Author Topic: New quitter  (Read 2104 times)

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Offline kb81

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Re: New quitter
« Reply #6 on: July 31, 2010, 03:00:00 PM »
Quote from: Instigator
Quote from: j.jones
Hey guys im from NC, ive been dipping now for 4 years I quit for 2 months cold turkey  then started back up again not as bad a I use to be which was a can a day now its about a can every 2 weeks not much but my cravings are intense I even currently use that mint snuff stuff that pretty much sucks but helps. Luckly im moving aug. 15th to go to school and will be away from my dipping environment which includes a fire dept and buddied who dont go a hour without dip. I like the idea of a support group and look forward to kicking the can.
Wecome jones. Got two questions for you:

1) Your post is a little confusing. You are using a tin per every two weeks. Are you still using dip at this very moment?

2) I have inside intel that leads me to believe you may be using nic gum/patches?

You cannot and should not be on here and posting roll until:

You are not using dip.

You are not using nicotine in any form.

That means:

No cigs
No stoagies
No patches
No gum.

If you can confirm you are now not using nic in any form, I will welcome you to Nov's group. Until that time, you need to make some salient quit decisions.

:D Me likes your style.... 'no'
( . )( . )

Offline Instigator

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Re: New quitter
« Reply #5 on: July 31, 2010, 01:12:00 PM »
Quote from: j.jones
Hey guys im from NC, ive been dipping now for 4 years I quit for 2 months cold turkey then started back up again not as bad a I use to be which was a can a day now its about a can every 2 weeks not much but my cravings are intense I even currently use that mint snuff stuff that pretty much sucks but helps. Luckly im moving aug. 15th to go to school and will be away from my dipping environment which includes a fire dept and buddied who dont go a hour without dip. I like the idea of a support group and look forward to kicking the can.
Wecome jones. Got two questions for you:

1) Your post is a little confusing. You are using a tin per every two weeks. Are you still using dip at this very moment?

2) I have inside intel that leads me to believe you may be using nic gum/patches?

You cannot and should not be on here and posting roll until:

You are not using dip.

You are not using nicotine in any form.

That means:

No cigs
No stoagies
No patches
No gum.

If you can confirm you are now not using nic in any form, I will welcome you to Nov's group. Until that time, you need to make some salient quit decisions.

The Rozzers--Catching crims and locking them your community

Offline Droptine

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Re: New quitter
« Reply #4 on: July 31, 2010, 08:40:00 AM »
Quote from: j.jones
Hey guys im from NC, ive been dipping now for 4 years I quit for 2 months cold turkey  then started back up again not as bad a I use to be which was a can a day now its about a can every 2 weeks not much but my cravings are intense I even currently use that mint snuff stuff that pretty much sucks but helps. Luckly im moving aug. 15th to go to school and will be away from my dipping environment which includes a fire dept and buddied who dont go a hour without dip. I like the idea of a support group and look forward to kicking the can.
Welcome J.Jones. I lived down in Jacksonville (Camp Lejeune) for 6 years before moving up here to Virginia. I'm headed back down to the Outer Banks in September for a fishing charter. Anyway, welcome to the November group.... like everyone is saying, make sure you get into the NOV group and make roll EVERYDAY..... trust me it works. I don't know if I'd would have made it through this past week without the site and posting roll everyday.

I'm quit with you today brother.
Sick 'em on a Chicken.....

Offline TortillaJesus

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Re: New quitter
« Reply #3 on: July 31, 2010, 12:57:00 AM »
Quote from: j.jones
Hey guys im from NC, ive been dipping now for 4 years I quit for 2 months cold turkey  then started back up again not as bad a I use to be which was a can a day now its about a can every 2 weeks not much but my cravings are intense I even currently use that mint snuff stuff that pretty much sucks but helps. Luckly im moving aug. 15th to go to school and will be away from my dipping environment which includes a fire dept and buddied who dont go a hour without dip. I like the idea of a support group and look forward to kicking the can.
Welcome jim jones, way to put down the cool-aid and walk away from nic. The day you realize that you are fully quit, for life, never again, not even one pinch or sniff is the day when you get your addiction under control. Hopefully that is sooner than later. Until then, rely on the good folks on this site, your quit brothers in Nov, and your quit plan to keep you on the straight and narrow.

Read through the site, develop a plan, GET numbers as insurance, use numbers, post daily, take it one day-one promise at a time.

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Offline davenc

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Re: New quitter
« Reply #2 on: July 31, 2010, 12:16:00 AM »
Quote from: j.jones
Hey guys im from NC, ive been dipping now for 4 years I quit for 2 months cold turkey then started back up again not as bad a I use to be which was a can a day now its about a can every 2 weeks not much but my cravings are intense I even currently use that mint snuff stuff that pretty much sucks but helps. Luckly im moving aug. 15th to go to school and will be away from my dipping environment which includes a fire dept and buddied who dont go a hour without dip. I like the idea of a support group and look forward to kicking the can.
Welcome aboard! I too live in NC in the Raleigh area. Where in NC are you from? I'm assuming you'll be in the November group which I'm in. I'm going to be posting my day 4 of being quit. This is an awesome site and has a lot of good info so be sure to read up. So post roll call everyday, don't cave and stay quit.

Quit with extreme prejudice...
My orders say I'm not supposed to know where I'm taking this quit, so I don't! But one look at you and I know its gonna be hot!

QD: 07/28/2010
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New quitter
« on: July 30, 2010, 11:58:00 PM »
Hey guys im from NC, ive been dipping now for 4 years I quit for 2 months cold turkey then started back up again not as bad a I use to be which was a can a day now its about a can every 2 weeks not much but my cravings are intense I even currently use that mint snuff stuff that pretty much sucks but helps. Luckly im moving aug. 15th to go to school and will be away from my dipping environment which includes a fire dept and buddied who dont go a hour without dip. I like the idea of a support group and look forward to kicking the can.