Hello I am new to the site and figured I would make an introduction post. I have been trying to figure out the whole quit group and roll call topics but I haven't quite been able to catch on to it. From what I gather I haven't chewed nearly as long as anyone else here (8 months) but the cravings and withdrawls are just as real. I had never touched a drug in my life and had never even inahled a cigarette or cigar. I wasn't even pressured to start chewing. Causually enough I have a friend who chews and while at his house one day I asked if I could try a dip. That was it, it just took one tiny, and i mean tiny dip to be in my mouth for less than 10 minutes and I was hooked. After that point I chewed Copenhagen LC, Copenhagen Wintergreen LC, and Skoal Mint LC. I'm currently on day 23 with no nicotine. Feb. 1 at 5:30am on my way to work was the last dip I took. I hadn't planned on quitting that day, it just worked out that way. I began to think about gum disease, tooth loss and of course cancer that morning on my way to work. Next thing I knew i took a dip that was less than 15 minutes old of of my mouth and tossed it out of the window and got rid of a fresh can that was 3/4 full. Later on in the day when I started to feel like crap I kept telling myself to go buy a new can but i couldn't will myself to do it. After that I had bought a can a couple times only to put it in my pocket, stare at it, open it up and just take a smell then my conscience kicked in and the full untouched can went in the trash. So here I sit at day 23 writing an into on this site wishing I could have just once dip. I find it odd that the cravings are worse now than they were around the days 5-15 mark. Once again I can't believe how hoooked I was and how bad the cravings are just after 8 months of this garbage. I hope anyone who is chewing this crap stops. There is no way to rationalize dip. The choice is simple kill yourself with cancer or not. Grow a pair, throw this shit away and don't bother helping death come any sooner than it has to. Those are the thoughts that keep me going and hopefully they can help someone else put the can down as well.