If you have dip, flush it. If you have gum, patches, or whatever else trash it and get it out of the house. The next few days will definitely be a test of will power and determination. The important thing to remember is that no matter what the nicbitch says (the voice inside you that talks you into caving) you must resist. Know that she's upset that you're leaving and she will throw everything she has at you to get you to come back. She doesn't care about you. She just want you to have your fix so she can sink her claws even deeper into you. Focusing on working out helped me out too as well as pounding down endless amounts of water. A fellow quitter told me early on that if I can walk passed a bathroom without stopping to piss I'm not drinking enough.

Get with your quit group, which is pre-hof May I believe, and post roll. Posting roll is your promise not to use nicotine in any form for 24 hours. Go to the welcome center and get acquainted with the site and all the to do's. If you need any further assistance don't hesitate to ask. Use this introduction thread as a journal of sorts and post up about your quit and ask for advice. Read up on other peoples introductions and browse the other quit groups to get a good idea of what you're in for. Don't get discouraged though. We're all addicts just like you but I assure you it does get better with every passing day. Reach out and we're here for you. Embrace the suck and you got this! One day at a time (ODAAT), every damn day (EDD), and get it solid in your head right now you will use nicotine never again for any reason (NAFAR). I quit with you today!
Thank you! No nicotine products whatsoever for me. Only smokey mountain if I have to or sugar free orbit gum! I know I can beat this addiction!
Hell yes you can. If I can do it anybody can. You keep kicking nic's ass.


Offline dtgorrell

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Re: New quitter!
« Reply #6 on: February 03, 2015, 01:57:00 PM »
Quote from: Awkwood15
Welcome Thomas. I know it's lame to copy and paste but what I posted up on Max's intro goes for you too.

If you have any sort of nicotine in your presence, it needs to be destroyed and disposed of immediately. If you have dip, flush it. If you have gum, patches, or whatever else trash it and get it out of the house. The next few days will definitely be a test of will power and determination. The important thing to remember is that no matter what the nicbitch says (the voice inside you that talks you into caving) you must resist. Know that she's upset that you're leaving and she will throw everything she has at you to get you to come back. She doesn't care about you. She just want you to have your fix so she can sink her claws even deeper into you. Focusing on working out helped me out too as well as pounding down endless amounts of water. A fellow quitter told me early on that if I can walk passed a bathroom without stopping to piss I'm not drinking enough.

Get with your quit group, which is pre-hof May I believe, and post roll. Posting roll is your promise not to use nicotine in any form for 24 hours. Go to the welcome center and get acquainted with the site and all the to do's. If you need any further assistance don't hesitate to ask. Use this introduction thread as a journal of sorts and post up about your quit and ask for advice. Read up on other peoples introductions and browse the other quit groups to get a good idea of what you're in for. Don't get discouraged though. We're all addicts just like you but I assure you it does get better with every passing day. Reach out and we're here for you. Embrace the suck and you got this! One day at a time (ODAAT), every damn day (EDD), and get it solid in your head right now you will use nicotine never again for any reason (NAFAR). I quit with you today!
Thank you! No nicotine products whatsoever for me. Only smokey mountain if I have to or sugar free orbit gum! I know I can beat this addiction!
The quit is strong in this one

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Re: New quitter!
« Reply #5 on: February 03, 2015, 01:49:00 PM »
Welcome Thomas. I know it's lame to copy and paste but what I posted up on Max's intro goes for you too.

If you have any sort of nicotine in your presence, it needs to be destroyed and disposed of immediately. If you have dip, flush it. If you have gum, patches, or whatever else trash it and get it out of the house. The next few days will definitely be a test of will power and determination. The important thing to remember is that no matter what the nicbitch says (the voice inside you that talks you into caving) you must resist. Know that she's upset that you're leaving and she will throw everything she has at you to get you to come back. She doesn't care about you. She just want you to have your fix so she can sink her claws even deeper into you. Focusing on working out helped me out too as well as pounding down endless amounts of water. A fellow quitter told me early on that if I can walk passed a bathroom without stopping to piss I'm not drinking enough.

Get with your quit group, which is pre-hof May I believe, and post roll. Posting roll is your promise not to use nicotine in any form for 24 hours. Go to the welcome center and get acquainted with the site and all the to do's. If you need any further assistance don't hesitate to ask. Use this introduction thread as a journal of sorts and post up about your quit and ask for advice. Read up on other peoples introductions and browse the other quit groups to get a good idea of what you're in for. Don't get discouraged though. We're all addicts just like you but I assure you it does get better with every passing day. Reach out and we're here for you. Embrace the suck and you got this! One day at a time (ODAAT), every damn day (EDD), and get it solid in your head right now you will use nicotine never again for any reason (NAFAR). I quit with you today!

Offline dtgorrell

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Re: New quitter!
« Reply #4 on: February 03, 2015, 01:34:00 PM »
Quote from: mwhite638
Hey Thomas, I'm max. Looks like we're in the same boat. I'm 22 as well and started chewing around the same time you did. This is my day one, and I can tell its gonna be a rough few days. If you're craving real bad give smokey mountain a try. It's helping me a lot. Good luck on your quit!
Hello max! Its definitely gonna be rough, more than a few days if I had to guess. But after all I've read on this site I believe we'll have enough support to get through it! I've already got some smokey mountain, it helps a great deal! But I'm trying my best to only use it when I have too. So far I've only had 3 chews of it since yesterday morning. Kill the can!
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Re: New quitter!
« Reply #3 on: February 03, 2015, 01:08:00 PM »
Hey Thomas, I'm max. Looks like we're in the same boat. I'm 22 as well and started chewing around the same time you did. This is my day one, and I can tell its gonna be a rough few days. If you're craving real bad give smokey mountain a try. It's helping me a lot. Good luck on your quit!

Offline pab1964

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Re: New quitter!
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2015, 12:29:00 PM »
Quote from: dtgorrell
Hi, my name is Thomas. I'm 22 years old, and since the 8th grade I've been a slave to every brand out there. I now have a beautiful wife and 2 year old son. And I refuse to leave them here alone because of a can of dirt. Today is my 2nd day nicotine free, I'm anxious, moody, and can't seem to really stay focused. I've found myself staring off into space with my mind blank several times and I feel as if I'm hungover. My mind tells me one more can after work won't hurt. But I'm ready to kick this habit!
Hello Thomas! Hope you have read up and seen what's fixing to slap you in the face, which obviously has already started, starring into space, can't concentrate that is known as fog my friend. Please understand your an addict just like the rest of us on here! Anyway if you wanna kick this shit post roll, listen and read everything you can on here! All of us are here to help when you climb aboard and I can damn well promise you your gonna need help! Names pab recently dipped 38 years quit 38 proud days! ODAAT!
Tobacco is so addictive it took me a year after a massive heart attack, in which doctor confirmed caused from dipping to finally put a lid on the bitch! ODAAT EDD

Offline dtgorrell

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New quitter!
« on: February 03, 2015, 11:51:00 AM »
Hi, my name is Thomas. I'm 22 years old, and since the 8th grade I've been a slave to every brand out there. I now have a beautiful wife and 2 year old son. And I refuse to leave them here alone because of a can of dirt. Today is my 2nd day nicotine free, I'm anxious, moody, and can't seem to really stay focused. I've found myself staring off into space with my mind blank several times and I feel as if I'm hungover. My mind tells me one more can after work won't hurt. But I'm ready to kick this habit!
The quit is strong in this one