Hi everyone,
I am pretty new to this forum :^)
I only dip recreationally and I had a few questions if it would do any harm at all........ maybe a few pinches a week or so.........................
I am also a former smoker (smoked for 16 years and managed to quit) ....... dipping is now only recreational........ :^)
That "recreational dip" is your nicotine addiction keeping you imprisoned....The natural outcome is one of three things:
1. That once in a while dip will turn into constant use (as others have pointed out). An average sized pinch of chewing tobacco delivers as much nicotine as 4 cigarettes. It also contains a ton of cancer causing chemicals. Nicotine is a drug, just like cocaine and heroin. Many people who have kicked heavy duty drug habits say nicotine is the toughest one to quit of them all. Chew causes hypertension, a reduction in circulation, tooth loss, gum disease, mouth and throat cancer, acid reflux. It steals time from family and friends as you sneak off to chew in private.
2. The recreational dip will lead you back to smoking. Chew is just another method of delivery for nicotine. If you tend to prefer smoking, chances are that is what you will return to.
3. or you will end up smoking and chewing at the same time.
Ask yourself: why am I attracted to chew? You won't be able to come up with any good answers. Why? Because nicotine addiction is the correct answer. Because of the addictive nature of nicotine, there is no "safe amount" to chew.
Trust me. open the can, dump it down the toilet, flush...Then go the June HOF section:
index.php?showtopic=4420 and post roll like this:
xela007 -Day 1