Author Topic: New quitter  (Read 1372 times)

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Offline Cornholio

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Re: New quitter
« Reply #4 on: January 16, 2012, 09:18:00 AM »
Quote from: tsmith17
I hid my addiction from my girlfriend for a long time. She found out about it after a year of us being together. She was really mad that I wasn't being honest with her, but now she is my biggest supporter. My suggestion to you is to tell your girlfriend. If you are serious about quitting you will tell her. By keeping your addiction/quit hidden you will be putting yourself through stress that you don't need. Tell her.

That being said. I am glad you have decided to quit. Shut the door on nicotine for good! Read up on how to post roll here at this link: index.php?showtopic=50

Post your roll and you promise to everyone here that you will not use nicotine for the whole day, all 24 hours. This is serious. All we have is our word. Go post your day 1 in April and stay quit.

Also, check your inbox in the top right corner of this page. I sent you a PM.
Stevie -
You said two things that I have to comment on.
1. 2 1/2 years? You are wise to know you are addicted. It takes many more years for some of us thick headed dumb asses to recongnize that. They more years to actually quit. QUIT THIS SHIT NOW. It won't be easy, but I can assure you, it gets harder to quit the longer you go. NEVER GO BACK.

2. Women appreciate honesty over most everything else. If you love her, tell her. She will appreciate you more for it.

I quit for a year, then started back up because I forgot I was an addict. I was so ashamed, I hid it from my family for a year. When I was "busted" by the wife, what do you suppose she was most angry about? That I was dipping, or that I was doing it behind her back? She kept bringing up how she lost TRUST in me due to my deceit. I've since regained her trust.

TRUST me....
 You have made the right decision to quit NOW. GOOD MOVE.
 Tell her. It will only strengthen your relationship.

Offline LLCope

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Re: New quitter
« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2012, 06:54:00 AM »

Great choice. I saw that you posted roll. Keep making your promise every day. There are thousands of sucessfull quitters here to help you. One day at a time--don't worry about tomorrow--no nicotine today. Repeat this process tomorrow.

Great to have you here!

Pm me if you need anything
"A man is rich in proportion to the number of things he can do without" HD Thoreau

Offline Tsmith17

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Re: New quitter
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2012, 06:02:00 AM »
I hid my addiction from my girlfriend for a long time. She found out about it after a year of us being together. She was really mad that I wasn't being honest with her, but now she is my biggest supporter. My suggestion to you is to tell your girlfriend. If you are serious about quitting you will tell her. By keeping your addiction/quit hidden you will be putting yourself through stress that you don't need. Tell her.

That being said. I am glad you have decided to quit. Shut the door on nicotine for good! Read up on how to post roll here at this link: index.php?showtopic=50

Post your roll and you promise to everyone here that you will not use nicotine for the whole day, all 24 hours. This is serious. All we have is our word. Go post your day 1 in April and stay quit.

Also, check your inbox in the top right corner of this page. I sent you a PM.

Offline Stevieg40

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New quitter
« on: January 16, 2012, 05:27:00 AM »
Hi my name is Steve. I have been chewing tobacco for about 2 1/2 years. I have been thinking about quitting for a few months now. Every day I wake up and say today I am going to quit. Then I get about an hour into the day and before I know it I'm grabbing my keys and driving to the nearest gas station to pick me up a fresh tin. I completely hide my chewing from my girlfriend and son and hate that I do that. I don't want to hide anything from them but this is not a habit I want to do in front of them. A friend of mine found this site and has started his quitting process and he passed it along to me. I am glad to have found it and I know that in 100 days I will be a new member of the HoF.