Author Topic: The Easy Part  (Read 1387 times)

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Re: The Easy Part
« Reply #9 on: October 19, 2013, 09:27:00 AM »
I remember the nurses telling him he can not do that and his response,  "Fuck you!"  At his age, know one was going to tell him what to do.  Well guess what, that has been my exact feeling until about a month ago.  My thoughts were if he can do it and live a good life, I can do it too.
What changed your mind a month ago?

I quit with you today.

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Re: The Easy Part
« Reply #8 on: October 19, 2013, 03:38:00 AM »
Quote from: Mike
Quote from: arcticsloper
Hello to all my NIC KILLERS,

  Just like my title says.  Any Monkey can write up some high class introduction.  You can write anything to make people believe you are going to quit.  It takes a real person when no one is around to determine what worth you really are.
  This is probably why I am waiting 22 days after I quit to write my introduction.  I wanted to see if I was true to myself before any of you.  Yes, it is good to post and be held accountable.  But it first starts with you.  If you can not hold your own self accountable then no one else can. 
  So lets start.  My name is Jason and I live in Arkansas with my wife and 4 beautiful children.  I work in Alaska and I travel monthly back n forth to work.  Hence, the name arcticsloper.  I have chewed Copenhagen Snuff for 29 years since the age of 10.  If you can add then you will know my age.  Good Job!!  I have only chewed Copenhagen because this is what my Grandpa chewed.  I looked up to my Grandpa.  He was my rock.  He was my escape.  He lived two houses down from my Parents and I.  I would steal dips from his can and later when I could afford my own I would hid my cans in his refrigerator.  My parents just assumed they were his.  My Grandpa lived a good life and passed when I was 19yrs old.  He was 88 and at his funeral, I snuck in to his viewing and stuffed to rolls of Snuff in his jacket to be buried with.  Now to some this could be morbid but this is how I felt about my Grandpa and Copenhagen.  I was not going to give this shit up.  My Grandpa had a dip in his mouth in the hospital right before he passed.  I remember the nurses telling him he can not do that and his response,  "Fuck you!"  At his age, know one was going to tell him what to do.  Well guess what, that has been my exact feeling until about a month ago.  My thoughts were if he can do it and live a good life, I can do it too. 
  So here I am, sitting here writing an introduction.  I am not going to share why I decided to quit right now!  Maybe my 100 Day HOF mark!  This is my accountability.  It's not just a monkey writing.  I am getting this fucking monkey off my back.

Thanks To ALL!  If you need to ever get through the mind games, I am here for you.  Anyone can quit the can, but your mind its the thing that's wasted! 

God Bless,
Welcome Jason  congrats on a great decision  making it 22 days so far! PM me if you want numbers.
I assume you are a north sloper? If so, thank you. My heat is running full blast right now and I appreciate you guys that bring the petro out of the ground and into our houses!

Congratulations in quitting and joining this bad ass group of addicts. Life without nicotine is a wonderful thing. Fight like hell for the freedom you are earning. You won't be sorry.

If you need another number or if I can help shoot me a message.

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Re: The Easy Part
« Reply #7 on: October 18, 2013, 01:27:00 AM »
Going to Alaska is on my bucket list. Proud to be quitting with you bro

If your gonna be dumb you gotta be tough

Are you gonna quit dipping, or are you gonna slide your tampon in?

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Re: The Easy Part
« Reply #6 on: October 18, 2013, 01:11:00 AM »
Quote from: arcticsloper
Hello to all my NIC KILLERS,

Just like my title says. Any Monkey can write up some high class introduction. You can write anything to make people believe you are going to quit. It takes a real person when no one is around to determine what worth you really are.
This is probably why I am waiting 22 days after I quit to write my introduction. I wanted to see if I was true to myself before any of you. Yes, it is good to post and be held accountable. But it first starts with you. If you can not hold your own self accountable then no one else can.
So lets start. My name is Jason and I live in Arkansas with my wife and 4 beautiful children. I work in Alaska and I travel monthly back n forth to work. Hence, the name arcticsloper. I have chewed Copenhagen Snuff for 29 years since the age of 10. If you can add then you will know my age. Good Job!! I have only chewed Copenhagen because this is what my Grandpa chewed. I looked up to my Grandpa. He was my rock. He was my escape. He lived two houses down from my Parents and I. I would steal dips from his can and later when I could afford my own I would hid my cans in his refrigerator. My parents just assumed they were his. My Grandpa lived a good life and passed when I was 19yrs old. He was 88 and at his funeral, I snuck in to his viewing and stuffed to rolls of Snuff in his jacket to be buried with. Now to some this could be morbid but this is how I felt about my Grandpa and Copenhagen. I was not going to give this shit up. My Grandpa had a dip in his mouth in the hospital right before he passed. I remember the nurses telling him he can not do that and his response, "Fuck you!" At his age, know one was going to tell him what to do. Well guess what, that has been my exact feeling until about a month ago. My thoughts were if he can do it and live a good life, I can do it too.
So here I am, sitting here writing an introduction. I am not going to share why I decided to quit right now! Maybe my 100 Day HOF mark! This is my accountability. It's not just a monkey writing. I am getting this fucking monkey off my back.

Thanks To ALL! If you need to ever get through the mind games, I am here for you. Anyone can quit the can, but your mind its the thing that's wasted!

God Bless,
Welcome Jason  congrats on a great decision  making it 22 days so far! PM me if you want numbers.

Offline Dougie

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Re: The Easy Part
« Reply #5 on: October 17, 2013, 07:20:00 PM »
Quote from: derk40
Welcome and congrats on 22 days quit. Not really sure I understand your monkey references and the intro, but no matter. You are right that this will come down to you and you alone. It will come down to a personal decision that you and you alone can and will make. You need to choose to stay quit each day. Don't look at the bro/sisterhood here as a crutch... rather a bunch of friends with the same goal to quit dipping and eliminating nicotine from our lives. You can do this with determination and will. QLF today!

Offline Derk40

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Re: The Easy Part
« Reply #4 on: October 17, 2013, 01:29:00 PM »
Welcome and congrats on 22 days quit. Not really sure I understand your monkey references and the intro, but no matter. You are right that this will come down to you and you alone. It will come down to a personal decision that you and you alone can and will make. You need to choose to stay quit each day. Don't look at the bro/sisterhood here as a crutch... rather a bunch of friends with the same goal to quit dipping and eliminating nicotine from our lives. You can do this with determination and will. QLF today!
Quit date: 6/23/2013
HOF Date: 9/30/2013

HOF Speech

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Re: The Easy Part
« Reply #3 on: October 17, 2013, 11:21:00 AM »
Great decision to quit and great work so far. Your intro was great and definitely helps people with being able to relate to you. I myself started at 12 with my grandpa and he was also my rock. Meant the world to me and I dipped for years thinking it would be my constant reminder of him. Now I look forward to having a KTF HOF coin in my pocket to remind me of him and where I cam because of him.

"If you want to quit then stop talking and just QUIT. If you want to kill yourself a bullet is cheaper and faster than a tin, plus it eliminates my hearing you whine and cry like a bitch."

Best thing I have read on KTC...Submitted by tgafish on 7/3/14

Former Skoal Straight and Cope Longcut user that started at the age of 12. QUIT on 7/15/13

Offline Reaper

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Re: The Easy Part
« Reply #2 on: October 17, 2013, 11:17:00 AM »
Thank you for sharign that with us. it is a inspiring story that will help me push myself harder to get to where you are. i am 36 and dipped for 17 years before i finally quit. reading stories like yours inspires me to keep up my quit. Hang tough and if you need to talk i will be here if you need me.
I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself. A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough without ever having felt sorry for itself.?

#8213; D.H. Lawrence,

Offline arcticsloper

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The Easy Part
« on: October 17, 2013, 11:11:00 AM »
Hello to all my NIC KILLERS,

Just like my title says. Any Monkey can write up some high class introduction. You can write anything to make people believe you are going to quit. It takes a real person when no one is around to determine what worth you really are.
This is probably why I am waiting 22 days after I quit to write my introduction. I wanted to see if I was true to myself before any of you. Yes, it is good to post and be held accountable. But it first starts with you. If you can not hold your own self accountable then no one else can.
So lets start. My name is Jason and I live in Arkansas with my wife and 4 beautiful children. I work in Alaska and I travel monthly back n forth to work. Hence, the name arcticsloper. I have chewed Copenhagen Snuff for 29 years since the age of 10. If you can add then you will know my age. Good Job!! I have only chewed Copenhagen because this is what my Grandpa chewed. I looked up to my Grandpa. He was my rock. He was my escape. He lived two houses down from my Parents and I. I would steal dips from his can and later when I could afford my own I would hid my cans in his refrigerator. My parents just assumed they were his. My Grandpa lived a good life and passed when I was 19yrs old. He was 88 and at his funeral, I snuck in to his viewing and stuffed to rolls of Snuff in his jacket to be buried with. Now to some this could be morbid but this is how I felt about my Grandpa and Copenhagen. I was not going to give this shit up. My Grandpa had a dip in his mouth in the hospital right before he passed. I remember the nurses telling him he can not do that and his response, "Fuck you!" At his age, know one was going to tell him what to do. Well guess what, that has been my exact feeling until about a month ago. My thoughts were if he can do it and live a good life, I can do it too.
So here I am, sitting here writing an introduction. I am not going to share why I decided to quit right now! Maybe my 100 Day HOF mark! This is my accountability. It's not just a monkey writing. I am getting this fucking monkey off my back.

Thanks To ALL! If you need to ever get through the mind games, I am here for you. Anyone can quit the can, but your mind its the thing that's wasted!

God Bless,