Author Topic: same story, different (dip)shit  (Read 1927 times)

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Offline pinchedout

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Re: same story, different (dip)shit
« Reply #7 on: October 14, 2010, 03:54:00 PM »
Thanks Brian! You're absolutely correct.

Day 4 has been surprisingly great. Had an epiphany while driving back to work this morning about how it's pretty exciting to step into a "whole new world" by not dipping. It's been so long...I was 16/17 last time I lived like that. I half ass remember what life was like then, but so much has changed, what is life like now? I'm excited to find out.

Thanks again!
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Re: same story, different (dip)shit
« Reply #6 on: October 14, 2010, 09:21:00 AM »
Welcome aboard brother!

Glad to hear your reading up. You've come across the best fucking website on the planet to help you with your QUIT!!!

Everyone here has the same thing in common, we are all nicotine addicts. It affects everyone in different ways but the problem is the same.

Feel free to PM me if you need anything.


Offline pinchedout

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Re: same story, different (dip)shit
« Reply #5 on: October 13, 2010, 05:21:00 PM »
Thanks redtrain, Bean, and scooners! I definitely have been reading a ton and it has helped. For me it's always been the 2nd week that's been hardest as I've "quit" 3-5 days plenty. I will be all over this site this weekend and next week.

Thanks for all the stories to everyone else too. It's pathetic to read what most of us have done, but damn it feels good to know we're all that way and we're all having to (or continuing to) Quit.
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Re: same story, different (dip)shit
« Reply #4 on: October 13, 2010, 05:14:00 PM »
Yup - although I am completely new here as well, 4 days quit, this is the place. I have learned more, laughed more and have never been more stone cold serious about quitting than I am now - due to the people on this site.

These folks are not just getting people to quit - goes much deeper than that - they save lives, our lives - and because of that - I will never cave.

Read the stuff on this site, it will help.

Failure is not an Option.
Quit Date 10/09/2010; HOF 1/17/2011
Cancer and Death will not work on your Time Table, why work on Theirs - Quit Today.
If you fail to plan, plan to fail.
The older I get, the better I was - made an even bigger improvment the day I quit dip.
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Re: same story, different (dip)shit
« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2010, 05:06:00 PM »
Great choice. Embrace the SUCK and remember it. Use it as motivation to never put that shit in your lip again. Do it for your kiddo and wife!!! Cold turkey is the way to go. Kick nic's ass one day at a time.

"Yesterday + 1" is your new motto. Although, early on it was more like "last hour + 1". But it gets better...I'm only at 32 days, but I already feel better. The real fog lasted about 5-7 days for me (sleepless nights and bad headache).

Post up on roll call everyday, keep your word, and read everything you can on this site.

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Re: same story, different (dip)shit
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2010, 04:14:00 PM »
Congrats on your decision, welcome!

Shout out if you need anything. Most of all, post up and get involved, read everything you can.

Offline pinchedout

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same story, different (dip)shit
« on: October 13, 2010, 03:57:00 PM »
My name is Logan. I'm 32 and started dippin when I was 18. I've varied in how much over the years ranging from 2-3 cans a month to 2-3 cans a week. I've been married for almost 4 years (10/21/06) and have an almost 15 month old son. My reasons for quitting are the same as everyone else's. I'm tired of lying to and hiding from my wife. She lost her dad to testicular cancer when she was 9 and it has had a profound effect on her. She's terrified of that scenario happening all over again with me, and to our son. To tell you the truth, I am too. Though I've known this fact for a long time, it hasn't helped me permanently quit.

Quitting is up to me. My wife has told me this every time I've been busted. You guys will help no doubt, I've read it, but if I don't man up, I won't quit. I truly believe in accountability and therefore I do believe this site will work. I'm on my third day and though I've had a zillion "third day's" before, I am excited about this one. There's an acceptance feeling this time that I've never had before. The craziest thing so far is that I've read so much about insomnia and the like yet I've slept better the past two nights than I have in a long time. Obviously I have no idea whether or not I'm presently cancer-free, but it certainly helps to know you're done contributing to it.

Anyway, I'm committed and look forward to posting roll every day and reading the posts all day, every day. I think it's great that people who've quit ages ago are still contributing. Thank you.

quit date: 10-10-2010
HOF: 01-18-2011