I've always justified keeping that little metal can around. I'm stressed, I've done it for too long, I've already done the damage to my body might as well keep doing it, the list goes on and on. The past two weeks have been miserable due to heartburn and I digestion, sometimes taking my breathe away and making me sick. A buddy of mine who is in the January group tried getting me to kick the habit with him and I simply replied, "I don't want to". How did I have such an attraction to something that made me feel so bad? So yesterday, when I couldn't even drink any water without it feeling like I just chugged a bottle of moonshine, I said I'm over it. I recently lost 40 lbs and still have about 18 to go in my pursuit to be healthy, and I said I'd quit when I got to my goal weight. Well I'm over it, I'm done, I'm sick and tired of letting a ground up plant dictate my life, finances, and health. Day 1 of the rest of my life is the way I see it.