I used gum...seeds...straws...toothpicks...lemon drops...werthers (sp?) hard candy's. I WOULD use nails, screws, glass, bamboo shoots...or anything else to keep dip out. I was given some wise words in the early days of my quit
Don't worry about the weight losing...about too much candy...too much gum or anything else. Just beat the nic bitch, and then we'll worry about the other stuff later
I gotta agree with this. You are battling a serious chemical ADDICTION (nicotine). If it takes a few bad HABITS (fake, seeds, toothpicks, straws, twinkies, whatever) to help you along the way, so be it. Once your battle against your ADDICTION gets more easily manageable (note: I didn't say cured...), I think you'll find breaking those HABITS much easier after kicking the nicbitch's ass.
I used fake for a little while, seeds for a longer while and gained 10 pounds in my first 50 days. By 100 days, I lost the 10 pounds and pretty much kicked the junk food, fake and seeds habits (except seeds from time to time, not often).
If you can avoid all those things and still quit your addiction, great. But you damn well better stuff any of those other things in your face before nicotine if it comes to that, because caving just isn't an option.