A glorious Packer win tonight, and a glorious 7th day of being tobacco free. I had my last chew Sunday night last week.
Going strong. Heavy cravings. Mostly just stuffing my face with food whenever possible.
Found this site a couple days ago. Reading everything. glad to know that I am by far not the only "ninja dipper", er, was, the only ninja dipper.
Not sure on the protocol here for length of post/topics, so I will end it here. Much more to talk about.
10+ years addicted coming to an end. Feels good.
Just letting the world know I am here.
Congratulations on the week of quit Pbigmoon! A week is a huge deal.
No you are not the only Ninja dipper. My kids were 19, 18, 15 yrs old when I quit and none of them have a clue I dipped. Yes, you can call me Guru of Ninja Dippers, or Master of lying deceitful assholes, for short.
This is a site for quitters and it sounds like you are one. We offer support to people who have chosen to eliminate dip from their lives. Check out the Welcome Center at the top and learn how to post roll call. You will be in the January quit group - careful, they've had a couple of lame ass caves lately.
We welcome you to post roll and pledge not to dip for the day, all you have to do is keep your word. Join us in the chat room for some serious support or just good laughs. Help others with their quit when you are going strong (like after a Packers win.)
Again, congrats!