Seems to my job by default to scare the crap out of you. LOL! I relish it! Mwah ahahahahahahaha! Nah. Not really. Here it is. Get you plenty of water. About double of what it recommended for the minimum intake. Get some fruit juice. The Suck is real and she isn't a saucy brunette. The Suck is withdrawal. You might experience neck and body pain. Jaw pain. Headaches. Fogginess. I had a real odd one where on day 4....I don't remember. I couldn't control the volume of my voice. Good thing I worked at a farm with heavy machinery all around me. If you have a sedentary job then go and get your walk on, 20 minutes a day seems to do wonders. Some dark chocolate and Aspirin. Stay away from Alcohol, Hard to believe that has to be said. Post daily. We quit daily. We are not promised tomorrow so why should we promise for tomorrow. Sometimes we have to quit a moment at a time. The sucks. But, be bigger and better than that 1oz can that ruled you. Yeah. We were ruled by a can of stuff that fit in our hand. Man up. Get on roll.
Congrats on your decision! Peruse this site and glean all the information you can. Ask questions. 1 day or 10000 days we are all new to this because we have to wake up every day and do something that was foreign to us.
Just for today, Self.