Another perspective. You do have to give up NICOTINE. In the past I would play games with myself ie "I sure am glad I'm not smoking I'm only dipping", "I'm sure glad I'm not dipping, I'm only smoking a little," "I'm sure glad I'm not smoking or dipping, but I'm using patches, nicotine gum, nicotine lozenges, or Arriva or Stonewall nicotine candy".
Your method of delivery is unimportant. The fact is, you are a nicotine junkie (as I am also). You have to give up NICOTINE. If you do not, you will never get through withdrawal, only prolong it. NICOTINE replacement therapy is the biggest lie out there (there are rare exceptions who do quit using them, but they are not the norm and this is most likely not you).
I have known people who have been on the patches, gum, and lozenges for YEARS....rotating between the various NRT flavors with spurts of smoking and dipping thrown in.
Do yourself a favor and quit the evil NICOTINE all together. You CAN do it!