Author Topic: New Quitter here  (Read 1520 times)

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Re: New Quitter here
« Reply #9 on: March 23, 2018, 04:04:00 PM »
Original name is Yemig in the July 2014 group. Nothing to see here.
Some of my fondest and clearest memories are peeing in places that aren't bathrooms.

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Re: New Quitter here
« Reply #8 on: March 23, 2018, 03:39:00 PM »

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Re: New Quitter here
« Reply #7 on: March 21, 2018, 05:01:00 PM »
A little saying around here is, "Embrace the suck"

What does that mean? It means right here, right now, where you are reading this... listen to your mind and body. It hurts. It wants a fix sooo bad. And you know what? Stare it down. Feel that anxiety, burning, and go scream into a pillow. Now, get through today. And tomorrow. Soon, it will get better. I can't tell you when but when it does, remember how terrible it felt and don't forget.

Use that feeling to keep going, even when life throws some bad juju at you. You can do this brother, cuz you are speaking my story. If I can quit then so can you.

415 days free today with you / DonkeyMN
To remain quit requires focus
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Re: New Quitter here
« Reply #6 on: March 21, 2018, 04:53:00 PM »
Quote from: mistert
Day 3-Ok... I have been working on a big project in my backyard (replacing some sod about 300 sq ft) and this has been a huge distraction to how I feel and all the negative withdrawal stuff. I really didn't notice how I felt until I stopped working outside... So I just quit nic for another day and did my backyard. HELL YEAH.

Man, I am really emotional and forgetful right now, sometimes I find myself staring into the void of nothingness. I feel pretty good but I am forgetting what I am supposed to do or what I want to do... Last night was my first night of waking up in the middle of the night, but I'm good with that... Got up at 3am and checked in on roll for ktc!!! Felt good....

This site is a godsend. Really is.. I dont know if I could quit without the support, its just that important for me to stay quit. I still am having some good withdrawal symptoms, but they are getting less and less.

I hate that I let myself get this addicted to something. I am determined to turn it around. I am raging right now and hate everything, but its all good. You know why?

Nice win!! It does get easier, and it is so worth it!!!

Remember these days... these are the ones you never want to go back to!!
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Re: New Quitter here
« Reply #5 on: March 21, 2018, 04:37:00 PM »
Day 3-Ok... I have been working on a big project in my backyard (replacing some sod about 300 sq ft) and this has been a huge distraction to how I feel and all the negative withdrawal stuff. I really didn't notice how I felt until I stopped working outside... So I just quit nic for another day and did my backyard. HELL YEAH.

Man, I am really emotional and forgetful right now, sometimes I find myself staring into the void of nothingness. I feel pretty good but I am forgetting what I am supposed to do or what I want to do... Last night was my first night of waking up in the middle of the night, but I'm good with that... Got up at 3am and checked in on roll for ktc!!! Felt good....

This site is a godsend. Really is.. I dont know if I could quit without the support, its just that important for me to stay quit. I still am having some good withdrawal symptoms, but they are getting less and less.

I hate that I let myself get this addicted to something. I am determined to turn it around. I am raging right now and hate everything, but its all good. You know why?


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Re: New Quitter here
« Reply #4 on: March 20, 2018, 11:21:00 PM »
Sick and tired of being tired.
I never get tired of reading and helping others here.
Keep reading... Keep posting.
The right choice ODAAT will change your life.
The reason for posting roll...Are ALSO always the same!
I quit with you today.
Rawls 1219
I believe.....

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Re: New Quitter here
« Reply #3 on: March 20, 2018, 04:03:00 PM »
^^ welcome and congratulations on your decision
Drink the koolaid and get active, we can never care more about your quit than you.

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Re: New Quitter here
« Reply #2 on: March 20, 2018, 02:49:00 PM »

The formula here is simple:

Post roll early in the morning, daily. No exceptions.
Grab some digits from your fellow quitters. Just ask for mine via PM, and they are yours.
Engage with the guys in your quit group. They are going through the same things that you are.
Reach out when you need help.

There are extra bonus things you can do - become a leader in your group, show support in other groups, daily texts, but those are all frosting on the cake. The things listed above are expected from you as part of the community.

Offline mistert

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New Quitter here
« on: March 20, 2018, 01:49:00 PM »
Hi all, Mike here. Been dipping for 15-20+ years and always had a reason to not start my quit. Well, I'm just fed up and wanted to quit for me and me alone. I am married with 2 kids so that factors in there also, but I just want to be free for just once in my life from this shit. Here's a few reasons I hate this nasty addiction:

-tired of all the dip cups hanging around in my house fermenting away with my nasty spit.
-tired of always having to drive to the gas station to buy the shit
-tired of always having that shit stuck in between my teeth
-tired of being physically dependent on this shit.
-tired of wondering if the sore in my mouth is cancer whenever one pops up.
-tired of eroding my gums, I take care of them, but they are still pathetic.
-tired of having to hide this shit from my coworkers while at work as no tobacco products are allowed.
-tired of my wife avoiding kissing me as she thinks I always have a dip in.
-tired of spilling my dip cups on my carpet or wherever it may spill. Really makes a mess
-tired of wasting my hard earned money on this addiction
-tired of the kids always assuming I went to get dip when I tell them I just went to the gas station.
-tired of having a chemical run my life and control all my decisions, I mean, who here runs nic?? Nic always runs you...

I could just go on and on. The reasons are always the same.

How I found this place is just by luck, no crazy event or reason led me here, guess it was my time. I am very analytical and detail oriented so I love the accountability system and how we help each other out. Currently I'm on day 2 and really hate how I feel. Been working out in the backyard today and the exercise has made me almost forget the withdrawal symptoms, until I stop and rest. Then they come back and hit me pretty hard. I really feel like a braindead idiot today, zoning out and forgetting what I was doing over and over. Anyways, I will just take it one day at a time and keep to my word. I plan on updating this to remind myself of what I am thinking as I get off this shit. See you guys on roll.
