Author Topic: Intro....  (Read 10371 times)

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Re: Intro....
« Reply #186 on: February 23, 2015, 08:55:00 AM »
Quote from: Derk40
Quote from: Diesel2112
Quote from: Morgan1

Been a while since I posted here.... So I hit a milestone today and I figured I owe it to myself and KTC to say a few words. I'm not nearly as involved here as I once was and a lot of people that read this won't know my name. That's ok because really you're the ones I'm talking to here. Why? Because I was just like you once - on day 4 or 35 or 52 or 119. I posted a day one once just like the dude who did it today. Quitting can be done. I'm proof today as I hit 1,000 days. When I began my quit journey I was skeptical of the future. I couldn't imagine actually not using tobacco again. The power of posting roll daily led me to a different thought process. It takes time and it takes effort, but it happens - you quit. I'm very thankful for this site. There were people that inspired me and there were people that I inspired. That's what this site is all about. I still have a daily text group that I talk to everyday. Bigwhitebeast, Bruce, Roamcountry, SudsMcKracken, ERDVM, Z, Sac, and DiplessinJax you guys got me to 1,000 more than anyone because I know I could never use tobacco again and speak to any of you. That's called accountability. That's what KTC is built upon. I may not participate as much as I once did, but I'm still a firm believer in everything the site stands for. To any new quitter struggling please feel free to shoot me a PM. I will gladly exchange numbers with anyone on this site. Quit on.
Well said. Congrats on the comma. You're a baaad man!!!

Quit on...
Well done. Congrats on 1 grand!!
Hell yeah! You are a bad assed quit legend for sure! Newbies read this thread if you want to see what quitting looks like.

Offline Derk40

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Re: Intro....
« Reply #185 on: February 23, 2015, 06:40:00 AM »
Quote from: Diesel2112
Quote from: Morgan1

Been a while since I posted here.... So I hit a milestone today and I figured I owe it to myself and KTC to say a few words. I'm not nearly as involved here as I once was and a lot of people that read this won't know my name. That's ok because really you're the ones I'm talking to here. Why? Because I was just like you once - on day 4 or 35 or 52 or 119. I posted a day one once just like the dude who did it today. Quitting can be done. I'm proof today as I hit 1,000 days. When I began my quit journey I was skeptical of the future. I couldn't imagine actually not using tobacco again. The power of posting roll daily led me to a different thought process. It takes time and it takes effort, but it happens - you quit. I'm very thankful for this site. There were people that inspired me and there were people that I inspired. That's what this site is all about. I still have a daily text group that I talk to everyday. Bigwhitebeast, Bruce, Roamcountry, SudsMcKracken, ERDVM, Z, Sac, and DiplessinJax you guys got me to 1,000 more than anyone because I know I could never use tobacco again and speak to any of you. That's called accountability. That's what KTC is built upon. I may not participate as much as I once did, but I'm still a firm believer in everything the site stands for. To any new quitter struggling please feel free to shoot me a PM. I will gladly exchange numbers with anyone on this site. Quit on.
Well said. Congrats on the comma. You're a baaad man!!!

Quit on...
Well done. Congrats on 1 grand!!
Quit date: 6/23/2013
HOF Date: 9/30/2013

HOF Speech

Offline Diesel2112

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Re: Intro....
« Reply #184 on: February 22, 2015, 11:32:00 PM »
Quote from: Morgan1

Been a while since I posted here.... So I hit a milestone today and I figured I owe it to myself and KTC to say a few words. I'm not nearly as involved here as I once was and a lot of people that read this won't know my name. That's ok because really you're the ones I'm talking to here. Why? Because I was just like you once - on day 4 or 35 or 52 or 119. I posted a day one once just like the dude who did it today. Quitting can be done. I'm proof today as I hit 1,000 days. When I began my quit journey I was skeptical of the future. I couldn't imagine actually not using tobacco again. The power of posting roll daily led me to a different thought process. It takes time and it takes effort, but it happens - you quit. I'm very thankful for this site. There were people that inspired me and there were people that I inspired. That's what this site is all about. I still have a daily text group that I talk to everyday. Bigwhitebeast, Bruce, Roamcountry, SudsMcKracken, ERDVM, Z, Sac, and DiplessinJax you guys got me to 1,000 more than anyone because I know I could never use tobacco again and speak to any of you. That's called accountability. That's what KTC is built upon. I may not participate as much as I once did, but I'm still a firm believer in everything the site stands for. To any new quitter struggling please feel free to shoot me a PM. I will gladly exchange numbers with anyone on this site. Quit on.
Well said. Congrats on the comma. You're a baaad man!!!

Quit on...
Quit 06/04/12
HOF 9/11/12
2nd floor 12/20/12
3rd floor 03/30/13
4th floor 07/08/13
5th floor 10/16/13
6th floor 01/24/14
7th floor 05/04/14
8th floor 08/12/14
9th floor 10/20/14
Comma 02/28/15
11th floor 06/08/15
12th floor 09/16/15
13th floor 12/25/15
14th floor 04/03/16
15th floor 7/11/16
16th floor 10/20/16
17th floor 01/27/17
18th floor 05/08/17
19th floor 08/14/17
20th floor 11/27/17
21st floor 03/11/18

"Celebrate the moment as it turns into one more"..
"You can fight without ever winning, but never ever win, win without a fight".
"Onion rings...funyons. A connection? Yeah. I fucking think so."
"Honest Abe had a fake jaw".
"In a world that seems so small, I can't stop thinking big"
"Someone set a bad example. Made surrender seem all right
The act of a noble warrior. Who lost the will to fight."

Offline Morgan1

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Re: Intro....
« Reply #183 on: February 22, 2015, 09:29:00 PM »

Been a while since I posted here.... So I hit a milestone today and I figured I owe it to myself and KTC to say a few words. I'm not nearly as involved here as I once was and a lot of people that read this won't know my name. That's ok because really you're the ones I'm talking to here. Why? Because I was just like you once - on day 4 or 35 or 52 or 119. I posted a day one once just like the dude who did it today. Quitting can be done. I'm proof today as I hit 1,000 days. When I began my quit journey I was skeptical of the future. I couldn't imagine actually not using tobacco again. The power of posting roll daily led me to a different thought process. It takes time and it takes effort, but it happens - you quit. I'm very thankful for this site. There were people that inspired me and there were people that I inspired. That's what this site is all about. I still have a daily text group that I talk to everyday. Bigwhitebeast, Bruce, Roamcountry, SudsMcKracken, ERDVM, Z, Sac, and DiplessinJax you guys got me to 1,000 more than anyone because I know I could never use tobacco again and speak to any of you. That's called accountability. That's what KTC is built upon. I may not participate as much as I once did, but I'm still a firm believer in everything the site stands for. To any new quitter struggling please feel free to shoot me a PM. I will gladly exchange numbers with anyone on this site. Quit on.
I have control over my quit. There's no luck involved. - Diesel2112


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Re: Intro....
« Reply #182 on: February 22, 2015, 09:18:00 PM »
Quote from: Pinched
Quote from: AppleJack

That comma is worthy of, at the very least, a small bow!

Nicely done brutha!
Congrats on 1,00 days of freedom!
Congrstulations on 1k days of honor. Well done.

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Re: Intro....
« Reply #181 on: February 22, 2015, 06:58:00 PM »
Quote from: AppleJack

That comma is worthy of, at the very least, a small bow!

Nicely done brutha!
Congrats on 1,00 days of freedom!
"If you want to quit then stop talking and just QUIT. If you want to kill yourself a bullet is cheaper and faster than a tin, plus it eliminates my hearing you whine and cry like a bitch."

Best thing I have read on KTC...Submitted by tgafish on 7/3/14

Former Skoal Straight and Cope Longcut user that started at the age of 12. QUIT on 7/15/13

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Re: Intro....
« Reply #180 on: February 22, 2015, 06:03:00 PM »

That comma is worthy of, at the very least, a small bow!

Nicely done brutha!
Well, it’s one louder, isn’t it? It’s not ten.

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Re: Intro....
« Reply #179 on: August 11, 2014, 03:51:00 PM »
Quote from: copingwithoutcopen
Quote from: gmann
Good to see your intro on page one. Sorry that you missed a day. Cool that it bothered you. Great chatting the other night.


'roflmao',.......emoticons hurt.

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Re: Intro....
« Reply #178 on: August 11, 2014, 01:33:00 PM »
Quote from: gmann
Good to see your intro on page one. Sorry that you missed a day. Cool that it bothered you. Great chatting the other night.



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Re: Intro....
« Reply #177 on: August 11, 2014, 08:58:00 AM »
Good to see your intro on page one. Sorry that you missed a day. Cool that it bothered you. Great chatting the other night.


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Re: Intro....
« Reply #176 on: August 10, 2014, 01:59:00 PM »
Quote from: Morgan1

Missed roll yesterday for the first time ever. I was out of my routine staying away from home and playing golf all day. Then I had to haul ass to a birthday party for my cousin's daughter and then after that rush out to eat with family. It pisses me off immensely. Not because I was gonna cave or anything like that - Never happen. But I had set a goal to post perfectly until I hit 1,000 days and now that's off the table because I simply forgot to post up. I forgot. Like a child. I tell my little girl all the time that forgetting isn't a reason for anything - forgetting is better known as failure to plan in my book. I respect and value the meaning of posting roll as much as pretty much anyone on this site so I'm disappointed that I missed a day but what's done is done. The good news is that I still have the rest of life to post up everyday. Fuck off nic..
Don't beat yourself up too much Morgan, I missed one back in April on the AT Trail with the boy scouts. Oh it stung for a good 2 weeks or so. We all had the goals, the perfection if you will, and I know I beat myself up pretty hard over it. But I realized that it was stupid to waste that energy on what had happened in the past and apply it to what I could do moving forward.

Offline Morgan1

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Re: Intro....
« Reply #175 on: August 10, 2014, 01:50:00 PM »

Missed roll yesterday for the first time ever. I was out of my routine staying away from home and playing golf all day. Then I had to haul ass to a birthday party for my cousin's daughter and then after that rush out to eat with family. It pisses me off immensely. Not because I was gonna cave or anything like that - Never happen. But I had set a goal to post perfectly until I hit 1,000 days and now that's off the table because I simply forgot to post up. I forgot. Like a child. I tell my little girl all the time that forgetting isn't a reason for anything - forgetting is better known as failure to plan in my book. I respect and value the meaning of posting roll as much as pretty much anyone on this site so I'm disappointed that I missed a day but what's done is done. The good news is that I still have the rest of life to post up everyday. Fuck off nic..
I have control over my quit. There's no luck involved. - Diesel2112


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Re: Intro....
« Reply #174 on: May 30, 2014, 07:38:00 AM »
Quote from: ERDVM
Quote from: Thumblewort
2 years is badassery.
Both I and Rosanne are proud of you Dre.... 'ninja'
pretty sure MrGhey meant Rosanna

Grats on the 2nd lap around the sun bro
Believe Me

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Re: Intro....
« Reply #173 on: May 30, 2014, 12:33:00 AM »
Quote from: Thumblewort
2 years is badassery.
Both I and Rosanne are proud of you Dre.... 'ninja'

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Re: Intro....
« Reply #172 on: May 29, 2014, 09:16:00 AM »
2 years is badassery.
Some of my fondest and clearest memories are peeing in places that aren't bathrooms.